Just watched this and thought it was fantastic, what did you guys think about it???
Any other movies with a similar theme and feel you can recommend for me?
Just watched this and thought it was fantastic, what did you guys think about it???
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I had no idea this existed. Briefly describe the plot and what's good about it
>henry rollins
can this guy please go away he's so fucking annoying and bad at everything he does
it's anti trump "republicans bad" "trans people good" indie horse shit
I heard they are turning this into a tv show.
Oh...I'll give it a miss. I like Henry though, shame.
it’s death wish for liberals
obligatory post in every thread about this queer
Henry Rollins is fucking cringe and an example of someone whose only talent is being loud stumbling into success. In a just world he would be a day labourer competing with illegal spics for bread and butter
Yeah but he signals all the right virtues you white cis male scum!
This. He's an older guy coming from a time where being progressive was less insufferable as it is now. His virtues are sound and his heart's in the right place.
rollins plays jack, an outcast, at first I thought he was autistic but turns out theres more to it than that, he has a 19 yr old daughter hes never met, they meet in the film, somehow the mafia gets involved and it turns out rollins cant die, mafia kidnaps daughter, rollins gets revenge, it sounds pretty basic, its like john wick without being just another action film, it has the feel of being very low budget but to me it was done very well, didn't get any anti trump or trans good vibes as others said, didn't really feel anything political from this movie. don't know mutch about the actor, don't really care about his views, but I enjoyed the movie a lot, its definitely worth a watch, just ignore anybody trying to shit on it because they ydont like what the actor said in a non acting context.
that's actually a pretty good general rule in life, watch actors for the acting and ignore everything else they do.
>This. He's an older guy coming from a time where being progressive was less insufferable as it is now.
>His virtues are sound and his heart's in the right place.
I’m honestly not sure if you’re laying down sarcasm too deep for me or you are just a raging hemorrhoid.
where the fuck did you pull that horseshit?
Henry Rollins is the quintessential gen x faggot. Worst black flag singer, rollins band sucked, he cant act for shit, his politics are retarded
Good movie, having a hard time thinking of anything very similar though. Maybe The Drop, at least a little bit:
It's got the same thing where there's a girl interested in a mysterious and reserved guy, who has a secret backstory that doesn't really get revealed until the end. Good movie either way
what the fuck happened to you user? This movie is from 2015
Don't be a fucking brainlet that just believes any user you massive faggot
YT's like this is why 25yr doomers will always just be doomers
most things are probably too deep for you. i wouldnt stress it
nice opinion fag, got any criticism tho
im sick of all these gen x faggots that just re-edits content to be slightly edgier. you see this low-quality shit all over youtube about any and everything
Brainlet here. I suspected that user was talking out his ass. Watching the trailer as well as seeing the 2015 release date only consolidated this. Watched a bit, lost interest. Maybe I'll watch it some other time.
He's a fag but he'll always be my fag
Came here to post this
It wasn't good by any metric. If it weren't for the fact that Cain's huge list of jobs conveniently works itself out to be material for a joke resume, I'd have forgotten about it already.
>Henry Rollins
A phony pussy faggot with a shit taste in music
No thanks
I liked the movie for what it did, even if it didn't do it well. Basically a crime/action/drama where the main character is under no threat from the antagonists and is actively disinterested in the plot and trying his damndest not to engage in it. In better hands, this could have been a very amusing commentary on action movies. As it is, it's serviceable.
I think Jacks disinterest is what I found most interesting and most relatable, Is there anything else with that sort of theme, doesn't need the violence or the mysticism, just a main guy who doesn't care, somebody along for the ride, this is generally how I feel in real life, Like iim turning pages but not really reading anything, Is there anything else like that?
I thought it was good, I’m not sure about the film having political stuff, I don’t remember that but I may have just forgotten
there was nothing political in the film, its just dipshits in here hating on rollins opinions outside of film, I couldn't give a flying fuck about what he does outside of this movie, I thought it was great.
also, I really know very little about rollins but the link this user postedsounded more ironic/sarcastic/defiant than actually genuine, but, as I said, I don't care, I just liked the movie.