La Grande Bellezza

Kino masterpiece or pretentious boring piece of trash? What's Yea Forums's verdict?

Also does anybody have a torrent for the extended version?

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Could unironically watch the party scene on a constant loop for the rest of my days.

It's pretty good

A masterpiece so profound that few people can understand it!

it is as pretentious as it is neat looking

Thought it would be a pretentious piece of shit praised by critics who love to watch foreign films not because they are good but because they are foreign. It ended up being my favorite film and one of the most touching and genuine piece of art I’ve ever witnessed. Only an empty cunt would hate it.

Sorrentino is a certified kino director, but la grande belezza, for me, felt too much like 8 1/2

absolute kino

Felt more like La Dolce Vita to me but it put a different spin on those themes.

Sorrentino owes a lot to Fellini in general, but it is particularly evident with all his works after great beauty

Top notch movie, feels very novelistic in its structure

>that scene where he BTFOs that woman's entire life

Sorrentino also writes novels. Also, Jep’s narration feels like we’re watching the novel he decides to write by the end of the film.

fuck, i was thinking of La Dolce Vita and wrote 8 1/2 instead, i agree with you

I thought it junk, but The Young Pope is kino.

K. It looked like I would hate it. Thanks for saving me the trouble.


>Sorrentino also writes novels
I didn't know that. Sometimes his writing is very cheesy but he saves it with the tone of the film, i can't imagine how he would do that in a book.

Very good, I rewatch it most years
