Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is a love letter to Hollywood so it doesn’t need a plot

>Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is a love letter to Hollywood so it doesn’t need a plot

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>It's another "we want the nostalgic boomer audience" movie

>I watch movies for the plot

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>stranger things for middle-aged shits

>I need a ABC plot structure

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>a doyma doi doi dureeeeeep maaw du doi

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>I watch movies for the zany references to pop culture events and other movies
>I watch movies to hear licensed music
>I watch movies to look at feet
>I watch movies which are self-fellating sob stories about how hard it is being a fucking washed up hack who made literally one good movie

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>plot isn’t needed for a film to be meaningful

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Is soi face the ultimate meme ? Can't think of a proper response to it, it BTFO's literally everything

It’s brilliant, isn’t it?

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hol' up

>plot IS needed for a film to be meaningful

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A film with no story isn’t a film, it’s just a collection of scenes. The equivalent of dangling keys in front of a baby.

how do we fix critics?

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>muh plot

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>ME likely movie watch one time wow wow action no story boring

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Wow you typing those words just retroactively erased my enjoyment of the film

>I cant enjoy aesthetics and good acting i need the movie to deliver the same old "THIS THING HAPPENS" "THEN THIS HAPPENS" "THE END" story

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so this is Yea Forums... the place where those who are too smart and disillusioned for plebeian social media go...

>Wow you typing those words just retroactively erased my enjoyment of the film

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>I just like looking at moving pictures lmao

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>why yes, I do think the treatment of the only female character in the film was sexist, as well as it's treatment of the iconic Asian American Hollywood pioneer being racist, and I'll have no part in it. How could you tell?

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>posting a tiny image for ants? I would never do such a thing, it must have been an impostor

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>dude a movie has to fit my arbitrary definition of a what a movie has to be or you are le baasedboy got your ass lmao hurrrr durrrr

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Not really, I feel embarrassed for people who post it.

you can have a story without a plot


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Retard, cinema IS storytelling. Arthouse faggots try to convince people of the contrary but they're wrong.

Worked for RLM's Plinkett reviews of the ST prequels, despite most of the audience enjoying the films at the time of release

meant for

Wrong, faggot. I was the target audience for phantom menace and it was fucking boring as shit

go read a book then faggot, film is primarily an audiovisual medium, so the main way it evokes emotion is through images, movement and sound, not through plot

>you can have a story without a plot

What does that even mean lmao

>I hate movies for being purely movies

Still, I think Lucas should be hired as a creative consultant at the very least


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Just do that with a plot tho.

>how dare someone have an idea of what a movie is and consider something outside that not a movie
Dude you really are cowardly and retarded

exactly, thanks for proving my point you stupid nigger.

>Watching films that don't have conventional plots is cowardly

>I can't enjoy anything unless it's DEEP and my mind is BLOWN cause I'M SMARTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE

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Its a love letter to star wars and why would you need a plot when you have themes? Its the dark souls of cinema

Plot is a number of interconnected events with each of them leading logically to another. It's not needed to introduce themes and make interesting characters.
While it's not Tarantulas best film, it's definitely his most mature. He brings themes of career loss, generational shift, and memory repression. The film itself represses the memory of Sharon Tate killing by changing the history. Characters have arks, and get to know who they are from the scenes. What is especially impressive is the fact that Footantino manages to make Sharon Tates character surprisingly fleshed out even without her making any important decisions. She's obviously a very easy going person, good mannered, and really wanting people to like her. The scene in the theatre is very heartwarming, seeing her happy because of people enjoyng her role in the film. The structure is very reminiscent of Altmans films (notably Nashville). Bunch of character arks which sometimes connect, split up and than all come together at the finale. I also had a surprising association with Van Sants "Elephant". The ending feels obvious (if you know what happened irl), and while you see those people happy, sad, connect with them, get interested in their life the dread builds up since you know that the end for those people might be horrific. But unlike Elephant where the film is dark, and ends on a dark note, Uno Farto subverts the expectations making a fairy tale ending which adds to the ideas of repressing bad memories.
So no plotfag nigga, making a wojack meme is not an argument against the film.


>Because it's commentary on the void of substance in Hollywood movies

>Not really, I feel embarrassed for people who post it.

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Acting like people shouldn't have definitions for things, just because you don't like that he draws the line at plot, is a cowardly goalpost moving tactic

once upon a time in hollywood is a reference to all the macabre things this clique does when there arent any cameras on them

wow, this thread is terrible

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you're all mentally ill

>The Plot

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>you're all mentally ill

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Imagine being over the age of 16 and liking Wojack

Imagine being a retarded you actually think this is character fandom and not shitposting

This shit posting isn't even funny

I watched Bad Times at the El Royale last night.

How the hell did Goddard get away with using 2 of the songs QT did in QUaTiH? and a Manson character?Surely the industry must have whispered about it while in production??

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>Thinking movies are art

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I fear soijak, no matter how logical my argument is he can destroy it with a single image

No, you can just post another soijack in response to theirs, creating an endless feedback loop
That is how you get horrible threads like these BTW

Acting like you can just change the accepted definition of a word at will because you have a headcanon is something only a faggot would do.


Hello I'm Frrrench mdr !

>How the hell did Goddard get away with using 2 of the songs QT did in QUaTiH?
Very likely the other way around. Tarantino probably watched it then referenced it.

>No, you can just post another soijack in response to theirs, creating an endless feedback loop
>That is how you get horrible threads like these BTW

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>muh plot
babbies leave
Haven't seen this movie yet but the muh plot arguments are always the dumbest. Especially when they start talking about plot holes in movies where the plot is far from the main focus.

this thread, the brightest and the best

basically my thoughts too. nicely articulated

It had a plot you inbred retard.

It's funny that you use that pic to illustrate your point when OUATIH was despised by lefties whereas well received among people from the right/center.

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2.5 hours of establishing the atmosphere + 8 minutes of extreme violence = a good movie?
A pitbull literally chews a guy's dick&balls (privtes if you wish) off and it's considered prime art?

i need pusy

>guy's dick&balls (privtes if you wish)
why do you write like a retard?
Anyway does such a scene disqualify it from being art?

why do movies need a plot?

because it arrives at a very late point of a dull movie to shock the audience and your mother is a whore

interesting argument, you must have a rich internal life

but i thought Bill Murray was playing the dad? She's his wife?

Only boomers need plots. They need crutches for everything.
>waaaaa what’s going on now? Can we pause this? I don’t get it. What in literal tarnation

>Spend 2.5 hours establishing a fictional period piece with no plot. Just enjoy the trip man/dude/whatever
>Switch to over the top violence in the last minutes
Absolute art.Was it 3 hours? I didn't even notice!

It means that film can convey a coherent meaningful progression without marrying itself to an arc of conflict and its resolution.

I liked it, but i like fucking grown women so what do i know

>watching Tarantula movies

yeah, succinct
I only watch movies by people that haven't been born yet, you dusty old fuck

>once upon a time in hollywood has no plot

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