Is sneedposting still relevant??

is sneedposting still relevant??

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Formerly relevant

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i don't care for it but i am not against it

sneedposting is permanent. you'd have to be an idiot to not realize this by now

Try harder

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Why wouldn’t it be?

At what exactly?


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someone explain the original use of sneed to me pls

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People were confused about the sign gag, first post was all the way back in 2013. Snowballed in the last few years as simpson threads were getting stale since there has been no new good episodes for 20 years.

Are the any screen shots besides this same one every time?

this KILLS the janny

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Omfg user I’m dying

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first known post was 2010

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Well, I'll be damned.

not for you city slickers. stay obsessed though

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Its more relevant now than ever before

Shut up you fat ugly fucking virgin

Relevant to Yea Forums? Always.
Relevant anywhere else that partakes in civilized discussion? Never.

Whom hurt you?

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una vela

it's literally the official topic of the board, so yes

It's always relevant.

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Fuck janny

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Fuck janny.

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Fuck. Janny.

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I wish you'd stop posting Sneeds.

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Chuck posting starts and it's even more frequently spammed than Sneed.

Fuck you

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Fuck the janny

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i didn't know m*skposters still existed

>transient psychosis

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Sneed is now Disney owned. Sneedposting should be legal on capeshit threads.

So is Alita.

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Nope. Cameron owns the IP.

Of course