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Orangutan bad?


Orange Man

>and our next guest... JOKER
oh no

That Yang Gang...

real talk, was he ever actually funny?

this wasn't supposed to happen, bros.

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I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but Colbert and the other late night hosts are doing God's work. Trump is literally destroying the very fabric of our country, and it's getting worse every day. If we didn't have people like Colbert who have influence and can spread the word of Trump's atrocities to the masses, we'd be absolutely fucked.

So thank you, Stephen. I know you'll never read this but I appreciate you more than you could ever possibly know.

and he absolutely CANNOT get his hands on the nuclear codes!

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>I'm going to get a lot of hate for this
This was all I needed to read to know that this was a reddit post

extremely based and redpilled

and she still lost


Hey Yea Forums
Are you on the right side of HERstory???

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>end of democracy bad
Why do people fear the end of democracy? Autocratic capitalism is the best system of government.

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>Trump is literally destroying the very fabric of our country
yeah, im gonna say he's based

>I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but Colbert and the other late night hosts are doing God's work. Trump is literally destroying the very fabric of our country, and it's getting worse every day. If we didn't have people like Colbert who have influence and can spread the word of Trump's atrocities to the masses, we'd be absolutely fucked.

>So thank you, Stephen. I know you'll never read this but I appreciate you more than you could ever possibly know.

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Just saw his monolog, terrible 10 minute long drump ramble with an awful impression included just picking apart the boomers tweets. Crowd just laps it up

AND Voldemort

You can't be based and bluepilled

I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but Colbert and the other late night hosts are doing God's work. Trump is literally destroying the very fabric of our country, and it's getting worse every day. If we didn't have people like Colbert who have influence and can spread the word of Trump's atrocities to the masses, we'd be absolutely fucked.

So thank you, Stephen. I know you'll never read this but I appreciate you more than you could ever possibly know.

Everytime i watch literally all he does is read trump tweets wtf why does his show even have a full writing staff for this shit?

>one year from may 2017
is it already over? has trump destroyed democracy?

>he's just like us

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Directly into the trash.

Who watches this shit? Who are these writers? It's so bad I'm offended

that's actually kinda eerie

I know this is bait but I actually like that Trump is destroying America's credibility abroad and upended the Washington Consensus. America needs to be more isolationist and inward looking and Trump is forwarding that along very well.


she cute

>only 200k views
Deserves so much more.

This. We've got enough problems here without babysitting the rest of the world too. If Europe and the middle east want to throw temper tantrums and tear themselves apart let them, there's an ocean between us.

>I know I'm going to get downvoted for this but...

>Edit: Thanks for the gold stranger!

Shit tier bait

if you search on youtube for "colbert corrects audience" you can't find this video. through google you can though. surely just a strange bug.

Holy shit bros we got him
Drumpf is finally going down

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>I know this is bait but I actually like that Trump is destroying America's credibility abroad
What credibility? You haven´t had any for the last decade.
>This. We've got enough problems here without babysitting the rest of the world too.
You´re not, you are destroying it and destabilizing entire areas to fight wars for the jews in israel in their proxy war with iran. Whilst you are bankrupting yourself. And helping kikes to give excuse to flood europe with immigrants by destabilizing libya and iraq and trying syria aswell.
>f Europe and the middle east want to throw temper tantrums and tear themselves apart let them
You are the ones fucking up both europe and middle east, and you never helped europe fucking once in world history. You should read what your general patton said.
You are just as stupid as the anglos in britain. You fuck shit up for others and gets others in conflict and then you sit on your fucking stupid island. Only this time it´s north america. Mind your own business, go fight the fucking mexicans or something. Pieces of shit ameriniggers.

Holy shit I just put in the exact title of the vid and it's the 26th result. It's fucking below videos UNDER 100 VIEWS.

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he makes that exact joke

lmao, i hadn't even tried that. this was apparently embarrassing for somebody at a pretty high level

>I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but Colbert and the other late night hosts are doing God's work. Trump is literally destroying the very fabric of our country, and it's getting worse every day. If we didn't have people like Colbert who have influence and can spread the word of Trump's atrocities to the masses, we'd be absolutely fucked.
American progressives live in fucking fantasyland.

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hmm its like.. no wait it couldnt be... maybe its because COMEY HAS A LOT OF SHIT GOING ON WITH HIM IN THE MEDIA? NO its a failed leftist censorship plot.

I'm sure this made more sense in your head.

try again

American progressives.. they don´t know that their country is nearly bankrupt and that the ones destroying the image of USA is them. It´s not trump, regardless of how much he kike for israel and the satanist jews. He´s still doing way more positive for america than them. These american progressives represent precisely zero percent of american values.. and they are making all usa look like laughing stock. Only prog airheads tell them this. eventhough he´s very blunt etc. Atleast he represents a sort of old school americana spirit. When everybody else can only talk about sucking mexican dick and how USA should be about anyone else than european americans. Like it´s some kind of free for all circus just because it´s a country that somewhat works. And it doesn´t even, because the kikes and the progressives run it into the ground 22 trillion in debt, was looking to be half bought up by china when bankruptcy would have been declared and new GRC Picked, had trump not gotten in. American progressives are literally too fucking stupid to run their own country. Win this election and then bring illegals in before collapse.. to have the civil war electric bogaloo that is why you try to take white americans guns away. You are all going to fucking die you fucking retard americans, i´ll laugh as the urbanites get eaten by niggers by the millions. Because they can´t tie their own fucking shoelaces without help, let alone know anything about average survival skills and can barely even cook it´s going to be pretty you´ll be fucking dead in a few months if that happens. And all you retards can talk about is free healthcare for illegal aliens and shit like that. It´s fucking hysterical! Do you not know your country is broke and you can´t fucking afford a damn thing of what you are proposing? Not even trying to lift taxes. Even if you tax everyone 70% you could not afford it. 1/3rd of americans are on means tested government assistance. But trump is the problem?

back to /pol/

The Colbert Report was fantastic.

Oh and if you hate white people so much, then since jews identify as white, if you really want to solve your problems. Just start killing white people, just remember to start with everyone who identifies as judaism practictitioner/talmudic jew and work your way down. You´ll run out of problems pretty fast though.

It is they are satanists.. plot twist, so are the muslims! but you don´t know that. Why you think jews have a fucking black cube on forehead and arm same as the one in mecca faggot. what do you think their star represents, saturn. It´s the star of remphan from the bible. They are literal satanists.. Good job..

Colbert Report was kino. When he stopped playing a character and started trying to make the most bland and predictable political jokes he fell off a cliff.

Trump is still objectively shit though

I, for one, would like to stick my thumbs into Hillary Clinton's eye sockets. I want to feel her ocular organs squish into a bloody, viscous pulp beneath the soft, yielding flesh of my fingertips. I want to hear her screams of absolute terror and pain as she realizes she'll never see again.

Then, I would remove my thumbs from her eyesockets, giving her a brief respite as I grabbed a pair of barbeque tongs and a dull butterknife. With the tongs I would pluck out her ruined eyeballs and sever the optic nerves with the butter knife. at this point I would already have a hot plate going with a buttered pan ready to crudely sautee her juicy macula. As they sizzled in the pan, she would smell them, and after having been starved for days on end, she might even have the nerve to comment about how good whatever I was cooking smelled - not being able to see what it was, of course.

"Here, try some." I would offer, giving her a heaping spoonful of the fried, well-seasoned sight-flesh. See would gobble it down eagerly, begging for more like the deformed goblin she was, still not aware of what she was eating. I would feed her the rest, and only after she had eaten it all would I tell her what it truly was.

As she screamed in horror and retched, I would put my thumbs into her empty eyesockets for the last time. I would drive them deep, deep into her empty ocular cavities, until I broke through the fragile bone and began to push my fingers into her brain. Slowly, her musical shrieking of pain and terror would abate as her brain becomes too damaged to operate her vocal cords, let alone comprehend what is happening to her.

At this point, I place my massive, throbbing erection in front of her vegetative face and begin to powerfuck her eye sockets. In and out, in and out, over and over, until her brains are nothing more than a mess of dead cells and tangled dendrites. As I climaxed, I would push myself balls deep into her skull, seed mixing with ruined neurons in a perverse cocktail

I hope this is copypasta

It is, syria is a proxy war between israel and saudi arabia and iran.. everybody fucking knows this except retards in USA who commit the troops and go into debt fighting israels wars for them. Assad is shia friendly, this is why they tried to get rid of him. And they needed saddam away to allow daesh to form who they initially used to create the syria conflict, because a bunch of satanists who want to massmurder to go to paradise, tends to be pretty good destabilizers if you just let them run loose and give them a few thousand jeeps and other military equipment. What did they do, go attack assad and ofcourse massmurder tons of iraqi christians and muslims who refused to follow islam correctly.

That is the problem. your country is ridiculously far away from any conflict US troops are involved in, aka destabilization and other such subversive shit that is going on. I bet you the average american could not even find those countries on a map in less than 30 seconds.

So then muslims since they ofcourse want to take over other countries to institute sharia for their demon lord. They use USA as excuse to immigrate to europe as 'refugees' and the kikes in europe then help them in aswell. And this is all caused by USA meddling in first place.

And then you talk about how USA is losing crediblity. Where is this fucking credibility you think you had before trump. Where is it. The only ones who think you had any is retards such as yourself. USA is not even USA anymore, it´s fucking spic and niggerville. Even when trump has to rescue some disgusting nigger rapper who hilariously assault an afghani in sweden, who would have never been in sweden weren´t it for fucking US meddling in afghanistan, to give them excuse to somehow go to sweden and the idiot progressives who learn from the typhoid mary progressives in USA let them in there. Well then it´s still not progressive enough. He is still not kissing nigger ass, does not have tongue up far enough.


i'd be willing to bet a large percentage of people who support obama don't even know what happened in libya.

I know right we're literally living under fascist rule even though going outside yields no evidence.


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>heh we may be living under a fascist regime but at least libtards are upset!!!!
history will remember you kindly i'm sure

>fascist regime
god i wish that were true
p.s. kys and your family

You’ve literally never had it so good. You have no problems, no hardship, no discrimination, no torture, no death, no struggle of any fucking kind.

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fascism is good

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>averting their gaze from fried chicken.
Powerful. Brave.

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Fuck I can’t wait to fuck 9 year olds

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You have to at least be grateful that all of the crazy is stated up front for once.

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>Trump is literally destroying the very fabric of our country
I know this is bait but I hear this shit all the time and nobody can specify exactly what he's done that's "worse than Hitler"

Also Colbert is definitely a peado. Best buds with skippy, is a "good catholic" who "teaches" kids on the weekend.

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At least AIDS will fix something for us.

why do you have to be "poly".
Just admit you want to have gay sex with a ton of dudes. It shouldn't be an identity.

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Is that Sister Who?

How did he stay on? I tried watching him when he first took over the late show before blumpf but it wasn't that funny

he is either being paid directly and propped up by the establishment or is in bed with the same children

He was funny from 2004-2007, but he was always pretentious and arrogant. Learned recently that he is a literal pedophile, I hope he kills himself

Remember when Letterman interviewed Phoenix?
>Joaquin, I'm sorry you couldn't be here tonight

F A _ _ O T

I’ll take the letter G

So no

>He may have fixed the economy, caused the lowest minority unemployment rate in history, deported LESS immigrants than Obama, greatly reduced drone-strikes and stopped the invasion of Syra, BUT DID YOU SEE WHAT HE SAID ON TWITTER?????!?!?!?!?!?!

New Colbert just came out, I wonder if he talks about Trump

i know this is bait but can anyone tell me what Trump's Libya is?


Why do retarded leftshits think America is a democracy? America has literally never been a democracy.

We are on the formerly side

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most are uninformed but the ones who feed them their opinions do it on purpose because words are powerful

Fixed the economy. Markets saw unprecedented growth during the entire Obama administration. Stopped growing so much and have been fluctuating ever since Trump's budgets were enacted. Unemployment was at around 4% when he took office, down from a high of nearly 10% when Obama took office, now it's down a few tenths of a percent. Whoo! And in the meantime, he has ballooned the deficit to a trillion plus per year with no end in sight by increasing spending, cutting taxes and getting into pointless trade wars with our largest trading partners. Truly a great economic genius is at work here.

>Markets saw unprecedented growth during the entire Obama administration.
False. Economy was completely stagnant under Obama. More Americans were unemployed when he left office than when he first became president.

>False. Economy was completely stagnant under Obama. More Americans were unemployed when he left office than when he first became president.

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Trump was a hell of a lot better choice than Hillary but man I wish it hadn't been between those two.
Wish Ross Perot was still around.

America is a democracy. You're just being a pedantic autist.

No it isn't. America is a constitutional republic.

i meant trump is based, not this soj

during its founding democracy was specifically rejected because mob rule by the common man was seen as undesirable. in other words, men nearly 300 years older than you with less information at their fingertips, in a savage world, were far smarter than you.

Listen to your government burger

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We're not boot-lickers like you. America is a constitutional republic.

go learn something retard

>Listen to your government
Spoken like a true peasant.

you almost had me fooled up until the "I know you'll never read this but..."

>Citizens elect government officials through voting
>Not a democracy
There's a difference in degree but at the end of the day you're still a democracy

>.t too much of a brainlet to even sit through 10 minutes
a republic and a democracy are not even remotely the same.

This is incredibly creepy.

What did he mean by this?

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A republic is a representative democracy you fucking retard.

Yeah pizzagaters are weirdos

You are very fucking retarded if you don't know the difference between a democracy and a republic.

ITT: Orange Man good

Democracy and republic aren't binary burger-kun

>Direct Democracy is the only form of democracy that exists
The absolute state of burger education.

Yurokebabs are too fucking stupid. I swear.

you're ok with saudis and israel doing 9/11 but you're upset by that?
fuck off.

>t. pedo

You're not ok with 9/11 but you're ok with that? Retard.

>everyone in hollywood is a pedo
>but no way everyone in politics is also a pedo

He's not funny. He can't be. Disliking the person means they aren't talented and I can't enjoy the entertainment. I can only consume media things tied directly to the frayed yarn bubble that is my world view.

>there's no such thing as a republic
lol the fucking STATE of mohammedian "education"

>every Democrat is a pedo
>but no way every Republican is also a pedo

i love that this thread pops up every night and still gets tons of replies.

>republics can't be democratic
t. yrone

what other things does colbert talk about?

This reminds me of when Alex Jones said Obama was going to declare martial law in order to stay in the White House past his second term

Not the time he had his arm around Podesta

is colbert more into little boys or little girls, you think?

No it was just low-hanging fruit combined with bluepill

You think his entire family dying in a plane wreckage was a coincidence?

You are gay, Herman Munster.

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>An autocracy is a system of government in which supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions are subject to neither external legal restraints nor regularized mechanisms of popular control.
Nah senpai, I'm good.

..let me get this straight, the only will is my own

How could fascism/monarchism be any worse than the shit we have now. Right now everyone pretends like we have freedom

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>tfw no benevolent skelly autist leader

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This isn't reddit, anyone who supports either is a fuckin boomer


Woah really? Source?