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Thumbnail looked like Army Dog.

Will he walk again doc?

>hits you with a defibrillator
get back in the fight pussy

I read the book recently and it was outstanding. I'm convinced that the movie is just a caricatural, satirical piss-take from the hollows of a foetal alcohol spectrum brainlet.

Will it bring his legs back?

>I read the book recently
This is how you know somebody definitely hasn't read the book recently or otherwise.

>I love cock in and around my mouth
This is how you know somebody is definitely a faggot.

>I'm convinced the movie is satirical
Oh gee how'd you come to that conclusion Einstein

Nice brapper

Fuck off, you massive dope. Don't reply to me ever again.

It took a PhD thesis but I got there in the end.


Attached: 1559655636369.png (1519x957, 1.25M)

Or what, faggot? You'll throw your GRIDS infected blood at me?

I watched most of this movie with my wife while we were waiting to be admitted to the hospital for the birth of our first kid. Next one may be on his way right now. Say a prayer for us, bros.

Sometimes the only winning move is not to play. Goodbye, user.

Bye sweaty. :*

at lease he isn't being eaten by a pitbull


Ahhhh, yes! The beauty about this place. You'll never know who you've talked to one another before. One day you may be calling user a faggot, and the next you'll be replying to the same user’s post with “based” and you'll never even know.

Why didn't they just give him robot legs?

Can someone explain the politics of the movie versus the book?


Rico shot him in the chest moments later lol

two arteries are completely severed dude, pretty sure he had minutes if not seconds before he bled out anyway.

Werent all the amputees in the movie miserable and want to die though?

Don't turn this into a /pol/ thread, you fucking double nigger. You wanna discuss the book go to Yea Forums.

Dude he's gonna bleed out in 2 minutes.

>But LT - it's q cinch to stop the bleeding and robotic limbs are cheap and plentiful and basically better than flesh! You should know this full well since you have a robotic arm!

No? The guy in OP's pic already had a prosthetic arm.

Book goes on about how great facism and miltarism actually is and how it fulfills an individual with purpose and righteous cause while the movie presents all of that while mocking how foolish and stupid that is and how hollow the people are that embrace it.

He didn't want to live without being able to fight

>Sever the two largest blood vessels in the body
>Thinking a person could survive that


not sure where you got that idea from

Same here user. Except it was my big sis.

>book goes on about how great fascism is
This is the problem with limber dicks like you, you spend so much time calling everything that you don't like "fascist" that you can't have an intellectually honest conversation about anything.

Imagine being too stupid to talk about a movies source material

It's honestly a great idea. To have rights within a society a person should contribute to it.

It's artificial natural selection.


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He's not wrong. You posted a pic rather than articulating an argument.

It's dangerous to have basic rights tied to arbitrary conditions.

Baseless arguments on Yea Forums = ur a fag

What if they blow off her brapper instead?

Who would do such an evil thing?

Arbitrary conditions? Like being useful and contributing something positive to the society you live?

I just had a kid a little less than two weeks ago. Still cant quite believe Im a father. Hope everything turns out alright for you bro.

Wouldn't we need constant military conflicts in order to be "useful" though?


Hope your wife die at the birth.

His name is Paul Verhoeven and he made some of the best movies of the last 50 years

Attached: robocop-1987-1108x0-c-default.jpg (1108x831, 139K)

The book is styled like a memoir, it's about an individual and how he joins the military, how his political opinions are shaped by key individuals. The lions share of the book is dedicated to his training, and only a very small part describes some military action. I think a lot of it is Heinlein drawing from his own military service. I don't think it endorses facism, a common criticism, more that it simply presents a person who lives under the rule of a military government as a human who exists and believes in that system. Obviously for bigots though, it's intolerable to believe that people who don't share their opinions are anything more than sub-human.

>Trying to falsefag while using me as a proxy
Fuck off.

No, they make a point early on in the book that they discourage people from joining who aren't skilled. You can look to South Korea for an example of mandatory service that doesn't require military conflict.

>what are taxes

>book is about military fascism
>user points it out
>almost derail the thread because you cant control your autism

I don't think you know what tax is.

This isn't Yea Forums. The movie and the book are totally different things. Stop being a retard.


tax is what his parents complain about while he's begging for them to increase his allowance.

>Larping against his own post
user stop. I can see.

I beg for my parent to increase my allowance, the drawback is I need to get a job.
So I got:
>money from my part-time
>money from my parents
It's a win-win for me :)

We ALL can

Just wanted to add as well that the book dedicates a pretty decent bit to corporal punishment and describes its act as being so sickening that it nearly causes senior military instructors to quit. Ultimately the characters rationalize their behaviour, but it's not exactly a ringing endorsement of corporal punishment. So I think you get some of Heinlein's hippy vibes even when he was writing about a military state, and this is especially evident in how he writes women, as they're generally all perfect near deities.

Actually no, it doesn’t mock it. It mocks blind militarism as a result of that but in and of itself, no.