It's up!
It's up!
Other urls found in this thread:
unlike your dick . . . ever
>doing a podcast just before his new special hits
based Billy Bitch Tits
When will the special be available? Like what time EST? Midnight tonight?
you can't make posts like this without links, i ashume that you have some?
Quick googling says Netflix usually puts shit out at midnight PST, so about four hours from now unfortunately if you were thinking of staying up to catch it before bed.
Yeah I was hoping for midnight, oh well I'll just torrent it tomorrow morning.
I've actually been watching the Bill Burr ones. This ginger headed fuck has been invited on 5+ times. Each podcast he mentions his wife, who's funnier and more hilarious than him. Great woman.
>It's up!
Bill is the kind of friend you only see/hear from when he needs something.
>Bill Burr
>The Lord and Savior of white incels who hate PC culture
>He's married to a negress and has a mongrel child
>90 fucking seconds in
>dae le cancel culture bad amirite epik triggered sjw snowflakes so offended amirite I am woke
here we go zzzzz
Will Joe get btfo like by /ourguy/ NDT?
I swear on me mum comedians only marry niggers/spics to tell racist jokes.
new special looks really bad
Nice try Nia
Huh? He doesn't say that at all.
Joe uses that crutch every single podcast except probably against actual intellectuals.
>That one time Billy was at the H3H3 podcast and fucking grilled that neurotic jew into absolute submission
Is this what the german call fremdschaemen?
Also manlier than him.
Kek at the triggered purple haired Pakmanoid.
>that part where ethan asks if he worries about his infant daughter getting raped
Nice, gonna watch tomorrow at the office
Only if he dislikes you. he Hangs out with a lot of comedians but it’s just clear bill doesn’t get along all that well with joe
I never realized how fucking dumb that fat slob actually is
I'm surprised it took that long to notice....
he's tried so hard but he can barely contain his chan/weird porn side at any given time
I don't hate his wife but she's not anywhere near as funny as him, and really not funny in general. She's terrible on his podcast unless she's answering advice from or about women.
Thought something was off when he complained about Logan Paul who was treating his life as a reality show had filmed himself talking to a neighbor and didn’t properly blur a license plate, like that was a normal thing that should occur to everyone.
I think he likes joe, but he just doesn't want to hang with him much.
bill should honestly retire and stop tearing up his legacy with this embarrassing shit or maybe get on TRT like joe
>it's up!
>damn, this episode was fucking great
>we want MORE, Joe!
>one of my fav JRE episodes!
JRE has really just turned into groundhog day. it's like hearing the same podcast each guest does once a year on repeat
oh god its this unfunny obnoxious loud jerk again
its takes me like three days to listen to one JR podcast they're so long.
>Great woman.
that she is
>how old you think she is? 5? 6?
>Oh man look at that...
Jesus Christ rogan
>samefagging this hard
Jamie pull up that clip of user being an arseblasted faggot
Who said incels can't have jungle fever.
5 mins and had to stop. Waste of his damn life.
Bill Burr is so not funny
Great, it's another "guest promotes thing" episode.
He used to be, though. His bit about Arnold and the maid was terrific. Didn’t laugh once at his laugh stand-up, was pretty surprised. Hopefully the edge is back for this new one
Its shit!
at least hes not talking about his wife so much
>William Randolph Hearst
Gonna need a quick rundown
I think my first exposure to Burr was le epic heckler crowd shoutdown he had in Philly. I remember it being loud, obnoxious, and not even remotely funny, but everyone went on and on about how he btfo that audience. That's more or less been my experience with Burr. I can't remember him making me laugh a single time, but he's interesting enough as a person that I can tolerate him when he's talking to people other than his wife.
And I totally with that one user that comedians only dating black women to tell racist jokes. You can absolutely see that being the case with Matt McCusker on Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast, for instance.
I can see this, they have pretty conflicting personalities but at the end of the day they probably respect eachother
I think I had a similar impression of him after seeing that video as well, but he's become a lot more likeable to me since then. I think the first thing of his that I saw and really enjoyed was his narration over the John Lennon performance that Yoko ruined
So fucking boring when they talk about comedy life.
Fucking hell, when the comedy talk ends? That’s the reason Theo’s podcast sucks, it’s one of the dullest topics.
I'm kinda hoping bill goes crazy and kills his family, I though he'd snap by now.
Welp just watched the new special. Pretty damn mediocre.
He was always the guy who avoids topical politics besides some vague MRA points. He was proud of being unifying.
Not this time I guess? He made everyone uncomfortable. Downer.
look how happy joe is when he's hosting a leftist
All of the "comedy" guests are only one to shill their shit. Don't act like it's something new you retarded fucks and Bill Burr is way past his prime and is already mostly forgotten. He sold out and settled out and got out of touch faster than most do once they get some steady money. Now he just riding the coat tails of mainstream controversy yet again but he is nothing like the Dennis Leary he wishes he was.
Dan Crenshaw one was pretty interesting and insightful from the recent episodes, even though Joe tried to fall back on the sandbox of his favourite topics.
Every single niggerlicking guest's podcast in the last month had the comment "our guest today is x. his new y is coming out on z". It's fucking tedious. It's obvious they're just doing it not because they actually want to have a conversation, but there's something to be promoted.
Case in point: latest black scientist man podcast. That shit was so dull and awkward because they had nothing to talk about and neil just spouted random science facts to pass the time and joe pretended like he was amazed.
really? it was pretty based and a little too redpilled for me
does joe talk about how he himself is a veteran comedian who spends hours honing his craft in this one too?
>le based corporate tool military man
Dan Crenshaw is a barely coherent retard
That motherfucker was the most clueless, party-line spouting jarhead I've ever seen.
fucking based desu senpai
Nice strawman
Grow up, will you? So adults don't have to endure your whining :(
does he talk about getting pegged by nia?
Joe rogan is increasingly the color of salmon. How the fuck do you get that red permanently?
Elk meat
Racist jokes are funny but you’re not supposed to say them which makes them 5x funnier. SO if you can find a way to say them, then you’re basically guaranteed to win. It’s a solid strategy.
>Really though can you imagine Bill? Giving a 3 year old hormone injections?
>eeehhhHEH yeah I mean HEH HEH I mean WHADDOIKNOW ahaha ya know? Don't hurt me Nia!
Lmao cuck
Name ONE reason corporations should pay taxes.
triggered rightoid.
here, I say it, I think Bill Burr sold out and is one of them now.
And who might these "them" be?
Oh boy a comedian on the podcast. Can’t wait for 2 hours of unfunny road stories and half baked social commentary
This one was meh but the previous one with bill was pretty good.
If find bill the only comedian that is bearable on his podcast.
Rest of those "comedian" buddies of his can go fuck themselves.
Good, but Bill's h3h3 interview was better
What did he say?
Crenshaw was hilarious
>trying to argue that lobbyists don't have much influence on congress
>generic party-line "cut taxes for billionaires" shit
Ok buddy
Those credits are perfect. Imagine paying to see your wife get fucked in front of millions
is the special out already?
nah ethan was right zoomers are dumb and you shouldnt dox people on the internet even if theyre famous
it was bad.
lol I’m not even American, y’all so fragile emotionally when it comes to your political obsessions. His chickenhawk views on American military interventions I found not to be too convincing, the rest I found to be quite reasonable. I don’t remember “cutting taxes for billionaires” part, I was cooking and going through some tricky stage probably.
>William Randolph Hearst
are you saying actual intellectuals participate in cancel culture?
ofc joe has made me start to hate stand up, these men think they are fucking geniuses when in reality stand up is literal bottom tier comedy
All Theo Von episodes are fucking great. The rest of comedians from the Joe squad are either just not funny or share their cringy Xavier The Renegade Angel-tier views like Trussell.
I tried some Theo Von and don't see the appeal. NBD.
One of the things that gets me about the JRE podcast is how unfunny Joe Rogan actually is, despite his always talking about comedy. With virtually every other decent comedian you see tidbits of their special pop up here and there, but never Joe’s.