Whoever made this image is retarded because of the "had to have come out when you were an adult" thing. Why did it have to come out when you were an adult?
>so that nostalgia doesn't affect your feelings towards the film
Oh, so you're nostalgic for every film that came out when you were a child, as well as every film that came out before you were born?
Whoever made this image is retarded because of the "had to have come out when you were an adult" thing...
Freddy Got Fingered
Lol this
10,000 BC is great and I watch it at least once a month.
Also the creator of this is pathetic and his oneitis is the girl with black hair
No chucklefuck he means that it's much easier to hate on popular shit than it is to like something that is unpopular if you don't have nostalgia for it
wow haha epic lmao incels really got btfo xD
That movie is hated? What the fuck?
What is wrong with it, I thought it was enjoyable.
I'm assuming it's to a) weed out very obscure films b) focus it on movies that are in the current zeitgeist, so to speak
Meaning that people usually talk about their "unpopular opinions" for movies that were recently released, not some 80's flick no one remembers
>words words words words
>the "wrong side" never trows a counter argument back
>you said thing I disagree, and that legitimizes violence against you
Lefty meme from the template.
Blade trilogy.
truly the Lawrence of Arabia of our time
Would Master & Commander count as an unpopular opinion? Obviously it has meme status here but it's pretty damn unknown amongst normies
Obviously it doesn't fulfill the toamtoes meter thingie but I just wanna know if it's considered unpopular
That doesn't explain why the film had to come out when you were an adult
>doesn't get that this is satirizing white knights by making them look unreasonable
Unfiltered kino until the moment her master is captured, close to the end. The final sequence is way too schlocky tough, but that is forgiven because it is only 10 minutes.
Bijomaru vs Hyuuga fight is a cinematography wonder.
sure thing, all his comics are completely serious except the one you can shitpost about
Fuck this guy, Terminator Genisys was fun. the first hour, anyway.
where's the joke buckley
Dave Chappelle Sticks n stones has a rating of 0%
>completely serious
It's a gag-a-day comic dude
I thought the cable guy was a good film when i saw it at the theatre. I wasnt an adult but i knew it didnt suck like everyone said.
>here's your terminator reboot bro
This one is hilarious because under all those words he's basically just admitting that he's the incel in this situation who is mad those girls aren't paying attention to HIM, the supreme gentleman.
i don't think i've seen a single movie all the way through that came out after i was 20
Wow i feel so WoKe
So you're nostalgic for every movie that came out before you were born?
It does because its easy to shit on the latest Marvel capeshit flick but it's harder to like an unpopular arthouse film because critics will usually give it reviews that put it at 50% and up
Speed Racer
This is possible because the hat guy is supposed to be evil IIRC
Okay, but what if I like an unpopular movie that came out in the 60s? I have no nostalgia for, because I didn't see it as a child, but the pic in OP still says that doesn't count for some reason
no he's a "lulzrandumb" chaotic guy who is supposed to be right, damn what societal norms say!
Nah, the hat guy is just the powerfantasy character who is le quirky asshole who does whatever the fuck he wants even if it's silly and doesn't make sense.
No? Are you being dense on purpose?
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to cast a midget as Sarah Connor and a caveman as Kyle Reese?
yeah that one screams nice guy stereotype
>What is wrong with it, I thought it was enjoyable.
I hated it when I saw it in the theater for the first time, but it gets better with each rewatch.
I honestly feel like you have to watch it two times in a row with no break to appreciate it. There's a lot of stuff that's set up in the first act and doesn't get revisited until near the end, after you've forgotten about it.
Also for some reason critics were complaining that it was "unrealistic", as though a movie where a medicine woman literally uses magic to bring someone back from the dead from thousands of miles away, after using telepathy to keep track of them during their journey, should closely follow archaeological evidence.
because no one fucking cares about movies from the 60s
no one talks about movies from the 60s they hate anymore
Well, at least I know for sure that you're a brainlet
to be fair he says that it's HARDER, not impossible when referring to liking an unpopular old flick as an unpopular opinion
Doubt it. Xkcd dude is a typical autoritary lefty. Look at his rants against free speech for example.
He’s the dude that made that unironic comic about being ok with firing people for their opinions, he’s incapable of satire
It's really telling that the worst thing about the situation is that he will have less "nerdy girls" to orbit because of what the "bad guy" of the comic did.
fucking knew that was gonna come
this isn't about discussing movies with other connoisseurs, this is about normies posting their "unpopular opinions"
do you really think if you say "I actually like flick no one remembers #13", anyone would care? the point is exactly what you see in the comic where someone likes a horrible movie and other normies react to it
The director did a good number of GoT episodes, so Clarke probably got in with his help. Jai Courtney, who the fuck knows?
>irc channel
only 90s kids will get this
I think that would be pretty easy, there are some movies with fucked ratings
>only 90s kids will get this
Do the Yea Forums mods have a discord yet or are they still pretending to be on rizon
Normies only remember superhero and action flicks, and Nolan. They wouldn't remember a period movie
Why not just have the rule be had to have rewatched it as an adult to make sure you didn't like it because you were retarded?
Author is a libtard, so no. You really have to work on your perception skills.
Zethura was litty
>the hat guy is just the powerfantasy character who is le quirky asshole who does whatever the fuck he wants
Yeah that's more what he comes across as
That's because it's harder to see a movie everyone hates because those movies are usually dog shit. People lap up bullshit all the time though so the other way around is easier. If you like a movie that's universally deplored, you aren't special, you're just an idiot.
But normies don't think of cinema as good or bad in the first place though so there is no way you'd get criticized for liking terminator8 by the guy washing your car because he can't criticize you on your taste because he didn't give it a critical thonk to begin with.
user, "unpopular opinion"
it's all about popularity
the normie doesn't need to have thought about Genisys because the generally accepted opinion is that it's shit
XKCD is retarded for a lot of reasons, but Super exists so ez pz
That's the opinion among youtube movie critics. If the public was culturally conscious, these sorts of movies wouldn't be made.
A lot like we all know that The Last Jedi was an abomination, but nobody in the real world cares.
yes, not liking TLJ is an unpopular opinion
sorry user, we're the minority
>fedora guy delivers petulant lecture
At least Randy's honest with himself
Actually I think people switched to thinking TFA was good but TLJ sucked.
>If you like a movie that's universally deplored, you aren't special, you're just an idiot.
It's got a 44% on RT
Regardless of authorial intention, this clearly satirizes the fedora hat.
a relaxed posture, short one-liners, and aggressive flouting of social norms are all traits associated with high status.
While hysterically threatening violence, excessive moralizing, subtle narcissism (praising himself as someone who likes nerdy girls - omg girls plz notice me), and long-windedness all come across as low status.
People who rate movies on RT are not neurotypical or a sample of the population at large
How is this a comic strip? If your comic is composed entirely of stick figures who don't move or do anything at all, and contains nothing else, what is the point of making it a comic. It's just a blog at that point.
>It's just a blog at that point
That is the actual point of making xkcd
>Whoever made this image is retarded
You might be a zoomer, but you're more right than you know.
Rotten Tomatoes is a bad way to judge a films quality or popularity
Great taste
I want to love this movie but it gives me motion sickness
>muh women are all evil because they have sex (not with me)
The mods have ruined this board. It's just a playground for angry incels and racists now.
what the fuck does that have to do with this thread
Howd your ancestors even come over here you pussy
a classic
Exactly, a gag a day.
i wish mighty guy continued on as a comic
Who are you quoting?
Death Wish nigga
I used to have more but I cant find them anymore
How much do trust movie ratings? Looking through reviews on IMDB I see a very large portion of them are 1/10s with one or two sentences for the review, and 10/10s with the same amount of text. I think most reviews aren't thought through. 1/10 should be the worst movie you can make, which most people haven't even seen so they don't have the perspective. Similarly 10/10 should be exceedingly rare. Is the average reached by the end balance of thoughtless 1/10 and 10/10 reviews a good indication of quality?
2013's Lone Ranger movie. The whole structure of it being told in flashback is pointless and it is a tad too long, it's overall very exciting, has threatening villains and has a fantastic score.
Batman vs Superman
Godzilla 1998
Venom is at 29%
Venom was fun
im a girl (female) and men like this are creepy as shit and dont realize it. at least this dkesnt happen irl, because theyre probably the quiet ones on the couch at the party playing hearthstone on their phablet, or the chubby ones at the protests. just an utter display of vagina drying weakness.
Mr. Deeds
Man on Fire
Renaissance, I think it's phenomenal.
what's that webcomic which has a yellow background?
Hark a vagrant is actually funny though
yeah, bra can go, yesterday I saw 9/10 boobs on a girl without a bra and it made my day. I can live through saggy old boobs on the streets if needed, not an issue
Batman V Superman
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Hot Rod
Main reason this comic is stupid: People are far less likely to risk time and money on a movie that hasn't been favorably received by critics/audiences. Liking something others hate isn't "harder", the opportunity just arises less.
Bras have little to no effect on sag, not counting sports bras preventing damage during heavy physical activity. The only reasons for a woman to wear a bra in normal daily life are modesty and wanting to trick people into thinking they have bigger breasts than they really do.
The Legend of Tarzan
Sucker Punch
Gods of Egypt
Jupiter Ascending
Speed Racer
This is actually really easy.
and it's made by a biological female
American Ultra
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Your Highness
Land of the Lost
best xkcd joke in years
This is my favourite film of the franchise unironically. Why? Because it knows what a fucking childish brand it is and doesn't take itself seriously at all, and in so it's not constrained by any outside expectations and dares to go beyond the confines set around it. I felt so warm watching it, the ending almost moving me to tears, it has the balls to actually be soulful, something all the other films lack.
>im a girl (female)
sure you are sweetie
now go fucking kill yourself
they're all cavemen
are these serious or made by someone with a high level sense of humor?
Hot Rod. Its got a 39% on Rotten Tomatos and I really liked it. It had a cliche love story in it, but the cliches are part of why its funny. its just a comfy movie to me.
Hardcore Henry
ok you went too far.
This is the funnies film of the decade, critics and audience just can't into absurdism.
literally me
I still quote this movie all the time. Brilliant on every comedic level.
the refing aside i like Ready Player One, whenever i talk to anyone about it all they mention is how shit having deloreans and Chun Lee and shit is but nothing on anything else. I've no idea what most of the stuff is in the film but it's a damn solid adventure story, don't get the hate
The Strangers
The Ruins
House of Wax
Wrong Turn
Jeepers Creepers
Totally forgot about horror.
Top 10 favorite movie of all time, don't care, call the cops
aw shit they got my nigga phillippe in that joint? rewatched lincoln lawyer for comfiness last week, liked him as the douchebag in it
It was much better than I expected.
Look man, if she can cook and clean, I don't give a shit. I'm not exactly an 8/10 myself.
>9% Critic Score
>39% Audience Score
One of the nice things about working in a hospital is that you stop caring about looks so much. We're all just bags of skin filled with obscene goo, and that's before you even start adding diseases into the mix.
Most good comedies fit this criteria
Also what does that have to do with this thread
This is legitimately how I felt when first learning to drive but the feeling went away in like a week after getting my license.
I can imagine a fully grown adult thinking like this only if they still don't have their license.
Driving a car is the easiest thing in the world, but people still manage to fuck it up.
At least tell me you watched the original cartoon too and I can forgive you.
Is it actually that easy for americans?
I have to take 6 months of lessons and pay around 2000€ for a license
No, there's at least a written test and driving test, and I think you're supposed to have some number of hours logged with an instructor prior to the driving test.
I watched a few episodes on youtube a few months back, didn't know what the hell was going on.
Gods of Egypt was kino as fuck. I was anxious for the sequel but people shat on it for some reason so we'll never get it.
>It's Terminator! With your baby sister s SARAH CONNOR! THE HARDCORE BITCH THAT TOOK DOWN A T-800!!! Hes no match fir her cute smile and chubby cheeks!!!
the parallel parking thing is such horse shit, otherwise yes
Its 1% over on critic rating but fuck it, close enough.
Oh, duh.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Guess I wasn't thinking about movies that came out this year.
i hope who ever made this is in an institution for clinical depression, and right now they are starring at a sharp object, contemplating...
Too easy. I fucking dare anyone in this thread to watch this movie and not like it.
>uploading files from your IP range has been blocked
Fucking gookmoot, this shit never used to happen.
Rambo 2008
patrician taste
Author is unironically a white knight though, he's shown ît before. Is he mocking himself?
also, you'll look better in work clothes. Otherwise, i could see a world without bras really.
You're just now figuring out the xkcd guy is a pretentious faggot?
drive2vote actually worked. It was basically like an uber you didn't have to pay for.
A car full of roasties pulls up to my place, and we chat about Hillary and government things as they drove me to the courthouse to vote.
Afterwards, we all went to applebees and had some appetizers. They even payed for me. It was a pretty great time.
I voted Trump
its just a rip off of Happy Noodle Boy
it's scary because it's easy to fuck up. you're going fast enough to kill someone while looking at your phone or talking with your best gal, because for some reason 100% of drivers think they're above average and that distractions aren't distractions when it's them. the rules don't apply to them.
lol. i get it.
based. You should have told them "joking".
He's great though.
Yeah he totally isn't an ass.
I have a question, how can you be born in an English speaking country but not know how to spell 'paid'? It's fewer letters.
That's true though.
Firstly, it cannot be true, due to subjectivism. Secondly, that isn't the cringey part of the comic. The cringey part is him implying that NOBODY likes the taste of beer and that everybody is just drinking it due to some sort of social collective hivemind peer pressure. Instead of going 'I don't actually like beer, but if you got something interesting or unusual maybe I'll like it, but I'd rather not, I'd try a bit of yours tho, don't wanna waste opening one' or less autistic 'Nah I'd prefer cider/spirits/wine/soda/pop/water if you have it' he goes on some rant that it is IMPOSSIBLE to like beer and that his personal views are actually everybody else's and it's all a big meme.
this comic makes a lot more sense if you recognize that it was written in 2006. there's nothing "ironic" or "self-aware" about it, because it was just then establishing the strawman against which every other "ironic" mouthpiece would then rail. I swear, this board must be 90% 20-year-olds
people don't like the taste of beer though. they like being drunk.
Tron Legacy is at 51%, that's close enough.
This wasn't really a challenge, this guy probably doesn't watch enough movies to find dogshit he enjoys
my runner-up for this challenge is Year One
Took mine
>this guy probably doesn't watch enough movies to find dogshit he enjoys
This. Once you pass the 1000 film marker you should have racked up at least a couple dozen stinkers you unironically enjoyed.
Took me literally a second to figure out. Randall Munroe is a fucking faggot.
A harder test is to find anything with an above 50% rating on RT that you genuinely liked.
This is insanely easy because there will always be movies that rub you the right way with something like the soundtrack or the visuals or being based on a property you like that lets you enjoy them a lot but get bashed by the average critic who misses all those things and hates them.
Which makes it even more painful. Happy Noodle Boy is funny because of its surrounding context - it's presented as frustratingly idiotic comics hastily scribbled by a sadistic psychopath and serial killer. It's *supposed* to be the worst thing ever.
This dude wrote a Happy Noodle Boy comic and meant it.
That'd probably be my choice. It wasn't great, it was not so bad as to be an 8% or even a 37%. Low or mid 40s at the worst. Actually looks like Prince of Persia is Mine. 37% from Tomatometer, 58% for audience. I liked it. I see no reason why Pirates of the Caribbean the original gets such a high rating and PoP doesn't. I think it's as simple as Pirates was the first recent high adventure swashbuckler movie and that's why it's held in high regard.
And a lot of people will do as Yea Forums has long done - have a strong opinion about a film they've never seen. They heard it sucked, they saw a few clips, ergo they will attest to how it sucked. We've done that, they do that.
I hate that he's accurate on some level given the sheer volume of automobile fatalities and how we think it's safer to drive than to fly. Yet I would revolt if someone tried to take away driving. It's just something you accept the risks of
IP blocking is totally randomized. I can't upload images to Yea Forums or Yea Forums. I can to /tg/ or Yea Forums. I have never posted something bad image wise on Yea Forums.
I miss Michael Biehn :(
The subplot with the Baroness and her backstory was a needless attempt to garner attention from a female audience, but the action and speculative sci-fi weaponry more than makes up for it. Going in I had little to no expectations and I was pleasantly surprised. The amount of on-screen deaths and gore was shocking to me seeing as it's based on a Hasbro IP.
What is a "If i Recall Correctly" channel?
The Postman, your words have no power over me.
Nobody paid attention to the Atlantis map and then everybody went "This is stupid, history didnt happen like this", when the Atlantis map made this a work of complete fantasy. Also, there were complaint of "white savior".
Watched this a long time ago but enjoyed it back then
This shit is horror kino of the highest order
Don't loose your head
I only watch movies that I have heard lots of positive things about. So there is no such movie for me.
I am convinced I will remain terrified of driving my entire life, it's gonna be horrible
I don't watch it that often, but the atlantis angle made it an enjoyable pseudo fantasy film.
pseudo viral marketing for a failing website. This is the extent of how bad they need to farm clicks.
But unironically
objectively wrong, or else they wouldn't sell varieties of differing flavors, it would all just be alcohol content.
Anyone who genuinely finds this even the slightest bit hard is a consummate NPC. Rotten Tomatoes has absolute shit taste by the way - pic very much related
I do, wat now faggot?
>lady bird
Based sershkino
Stuff like this won’t get the comic artist laid. He understands this right?
Liking TLJ is actually the unpopular
The chick in that was hot as fuck.
Why are all leftists so smug and passive aggressive?
It's not the funniest movie ever, but it has this completely surreal but somehow still immersive atmosphere that puts me in a good mood every time. Comfy, for lack of a better word.
>be an "Asshole" to woman on the internet
>X(Cuck)CD will personally deliver a real woman to live with you for a year
>This woman even has a device that will destroy any electronics that would distract you from the raping
pretty based
How the fuck did this smug lefty faggot become popular? Say whatever you want about Stonetoss or Red Panels but at least they put effort into their art and their comics are simple and to the point
>effort into their art
literal copy and pasting for every strip
I enjoy that movie too. It's not as cynical as you would expect if you haven't watched it.
Can't speak for the entire film, but the montage of him assembling the team might be the best set up and payoff joke ever put to screen.
AND its laugh out loud funny to boot!
>words words words words
>words words words words words words
>more words
Is there a way to actually search rotten tomatoes through specific quality ratings?
He's the original 'OMFG I LOVE SCIENCE' smug soiboi who got in on the ground floor when webcomics were still mostly narrative driven drek by teenagers. In past life he would have done one of those horrendous small town comic strips for the news paper that make """"witty"""" observations about things.
I can't wait until someone on twittard finds dirt on him and he gets cancelled. I'll send him a fork so he can eat his words.
This challenge is actually extremely easy for anyone who turned 18 before the start of the capeshit era and likes scifi or horror (it used to be that critics weren't allowed to like that stuff).
I drink non alcoholic beer alone with my dinner. Where is your god now?
Dave Chappelle's comedy special Sticks and Stones
The author, Randall Munroe, is the definition of an incel.
>t. r/antifastonetoss
Come the fuck at me.
Not true, look at tribal African women who have never worn a bra
i still giggle
They're still there and they're even worse as op
I really should stop using my phone while I'm driving.
I've shitposted on Yea Forums while driving.
No joke I've pissed in bottles while driving
Once I fapped while driving.
People would have just seen a car driving through the intersection while the driver has a HHNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG face on.
The Relic
Drive Angry
is it under 50%?
wait for the next one.
Normie will be "TLJ was better, it was actually good!"
Love this movie
I pick it as my answer
You aren't welcome, just like them
For sure the new godzilla fits that mold for me.
>Inb4 mcu cucks
Hang on, was this meant to be a prequel?
No. It isn't that easy. The author of that comic is just a fool.
>people don't like the taste of beer though.
I like the taste of beer, as do other folk. Not everything in life needs to be sweet and sugary in order to taste good.
I wouldn't mind free the nipple honestly, to me it doesn't make sense why men can be topless but women can't.
written by david lynch
how come they don't just bring that fucking guy back
He's not wrong, but the problem is that internet communities are the primarily location we discuss things these days.
I'm happy for people to be yelled at and boycotted, but they shouldn't be cancelled or banned.
here in my country you have to take one week of training and optional driving classes if you want.
do you have the palate of a 6 year old?
why; or should i say how in the name of satan can't you understand that mamy people find a lot of pleasure in consuming bitter beverages with alcohol?
do people unironically hate stonetoss?
it's him vs dozens of far leftist cartoonists, why do they hate such a small and niche strip comic?
People make everything about politics, but ultimately, if someone isn't funny, they're not funny.
>no one has posted based Pain and Gain yet
(51+47)/2 = 49 so it counts
Low iq post
Because funny well made right-wing content allows people to get acquainted with Fascist ideals. All the "it isn't even good" shit is just a cope from the (he/him they/them) community. They know how unfunny and shit their propaganda is.
Probably, it fucking sucked
Horrible Bosses 2
A gag on cocks
it was a timeline hard reset after terminator 2 followed by a timeline jump within the movie itself.
>He's not wrong, but
Yes. Thread the path of pure power politics. Everything is arbitrary. It's all nothing but a struggle of who can overpower who, words representing low-intensity violence. There's nothing immoral even about killing someone for something they say once you accept this premise. The conclusion to which is ultimately free speech as an ideal. But like a vaccine that does a good-enough but not complete job of eradicating the disease it was aimed at, once the problem has been mostly eliminated, idiots no longer understand its purpose. It looks like a tiger-warding rock to them; safely removed.
And the cycle repeats.
These movies are worse than xmen 3 and that's including the CGI
stonetoss is occasionally funny. though he has a lot going in his favour, in the sense that edgyboi content is inherently funny.
It's the typical reductionist, strawman bullshit argument retards use when they don't want to adress the issue. "Woah we aren't breaking the law, we're just strongly encouraging and participating in eroding one of the largest pillars of a functioning society". You don't have to agree with unrestricted free speech but "it's not illegal lol" is as much of an argument as "I'm not touching you"
And that non-boomer rw content is actually truthful
Ahem, 18% on Rotten
So like how the fuck are we doing this? the "TOMATOMETER" or we combining the two?
user I agree with you that people are stupid but... Atlantis is not fantasy.
Just unproven history, why would Plato lie?
someone post the '90s films are troublesome' comic from the fat ugly chick
Only God Forgives
>The final sequence is way too schlocky tough
Not schlocky enough imo.
In my grandfather's time, when cars for the middle class were a relatively new thing, you just went to the town hall to pick up your driver's license, no questions asked. Only requirement was that you had to be 18 years old. No test at all. Nowadays you need to pass a theoretical test (what does this sign mean, who goes first in this situation etc.) and a practical test. If you fail the last one, you have to follow mandatory driving lessons from a recognized institution.
I'm a whomp! man myself
this, without a second thought
>it's a zoomers get triggered by xkcd episode
they're made for zoomers
you know xkcd is basically universally loved by the "quirky geeky" crowd right? It's only Yea Forums or hardline normies who don't like him
Same. I need a bike.
>i LOVE LOVE LOVE crippling self aware nerd unfunny heavy handed nu age nerd culture
Its progressive gate keeping.
they are never adults
That's a legit point, 90% of humans do not have the facilities to operate deadly machinery, as evidenced by traffic death statistics.
John Carter of Mars
But without a place to exercise the right to free speech that right becomes useless. That's why the government can't stop you from exercising your free speech right on a street corner and these internet platforms like youtube, twitter etc. are the street corners of the 21th century. It's even worse because youtube for example effectively has a monopoly on online video. So if you're removed from there then you can't exercise your right of free speech and potentially reach a lot of people. This goes against the intentions of the laws (which matter when you're interpreting them).
Sucker Punch is a fucking masterpiece and people that don't like it are idiots
pain and gain is a good movie
>they're all swedish
fucking kms
Is this a real problem though? Does it really happen so frequently that girls can't feel safe on the internet?
Men are such animals.
Not a movie but after this I've never listened to "critics" again and you all should do the same.
This game is disgustingly homophobic you creep
This movie is so amazing.
I love when the first post is the best post.
>hit someone with car and kill them
>sue them because their death traumatised you
KEK, truly the land of the free
The problem is "audiences" cannot be trusted either.
Reminder that this comic was in response to Brendan Eich being ousted from Mozilla for privately donating to Prop 8.
Because his art is obnoxious garbage and webcomics are for niggers, he has one funny (and accurate) one about the burgers.
Liberals aren't leftists.
>Nobody paid attention to the Atlantis map and then everybody went "This is stupid, history didnt happen like this", when the Atlantis map made this a work of complete fantasy. Also, there were complaint of "white savior".
Yeah, probably. Even if you miss the map there's still dialogue that clearly points to them being from Atlantis
Fun fact: the girl who played Evolet was the same actress who played the little girl in Jurassic Park 2 that gets attacked by compys at the beginning.
camilla belle is superfine
the blue eyes in 10kbc make her even prettier
>wachowsi BROTHERS
didn't know rotten tomatoes was so transphobic
Only God Forgives and Song to Song.
But that comic implies that fox news should be forced to have 50% of their commentators be SJW faggots
and if fox was cnn, msnbc, abc, nbc, nyt, reuters, usat, wp facebook, twitter, google and youtube there might be something to that
People here deny they cracked up to shit like this years ago.
Star wars 1-3
Including jar jar
Its way better than shitty nostalgia fest originals
Better writing, better world building, better visuals, better costumes, better cast, better story, better fights, better villains, better hero, better everything
Faggots just keep saying the originals are better because they watched them when they were a kid and cuz
>jarjar bad durrr
>what? You didn't like the gibberish teddy bears? What are you dumb?
and then everybody clapped
I especially enjoyed the cripple vs. negro zingers and the parts with Salma Hayek's tits.
Liked it too
Vintage sci-fi, best sci-fi
So much this.
Critics are out of touch
Audience is just cattle with no opinion worth expressing
There we go, there's mine. The haters must have been Vietnam fucking shits.
>t. I was 6 when I saw that shiny thing, me liked
this sucks
It's not even a hard challenge
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
i wouldn't even care if the payment processors weren't artificially limiting competition for the big sites from wrongthinkers, if they all "independently decide" they'd rather not deal with you then you can't do shit all except with meme currencies and subway vouchers
Would you like to point out the zoomer in pic related?
>unpopular opinions challenge
>but no unpopular movies pls
gay and retarded