Surprisingly funnier than I expected

Surprisingly funnier than I expected.

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comedy central played this all the time and it still has to be one of the worst movies ever made.

I've never seen that poster, but I've seen Corky Romano maybe ten times. It's cute, except how the mafia tolerates gays.

Same person who directed Waterboy and Big Daddy.

I thought this movie was funny as hell. Everybody thought I was retarded.


why do you peak of hairy pencil?

its always been a guilty pleasure for me, similar to all those 90s Pauly Shore movies. Like I know its shit and the main actor is annoying as hell, but for some reason i find it strangely watchable

My ma loves it. She always does the "ya do? ya don't?" while flipping her hand.

wasnt all bad!

also Peter Falk, Peter Berg and Chris Penn are funny in it and almost make up for that annoying fruitcake Kattan

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He banged Zooey Deschanel and a ton of other hot chicks, all while being a manlet.

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how did his career fall so far? he was fairly popular when he was on SNL then he left and nobody aint never seen him again
2 minute mark

classic semi popular insecure manlet pestering from cattan. textbook

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This was just the poor mans French Stewart lol imagine being the shittier version of an actor who already sucks

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I liked Love Stinks.

>Surprisingly funnier than I expected.
It wasn't funny at all.

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said someone not in the groovy tie squad

OP apparently enjoyed this film immensely, which once again proves my theory.......KATTAN'S A BIG FAG

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No it really is a shitty movie

A Night at the Roxbury>Corky Romano

It's a bad movie but it's funny, like most comedies. It's not for your average 180IQ Redditor who watches Rick and Morty because he's fucking superior though, it's for us regular 130 IQ normalfags.