Admit it, you cried

Admit it, you cried.

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Loli Theo is a cute

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Yea Forums confirmed pussy soiboys who never watched the show

Yes, but I almost anything makes me cry

the hang neck lady reveal was probably the most disturbing moment i've seen in horror in a while


Yeah Carla Gugino's death got me pretty bad, all she wanted to do was protect her children.

yeah i cried so what

That & the following episode were where the show peaked.

Also trying to pass having to spend eternity in purgatory with all the other assholes that the house consumed over the years as a happy ending was absolutely retarded. They could have kept the exact same ending sequence with some more somber music & it would have been great.

Nah, the last 3 episodes were awful.

that fucking ending. legit spooky and sad

This. It got way too sappy and mixed on its message
>the house is an evil presence trying to devour us!
>but it's also a decent place where we can live forever!

Also how long they doubled down on ignoring that ghosts are real.

>literally see a ghost jump in front of you and your sister shout "boo" then disappear
>wtf was that certainly not a ghost

I get they were all in various levels of denial but it got taken to a pretty retarded level until the very end.

cried a bit at the funeral and that

I cried when she relived her sleep paralysis as the bent neck lady

That scene where the girl hang herself and it turned out what was haunting her in the past was her future self was fucking terrifying.

I couldn't make it past the second episode. It was a shit show.

No I cringed.

the shoe horned in dyke subplot ruins the series
it doesn't fit with the other pieces at all and bloats the run time
and I'm all about watching two sluts go at it

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The way the show ended sucked but overall I liked it.
Is the new season coming on before Halloween or what?

My sys told me it is coming next year

Yeah I just looked it up and it says early 2020. That’s lame.

they're making more of it? ew, why!?

Watched the first episode and completely hated it. Had no desire to continue, never will.