What’s a film that took you along time to understand?

What’s a film that took you along time to understand?

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I don't even like that film but I don't understand how retarded you'd have to be to so blatantly misread it

Women aren't human.

Based Jewess. Cope harder naziscum.

Do women not understand what moral ambiguity is?

does she think slaves don't have empathy and emotions like real people?

She is only partially retarded.
Deckard is indeed a (reluctant) Villain.
Roy is an edgy anti-hero.
They redeem each other, partially thanks to Rachel.

Women don't understand morality at all.

She's right tho?...

Tell me why she's wrong

Why are twitter checkmarks so fucking retarded?

unironically this

It’s not ambiguous.

The first twit is spot on.
The second ignores the fact that we should feel for everyone involved. Rachel, Roy, Deckard, Sebastian.
Everyone is human, too human. So I think she is intelligent but also a narcissistic psycho.

She's not wrong, though. Roy Batty and his gang are, by all means, the more sympathetic characters. I wouldn't say Declare is a bad guy but he's the one upholding the laws of a society based on slavery

It's not like any of that is particularly subtle. Even when I saw blade runner the first time at like 12 years old I knew Deckard wasn't a white hat. The movie doesn't present him as such. It actually beats you over the head with the MORAL IMPLICATIONS basically from the opening credits on.

Well she's kinda right, that was the point of the movie. She's coming at it from a capeshit perspective though. Not every movie has a a 'good guy' and a 'bad guy'. You're not supposed to 'like' Deckard, he's just the protag and you're watching his story.

why is this word thrown around so easily. really grinds my gears

I mean, based on the post, she just looks extremely young. Both posts have that teenager "I'm so smart and the world is so dumb" vibe coming off them pretty heavy.

this is why women should only be seen and never heard, in a perfect world we would remove their voice boxes at birth.

Watch movie with a chick
>I don't get it
Every time

I generally agree with you but look at her twits. At least narcissistic is spot on.

The replicants are murderers. Did she fucking miss that part? Because it's quite an important part.

Ron Howard's How the Grinch Stole Christmas

It's actually deep as fuck

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>Pushes a guys eyeballs in with his thumbs
>Ummm he's the good guy cos he's a slave
This is your brain on estrogen

She believes that the film paints Deckard in a heroic light when it goes out of its way each time he kills a replicant to show that it was a bad thing. She also fails to see that the replicants he kills are a little unhinged themselves.

>It's not like any of that is particularly subtle.
I mean just the soundtrack and editing of the killing of Zhora. Out of context you would say "hell yeah, this is probably a friend of the protagonist killed by some goon, we are supposed to feel bad for her".
Then is everything transferred to Deckard feeling guilty while he looks at her corpse.
Also he clearly feels like shit and copes drinking.

The only movies girls understand are capeshit and romantic comedies.

So who was right and who was wrong?

Holy shit this fucking retard. Emotional knee-jerk reaction just because the twit is from some twat.
Read the thread before embarrassing yourself.

>The only movies girls understand are ones that are so simplistic, a 7 year old can follow them
Why do we let them vote?

id say they would be more sympathetic if it wasnt mentioned they murdered 33 passengers on the flight in order to get to earth from whatever colony they were on. add in the numerous brutal and sadistic murders they commit during the course of the films and they dont come across as any more better than rick who while is an asshole isnt a cold blooded murderer.



...and the incel brigade comes, goodbye good BR thread

It's not wrong to have that perspective but it brings nothing to the table. The plot wasn't that simple.

Stopped reading there.

did you even watch blade runner? roy killing tyrell was solely done because roy was given an answer he didnt like the only one being embarrassing is you

lol fuck who is right and wrong, dying fucking sucks and those noodles looked good

According to studies they really and I mean REALLY like Harry Potter flicks.

the entire fucking point was the androids don't possess empathy. the very first scene is a test they do to show this. they literally catch them because they're amoral

>subjective art
pick one big fella

Did she it's okay to kill slaves? Thats all understood besides her calling the goose hot

>It's not wrong to have that perspective
It's not so much that she's "wrong". She thought the film was trying to unambiguously portray Deckard as the "hero" when it doesn't. It's such a massive misunderstanding of the movie that I can only assume she read the Wikipedia synopsis and didn't actually watch it

Because they are mentally way younger than they look. The same is suggested for Luv in 2049, she behaves like a teen with a crush with K, and small details like those nail polish..

Immature != not human. Roy grows a lot for the end of the movie, and the period post-killing Tyrell is suggested to trigger a lot of introspection in him, is well acted by Hauer thinking after the fact.

the Woman, operating solely on emotion, will simply take as fact, without any conscious thought, the fact that something which looks human is human. a replicant, which is basically advanced robotics, artistry and well-programmed computer power, looks human, and therefore it is. she sees, therefore she cares

by a similar token, an unseen unborn baby cannot be human. she can't look into its eyes and hear it crying, so the Woman does not need to think about what human life is or when it begins. she is literally incapable of caring

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does anyone have that pic from imdb tbat compares men vs women and their taste in movies it really doesnt paint women in a positive light

if they're not human and they're dangerous then there's no "morality" or "ambiguity" to it, they're not human so you shouldn't feel sympathy for it.
>but durr other animals kill humans
but they're not imitation humans who were made to know their place, i wouldn't let my cat talk to me the way you do fucking sea beam i saw some rain once asshole

"Studies" is some user posting IMDB's lists?

nah, the replicants are hardly good guys, but the whole film presents deckard's mission as morally dubious. hell, the whole reason for rachel and the question about deckard's origins even being in the movie is to draw in to question the idea that the replicants are less than human, which they themselves don't really subvert. If you go just by the actions of the replicants themselves, they mostly DO act like the emotionless killing machines they're made out to be. It's all in how it's presented.

imagine ignoring the ongoing discussion in order to post some drivel fueled by some reddit incel circlejerk

all very true but it doesnt make him as sympathetic than deckard. its like the vitos gay subplot in the sopranos or a clockwork orange. the replicants plight is sympathetic but the replicants are not so it forces the viewer to think about their plight more than merely siding with them because theyre good people.

isnt it incredibly easy to make lists on imdb that say anything?

>jims top 5 boner flicks

Androids are right. Harrison Ford is the lackey for the bad guys

The 4 replicants are brutal machines murdering everyone on their path.
Deckard is a cop using legal force to stop them. (inb4 he's a replicant too)
Is it that fucking hard to understand?

I disagree

>all very true but it doesnt make him as sympathetic than deckard.
They are both flawed and sympathetic I'd say. And both fucked by the system.
If you are forced to fight and treated as a slave, the moment you are free you will go overboard. The actions are not justifiable but the context matters.
There is also a meta element - Hauer's performance vs Ford.

yeah, they were just about to start the robot colony, just had to murder a couple people first.

>It's such a massive misunderstanding of the movie


i never said they werent sympathetic at all i said they would be MORE if not for the whole mass murderkng aspect and it conparison rick does come off as morally cleaner even if he obviously isnt 100% good. rick is a more sympatheic man in a less sympathetic role while the replicants are less sympathetic personally while being in a more sympathetic role.

I find amusing that you are lecturing people on a movie you lost 90% of the beauty of because of your lack of subtlety.

i agree i never said they werent sympathetic at all just that rick comes off as the lesser of two evils. now compare our nuanced discussion we are having to the simple statement of the twitter post she clearly didnt put as much thought into blade runner as we are.

>she clearly didnt put as much thought into blade runner as we are.
oh, not going to debate against this statement, be sure of this

Once you learn the difference between psychotic and psychopath, you’ll feel better.

>"Dude all my murders are now forgiven because I saw beams and attack ships"

>B L A D E
>R U N N E R

>so I just saw this thing and it was good, but like...I need to be a faggot about it, right? Like, I need to tediously deconstruct it so I can feel intelligent and smug, yeah? And like, in the process of doing so, I’ll inadvertantly demonstrate my complete misunderstanding of what I just watched? I’m a neurotic, politics-obsessed twitter addict

Maybe not in absolute terms, but more than you could even perceive, reading your post above.
Now go back to capeshit buddy.

Imagine white knighting for the most spoiled, selfish, narcissistic, immature, greedy, infantile half of the human race in 2019.

The tweets are about the first Blade Runner

go back to humble bragging about understanding one of the most popular sci fi moves ever made

go ahead, tell us only you got it

not that i believe the replicants are entirely unsympathetic but people really do seem to gloss over the whole "slaughtered 33 innocent people before they got to earth" bit.

Weird how she wrote it, calling Harrison Ford hot
I wonder what version she saw, i guess she'd be less confused if she saw the Final Cut

He had no reason to murder the eye guy and the main designer so get fucked with that shit

>Androids are right.
The androids were killing people that couldn't give them what they wanted.

Imagine operating at this level of incel

are you retarded?

I am afraid you misunderstood me.
I am not saying I am smart, I am just saying that you are an unsubtle retard.
I hope it's clear now. Just an hope because you are fucking stupid, but yeah. A man can dream.

t. woman
I didn't miss anything but you probably missed OPs tweet : it's not about some poor slaves being chased by a random cop. I wonder if she even watched the movie.

movie analysis is subjective and thus she is not wrong

You missed the point of the discussion but that's ok. Anyone reading the thread and good posts above will understand you are an idiot.
Now go back to your reddit incel circlejerk.

she is right and wrong and movie analysis is not completely subjective

to an extent yes but her take is so simplistic and devoid of nuance that it really doesnt have any merit.

She would be the type of woman that

>would find Roy Batty an oppressive toxic male
>would end up raped and thrown in a ditch by Leon

Coming in hot with an actual answer to OP's post

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>robots are humans

Holy shit this fucking idiot



ur a merit

We arent ford has less personality than the replicants.

>You missed the point of the discussion but that's ok.
Are you sobre user? I'm the one you were replying to, I'm perfectly aware of the discussion, and you should go to bed at this point.

They werent robots. They were organic organisms just like humans basically.

Women cannot do moral ambiguity because they are children.

Opinion discarded

Ok kid

I heard about that, fucking incredible

they're 'replicants' that have been created to mimic humans but crucially cannot experience real emotions in the same way

All jews need to be moved to another server.


today I will ignore the jew.

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I used to think Deckard was a replicant but hes lived far too long and he has too much sympathy to have saved Rachael to be one. Why did they make him think he was?

to fuck with him

the film works much better with him as a human than the idea that he's a replicant

Roy saved Deckard too. Does that make Roy human?

Look idk what reality you all live in, but a murderer is a murderer, replicant or no. Deckard is just doing his job, a job that the replicants made necessary.