ITT draw your favorite Star Wars character from memory
ITT draw your favorite Star Wars character from memory
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Took 5 seconds on mspaint
I like her booty shorts she wears on her head.
>favorite Star Wars character is the background Jedi with no lines that shows the most cleavage in the canon.
How do you feel about the last Jedi OP?
Tallie was cute.
Accept no substitutes.
I have autism
500 hours in paint
where are the buttholes?
"It was like a constant porno Luke"
Is this from the part of the Clone Wars microseries where he tears up a shitload of droids? Also, you draw like Goran Parlov, which is uber based
death butt jiggle fap
Why doesn't Yea Forums have a drawthread
we're largely creatively bankrupt
You know there's atleast a few good artists on here that would gladly draw the Mask fucking sneed or whatever gay shit this board requested just for (You)'s. If those retards on Yea Forums can have a drawthread be successful I'm sure Yea Forums can too
Generally you're not allowed to request drawings of real people in these threads. Yea Forums drawthread would quickly devolve into 'draw this celebrity getting mating pressed' etc.
>'draw *actor's fictional character* being mating pressed'
It's that simple
it requires creating something. Yea Forums is all abound re-re-re-re-reposting same content all the time
The custom guy I made in Jedi Academy
Force pushing sithcels off of ledges in that game is fun as fuck
What color are her pubes?
twilek don't have body hair
smooth as a baby
I just masturbated to this
alien wife
Behold perfection
Is the brown part hair or a helmet?
You should have cut off part of her arm
imagine inhaling her gape
One is slightly shorter than the other, but it's the wrong one.
posting in an okay thread.
>why is a board focused on consumption unable to create?
floyd pepper is also my favorite star wars
dont fucking remember how this guy's face looked like other than it was orange and he had weird shit on his eyes and mouth
he was my favorite of the background jedi for some reason though
here he is
extremely based
this is really good user
lmao did anyone else think it was weird that she was barefoot in the cartoon asking for a friend haha
had to google afterwards to make sure i wasn't merging both the green niggas
As a baby what
it was only in a couple of scenes, the others she's got boots on
I remember him from the ps1 game mostly cause his lightsaber was yellow
haha yeah pics?
I don't remember him being so big, but you probably have much better memory than I do.
Is that a brush set or a specific program?
loved reading his story in tales from jabbas palace
nice tims
custom brush in PS, wish i could give a dl link but it was given to me irl via usb
I liked the blue chick with the DSLs from the cartoon. I think she was a senator. I'm pretty sure there was a later episode where a sexy version of her was painted on a gunship.
i remember him too. had 2 seperate action figures of him from different eras
literally 59 seconds with a mouse, the worst hell
Senator Riyo. Also, all Clone Wars girls had DSL
I don't have a favorite character
What are you, gay?
Lmao is that a hitachi lightsabre
She was hottest in all of TCW
It's Tarkin, I was gonna draw the same shot
i fucking love this style
I liked Ahsoka's other girlfriend, the one who turns evil and frames her slightly more.
this is great
based. shitty picture though.
Wow this turned out worse than I could ever have imagined
i hope that's not rebels thrawn.
Can't believe no one posted pic related yet.
Oh, okay. Looks cool
What are some good tablets, bros
you do Samuel L Jackson proud
while googling for a good pic of Original Thrawn that fit what I was thinking of, I came across the book covers
totally forgot about crazy sith wizard guy who turned out to be a clone
I need to reread these
durr ipad pro lol
You can probably pick up an older model Cintiq for pretty cheap now.
based and kotor2pilled
mace windu
well we are all disney shills
why does he have blonde streaks?
>ywn be a clone trooper fighting without choice, pay or rights for a government that sees you as an expendable piece of war material coping by painting your gunships with scantily clad senators
This big guy
At least if you're in the 501st you can get in on the padwan gangbang every time you win a battle.
this is fantastic please draw webcomics
thanks user
I'll see your feet and raise you two bare thighs
i cant remember what her hair looks like
That's Barriss, she had a pretty great character arc. Although I kind of wish she'd betrayed the order because she thought fighting a war was against its principles and not because she was turning sith. She hints at that when she's debating Anakin but then she busts out the red lightsabers and goes full retard.
>tfw no alien feet and bare thighs in my face
why live bros, why live
if I could draw I'd be drawing porn instead of participating in shitpost threads
>"she had a pretty great character arc"
>proceeds to give arguments which aim to the opposite conclusion
drawing porn for shitpost threads is the real move
>you're not allowed to request drawings of real people
He was pretty cool looking
Slippery slope. Look at e-celeb threads. "Requesting Mike fucking Jay" etc would be inevitable and it only takes one lawsuit.
>Head goon at Something Awful, Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka, has been contacted by the legal representation of Ubisoft over the posting of an "extremely offensive pornographic image" of Assassin's Creed producer Jade Raymond on the site's popular forums. The image, which has since been pulled from multiple hosts, including the one referenced in the letter to Kyanka, depicts a cartoon character named Jade fellating a trio of gamers and... well, it just gets worse from there. The legal thread cites the linking of a "blatant, vile, and unauthorized misappropriation of Ms. Raymond's name and likeness" that has "caused immeasurable harm to Ms. Raymond's reputation and career, and constitute an egregious infringement of Ms. Raymond's personal rights and privacy rights."
pls no bulli
Will save it for comfy memory
he cute
unironically the only reason im watching the mandalorian
dude I love pikachu
This was nice and I appreciate you user
>"deedoodooduhdooo What was that R2?"
needs 6 additional chins, but good on the boobs
Char-char binks
Mace Dindu
there are probably like three people in the world who recognize this guy
I don't remember Paul McCartney in Star Wars
that's fucking solid
The man who made Vader his bitch
Force Unleashed was pretty popular when it came out.
Kazdan Paratus from TFU
yellow blade probably means you played the Wii or the PSP versions
I may have autism
pls do porn
I played the DS version first so he's always had a yellow lightsaber for me.
Wish he appeared in more stuff. I liked his backstory.
This. Where are the porn bros at
>Influence lost: Kreia
now draw porn of her
lads, my devart porn days are well behind me. I'm not going to bust my intuos out but you can have this quick shit sketch on some old vet note paper I had
based uncensor though.
baste coomer
>my porn days are behind me
>posting a censored image
not based
nothing under there
>entire thread is pt and cw characters
even less based
and video games
Based Rodian master race