Alien movies done right

Alien movies done right.
Any more movies like pic related?

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>done right
>retarded dream sequence that wasn't even real is the big payoff

This movie is perfect, I watch it every year. Peak Rust. But I never understood something, is he sleeping with her?

>wasn't real
>the very end of the movie tells you it was


The catwalk scene over the device in Japan was the most kino scene of the 90s. It's half the reason I ever bought a 5.1 setup.

>recording device glitches and records a bunch of noise for an extended period of time
>definitive proof it was real
lmao dumb zoomer

The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Signal

>movie's themes are to not take things at face value
>thinks the static means nothing happen and it was just "dreams"

You're one of the dumb idiots who thinks the aliens loved the nazis.

>oh btw we built a second machine in secret and no one knows about it and we only talk about it immediately after the first one is destroyed lol those Christians amirite what evil monsters
it's Jewish propaganda

Attached: Communion-1989-film-images-63a08b7d-3718-4a40-a3d3-ead1d729f10.jpg (780x1170, 120K)

Gattaca is also max comfy

Arrival was a pretty good alien movie

The entire thing hinges on McConaughey's 'I believe in gawd' accent.
Pure fucking kino.

This was shit though.

There are no aliens in Gattaca you twat.


>records 18 hours of static when they were recorded as only being in the pod for 10 seconds
Hella cringe

a clear technical glitch lmao
you probably believe in the Qu'ran too you fucking faggot

Ever notice how many scenes he's in with his hands behind his head leaning back in a chair?

It's to hide his t-rex arms.

Attached: trex.jpg (786x1222, 138K)

That's just the fault of adapting a full length novel to a 90 page screenplay.
Also post cold war, the whole thawing between the USSR and the USA doesn't make sense.
In the book the Warsaw Pact countries were trying to build their own machine, but eventually gave up because it was just to expensive and resource intensive.
After the Machine is sabotaged the Soviets step in and they join both projects into one. There's a whole subplot in the novel about how The Message and The Machine both required the unified cooperative endeavor and resources of the entire planet to build receive the message and build the machine.
In the book it takes over a decade to build the machine and there is an entire generation that grows up only knowing global peace and cooperation and the colonization of low earth orbit - implying that the message helps developing intelligent civilizations keep from destroying themselves long enough to become an interplanetary species.
Also in the book the machine had seats for like a dozen people who all go off into an Ayy Lmao simulation where they meet someone important to them. Someone sees their husband, another guy sees his daughter as a little girl, and some guys sees an ancient chinese emperor.

No, enjoy it because you'll never get anything similar.

Decent quality as it went along. About 7.5/10 all the way up to the ending which drops it down to 4/10.

Flawed and stupid.

that sounds 1000x better, thanks user

Weird movie.

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Yes there is, they are in space, you just can't see them

It's a good book and I'd highly recommend it.

For me, it's Signs

It's not a popular opinion, but the right one

ayy lmao

Attached: signs.jpg (1108x752, 106K)

oh no please don't tell me you swallowed the raddit "ThE aLiEnS aRe LiTeRaLlY dEmOnS" theory

It's called a metaphor