Protag is 6/10

>protag is 6/10
>gets a 10/10 woman
I mean I can handle bottomless magazines and people coming back from the dead but that is just too unrealistic desu.

Attached: 1545794254701.png (2274x998, 985K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that how it is in real life most gorgeous girls end up marrying average looking guys

settling for and then financially holding hostage*

all women are worthless whores


I lost my suspension of desbelief instantly when this happens

Maybe for boomers who grew up in an enforced monogamous pre-Tinder society.

nigger that the same shitg as with manlets

you know "when will they learn" its meant in a way as
"when will they learn that its about the attitude and not about the looks"

so shut it you can be a fucking 4/10 and still a pussyslayer and or chad

Attached: 1568028087545.jpg (640x853, 311K)

I really feel like you faggots are just causing this shit on yourself with all this trash you feed each other online all the time. I’m by no means attractive and I’ve always been really bad with girls, plus I’m poor as shit, and I’ve managed to pull a pretty decent amount of younger qts off tinder. Just stop being such self loathing faggots

This. I'm a balding manlet dicklet and have always gotten 8+/10 girls because I'm funny and don't give a fuck about anything.


Whats a rightswap?

post face and height


Do you live alone? Were you invited by them to their places?

>its about the altitude

right swipe is approval of the person tindr is showing you. if the person you right swiped also right swiped you back you get a match and get to talk to them.

>matches with chads
>dates only 4 of them

What the fuck


Here's a life tip for everyone ITT. The top tier of women, the ones that could have any chad they want, will want only the most suitable man, and that usually extends to personality over looks. You niggers are too dazzled by 6 and 7/10 whores and their syphilitic escapades. The 9s and 10s are unironically within reach... if you try.

Attached: 1445036237075.jpg (625x623, 81K)

But she's like a 4/10 for Scandinavia.


Tinder has artificially raised the value of average women so yeah only 4 chads have met her absurd standards.

I made a fake chad account once on tinder for shitposting and by the end of one week I had over 2 thousand matches.

It's a meatgrinder

Attached: Attach432_20190730_230819.jpg (1543x4845, 999K)

It's weird how blatantly dystopian everything got in the last 2-3 years.

that doesn't make any sense though
I can't speak for these """10/10s""" because I fucking hate bimbos, but the qts I actually like pretty much just pick randomly from all the guys they know
everyone does nothing but hang out with friends and watch the same movies, there's no such thing as distinct personalities

It never gets old, this pic is just too insane

fucking kek

Always remember: bully all women.

Not talking to them or outright dismissing them drives them fucking crazy

>works at Kids R Us

Okay, now this is epic.

is that about the time you replaced all real human contact with shitposting here?

Lol I got banned for that? Telling you guys not to be so hopeless?
Anyway mostly pulled when I was living with housemates, moved back in with my dad a few months ago and that’s made things harder but I’ve fucked a couple girls in my car so there.
I’m not tall, 5’9 at most. And I’m not really good looking either. Just need to put yourself out there and not keep telling yourself that women are scrutinising your every move, as long as you put in effort and aren’t grotesquely fat or filthy or something you’ll be fine. Also of the 15 or so girls I’ve had from tinder only one invited me back to hers and she was a real slut, most would want to go to your place.

No, I have friends IRL.

Quints of truth. Be careful of the rape accusations however. I'll be able to silence that bitch forever pretty soon tho.

>there's no such thing as distinct personalities
These are the people who think their issues with woman are solely the result of their height or their bank accounts. Christ.

redpill for my memefriends @Yea Forums

Not really. If she’s not into you then she doesn’t care.

I'm 190cm and make 6 figures
my personality is exactly as boring as everyone else's, I'm not pulling a "fuck those normies" thing here

Some lines are fucking cringe because it's obvious they were written by a virgin beta incel larping and a real chad would never say

Despite being quite average in looks (and obviously personality by her post), she’s literally only interested in the actual top 1%

why though? I know a qt girl who is really insecure with herself but all things considered is a 7/10. She's really cute, but her bf is a 5/10 autistic manlet manchild. I don't get it.

post face

They still expect men to fall at their feet so when you don't it throws them off

give me an honest r8

Attached: image0.png.jpg (640x640, 97K)

read a book

I don't think I want to check my data on Tinder. I've been swiping for months, and I've had 3 matches in about 6 months. I'm a normal looking guy who works with kids.

Fuck, I don't know what I do wrong

You look like Ricky from Trailer Park Boys if he shaved and lifted weights.

>just inject saline into your biceps bro

Your maxilla isn't wide enough

You would unironically look better if you stopped lifting.


even if they end up marrying an average joe`s there will be miles of chad`s cock in their pussy
it`s so easy for them to match with this 10/10 dudes on tinder and ride their cocks because they don`t care if you`re a 7 or a 10 they just want to pound the pussy
a while ago that wasnt possible because they had to actually talk to the dudes in partys and they would only fuck the stacys
now they just match and ''hey u dtf?''
t. not a chad but a brad who fucked over 30 tinder sluts

They expect only good looking guys to fall at their feet. A guy she’s not into she’s not going to care because she will have another beta around trying to talk to her.

>all info about the girls is censored so that nobody can "debunk" the pic
and that's how you know it's fake

This is the first one they see

Attached: 737317F6-886F-4C85-A8B5-8E9E92F8BA17.jpg (1440x1438, 353K)

>Fake profiles talk to fake profiles: the pic
what does this prove? Women are retarded if they actually swiped right on that obviously professional pic thinking it was legit

>big jaw
>full head of hair
"it's all about attitude"

I get pussy by going to EDM shows and wearing funny outfits and memedancing, it's seriously pretty low effort

Are you crying?

>Women are retarded
astute observation

>just bee urself

I don't know how to describe it, but you look very swollen, even in your face, and that you lift a lot because you are angry, like the bully villain in an 80s movie. This isn't appealing to most women beyond age 18.


Mexican American here rate my body

Attached: 64B781FF-0626-419D-8B23-1A636D767E9E.jpg (834x750, 133K)

Women are basically retarded animals you can have sex with

God every time I see this I die a little inside. Every time.

>A guy she’s not into she’s not going to care because she will have another beta around trying to talk to her

So fucking true. I've seen it first hand. Used to hang around with "freinds" back in college days. A girl joined our group one day and she was cute, not going to lie. Was typical insecure shy qt type girl, but guyus in the group started falling at her feet. She got more confidnce and legit started to look really attractive. Thing is she got a bf, yet cucks in the group kept trying to flirt with her while at the same time being cringy faggots talking about how her relationship with her bf was going as if they were her other girlfreinds gossiping. Cringiest fucking shit I've ever experienced. That has to be what a literal cuck is.

Attached: 1552689291112.jpg (626x602, 54K)


Lmao I fucking hate running into cocky motherfuckers like you.

>Hurr durr I don't give a fuck that's why I get pussy

Clearly you give a fuck about pussy and actively go out of your way to show off your idgaf attitude to girls. You're just as tryhard as any incel, the only difference is you can't be honest with yourself. You're not enlightened or a chad or anything like that, you're just as fragile and insecure as those you're laughing at.

You really don't give a fuck about anything? Isolate yourself entirely from human contact for an extended period of time (for your good and everyone else's). A couple of years should do the trick. You'll realize how much you crave attention you pathetic shrimp

I’m a middle eastern wog mutt my jaw is average at most and I initially shaved my head because I thought I was going bald. I’ve got a huge Jew nose and my have is asymmetrical af

what an argument. cope with what? why is the pic censored if it's supposed to expose female behaviour?

gaslighting and cope, nature wouldn't allow women's sexuality to be a choice.

Great, bro, but since you're willing to show your body with highly identifiable tattoos, but not your face, it's a safe bet that your face is fucked beyond all measure.

Whoops thought that was directed at me makes sense know

your MMO guild doesn't count as social group

>two and a half

I got laid in a Mario onesie at festival last year. Please literally be yourself man. I know Gunpla model nerd that locked down a 7/10 thicc arthoe. You'd be surprised how far confidence goes

Should have told her to fuck off and go with her bf

Awesome pic. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

you should be a bit more cautious about believing things you see on the internet if they have such a devastating effect on you

wow it's almost like chicks are into anything "quirky" a good looking guy does
>just bee urself

Btw I am not saying to never workout, but looking like you're about to bust through your shirt isn't the right approach.

Oh well only losers like me visit Yea Forums

Being an incel is the truest form of cuckery and inceldom is a Jewish trick to keep you from breeding. Normies are easier to control. Do something about it, improve, mature, have sex, have kids. Don't let the next generation be a bunch of braindead mutts.

Here come the trannies and orbiters

Just swipe right until you are out of swipes, it isn't worth it to spend 2 hours looking at profiles and choosing.

now this is /fit/posting

Take a better picture and smile

My girlfriend started playing Smash Bros for me. I refuse to believe that's only because I'm tall

>they are skeptical of an easily manipulated image, better call them buzzwords
why is the info censored if it's real?

Nah, I'm doin' fine. You seem insecure.

looks like a pic of my uncle from the 90s

All these self pitying pussys in this thread don’t say anything when fat funny guys get roots. I’ve seen it first hand, if someone is charismatic enough they could have the body of a whale

just go back normalfag

you look like a fucking paedophile

Attached: B000B346-42F4-43BB-A10B-B79AF77E30A3.jpg (675x1200, 148K)

the vast majority of modern relationships can be boiled down to physical attraction, so yes


this hideous little jew repeatedly getting different attractive women was a main factor in my stopping his netflix show with britta

Attached: image.jpg (960x653, 43K)

Post body and face

looks legit

Charisma and confidence can be just as strong as good looks.

>user shitposts all day on Yea Forums
>sees woman shitpost irl on tinder
>"wtf all women are whores and only want Chad's dick"

>Charisma and confidence
they matter only after you pass the looks and money hurdle

>information omitted from this post: he was also 6'2"

How do you tell that it's a shitpost?

t. incel with dog shit social skills

This is my home, I've been here since Crackychan and Juni Ito comics on /x/. And I actually like cinema, I love Fred Astaire and Judy Garland. Watched Murnau, Ford, Hawkes, and Kurasowa. You're probably just a self loathing capeshitter with a small dating pool infiltrated by Chads in Captain America t-shirts

One thing I fucking hate about tinder is why do I have to say some stupid funny joke just to get her attention? It’s fucking retarded.

post your last lay and face

who else find post wall women so hot? I mean when I see them 40 year old milfs and you can see they were hot and now are childless, I imagine all the guys she rejected waiting for chad and find that very hot to see her now fucking alone
anyone else?

kys personalitylet

Money and looks do matter yes, but you can always make up for what you lack in money and looks with some charisma. The best thing about 'the game' is that you are more in control of it than you think.

No you weirdo

you couldn't be anymore insecure if you tried lmao

The same way anons here can tell that

>gamers rise up

is a shitpost

Did you literally not read the next sentence after you underlined?

>7/10 thicc arthoe

exquisitely based

>balding manlet
>8+/10 girls because you're funny
lol no. sure you get some decent looking ones, but that's just a lie

This is the most blatant dodge I’ve seen in weeks. Embarrassed for you

>le I like movies
go back normalfag

t. bullied lanket

post your last lay and face

Virgin confirmed

Not that dude but
>posting your gf to a board that constantly shits on actresses for their looks
You're fucking retarded

deluded redpiller, honestly kinda sad

this>run into Stacy from high school
>"Heyyy, user, why didn't you ever talk to me in school?" *hair twirl*
>"Why didn't you ever talk to me?"
>*Stacy's brain short circuits*

Based. Digits confirm what has long been known among the enlightened.

There was so much projected insecurity in that. That was pretty fucking funny. Well done.

Cope however you need.

Post your last lay and face

idk, I'm not that good looking but I was getting girls matching with me pretty often on Tinder at some points. Clearly a few are going to be attracted to looks and ignore the bio, but I'm sure a majority either realize that the accounts a catfisher or they don't like the bio and they move on. That said, I'm sure this is faked regardless or I'm just really happy the people who talk to me don't talk like this.

Daily reminder that if you go nofap/noporn you start to feel superior to this behavior and extremely confident, it undermines the power women have over you and they find it really fucking sexy, they start gravitating towards you.

>inb4 porn addicts and coomers make excuses

Attached: i wont pay.png (731x261, 13K)

some girls actually think guys are more attracted to sexually open girls. And yeah that may be true in some cases, but one was shocked when I told her that coming off as a slut is just disgusting and unattractive.

>7/10 thicc arthoe
Woah, what an achievement

sorry but I don't believe everything I read on the internet

but that's what you're doing. let me see your definition of a 8+

Severely underrated

The thing is, most people in 2019 are good looking. Inceldom is more a mindset than anything else. I know because I go through periods of depression when I think I'm the ugliest man alive, and while I'm certainly not very attractive, I've been called such BY women.
So if you're an average dude, in 2019, chances are you're perfectly fine and looks shouldn't be an excuse.

I had a spiritual experience at Judy Garland's star on the Walk of Fame while I was in Hollywood for the TCM Film Festival last spring. I wasn't even looking for it I just stumbled upon it like she led me there. I knelt down and sent my message of love to her out to the universe. I felt a deep sense of peace surrounded by all that chaos. Nothing wrong with being /x/ and Yea Forums m8

>trust me i know this stuff i banged over 30 girls
me too

I've done this experiment myself on OkCupid a few years back. I made an account as a staunch republican in San Francisco, who's job was developing a 3D printed gun. Wanted traditional marriage, hated gays, was fiercely against abortion.

I got more matches in two hours than my actual profile had gotten in years. One girl wanted to "debate me" in the bedroom.

>deny your base instinct and be cool like us angry on the internet about women who will never know we exist
Yup, that's a winning strategy if I ever seen one before.

Attached: 1534705086862.png (800x800, 763K)

go back normalfag

not him but i have a friend like this
ridiculously shot, like 5'5, beyond ugly, and the foulest mouth ever ... he's like a leprechaun from hell.
But ever since high school he date all the girls, he just don't give a fuck, say the most retarded things to them, and makes them laugh
Last time I saw him at a wedding, he was with this ultra cute 10/10 brunette i would have killed to just kiss once.
true story


Attached: 143835855937.jpg (251x242, 9K)

not true. some women love stringing men along to get attention. I stopped talking to a girl because she wasn't interested in me, and the next time we met (party) she asked why I stopped talking to her. I said "because I don't care about you" and she was stunned even though she wasn't interested in me. they hate the fact that someone isn't interested in them

Here’s mine, what’s the issue?

Attached: 697EA54C-548A-4B68-80D8-147A29742018.jpg (1073x1322, 321K)

then you know that every girl is a whore even the quite one in the back of your class

>looks like a fucking imp
>10/10 brunette
yeah and now you're gonna say he wasn't rich

t. porn addict

I know a similar story. In fact he's the dude who told me about Yea Forums. He doesn't post here anymore unfortunately. I kind of envy him.

noporn is a good idea, but nofap is mega retarded

There’s this thing called “personality”, nothing you vile and bitter “blackpilled” incels would understand

Meant for

>"I don't care about you"

It's good for a reset. Once you take a few months off there is nothing wrong with one or two wanks per month, anything more than that is bad news.


Attached: 1536963674047.png (393x391, 216K)


Wait is that C. something (I think CE) from FL?

yeah here's mine

Attached: 3QdQKmf.jpg (960x1280, 243K)

Why? I'm a 4 and date 8s.

>you incels
Have you literally ever had sex? Be honest

I hate bitches.

it was kinda autistic to be honest but I was buzzed and her behaviour annoyed me. it was like I owed her an explanation when I had no reason to talk to her

Reddit is gay and I forgot my FB password, you're stuck with me

No, those aren’t either of her initials

Yes, and I’m not a 6’5 buff chad. You can just, yknow, talk to women. It’s not fucking hard.

>anything more than that I bad news

Here's the reddist of redpills, since the truth is always somewhere in the middle. If you've tried every trick in the book to get laid, multiple times, and still can't, it's from this point acceptable to be an incel and misoginist, since it would just be normal reaction.
But if you know that you haven't done shit for the betterment of your situation, and immediately shoot yourself don't as unworthy before even trying, you have no excuses.
At least try talking to a girl ONCE so that you know you've done something. Then go and complain.

My wife is way better looking than me

I just downloaded Tantan and got 4 matches in 1 day. That stupid video was fucking true (Except maybe they are all bots)

post your last lay and face

lmao nice freudian slip, faggot

I read a psychology paper on this a few months ago. Women will settle with someone uglier than the highest attractive mate they can get. This is because when women date someone who is very attractive, anxiety kicks as they worry about cheating and not being able to please their man which results in higher unhappiness. When women date someone who is uglier than what they can get, they feel more secured.
This all happens at a subconscious level.

White females hate non chads talking to them to the point they work like a hivemind making up rumors to get a non chad kicked out of a place for simply trying to smooth talk them.

And here's mine.

he wasn't then he became a dentist so I guess he is now.
forgot to say, use this info as you will (I know I never could) but when he would "seduce" a girl with his humour, he would always use the least subtle sexual imagery to imply they could have the most devious sex.

A lot of women, especially arthoe, colored hair, or anime types, think defusing sexual tension through raunchiness is a good idea because it will help to establish emotional intimacy. I had a tinder date where the girl just started talking about what kind of porn she likes after I asked her what the last movie she saw was. Was really off-putting and made me lose interest sexually.

She’s cute, but you never tapped that.
Are you accusing me of lying?

Attached: 75E57164-E5CC-4E87-9B8C-7C7BCE6A79F7.jpg (1125x1343, 360K)

I have 4chins and Yea Forums in particular to thank for that. You're welcome.

and his name? albert einstein

if you guys would stop treating women like these unattainable and infallible goddesses they wouldn't have such a fucking ego. Stop inflating their value, pathetic and horny men are the reason girls are like this now.

Of course I would forget the picture.

Attached: hereismine.png (637x886, 135K)

What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing makes girls wetter than an asshole who cheats on them.

>pretending she's read all those bios
Why do women lie, bros?

>tineyeing a pic with a fucking Yea Forums filename
go back normalfag

Girls were always like this, it just men never tolerated until the betafaggots invented that romance horseshit instead of just raping whatever slut they found without a single shit given like stone age alphas.

Post pics of the whores you matched with.

Any of em hot? What city/state are you in lad?

>trying to convince anonymous people while being anonymous that youre not a loser

>Yea Forums filename
You do realize Yea Forums and imgur are two different websites, right Mr. lost redditor-kun?

I’m a jacked Chad who gets laid a lot and looks is overwhelmingly decisive. You’re not going to post any pics of any girl your claiming to have been with, but I think we both know you’re immeasurably less credible when it comes to success with women

Attached: 1C17144B-242C-4D68-BCFC-78ADEC376AA5.jpg (1125x1998, 1.37M)


is it 2009? google reverse image and yandex are the best, my fellow boomer friend.

It's a habit for us.

Nah, I don’t need to prove anything just because you’re an insecure pussy.
This has nothing to do with my comment you tard.

>I read a psychology paper on this a few months ago
Reference, if you still have it?

I don't understand normies. This board is infested with you vermin so I'm sure you can clear that up
What's the point of having sex? I already have friends, why would I socialize with some new grills just cause there's a possibility of having sex with them? Isn't your hand good enough?
Best case scenario you get a one night stand and have to stand some whore in your apartment
Worst case scenario you get a gf and have to deal with constantly having the same person around you instead of enjoying your free time

>Everyone’s a loser like me!!1!
Cope, bro

Post those tinder stats bros

>what would you honest rate yourself out of 10
>how long have you been on tinder
>how often do you swipe right
>how many matches

I'll start

An 8
3 weeks
Maybe 1 in every 10 girls

based barbaric user

>i creeped out a lot of people and they asked me to leave

This. Ironically, the best way to approach a woman is a friend. Just one you'd like to fuck, and this is something you start making clear over time, as to not end up just as a friend.
I can see some guys posting fake gfs ITT, but I've had relatively good success with women and am currently not single so I'm just saying what worked for me.
At the end of the day, it's all about emotions with women. And to be honest with you, even a negative response can sometimes be better than a neutral one. With women, the biggest mistake you can make is being a soulless NPC robot. That's why so many guys find it difficult to get laid. You need the energy and the pizzazz to score something.

0 minutes
I don't own smartphone
hope that helps

>What's the point of having sex?
feels good, better than fapping if your partner knows what you like. one night stands are fucking awful, but fun because you talk shit about it with your mates

Is that what I even said? Why is it all you faggots can do is make up shit to push your shitty agendas so hard? Not all women are the same, much like men. Basic biological instincts always come into play, yes, but there’s a lot of underlying social contexts that come with talking to people. God you’re all fucking retarded.

some people simply thrive off being social and the sex that inevitably follows. As a former social shutin, I improved my looks and started going out side and you'll find that you literally just meet girls randomly. I did a couple days ago and she won't leave me alone now. Oh and she's married lol, FUCK WOMEN.

don't own tinder, have had steady sex with different girls and girlfriends since the age of 16

I like being social, that's what friends are for

I'm not the guy you replied to, but what you're doing is downright pathetic. This has to be the tenth time I've seen you brag in a thread, and I'm a newfag.
What you're doing is boasting in front of some kissless virgins, coming off as inferior to them, since you care about their opinion.

He has no personality though, he's a literal autist obsessed with playing League of Legends for 18 hours a day. Although she's really into PC mmos too. So I guess they just have similar interests, but when we sometimes hang out they literally never talk to eachother. He's talking to us and his gf is just sitting there by herself looking at her phone getting ignored.

>creeped out

Translation:Non chad simply existing.

Just bee yourself.


A year
Usually 10 in every 20
50 matches

Your post is complete bullshit stop larping

>the best way to approach a woman is a friend
Lmfao holy shit. This is why we need pics so you can tell when you’re talking to some Melvin
>I can see some guys posting fake gfs ITT
Not fake, and not my gf. COPE

That's what I read on a psychology paper that looked into happiness on women based on the men they dated. They felt happiest when they were dating someone lower than the highest attractive male they could get.

Nah. My sister is a psychologist and she has journals, magazines, books, etc.. I read it while in her house but don't remember the name of the study/paper.

>no timestamp
Chad? Sure you are.

If you ever had sex, leave this website
If you ever kissed a girl, leave this website
If you ever had a girl obviously interested in you and you turned her down """because of muh autism""", leave this website

>being vile is bad

God I hate women so much

Feels good knowing she would swipe right on me lol.
Cope, ugly incels. I couldn't imagine being an adult virgin, holy shit.

Why do all the these "average" women look like 12 year old boys?

>trying to smooth talk.
>simply existing.

Attached: 1544912952038.jpg (313x286, 19K)

no thanks I'll stay just to spite you

Wash your shirt cabrón

All boxes checked, but you can't expect me to leave the only home I have ever known

Consumerist hobbies, albeit pathetic, are still technically hobbies. You sound really upset, perhaps she was your oneitis? Ooh, that’s rough mate.

It's true though. That's the simplest way to describe it. You don't mentally approach her as some kind of divine being, but rather someone you can have fun with.
That's entire mindset.
>you're cool, I'm cool, let's do cool shit together
That doesn't mean being the kind of friend that carries a bag. You misunderstand what I'm getting at. You can be an outright asshole to a woman, and she'll go crazy over it, but it has to be in an already established context of good intent. You can't just go up to her and tell her you'll shank her in the fucking neck if she doesn't give you head.

Contraceptive pills

No thanks.

The thing of that app is that it's mostly for chineses, but even the app download image at google apps shows the thing working with a chad white guy image at the center and 4 of 5 asian girl pics as possible matches. So yes this is made for girls lusting for chad whites.
I'm not even chat but looks like works fast.
I think doesn't matter where is one, there are chinese people everywhere.

>tfw no lgf

Attached: tmUwi-w1.jpg (512x512, 27K)

I've actually gotten over her for two months now, but yeah I used to have a hard crush on her. Just never understood why she'd settle for someone like that. It was a good life experience though.

Attached: 1564175785715.jpg (426x572, 146K)

Nah, I've talked to him before. He's real. But clearly insecure if he has to prove it as frequently as he does. That's like me bragging that I have a decent car. Why fucking do it and come off as a douchebag? I'll just drive it around knowing it's mine.

You can’t tell guys here that it’s their lack of “”personality”” that’s why they’re alone and presume they’ve never tried talking to women and then go on and concede that “looks are overwhelmingly decisive” and act like that doesn’t contradict your tired shtick
Clearly not bc I don’t give one single solitary fuck about (You)r opinion, faceless user. Cry harder
5’11”. Not fixated on it, it is what it is

Looks play a part in the whole thing, but personality, even though it's an umbrella term, can go a long way. The issue is, when you're ugly, your personality is usually shit as well.
But even if I was an ugly dude, I'd sure as hell give it my all before I gave up. Wouldn't you?

"just watches media and has no personality" is literally every single person who currently exists unless they're adrenaline junkies
her choices were a random assortment of samey dudes

>You can't just go up to her and tell her you'll shank her in the fucking neck if she doesn't give you head
Do you really think this is where people are running into problems? Unsuccessful men predominately lack aggression, not the opposite. Telling guys to approach women as friends is really bad advice; they have to openly pursue them and make their intentions clear if they ever want things to lead anywhere

Probably has a small penis

Because he genuinely makes her happy to be around. Looks are the most important factor, but personality is number two. Both compliment each other, but without both you can’t hold onto a girl. I know how you feel. Hopefully the pain ends soon for you.

>Clearly not bc I don’t give one single solitary fuck about (You)r opinion, faceless user
You do tho. Otherwise, you wouldn't be doing it as much as you already do.

please have sex

>I don’t give one single solitary fuck about (You)r opinion
That explains why you posted a facelless picture to assert credibility and are replying to three anons at a time you thinly veiled pile of insecurities.

is that arabic on your chest? by your phone? wtf pedro

If you’re an ugly dude, the best thing you can do is make yourself less ugly. Don’t tell guys that they have a defective personality based on nothing. If they aren’t attracting women, they should be hitting the gym and changing their styling / fashion / grooming habits, not feeling like they have an inadequate personality (which is vague and contextual to the point of meaninglessness)


Which one of these is the saddest Cope?^
>If you’re even talking to me you must be insecure and have a microcock
K, hope that makes you feel better

>faceless user
>doesn’t post face
>pic downloaded from StoryInsta
Yikes nigger. Sure you’re a “chad” lmfao. Fucking one decent girl doesn’t make you king shit. I bet I slept with more girls than you and I’m 5’8

This. If you make conversation with the cute barista for a couple minutes a day at the place where you get your coffee, after 2 or 3 weeks she's going to wonder why you aren't asking her out. She'll either assume you're not into her, or that you're too afraid to ask her out. You should be friendly, but don't treat her like just another friend.

Attached: 1563480678541.jpg (816x846, 74K)

The issue is being assertive to some mental incel on this site might very well mean going to a woman and hitting her over the head with a club.
I never advocated to not be assertive. Quite the contrary, BE assertive, BE dominant, KNOW that your shit doesn't stink, but at the same time, be socially calibrated, and don't overdo it.
It's a push-pull game. That's all there is to it. But like I said however many posts ago, the worst thing you can do as far as a woman is concerned is be boring, or play it as safe as you possibly can. Therein comes the "friendship" and the "fun" angle. You have to be someone who you can like first, before being someone that you'd want to fuck. I'm not saying be a "nice guy", "white knight" or whatever the fuck you're implying.

I don't understand normalfags
>dude just talk to women lmao
Here's the women I know
>qts from work
>assorted girlfriends of my friends
Which of these am I supposed to hit on

>If you’re an ugly dude, the best thing you can do is make yourself less ugly
The best thing to do is become rich

I’ve slept with two (2) girls in the last two (2) nights, but go off. No idea what StoryInsta is. Weird ass post

>I’m not insecure!
>replies to every comment to make sure he’s not BTFO
>i-i-im chad guys!!!!

Here I am, right before Bassnectar in Philly around New Year's

Attached: 20181228_193220.jpg (2560x1920, 1.32M)

Post penis with timestamp

>I don't rape anymore it's cool tho

Attached: 1531340971760.png (593x580, 621K)

>posts pictures
>i don't care what you think
>hey that doesn't add up
>lol cope harder
Okay then, turbo retard.

EXIF clearly says you got the image from there. Wanna keep lying?

You definitely care, but it's alright, you can admit it. I'm attractive (yes really), maybe not quite as buff as you, and depending on the amount of women you've had sex with, maybe you outnumber be. But I can spit mean game and get someone home with me 5 times outta 10 when I go out with my friends.
But the kicker to all of this is internally I'm still insecure, I still doubt myself, I know I'm relatively successful but I still think about other people's perception of me, regardless of the fact that I larp as a stone faced know it all IRL. And boasting to nobodies on the internet is a part of this. It's self-cope. So don't pull that shit on me. You definitely care dude.

- buy better clothes, go unto Pinterest or Instagram and see what 2019 styles that fit your personality, or you could peacock and wear something weird that will grab attention
- learn how to take photos with better lighting. your phone should never be visible in the selfies you take. Set the phone about 10 feet away and set a timer. Or you can pay for professional photography. Lighting is everything.
- get a tan. Or a spray tan if you’re a ginger. Also if you’re balding, shave it. Look up “mature hairline” if you don’t have a hairline like that and your hairline is receding, shave it. Do that before the tan, too, so your head isn’t whiter than your face. Invest in a good barber in your local area.
- develop a big shiteating grin. Most guys think not smiling is “alpha” but it’s the opposite. Not smiling makes all guys look like try hards or sociopaths. Not smiling in pics when you’re over 30 WILL get you rejected more if you’re on an app like tinder. You’ll come off as an old creep. Also for every one of you guys, have only pics with frends on your profile. That’s obvious stuff.
- as for you in particular, you’re alright. but shitty lighting is always gonna lower your rating especially among lookism guys who post in these threads.

>The issue is being assertive to some mental incel on this site might very well mean going to a woman and hitting her over the head with a club
This doesn’t strike me as a real concern. C’mon.
>BE assertive, BE dominant, KNOW that your shit doesn't stink, but at the same time, be socially calibrated, and don't overdo it. It's a push-pull game.
This is on the right track
>You have to be someone who they can like first, before being someone that you'd want to fuck
Debatable, but again, secondary to the main factor of magnetic sexual attraction
Not a bad strat, but wouldn’t that just lead to you getting cucked? I have two clients that both bring in over $400K per year who’s “homemaker” wives cheated on them and now they’re having to start their families over

What about the friends of your friends' girlfriends?

there's a pretty big difference between a strict conservative and a child rapist

How the fuck would I possibly get to know them

>magnetic sexual attraction
This is an on-off switch that you can active after a certain point. Will you agree with me on this? The issue is, you can't explain it. It just is. Or maybe I'm a brainlet, but again, you can't be a complete klutz and think looks alone will get you far. The things, when you DO have looks, mental game becomes a lot easier. That's why it's so good to keep your looks in check. They help you be attractive both on the outside and the inside. So following that logic, I agree that it's beneficial for anons to start working on their physique and whatnot.

>If you ever had a girl obviously interested in you and you turned her down """because of muh autism""", leave this website
What if I turned her down because I believe fornication is a sin almost as evil as murder?

P.S. shooting others down before they've even tried should be a punishable offence. Don't fucking do it. I was that guy not too long ago.

I don't have any friends or any social network, how can i meet a girl ? What can i tell when she will asks me about my absence on instagram ?

Then you came her after 2014 and need to go back

Do your friends just drag their resentful along with them when you hang out with them? I went to a baseball game last week with my gf, she brought along her sister (single) and two of her friends (one was single, one wasn't), if I had brought one of my friends along he could have talked to them.

>Not a bad strat, but wouldn’t that just lead to you getting cucked?
Only if you get a western woman. I really don't understand how some women would cheat on a guy who has such a huge paycheck.

Get tinder, initiate game from there. Flirting is easy as fuck. If a brainlet mess like me can do it, you can too. Don't overthink it. Just work towards a goal. Don't wind her up too long.
Set up a date. That's when the real difficulties start to arise, but with time, you'll get better at it.

>resentful gfs along


Not resentful but otherwise yes
If they wanna hang out with their female friends, they just go out with them and don't also bring their bfs and random friends of that bf along

>getting matches on tinder and they don't ghost you
t. chad

Just say you don't have one, simple. Just don't sperg out when they ask why. Just say something like 'oh its not my scene' or some gay shit. A girl isn't going to reject you because you're not on insta

Of course brainlets can flirt brainlets are all instinct.

Ok but what can i say about my absence on social networks ? Most girls wants to discuss outside Tinder on social apps, no ?

I've never used tinder, but doesn't a match mean she swiped already? Why would she ghost you wafter declaring her interest?

It happens literally all the time in East Asia.

a lot of girls on tinder are vicious and just swipe right for a bit of validation, they don't have any intention of doing anything with you, its a little power trip

I have a wife who is certainly above average in a chess club. I didn't sit around trying to find women on a phone app. What do you expect when you sit on your phone moving your thumb to find a "match"?
>b-b-but women won't talk to me!
Volunteer, join groups/clubs that are aligned with your hobbies (and if your only hobbies are anime and masturbating, that may be why no one wants to talk to you). Stop being faggots.

oh ok but a lot of people thinks that someone without social networks is weird


I post pictures to establish instant credibility in a thread where different people are giving conflicting advice about being attractive to women. Cry more, won’t change anything
Is this some autistic way of noting that the pic with obvious Insta overlays on it was on my Insta story? No shit, bro. Here have pic related straight from my camera roll
I have doubts and hang ups sure but mostly about work and morality and my ability to meet my commitments. Feel pretty good about my success with women lol. That’s def not something I need affirmation about
Gimme a sec

Attached: 201D21E0-7081-4D74-8080-C0EEC41399C8.jpg (1097x1723, 235K)

so true

Attached: 213.jpg (1024x766, 102K)

simpler people prefer predictability and are more risk averse in something that potentially costitutes their source of mental well-being and/or sense of self

lel didn't proofread
>I have a wife who is certainly above average that I met in a chess club

Maybe, I don't know the stats from asia.

Why don’t you guys just get into PUA?

>above average
>chess club
no, you just obviously have low standards for what you consider average

Depends on how you look.

massive cope

this is the time you post the proofs my friend

I was kidding user. Don't post your pp, this is a blue board.

Not a scientist but from personal experience this doesn't sound like an accurate conclusion from these researchers

She was only there with her brother so it's not quite what you would expect.

I've been ghosted as often as I've gotten matches. Don't let that detract you. A hundred women can walk up to you and call you a piece of shit losers and that doesn't resonate with you at all. You ignore that shit. It simply doesn't exist. Because if you let it get to your head, it's over. If you approach on a frequent basis, you will get rejected, it's inevitable.
>Of course brainlets can flirt brainlets are all instinct.
You know what they say, ignorance is bliss. My only regret is not being more ignorant. But to be on topic, try to not overthink things too much. I know that's like like saying "don't think about the color red", but you have to relax yourself.
LARP as if you've figured shit out already, if you have to. But don't crumble. Your frame (not necessarily physical, although that applies too) will always be stronger than a woman's. Never forget that.
>I have doubts and hang ups sure but mostly about work and morality and my ability to meet my commitments
That's a good thing. Being conscientious is a good. You've just mastered not letting it get the best of you. Some of us aren't that lucky. It is a mental struggle. Regardless, you keep pushing forward no matter what. At least that's what I try.

>irradiated downy

because pua is a gimmick, you need to look a certain way for girls to buy into that gimmick. if you look like a pussy they are going to laugh in your face

Its not about having them or not. Its more about the reason you give them. If you start going on about the government tracking you or something or you don't want to be a part of the whole data collection bullshit then you may throw up some red flags. Its really more about your answer, you'd be better to give some basic bitch response like "Oh I didn't like how much time I was spending on it" and they'd probably get it.

PUA is absolutely useless for if you're ugly and is even more useless if you look good already because all PUA does is describe what flirting with women is in an extrmemely convulted and autistic fashion. Attractive men can flirt already because it's jsut something that comes naturally after talking to women

Alpha fux beta bux
Just go to Asia if you don't want to be a cuck


>I post pictures to establish instant credibility
So you care. Stop fucking larping and there won't be a problem, you stupid motherfucker. If you want to be real be fucking real.
>Cry more
Perceiving people calling you out as "crying" is insecure as fuck. You're skewing the scales because you already don't see us as equals. That's fucking sad. Stop doing that.

Asian women really go for big paycheck guys because they want to marry asap so they left their jobs and can stay on a big house raising kids. Sound stereotypical but it's the truth.

oh shit elsa jean

Can confirm, I cheated on my ex with my current gf and the late night calls are hilarious

Attractive men dont flirt because anything they say is automatically seen as good to women. Imagine a Chad saying I will fucking rape you then laughing, every slut around him will go "You are so funny durrr

t. faceblind

i can't believe those pua idiots actually convinced guys that if you act a certain way then you can manipulate a girl into flirting with you. its fucking hilarious

So what you're saying is
>just give up dude
What kind of pussy mentality is that? I say, if it helps, it helps, no matter what autistic method you use. There are certain things to be gained from PUA, but at the end of the day there's nothing better than experience. It sounds to me like you don't want any competition running around. I don't either (I rarely have much to begin with), but it's unfair to your fellow men.

PUA is fine if you're looking to just smash sluts with 0 self esteem. I could be wrong but I feel like most of the lonely dudes here would rather have a meaningful relationship. Or maybe thats me projecting?

>you know "when will they learn"
>its meant in a way as
"when will they learn that its about the attitude and not about the looks"

Speak for yourself fag, when I say "when will they learn" I mean when will they learn to stop having hope.

I’ve been using it for a couple months and I’ve been getting results. You guys must be looking in the wrong places.

Ok, I am guessing your friends' hobbies that you share with them are very sex segregated. Maybe try some other hobbies? I met one of my ex gfs at a video game con through my friends' then-gf: she brought her cousin and her cousin's best friend along, I talked to both of them and started dating the best friend a month later.

>don't mind my brother user he's just pretending he's a high roller on his dumb incel forum

Wait what?

lonely dudes by definition want to have a relationship
then there are people like me who just wanna be alone most of the time but still wanna fug

>it works for me
have you heard of this thing called survivor bias?

Was she a taxi driver?

Hobbies dont matter, only a good face does. A guy posted a criminal child rapist with a good face and showed how women truely ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR FUCKING FACE.

no they are so retarded they describe parts of the flirting experience and analyze them like "negging" flirting is jsut a game between men and women it's like training somebody to be a comedian or have a sense of humor analyzing joke strucuture and timing

tfw hair is thinning all over
tfw still get acne in my late 20s

Post face, the thread is dead soon

Heard of it

>Not fixated on it, it is what it is

Attached: 1567275507817.png (1462x1462, 1.67M)

lol@the fucking game nigger. you need to grow a real masculine personality instead of a fabricated one

Finasteride has been known to fix both. But there's a risk associated with it. A risk with your dick. So tread carefully.

Because that's a bullshit goy scam to keep beta simps on the hamster wheel.

bro just hold frame bro

I wish that could be me sometimes. I thrive in relationships so I never get the chance to be the slutty version of myself.

Heard of it but I've never done the PUA shit. It just seems too cheesy for me.

I'm the game nigger, not him. And I say, fake it till you make it. You don't achieve a "masculine personality" from scratch if you don't naturally have one.

you need an iq higher than 18 to frequent this board

Attached: halal.jpg (640x539, 80K)

Because they further stratify the guys they're interested in. Unless you're her best option among the 60 matches she just got over the last few minutes, don't count on hearing from her. It's a ruthless game

Don't worry bro, all is not lost. Those things are very fixable.

the pua guys made one big mistake. they observed hot guys and how they flirt with girls, and those guys do these things, but the pua guys ignored what the guy looks like and just took the behavior part of it and tried to turn it into a system. those hot guys can get away with those behaviors because women respond to it, mostly because they're good looking.

kek made me chuckle

Define "good looking" though. Cause if guys like RSDTyler are good looking to you, then we have a disagreement. Game does genuinely help, but the issue is a lot of people approach it as an oral exam more than just going on a date and having fun, while keeping some shit in mind.

anomalies exist, no one is denying that. what you need to ask yourself is do you really think you can be an anomaly

Just a warning try to get sluts outside of your university, women are very cruel to incels as in in only a couple of hours you will be "that creepy guy" on the campus. Women you never even thought of approaching will begin treating you like complete shit for no reason afterwards it even your female professors will begin their subhuman roastie behavior on you. The guys really dont care on the otherhand.

>fake it til you make it
you don't have a masculine personality if you had to do this, people just don't want to be mean and laugh in your face at your fake masculine personality

Can't know unless you try. Oscar winners are an anomaly too, but they happen, and they wouldn't have made it if they sat at home and talked themselves out of it 24/7.
The main issue is the potential pain over rejection. And I can tell you right now, that shit only makes you stronger over time. You likely won't believe me, but that's my truth.

Looks, looks, looks, looks.... If that's all you think it boils down to, then you are plain stupid. I've seen some ugly dudes pull. Maybe they had money, maybe they were funny, maybe they got a big dick, or maybe they have some goddamn charisma. Just about all of those you can control (even looks). Stop being the ugly faggot who can't and be the ugly faggot who can.

>I've seen some ugly dudes pull.
No one gives a shit, its been proven all they care about is a nice face they even like a child rapist with a nice face.

You must have creeped out a lot of people for an entire campus to roast you. Did you just go around from woman to woman trying PUA shit on them? That's the only world I see where an entire campus would want nothing to do with you.


if you want to fuck a lot of club sluts, then yes, looks are almost always a very big part of that. there are always people like you in these threads that always talk about some guy you know... i know a heroin addict that has had multiple threesomes with really hot girls and he doesn't know jack shit about pua nonsense. so should i become a heroin addict like him?
people like you are absolutely obsessed with this idea of effort and trying. you can't know if you dont try. so with that logic in mind would you try sucking a dick to see if you like it or not?

I was joking too, my guy. I’m not gonna whip my dick out in the office haha
>Keep pushing forward no matter what
Well said. My dad’s in town getting an MRI, going to meet him for an early dinner before he heads back. See you boys around

Until it becomes natural and you're no longer faking it. Just like muscles, this is something that can be trained and developed, if you don't have it at first.
I know this because I used to be a very sheltered, insecure but most of all scared kid.
Today, I don't fear anything that I used to, aside from immediate threats to my physical being, that I can't logically get out of, like someone pulling a gun on me point blank. That's scary. Dating isn't, and shouldn't be. People were meant to be together. And if you can find genuine "love", whatever that means to you, all the better. Life is short so might as well at least try.

you are such a fuckin beta male
alpha women go with true alpha males
if you have to fake it, the only girls you will score are damaged goods


What are you? 15? Fucking christ. Attraction is a bit more complex than looks.

You missed the point dumbass.

lol you read david goggins book didnt you?

Dude I can hear your tears from words written on my screen. That's the power and range of your faggotry

>You missed the point dumbass.
you have no point, youre just repeating the same dumb shit some other idiot said and think youre special for saying it

I dont have the confidence to try PUA i just flirted with them not aggressively just you know casual, tried to get their numbers have no clue how I could have triggered them beyond me being unattractive of course as I literally just copied what the white vagina slayers say to girls in the social hub.

if you're even suggesting pua in 2019 you're a total shut in moron. you think girls aren't aware of this shit? you think some ugly idiot hasn't tried the same dumb shit routine you're trying to pull on her? the only reason a girl would give you a chance if you did that pua shit is if she was attracted to you physically

Maybe so, but girls need to actually see user's face in person in order for it to make a difference. Women don't lust over photos like men do.

Good luck with your dad. Mine died from refusing to get an MRI scan from severe headaches. Turned out he had an aneurysm and it was too late to save him by the time he figured it out.
I haven't read any non-fiction books in my life period. Aside from the shit in school/college. I just know that we become tougher over time. If you're telling me you were born alpha, you're lying, straight up. You can become alpha. Easily. All you need to do is change your outlook on life. You don't have to forever fit into the status quo that you've made for yourself.
And always remember that actions speak louder than words. So even if you fear something, you do it anyway, and you've conquered the proverbial hill.

>Women don't lust over photos like men do.

Ahem JeremyMeek.jpg

Can confirm. Skinny dudes or dad bods score as much or more than "typical Chads".

>You can become alpha.
pure delusion

>Women don't lust over photos like men do.
Oh nononono.....

> i just flirted with them not aggressively just you know casual
> I literally just copied what the white vagina slayers say to girls in the social hub.
You should probably stop doing that. Have you tried talking to women like humans? With no pretense or an end goal that you're just trying to rush towards? Pretty sure people telegraph a lot more than they think they do.

Nah man, I am just an ugly dude who got tired of being a lonely faggot who whines about women online and learned how to use them instead. It feels fucking fantastic, I encourage each one of you faggots to stop being braindead incels and ascend.

How is asking to get a coffee a rush?

unironically have sex

How can it be delusion? Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? Didn't you improve in any way? Hell, the act of working out alone can alter your psyche to be more alpha, like the other guy suggested.
Something in life made you an alpha. People aren't naturally courageous to the point of, say, a Marine is. That's why they go through literal hell and come out changed men. A rookie is still baby shit.

I am not sure, yet. Sample dialogue?
Fuck are you upset about?

This guy is speaking the truth. Why do you people refuse to give YOURSELVES a chance?
And if you don't want anything to do with women, that's fine, but I don't think that's the case here.

just because you don't act like a beta does not mean you are an alpha.... you're just not a beta. if you're posting on Yea Forums chances are you are not an alpha, sorry to break it to you, you're just kind of deluding yourself

"So you wanna get some coffee?"
"You know I know a nice spot we can get a latte"
"Coffee clerk someone I know I can get you half price for an exchange if you what I mean"
"You look so tired and exhausted from those exams, you know what makes me feel better drinking a coffee lets see how that goes"

you sound like a creep that probably at best fucks fat girls lmao

she's average as fuck

>Coffee clerk someone I know I can get you half price
how fucking poor are you

That's why I encourage faking it till you make it. It stops being fake at one point. You realize your power. You realize you can get away with absurd shit and that most of what you've feared is just falsely romanticized by your autistic brain.
>f you're posting on Yea Forums chances are you are not an alpha
This is a public website. There is no "Yea Forums" or "Reddit" really. It's all one big playground. All kinds of people can come here, regardless of what the general demographic is.
And since you're so big on the "act". Riddle me this, does a fireman, who is afraid of dying, not do his job and put the fire out? Because that's what alpha is. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

>"You look so tired and exhausted from those exams, you know what makes me feel better drinking a coffee lets see how that goes"

No way did you fucking say this, and if you did you are now radioactive to every woman who knows her

she's actually like a 3/10 at best.
the OP picture leaves out the rest of her forehead and harline

you can go ahead and consider yourself an alpha all you want, that doesn't mean other people will consider you that.
do you consider this guy an alpha? he clearly has confidence and just says what he wants.

Attached: 6666687959976864112-1490313752.gif (204x360, 1.15M)

Question. Do you consider yourself an alpha?

I’d like to see the so called “average women” the self proclaimed ugly slayers with great personalities are pulling in here. My balding, manlet buddy constantly bragged about all the 7s he was fucking on tinder because his bio was so funny. The other day he sent me a picture of his new gf and she looks like Rosie O'Donnell. I suspect that most guys are underrating themselves because they have no sense of what facial feature women are attracted to or they fuck slam pigs 2-3 points below them and delude themselves into believing they’re master PUAs.

lol no because i'm not delusional. best thing i can say about myself is im just not a beta simp, i would have to completely lie to myself to consider myself an alpha. its absurd people even suggest this

>do you consider this guy an alpha?
If he was a successful man, who was brave enough to pursuit his dreams despite his shortcomings, then yes, I would consider him alpha.
The example you're posting is retarded though. I'm not talking about physical appearance. And you know full well there's people out there who are jacked as fuck and still beta.
My point is that you can train yourself to not be a beta loser. It's perfectly doable. I'm not talking about "acting". Just being.

3/10 is a little harsh, with a little make up she would look decent
She's just average. Plain, expressionless face, boring eyes and lips, big forehead, etc

All she said was "Thats sweet" so you know I just walked away from her.

I understand where they are coming from. A lot of dudes here have an uphill battle ahead of them. Being an incel is really easy and for some its a comfortable place. Familiar, not challenging, you don't have to do anything, 'just being themselves'. Trying to break free of that and to ascend requires motivation, maturity, maybe some lifestyle changes. Its easy to look at the road ahead and say nah fuck it I'll just stay where I'm at. To be fair, a lot of dudes on here have tried, very hard with little or no success. Shit can be discouraging, but goddamn if it is worth it.

You wish buddy

Agreed at least put a good looking girl in this incel bait bullshit

so he's not an alpha? so physical appearance matters?

You're the most beta of simps because you've cucked yourself out of your potential. Do you think every air force pilot in existence was a born alpha?