9/11 kino

With 9/11 coming up, what kino about this day would you recommend? I recommend that you all should watch 102 Minutes That Changed America.

Attached: 250px-102_minutes_DVD_cover.jpg (250x250, 14K)

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Reno 9/11

Fuck off.

The one with the calls from inside the towers is pretty grim

United 93

What's that one?

The one where the guy with a woman name sounds like he's cooming he goes like: OH GOD OOOOOOOH IM COOMING

>based reddittor

>want to feel sorry for him
>even in his death call he sounds like a whiney jew yorker getting pissy with the responder answering the call as if it's her fault he's about to die
Fuck that guy

>With 9/11 coming up, what kino about this day would you recommend?
That and Zero Dark Thirty.