This was so unfunny

This was so unfunny

Attached: unfuny.png (741x416, 221K)

Other urls found in this thread:

crowd liked it, they laughed a lot

Pretty clever joke disguised as dumb racism.

It is to normal people.

Was definitely the worst bit imo, but the set was good overall

Just seemed like really overplayed low-hanging fruit

Where have people gotten this notion suddently that humor is supposed to be righteous or truthful or good or progressive? If anything humor is usually a rascally force, often a cruel force. Amoral at best, like aesthetics.

What an uncle tom

I didn’t really laugh at this at all but it’s not because I think racism isn’t funny it just wasn’t really a well executed racist joke


He really came across as such a fucking boomer. I was not ready for that.

You're not a real woman

Jesus this guy just needs to go back to South Africa or wherever he hid last time.

Yes you see white people bad aa chapelle himself put it so they had to laugh or they'd keep getting scolded for being white and evil.

Thank God this is probably his last special


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And I'm not even saying that's good, but it's like a kind of pressure valve where people laugh at life's absurdities and tensions and ambiguities. It doesn't have to be especially cruel, but it has a way of kind of poking at everyone a bit. Punching 'up' or 'down' doesn't really factor in, and really there is no up or down as far as moral ranking / fair game... all people are corrupt, and difficulties / troubles are distributed to everyone, and a minority might have a much better life than a stereotypically privileged demographic.

I'll admit that I'm not even that much a fan of humor, or comedians... never really liked them much as people, and think overall it is often a cruel force, but journalists pretending that humor is suddenly supposed to be this 'righteous' force (in terms of course of what they think is righteous) is childish.

The punchline of this is that his wife hates it,so he only does it when they're arguing.

Also... gays getting butthurt about a couple jokes... they are the meanest, bitchiest people and they will admit this themselves. Constantly sniping at everyone and especially each other. I mean I'm bi but fuck them. Pretending to be sensitive suddenly. Fuck off and get over yourselves.

I didn't find it particularly cruel towards trannies, gays, LGBTs, whatever. I found it rather cruel towards poor white people, but whatever it's allowed to be cruel.

What I didn't find it was particularly great. It was funny in parts, but overall his last few specials have been disappointing

Comedians have always tried to act like they’re more than court jesters. Just listen to joe Rohan try to explain how important it is. It’s nothing new, it just recently culminated with people like Hannah gatsby saying anything except comedy trying to make a point is bad.

In fact, I don't even remember a single joke against trannies the entire time. The whole bit was that you're not allowed to make fun of them, but he didn't actually make fun of them. Can anyone remind me if there were actually any "transphobic" jokes?

All that butthurt over what actually amounted to 30 minutes of making fun of white heroin addicts and a throwaway joke about making Mr. Yunioshi faces

Well, comedians do have that thing where they address our daily lived experiences and cultural practices / gossips and kind of frame it in a way to show its absurdities or from other angles, and this can sometimes have the effect of seeming like speaking or revealing 'truths', and yeah you do get ones that are kind of acting like they're a 'voice' with a 'message'. Hey, it's their practice and they can attempt to do with it what they will, but if any kind of sense of truth or profundity comes through, well, that's impressive but not something they can presume to necessarily bring and it's secondary to their main function / role / medium.

With how much they paid for tickets, they're inherently biased
Purchase justification bias

Stand up comedy isn't cruel. Get some real problems in your life before you go espousing a man telling stories into a microphone as an act of violence you faggot.

pointing that out is worse than a joke to liberals. they shrink back thinking oh no they have been found out.

Humor is supposed to be funny. The special wasn't funny.

Not in any way that pretty much any other art form doesn’t and doesn’t do it better. But as far as I know a paintings’ never charged up the proletariat and a comedian has never gotten us out of war.

Yeah, wild how one of the most racist comedians throws a tantrum over the word nigger and bananas.
I liked his old shit but he's nowhere near as good now. Still better than a lot of others though.

Absolute comedic genius.

Man, you guys are some dense motherfuckers. That joke wasn’t about racism.

Yeah, I was having the same thought just now. Whenever people who work in a creative medium or mode presume they're doing something righteous or political I really have to roll my eyes. Art has no political effect whatsoever, or no more than any other factor in the mix. There's nothing about any aesthetic that necessarily has any innate political righteousness or effect. This is why I detest neoliberal hack tools like Banksy and Ai Wei Wei. They're purely propagandists, and it ultimately has no effect anyway, it's just more stuff to reflect on, and the only people responding positively to it are upper middle class pricks with no taste feeling good about themselves.

Real talk though why is transgenderism real while transracialsim isn't?

Chapelle hasn't done anything good after Chapelle Show.

Making fun of Asians will always be funny.

Not Chappelle related but just saw Bill Burr's skit about white guilt movies made by kikes

This guy used to be funny and red pilled, what happened to him, why did he marry an ugly nigress and lose his balls?

Not to say I don't think art forms can or should reflect reality / life / experience, including suffering, etc., but it's not there to pragmatically make that stuff better. Like maybe on a more spiritual level, of reflecting the value of love or something, imparting good will, benevolence. But not in some pedantic, didactic, narrowly dictated way where the audience needs to have things prescribed in the correct terms and make sure to carefully respond or laugh or not laugh in the right way. Those kinds of intricacies and details politicos obsess over don't really make a difference. Do you have kindness towards people in general? - that makes a difference. Pedantic, technical politicizing makes no difference. It's neurotic, academic nerd wankery.

Nothing tops the he rapes but he saves one

Transracialism is considered real to them, that is part of the +, same with trans species like being a dolphin stuck in a human body.

He was getting old, dudes over 50 now. Probably consciously or subconsciously feared having no legacy and not being remembered so he settled. It’s really weird he now embodies everything he used to hate

This was easily his worst special, but is still better than 99.9% of netflix specials

This shit actually made me laugh out loud more than any stand up from the past decade has. Was genuinely not expecting the Bill Cosby punchline

I never found Dave Chappelle to be that funny. His standups are ok at best, but none of them made me laugh hard. I think I liked more the fact that he just went against the establishment, but the jokes in itself were also unfunny. Chappelle's Show was great in the 2000's, but I feel like most of the sketches are not funny anymore in 2019.

If Patrice O'neal was alive, then we would actually see funny anti-sjw jokes. At least im happy that SJW's are butthurt once again.

That's not what this joke was about, though, you dweeb. It was pointing out the ridiculousness of trans folk who lean into hyperbolized versions of femininity to the point of stereotype. How anyone could do this while insisting there is no such thing as gender is beyond me.

I didn't find anything offensive at all, but it definitely wasn't as funny as his other works funny. I bet he picked Atlanta for a reason, crowd there is probably less educated and more likely to laugh at easy jokes. Seinfeld and Murphy talked about this, if a joke is going to be offensive, it needs to be that much more funny. Other comedians have said similar things, that nobody argues with funny. I bet if he had talked about the same stuff but just had better jokes, the critics wouldn't be bitching as much.

Why are all of you retards responding to trolls?

He's been with His for nearly 2O years. He's not some young adult rapping about punching muffins anymore because he got old and started a family. Here's a happier, wiser man that knows that not every battle is worth having, and wants to set an example hope daughter can be proud of...

Genuine happiness is the death of comedy.

It was easily better than the previous one he did

Im all for racism and i loved chapelle show and all the stuff he did around that time but he came off as very cringe. Hes looks old as fuck too so of course his likeability has gone down im sure you’re in the majority op

I laughed my ass off.
Was literally in tears at some point, just cant remember which. I'll probably give my netflix info to a few friends so they can watch it too if they want.

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What people expect is propaganda, not art, they are not the same thing.
They can be confused because artists this days are complete talentless hacks.

>triggered ching chong bugman detected
loving every laugh

I watched that clip and didn't laugh, and I'm an alt-righter

He talks like he miserable as fuck and apparently getting separated all the time.

First of all. This
2nd of all, a lot of you seem to be missing the point.
He is now the undisputed greatest comedian of all time (if he wasn't already after his 4 special comeback)
Every single one of his specials has been spectacular.

This new one may not have been the funniest (Though it really was, also was a masterclass in skill and timing)
but this one was his most important, and his deepest, by far.
The entire special was an expose on people who act like there is shit in this world we can not joke or laugh about.
Im a liberal (like he is), and I understand that it was a full attack on PC and cancel culture.
And it was a direct hit on them. He absolutely weakened them this month.

He took every single rule - outward racism, seism, making fun of disabled, etc and he expertly broke each and everyone of them in the world, and they can not touch him.
He proved a point.

How many people knew that there was a 20 minute special after the credits? I've seen the special three times and just found out. It's pretty funny, too.

Attached: epilogue the punchline.png (1280x720, 597K)

See Bill has talked on and on about how he fears growing old and dying alone. And he's right to fear that shit. When you're sick and dying of cancer, money or all the things it buys won't make you happy. Fame won't make you happy. Only the comfort of your family and close friends will help. Of course you need to have a good and loving family, but you do what you can. Bill is not the only comic who dropped off after his life got better. It happens with musicians too, they stop doing drugs or get happy and their music goes to shit.

He proved a point yes, but I watch stand up to laugh not to be preached to

It's genuinely not a very funny routine. Just goes after shock laughs.

Yea Forums: wow, this nigger seriously just made an asian joke? so unfunny
also Yea Forums: BRADDU PITTU NOO

I agree with this. I guess it’s just a trade off whether you want to be remembered for your art by strangers or for who you are personally by your family

I came downstairs and I saw my granddad watching this. Boring old fucking boomers, man. Including you faggots.

what DO blacks have against chinese? I get that the hate is probably mutual, and you usually hate the person nearest to where you shit first, but this isn't just in the US.


Memes are not the same as structured written comedy. They’re more funny if they’re absurd

He talks like a guy who has been in a relationship with the same woman for nearly two decades.

"You don't know how lucky you have it, lady"

How many times do you think Bill has thought these exact words, channeling the spirit of his father? Admittedly, Bill probably thinks "LAAAYDY" instead.
Patrice O'Neal famously went in on them on O&A.

He's done funny offensive stuff before. This shit was just lazy, he pulled a face and made a voice. He even had a better joke in Killing Them Softly I think it was.

>"The only people Asian people have beef with is other Asian people.
>"And they get mad about that shit too"
>"Yes motherfucker you do look Chinese, that's why I said it."
>'Sorry, can't tell you apart. Some people think all black folk look alike, we don't get mad at it, we just call those people police."

Are you guys pretending to be retarded?
"goes after shock laughs"
That is the polar opposite of what he was doing. that implies that his jokes are shallow and on the surface.

>making fun of boomers
>Disrepects his family
>is financially supported, fed, clothed, housed by this supposed boomer

The only faggot here is you bitch

>Yea Forums is one person
based retard

holy shit I can not believe how this special flew over so many of your heads

It literally is. Yea Forums is just some 85 IQ /pol/tard who's too stupid to see he's exactly the same as extreme leftists.

Preach it! The world is now saved because your your posts!

here’s your (You).
cherish it always.

Forgive the blogpost, but having seen a rich man slowly die to cancer before, I choose family 1000% fucking percent. Fans and money won't be there for you in the end. Your toys wont listen to your fears and sorrows as your body wastes away and your mind is wracked physically and mentally by the disease and or treatments. But having someone there to hold your hand and care for you is the difference between accepting your death, and going into the void full of anger, fear, and regret.

This is probably right and I want a child some day but I absolutely don’t want to have to share it with a significant other

I'm sorry he didn't have some Logan Paul or Pewds queued up for you, cakeboy.

There are funny, even hilarious Asian jokes. I don't care that he made an Asian joke, I care that it sucked and wasn't funny.

Suck my dick you wrinkly old fucks go take some finasteride

I say family, but family is what you make of it. It doesn't have to be blood relatives, it doesn't even have to be family as long as you have some close and good friends. But yeah, I am positive there is nothing worse than dying alone. On some days he lost all hope and told people to just let him die and it was always his wife who brought him back from the brink.

So many seething babby dick Asian bois in this thread lmao.

i thought the special was funny, but this isn't a good metric
crowds will laugh at basically anything a famous comedian says

Bet you wouldn't say that to my face retard. Whitey so big and tough behind his keyboard.

I’m definitely thankful for the friends I have and would consider them essentially family. Maybe I’ll meet the right person some day I don’t really know and I’m not super worried about it

Ha no it's based because it makes SJWs and feminists angry and I hate SJWs and feminists!

Dude, you guys cant just post basic ass shit and have pass as knowledge.

You guys are making him sound like a new open mic night try hard, trying to get shock laughs.
It sounds like you guys are terribly terribly miscalculating what he is doing. and what he is doing is pretty obvious.

Make no mistake about it, this was one of his best specials, and certainly his deepest and most important, and he is the greatest comedian of all time.
he was story telling while constantly testing and prodding the crowd with test 1 liners forcing each and everyone of them to try not to laugh at offensive jokes, putting a full attack on the internet and twitter while he makes larger points on current issues. He was accomplishing 5 difficult tasks at the same time it an extremely complicated fashion

Unless the dude is really fucking bombing, crowds will laugh at basically anything any comedian says. There's tons of clips on youtube of sub par comedians getting tons of laughs. It's late, people are out to have a good time, they are most likely drinking, if there was admission, they need to self justify the price of the ticket, etc. You're right that crowd laughter isn't a good metric.

Absolute best bit was the 37 year old pussy line.

If you want something like you're describing, then watch Daniel Tosh or Anthony Jeselnik. Those stand ups are crafted and funny and do what you describe. This seemed more like Dave was just blowing off some steam and didn't really have any material.

he had some good material, but overall it was pretty meh. I liked his calling out the bacon lettuce tomato people though

his bit about school shootings and the like floundered pretty badly, as did his MJ material, it was not funny, or even offensive, just "I'm looking at my watch"

His MJ material he's done before and I think that's why it sucked.

"I don't think he did it. I don't think he did it. I'm not going to say I don't think he did it that's too strong. But I don't think he did it."

I am a student of stand up comedy.
I love Jeselnik, hes the 4th best comedian alive as far as im concerned. and Tosh is great too.

I promise you Jeselnik is not even in the same fucking stadium as Dave when it comes to depth and meaning. Jeselniks purpose is much more on the surface and a mile less complicated.

it really really sounds like all of what Dave is doing is flying over your heads.
I really thought people were smarter than this.

This entire post is so cringe, I really hope you're a troll and not actually this pretentious.

>a student of stand up comedy
I hope you realize any comedian worth their salt thinks you’re an unfunny hack faggot for this

The point of the joke wasn't the Asian accent. Are these many people retarded, or are you just pretending?

That wasn't the point of my post either retard. My point is he had a better joke in a previous special. He did the accent for that one too.

What do the two jokes have to do with each other then? One joke is about trannies and the other is about Asians.


That's what you thought it was about? And you accuse other people of being shallow retards and not seeing what he's doing?

>fawning critics hate it because muh feelings
>audience has loved it
Another reason why you shouldn’t listen to the critics

alright. the special flew over your heads, don't need to get all insecure about it.

>listening to literal NPCs
The general public should never be listened to

>That's what you thought it was about?
Which one? The one you referenced or the one in the OP? The one in the OP was apart of a larger joke about how amusing trannies are. If you think the Chinese accent was the punchline, you're fucking stupid.

Tell that to Michael Richards

>le epic troll posts
It isn't 2008 anymore faggot.

I wasn’t even commenting on the special I was commenting on how worthless it is to study stand up.

Richards wasn’t even attempting to be funny though he was just shouting nigger

Yeah dude, I didn't mean it like that.
I mean I watch a lot of standup closely.
and I reflect on what theyre doing and their timing and their depth, etc.
in other words im conveying im more than a causal and watch and appreciate multiple forms of the art.
the way Jim gaffigan utilizes his tools, and Anthony jesselnick, and how calrin and chris rock were great social commentators.. and wow Aziz mixes similar shit in. etc etc etc.

fuck chinese people

stand up is one of the lowest and most pathetic art forms and the fact that you’re pontificating about it like you’re some auteur is pseudointelluctual and lame

It was ok. He did bring up some good points.
He's still a nogger, though, so it's a nogger point of view.
But then it was over, and I was like
>that's it?
>That's controversial?

Ok, we might be much farther gone than I thought.

I didn’t mention that you should?


nice strawmanning man i’m not a tranny and not everyone who disagrees with you is some caricature of the opposing side

Stand up is one of the most important forms of art in humanity.
Stand up comedians are todays philosophers and deep thinkers.
They're the main soldiers holding the gates against those who are against true freedom of speech and expression, as seen with the damage Chappelle single handedly laid out against SJW culture this month.
theyre the ones dictators and those in control, and far left thought police worry about.

>Stand up comedians are todays philosophers and deep thinkers.
Oh now you’re making me laugh, I guess all that studying really did pay off

>I’m not a tranny
So you genuinely believe you were born in the wrong body and are a woman? Seek help tranny

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>more than court jesters
I'm guessing you meant to say "more than clowns", the court jester (a person able to say harsh truths to and about the king without reprisal) is what every comedian strives to be

whole special is just a ruse by Chappelle to dub on trans people


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It was actually funniest part for me. Cry about it?

>im rich because im casually racist to white people
>but it's okay because im part of a cabal of powerful internationalist communists who are destroying america by infiltrating every power structure and sabotaging it

>pls don't kill me

it's like all his other specials.


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If you didn't laugh at the foot locker joke you don't belong on this forum.

Now watch as his career gets destroyed.
Them aren't laughing.

The tranny joke was genuinely clever and funny. It isn't low hanging fruit like some morons say it is, it is a succinct illustration of the fact that transgenderism is an absurd concept. It may be obvious, but comedy is often about execution and one of the staples of good comedy is taking the overlooked and exposing it through a new light. We have all been beaten over the head with trans-issues so much lately that it's been normalised. Chappelle successfully deconstructs transgenderism and reveals within it the sheer hilarity of it. Being stuck in another persons body is as old a trope as it gets, and has never failed to be funny. So in this way Dave is presenting a synthesis whereby he takes what has become normalised (trans rights) and examines them through the lens of fantastical comedy (like freaky friday), this is comedy at its highest form.

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>I want a child some day but I absolutely don’t want to have to share it with a significant other
end yourself

Shut the fuck up, cracker.

All the trannies in the thread are too busy clutching their faggoty pearls to get to the punchline. It's better to just be offended and exclaim It's NERT Fyunnyy. Fucking fags.

>"uncle tom" as an insult

Confirmed for low IQ nigger who has never read the book. Tom is based in the book.

Since when did Yea Forums get so many degenerate tranny lovers?


Dave Chappelle has never been funny.

Everyone wants to be George Carlin. They've even lost all pretense of 'punching up' given most of the short list of acceptable targets now are people who are less rich and less powerful then they are.




It's not supposed to be cheap gutter tactics to drum up clickbait either.

He just does this shit so he will wind up on the news the next day, promotions maxed out.

He says all sorts of shit he doesn't believe, and it's hard to know where he stands. He clearly believes MJ was a pedo, but still says he doesn't believe it. Seems like he is trying to create an empathy with people who are actually stupid enough to think MJ is innocent, and then tear away at the credulity of that being possible in any way with a series of jokes.

>I want a child some day but I absolutely don’t want to have to share it with a significant other

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Was it PewDiePie or Logan Paul that struck the nerve, you soft-chinned nancy?

his fanbase is basedboy liberals who want "complex" heroes (constant contradiction, 4th wall breaking, and amoral behavior).

this really hurts him personally, notice how he tries to pepper his audience with women and black people and how the camera crew always tries to select those people out, in reality 99% of chappeles fanbase and money comes from white men, the 15-35 yr old demographic.

no matter how rich he becomes he will never be accepted by his own people like kevin hart was. because his jokes are not dumb or generic enough, and he is largely seen as a sell out uncle tom who is a negative role model. he's spent the last 3 decades of his life playing mental gymnastics in order to avoid publicly calling out the jews that typecast him as the edgy black guy who shits on white people. because to name jewish involvement in entertainment is the death blow, eg. see marlon brando.

Your tastes have never been good.

Probably a white person unironically saying this.

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such a conclusion is a bit reductionist, wouldn't you say?

Oh fuck off /pol/tard. Ask any black person if they like DC and they will not only most likely appreciate him on some level, but have fond memories of watching his show "back in the day".

The jews built Hollywood and made it what it is. Adults want to discuss comedy without muh jews! as your only punchline.

You have to go back. Back to a magical place built just for (you)----->

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> in reality 99% of chappeles fanbase and money comes from white men, the 15-35 yr old demographic.

People born after Chappelles show aired like Chappelle?

An entire generation of comedians and "cultural commentators and critics" grew up thinking The Daily Show and Colbert Report were the height of comedy. It's like South Park and Chappelle Show didn't exist.


My favorite joke was the RKelly

>everyone knows there's no such thing as good 36yr old pussy

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is anyone here truly stupid enough to think Chapelle wasn't "punching up"?

Comedy is not a joke

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Comedians dont want to be George Carlin they want to be funny

The special was great. 4.5/5

Took you long enough to reply you old fart what happened? Did you fall asleep behind the keyboard?

It´s really unbelievable how many real faggots,trannies and other subhumans that is lurking on Yea Forums....It is really mindblowing.

>all these trannies

GOD I cant stand you child molesters can you just shut the fuck up

Not nearly as many as your feeble imagination creates.

I take back everything I said about this joke, Chappelle is 200 IQ and it's a good joke now.

Its a 4/5 star performance. Its not funnier than Killing Them Softly, but its good, his takes are fresh and worthy of quite a few laughs.

The only people upset about Sticks and Stones are uptight white liberals.



You are a child molester


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>muh /pol/
uhh this is Yea Forums sweaty

What's a funny left-aligned joke?

the left cant meme

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Yeah man, totally. Republitards are the real cool motherfuckers. It's edgy and dangerous as fuck to try to larp the 1950s back into existence while you shill for your fundie christian overlords.

You ever have an original thought you didn't suck out of Gavin's Mcanuss?

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You don't know any black people do you?

IIRC it was a joke against trannies right? The absurdity of just saying "that's not actually a girl in that girl's body, but a boy!" and swapping that for a Chinese man in a black man's body.
Not the same user, and although I do love tranny jokes despite somehow having a ton of tranny friends myself, the joke didn't land for me that well either.

>joe Rohan
Where was Bill Burr when the Oswalt fell?

Attached: Joe Rohan.png (371x268, 161K)

What a faggot...cruel...cmon

The one in the OP?

I didn’t think the set itself was that funny, I chuckled at a couple jokes but that was it. It was the shitstorm reaction to the set that was fucking hilarious.

>Yeah man, totally. Republitards are the real cool motherfuckers. It's edgy and dangerous as fuck to try to larp the 1950s back into existence while you shill for your fundie christian overlords.

Go gas yourself degenerate so that we dont have to

Oh shit, the wafflewaffen are here, abandon thread fellow shareblue affiliates!

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Whenever someone acts like they are too noble and too good to be made fun of it makes me want to see them made fun of even more.

I am getting fed up with the thin skinned snowflakism of people on white people jokes. Again, going back to the above the minute someone acts flustered and irritable at a joke they are baiting themselves to get made fun of. And I get the impression from people here that you can't make fun of white people for anything. Not a ridiculous joke like the spice one which is bullshit, but one like school shooters or whitey going postal. Or the only thing you can is some feelgood humble-brag bullshit of "Oh white people they're so silly they tolerate niggers too much" or "Oh white people are too trusting and kind". Motherfucker that shit is literally the alphabet people's view on jokes about them - only tolerated jokes are flattering ones. Maybe that's the joke about white people, minute someone makes a joke about us we instantly start to screech DESPITE BEING 13% OF THE POPULATION or flip out and start singing Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen!

If someone is willing to shit on and joke about niggers and spics and faggots and trannies then yeah they get to joke about poor white people. If someone is just shitting and joking about white people and white people only then they are a faggot and are a social justice warrior.

My biggest complaint was that his imitation of the audience at the start was middle-school-pretending-to-be-a-retard tier. The guy actually is good at imitations so he could have done a better job. I guess imitating wokists too much would have neglected the chance to reveal to the audience it was actually them.

Ok cumskin

bugmen think everything has to push woke politics because they've built their entire identity around that

his son is asian and thats the best part because the aznidentity incels have now confirmed their narrative. I can't wait till his daughter brings a whiteboi home and his son becomes an incel.

Everyone hates trannies and hopes they fucking die. Get over it.

everyone hates /pol/ and hopes they fucking go back. get over it. --->

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I loved it.

The fact that you can see a marina in the background really puts this into context

>posts a bernie tranny
>make up a fake tweet

huuuurrrrr - the post.

Attached: speshul.jpg (700x933, 60K)

Itt: Trannies


Nah, just the trannies.



That specific joke or the special? That specific joke was prefaced with "my impersonations are pretty bad" and later followed with "my wife hates that impression"

the fuck was with the singing at the beginning
christ it was so bad and self indulgent i almost turned it off
wish i had honestly it wasnt really that funny

People stopped watching comedians because they funny and now only watch them for their "takes". Why do people treat comedians like they're serious commentators or philosophers? Having a massive stage like that just for a guy telling jokes is weird. Stand up comedy is like a weird cult.

>fun isn't allowed anymore

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the funny part was "Juicy Smoyay" thing

The one in OP is retard

Neither are real

Krusty did it best

>[Chinese accent]
deaf kino

>having a ton of tranny friends
ERPing in discord and only knowing them from their anime avatar and internet alias doesn't make you friends

It's pretty based and gender critical. He's positing that trans are just doing a gender performance. Ultimately the only things that separate men and women are inherently biological. They cannot be changed

He's acting like a stereotypical Chinese person. You can't become Chinese inoffensively, you're either born Chinese or you aren't

dave has been doing that for his entire career. the only thing bad about it is i feel like he's holding back on his political views in fear of losing his reputation. however his bit on the LGBTQSRPBRAAP community was ingenious though

>BTFO wokecucks
>BTFO #metoo roasties
>BTFO CancelCancerCulture
>BTFO white trash
>BTFO LGBTrannies really hard
>BTFO that falseflagger gay actor
yep I'm thinking this nigger is based

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Still laughing

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I'm not a pedophile
....but if i was

I've had cum on my skin many times. On my leg, my belly, my ballsack, sometimes you just can't control where it ends up. It's not a big deal, not terribly unsanitary or disgusting. A quick cleanup and I'm all good. Being called "cumskin" is a weak insult, because the state of having cum on the skin is not really that big of a deal (assuming it's your own cum, of course).

However, having shit on your skin.....that's a problem. It smells bad, is extremely unsanitary, and requires soap or some type of disinfectant or sanitizing solution to clean up. If you have some shit on your belly or your leg and you just casually wipe it away with a dirty t-shirt that's a sign that you have some serious problems.

I hope this post has been helpful to you to understand why "cumskin" is a weak insult, especially when compared to the more common "shitskin". Thank you for your time, please feel free to resume your regular nignogging.

Attached: smug devil.gif (480x480, 1.91M)

>You see, Juicey is black AND gay, not just (((((FRENCH)))))
Dave knows what's up and he's getting real close to just saying it out loud.

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Real people loved it. SJWs hated it.

We meant the cum on your face you faggot

>dude I'm thinking about cumming on dudes faces but you are the faggot
lol wut?

Opposite ends of the IQ curve. They literally can't communicate with each other.

>just because I like cum on my face doesn't mean I'm gay
You are gay

I wish I could live to see chinks putting all these coons in camps.

why is making fun of bugmen something all races can enjoy?

Well you made me look, but after a quick check in the mirror I can confirm that there is no cum on my face. That said, I have had cum on my face once or twice, but only cum that came from my own cock. I can't speak for anyone else, but when my cock cums it spews forth quite a large amount of semen at very high speed, and occasionally it may end up on my face or in my ear or even my eye. I don't feel this is anything to be ashamed of, and in fact I suspect that you are jealous that even after a lifetime of diligently and silently suffering through intense all-day kegel excercises like a middle aged woman (your "authentic self") you still can't shoot loads at the ceiling like a fertile man should be able to. Additionally, your attempt at insult by stating that I have cum on my face further illustrates lends credibility to my original point: that "cumskin" is not nearly as insulting as "shitskin", and that uppity negros like yourself should refrain from using it in this way, lest you open yourself to further ridicule for your dark complexion. Most people, given a choice between cum or shit being applied to their face, would prefer the cum rather than the shit. I would even go so far as to say that a person who prefers to have shit on their face rather than cum is not only more disgusting, but also the bigger faggot within this paradigm.

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I turned it off after this lame bit, does it get better?

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True, zoomers manily post now and are fucking dumb as rocks.

You are the only one bringing up dudes with cum on their face. You are def the gay one here. That topic wouldnt even be here if you didnt talk about it.

Not gonna read your pointless drivel faggot. And get that cock out of your mouth

useful idiots increasing the power of the state and subduing the populace

It's unfunny to you because it reminds you trannyfaggots of how women view you with your stereotypical larping of womanhood the same way Chappelle larped a chinaman.

Now go back to defunding and defacing women's rape shelters just because they don't want to allow you in to rape vulnerable women trannyfaggot.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-8-30 Women-Only Rape-Relief Shelter Defunded, Then Vandalized.png (775x780, 545K)

Yup, I’d say it’s more controversial than the stuff media are currently highlighting too.

Except I'm not the one with cum on my face you fucking cuck

What did he mean by this?

false flag

>f-false flag

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>n-no u because I'm thinking about it
so fucking gay dude

Fuck off to faggot
No one wants your gay shit here
Was pride month not enough for you?

just stop projecting your fantasies please it's gross

is that way

I bet you're pretty familiar with that place huh?

No and I don't want to meet your "friends" from there either

uh huh sure thing

Attached: I-dont-believe-you.gif (320x240, 1.83M)

>mfw 10yrs ago no one gave two fucks about stand up comedy

This is MAGA country, you nigger faggot!

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Trust me, I don't want to meet them, especially the ones that cut their dicks off

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oh believe me you made yourself clear

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nah, it was funny

what? People care roughly the same about it now as 10 years ago

It was fine. Not great and better than most stand-up now. Maybe we are all getting use to podcasts as a society.


And you came out as queer

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>n-no u
again with this? sad

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>addicted to prostitutes
so close to true basedness

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>He's still in denial
Now this is sad

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Based and underrated. Carlin was an unfunny old hack. QQ

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>he's now coppying my insult and cant come up with anything original
yikes indeed

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>fag fuentes pic


>Yikes posting
Get lost zoomer

>we just call those people police.
Best part is Dave's delivery. 0% maliciousness, just total bluntness. Which makes sense for a pot-smoking nigger.


t. tranny