Do you ever get the feeling that we’ve wasted our lives watching films?

Ever since I turned 16 I became a real enthusiast. Watched at least 2 films ever day. Skip 10 years later and I’m starting to spender it has been worth it.

Most people have a skill they worked on but when people as me what my hobby is and I say “watching films” they roll their eyes. It’s nothing special and I feel like I could have spent my time more productively. I have not girlfriend and I’m alone.

Should I quit watching films?

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who cares you'll be worm food regardless

>Most people have a skill they worked on
What skills? The average normalfag is so incompetent they can barely walk.
>Should I quit watching films?
No, you should stop whinging on the internet about your life choices and change.

I watch like six films a year though

Well did you enjoy watching movies?


Why does he look so depressed?

He knows he’s films are shit and will be forgotten about

I feel the same way OP but about video games. Fuck me what a waste of time. I should've learned how to play an instrument better or something. Maybe I could've been in a band getting pussy.

Better than wasting your time on here.

>reel enthusiast

cut back to one a day. stop wasting your time on here and go do smth worthwhile

Same with writing/reading
>pfft, I can read and write too dude, so what

This. No reason to feel ashamed because your hobby isn't rocket science or CrossFit. And the average person is astonishingly unaware and unskilled. That's also true.

Time you enjoyed wasting wasn't wasted

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This. You enjoy the time user, you enjoy it. Just because you arent honing a skill like others doesnt mean its less worthy.

we are living vicariously through millionaires by watching them pretending to do things

Obviously. It's a worthless pursuit.

Dial it back. There's no benefit to watching even one movie per day.

>everyone who's ever been in or made a movie is a millionaire
I think you watch too many shitty blockbusters user

This is what people with crippling MMO addictions tell themselves.

what films u've been watching?
why? (entertainment?)
what do u get outta em?
what else could u do? (talents?)
have u ever questioned the meaning of life?
what was your answer?
Is that answer definite?

What would you have otherwise spent it on? The modern mentality is that you should spend every waking moment doing something "productive." But that's ridiculous, you'd wear yourself ragged if you actually did that. At least you spent that time experiencing art and culture and not just playing the same video game or using social media/Yea Forums ad nauseum.

I have already quit years ago, now I spend that time watching anime

being a filmfag is kino though. why would you stop

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delve into /lit mate, start with don quixote, moby dick or paradise lost

I regret more the stupid nonsense film and TV filled my head and the world with.

They probably no longer even enjoy the grinding, I used to feel the same playing online FPS, like this is just making me angry, it isn't even fun. At least with movies or novels unless really terrible (which in a way is still enjoyable) they are usually pleasant ways of passing time and you don't have to piss in a bottle.

what is this from

he's old, my mom told me that she thought she saw some grumpy looking women on the bus until she realized that was a mirror

Is Quentin actually Robbie Rotten?

That'll be an interesting experience.

Yeah it is a waste of time 9/10 movies are made for profit

Since average normie's hobbies are food, travel and "enjoying life", I would say that watching movies is not that bad by comparison.

Maybe it was since you spetlnt 10 years watching a film every day.

you didn't gain anything out of watching movies, not even memeing

it was just an addiction like anything else, imagine being a pathetic cuck wasting your time watching make believe stories that only serve to make famous some handome men and women that get famous on the red carpet

you are a chump and a waste of time, it's the same thing as sports fan that actually give a shit about some retarded team kicking a ball on the field

I've often thought that, or a version of it. Quite a few people in my own life have no idea what to do with themselves when they're not working and sit around looking as though they've been hit with a rubber hammer.

>concern trolling

Wew lad

I got really interested in films at like 18/19. One year I watched all 250 top IMDb because I needed to get into entry level cinema. Then from there I started finding directors with greater films and I used to really enjoy tracking what movies I'd watched and compiling lists. Then when I was 22 I finished University and had to get a job and so didn't have as much free time anymore. Now I barely watch anything and shitpost on Yea Forums. I do have other hobbies now instead of films but there's so much more out there I'd like to watch.

yeah, whatever you're doing, there's going to be something you're regretting that you're not spending more time on. If OP *had* a girlfriend, he'd be complaining that she wasn't giving him enough time to spend doing stuff he enjoyed on his own. Nothing's ever perfect, just be happy with what you've got. I say this as a half-normie who has been both in long-term relationships (including a marriage), and in incel mode (haven't had sex in *years* at this point)

Fuck that, do what you want

I work out really hard and come home exhausted, so I use my rest time watching movies. it's a good balance.

im 35 and getting old sucks. what are you goingo to do now?

huh? I'm 36. I'm going to just keep getting older, obviously

Now the years are rolling by me
They are rockin' evenly
I am older than I once was
And younger than I'll be and that's not unusual.
No it isn't strange
After changes upon changes
We are more or less the same
After changes we are more or less the same

Yes but wage slaving is a even bigger waste

modern popculture is no longer worth it since they retroactively ruined every big franchise for short term profits and agenda pushing

i honestly rather take a walk these days than waste my time watching another movie/show. the day Yea Forums gets banned i probably quit the internet all together

are you just gonna settle with your incel-mode?

we'll see. I'm actually seeing somebody now but just online. Met them here on Yea Forums, actually.

Beats living off your mom like a baby

If you like films, watch films. If you want to do something else that takes your time like travel ir reading or whatever just cut back on the pace but there's no reason to give it up. Definitely don't change because of social pressure. It's your life to live user.

I think the "social pressure" thing sometimes is a person realizing that they *are* something that they don't want to be; there's nothing you can really do to change being a loser. You can disguise yourself as a normie, but you won't actually become one. So it's less having done something that's prevented you from succeeding more than it is just being ashamed of yourself for understanding you're not what other people wish that you were.

oi m8 r ya startin to spender r ya

But there has to be a balance. It's not enough to just "enjoy" wasted time if you're unfulfilled and cognizant of your wasted potential. Humans are wired to find fulfillment in work and achievement--not television and video games.

I feel like I've wasted my life doing a lot of pointless shit, but watching movies has never been one of those things.

I recently watched some Tarantino interviews and I see in him a passion that I envy. I don't care about anything as much as he cares about film.
Wish I had a passion I could pursue.

They won't let him do Star Trek.

>a real enthusiast
probably just turned 18 now and exclusively watch amerishart movies.

he's a hack all hacks are depressed.

As someone else mentioned I think work is a bigger waste of time. 40 hours a week and I don’t enjoy it at all. Just to get money to do things I actually enjoy. Work is by far the biggest “waste” of time there is. I know guys that worked 80 hours a week for a decade and had time for nothing else. How is that an enjoyable or fulfilling life? I think I’d rather be a neet then work that much, even hating being broke as much as I do. As long as it’s not wrecking your life in other ways, like drug addiction or if you are addicted to video games to the point it’s wrecking the rest of your life the point is you should be doing things you enjoy. Who cares if you learned to play an instrument if you didn’t enjoy it and wanted to do something else? “Well I hated my life and never did anything I wanted to do but at least I worked a lot and learned to play the violin and learned woodworking, even though I hated those hobbies, they didn’t help me in any way and I wanted to do other things like watch movies”
Dumb. Just enjoy life

I only work 6 hours a day. It's nice to get home in time to have a life on weekdays.

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