What’s the last really great movie you watched?

What’s the last really great movie you watched?

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the departed


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I don't know

Jackie Brown

synedoche new york was pretty good but I feel like a lot of it went over my head

Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan

Fucking HELL this generation is getting cheated hardcore just on Soundtracks alone! Instead of the Greats like John WIlliams, James Horner, etc, etc, they get recycled pop shit. Fucking sad.

>really great movie
>y-you caught me at a bad time, user *tee hee*

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sharon stone make rock in pants

I was actually really surprised just how good the Coens debut is.

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Ulzana's Raid.

A surprisingly brutal and realistic western about an Apache Indian raid on homesteaders and the cavalry scouts sent to hunt them down.

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Blade Runner 2049


bradu pittu

gangs of new york

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The Sting

compartmentalized cinematography does not a kino film make

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Despite what Yea Forums will tell you, this movie was kino

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this, i thought blrad pitteru was kino

what size waist is your chest?


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It was too short. Felt like there was like three scenes in the whole movie.

>he in car
>he in hotel
>he at home
Then the ending

I thought it was good, but not great.

28 days later. like night of the living dead, it's just a really good movie that happens to have zombies, i was surprised
saw The Hidden last week and that was the first good movie I'd seen in months.

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Her body is kino. The film is terrible though. Regardless I've watched it three times.

You're right. It's incredible, and possibly their best.

And one of their few without any comedy or quirkiness which I prefer.

>really great movie
>total recall
ha ha ha ha ha

Honestly can't recall the last time I watched a movie. Has to be years ago.

>Minority Report

why are you here

To post BBC.

Gangs of New York, one of the best movies ever made. Come at me fags.

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What else am I going to do?

Pic related or Once Upon A Time In The West

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watch a movie

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I just love this movie so much.

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I saw Caligula a few years ago and know Tinto Brass was involved. Is it worth looking more into his filmography or is it all trashy 80's porn?

Maybe he watches tv shows

28days later was great, went in knowing nothing except it was about an outbreak, thought it would be like outbreak, or maybe doomsday

Based. Have you seen all of Zahler's other films?



First time I've actually enjoyed a movie in years.

and the ending was fake spoiled on here so it caught me off guard. Nearly fell out of my chair.

Yeah I have. Dragged is his best by far in my opinion, but ultimately perhaps I just prefer the setting over prison/western films.

I'm currently reading his book Mean Business on North Ganson Street too. Only halfway through but highly recommended

Jurassic Park

it doesn't have such a massive fan base from being bad. You being a contrarian cunt doesn't make you seem smart

Triumph des Willes

I watched 3 movies yesterday
1)George A. Romero's Day of the Dead
2)Lucio Fulci's Zombies 2
3)Blair witch project

Prob Hereditary

based coomer. can't even form coherent sentences anymore.

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The last two movies I watched were Captive State and Kin. Neither were great but Captive State was the best of the two.

The Peanut Butter Falcon

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It was never on my radar but I stumbled on this recently. I'm a sucker for interwar stuff like this.
>All that old WWI tech while you have the buildup to WWII

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Ive never seen a good movie.


12 monkeys

Upstream Color

The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp. saw that after The Red Shoes and Black Narcissus. all great films.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Under the Silver Lake. Very good autism/schizo movie. It was genuinely fun to watch.

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It part 1. I liked thjat redhead girl; i would grab her by the pusy

i'm in my bernard blier period i need to watch this thanks