How many careers will this movie kill?

How many careers will this movie kill?

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>Oscar bait turns out to be shit

Is there a better feeling in film today?

I wanted to make this thread. Apparently Finn and Kidman are good and Eghort is terrible.

Book was a decent read. Shame the movie sucks.

Not enough.

looks like melodramatic horseshit and i'm glad it's failing.

Failed oscar bait films are always so forgettable that they can't do damage to anybody's career

Judging by that cast list of has-beens and never-weres, none.

I don't know how anybody who read the book could expect this to be good. It's a completely nonsensical plot. The Secret History should be the one getting a movie deal. Donna Tartt only gets worse with each book.

>Eghort is terrible
No surprise there. He's literally an industry plant due to his family connections.

Dont worry bros, he'll make it

Attached: goldfinch.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

he cute

If Finn is good then it’s alright since I only want to watch it for him

>Finn is good

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Look at this book reading homo

>trusting the review jew
I’ll be the judge when I watch it

How does one fuck up a Pulizter winner?

See American Pastoral

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I’ve heard reviews saying Finn nailed the accent but the film is so bad

>reads comments
>can't read a book


(((Ansel Elgort))), this is the fag from Baby Driver who has one single expression during the entire movie.