What celebrities have you met?

What celebrities have you met?

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That's a femcel if I ever saw one.

the Laker Girls

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tom felton when i was 13, i towered over the guy and i really felt like I could kick his ass.

>incel wants to randomly fight someone but never does
A tale as old as time

just met daisy

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Hung out with Doug Bradley once. Guy's a seriously chill dude.

I once saw Christoph Waltz walking down the street, what a smug manlet.

i've had dinner at this guy's house, nice dude

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I was in Tom Noonans house yesterday

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Cool you met Lilo

I sniffed Nellie McKay's used panties a few years ago.

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Me and my girlfriend from drama school met Ezra!!

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Many many years ago, like just after the Matrix. Keeanu Reeves bought some pot off me.

Ask him about Easy Money

the characters in that movie were bizarrely ugly

I saw Ryan Gosling in a grocery store.



Gary Oldman, Colin Hanks, Chris Sarandon, and James Franco all came to the kinoplex i worked at. All of them were super nice. James Franco was high as shit.

Walked past Meryl Streep at the Toronto airport.

>That hoverhand

I had a one night stand with Allison Pierce of The Pierces

Man is not trying to get #MeToo'd

can someone post that compilation of the creepy guy meeting Tom Holland like 40 times?

Dick Masterson

why does everyone who meets an MDE member look like this

eggy is that you?

I once met Bruce Campbell at a rest stop bathroom.

I was taking a piss at the urinal, when I looked over and saw that Bruce Campbell was taking a piss at the urinal next to me. I was surprised so I blurted out "Woah, you're Bruce Campbell!".

Then he looked me square in the eyes and said "Stop trying to look at my cock you sick fuck!". And I said "What? No I wasn't trying to look at your cock!", then he said "Why the hell not? I've got a great cock!" at which point he proceeded to step back from the urinal and spray a massive stream of piss right into my eyes. I lost my balance and slipped on the piss covered tiles and knocked myself unconscious on the floor, when I woke up I was naked in one of the urinal stalls and a giant penis had been crudely drawn on my chest using human feces followed by the initials "BC".

Pretty weird dude; but I've got to admit though, the man did have a great cock.

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both of you look like vile slobs
distended forehead protruding from under your greasy hairline
poorly planned tattoo tastelessly displayed
very very disrespectful

i had dinner with Tony Danza's brother in little Italy but haven't ever met a real celebrity other than athletes
