looks like shitty directing is back on the menu boys.
OH NO NO NO no nonono
Other urls found in this thread:
>fans are getting increasingly hyped
is this real or purely rumor?? Because I really hope it’s real the movie will be even more of a mess
hyped for the dumpster fire.
This real? Source
darth Jar Jar confirmed
I would kek so hard if George snuck in Jar Jar to kill all the nu wars
No. This trilogy is fucked. Let them crash it so it can be reborn by someone else.
>The Leaks are real and they are in panic mode.
>ewoks are back
>gungans are back
art tavana is a moron
Was this all part of Lucas's plan?
yeah. lucas literally is going to be paid to do the next trilogy. doubling down in disney dollars
lmfao what a genius
What even is happening anymore.
>implying it hasn't been the soup de jour for a while now
What leaks? QRD?
>movie due to release in 3 months
>should be totally wrapped up and only finishing touches of editting and CGI work left
>a movie by JJ fucking Abrams getting reshoots with even calling George Lucas back to try to unfuck their shit
holy fuck somehow, someway, someone at Disney must have grown a brain and a spine
I can only imagine how the test audiences reacted, it must have been fucking DIRE for Disney to do this
Lucas is not a bad director, he just needs people to rein him in so he doesn't go ultra too far. He directed Star Wars and parts of RotJ, so get off of his nuts.
This would be least retarded thing in all nu star wars.
I can't help but think that part of the reason Sony was willing to walk away from the Spider-Man deal is because Jumanji held its own against a Star Wars film, and Rise was sounding like a troubled production.
>So uh George... the uh franchise isn't going well and um, well, we need your help
>That's a shame you know, maybe you can sell me back star wars for about... 600 million?
>George come on...
>We'll do it for 700
Maybe this will be when fans realize that George Lucas was a horrible mouth breathing retard. If he brings back Jar Jar and puts him in a wig, I'll buy 10 tickets.
He's even better as an idea guy, with someone else directing. That's what made Clone Wars the TV series so crazy good. Other people turned out to be better at realizing his visions than he was. Go figure.
Disney lost a SHIT TON of money because of Dark Phoenix. Fox acquisition won't make money for years. They don't have another Marvel until next year and none of those will make bank. This is honestly their last cash cow for a few years, if not ever.
It's all part of George's master plan. He's playing the long con with the mouse.
>He's even better as an idea guy, with someone else directing
90% agree. [Star Wars 1977 and RotJ] Never watched The Clone Wars because Attack of the Clones was laughable and a waste, but I've heard good things and will start with the 2008 theatrical film, which are episode edits I heard. I also want to try Rebels, but I heat it's not as good. Meh. I like what I like.
The thing is new movies are missing is soul. The prequels may have been shit but they still had soul and a vision. The new ones are just a mixture of shit thrown together by a bunch of purple haired execs
This. Lucas's long game strategy is on par with that of Sheev
Of course, he made every movie bad after episode 5 so that he could sell it cheap. A risky move.
If only.
You are not hyped to see how much of a clusterfuck this will be?
Imagine being so desperate that after years of shitting on lucas your parade his bloated corpse around to try and trick normalfags into thinking this is something they should get excited for instead of concerned by your strange marketing tactics.
It didn't work for solo and it wouldn't work here.
>90% agree. [Star Wars 1977 and RotJ]
Star Wars was saved by the editor, since a lot of George's scenes were unnecessarily longwinded and killed the pacing.
>Never watched The Clone Wars because Attack of the Clones was laughable and a waste, but I've heard good things and will start with the 2008 theatrical film, which are episode edits I heard.
The Clone Wars movie is not an edit of episodes, but rather it came before the episodes and introduces the cast. It's entirely skippable since it's very basic in terms of storytelling. Season 1 of TCW is also rather simplistic, but after season 1 it picks up and gets a lot more cool and interesting.
>I also want to try Rebels, but I heat it's not as good. Meh. I like what I like.
Rebels is ok. It has some good episodes and some good characters, but it winds up being a bit predictable in the long run. Since Lucas isn't around to give the team ideas, you can see the lack of creative direction and how it hurts the storytelling.
Lucas will probably make it even shittier than JJ on purpose.
Assmad rlmdrone detected.
I'm more hyped for the coming CATSaclysm to be honest
Hell no. This board's already clogged with people making the same 3 posts about this dying franchise.
>baww y u no liek staw wuz??
Childish, even for Yea Forums.
>but they still had soul and a vision
Stop saying this stupid shit
>Star Wars was saved by the editor
You do realize he was one of them, right? Though I do admit he was one of more than 6, but I believe only 4 have actual credit.
>The Clone Wars movie is not an edit of episodes, but rather it came before the episodes and introduces the cast. It's entirely skippable since it's very basic in terms of storytelling.
I'm down for some simple storytelling, but I'm surprised that it's not an edit, I mean, I clearly recall it being common knowledge that they are edits, but ok...uh Mandela Effect? Just saying I spent too much time looking into it one day and I'm pretty much going to be shocked if I'm wrong. Hope I am, it'll fuel the ME believers. You sure?
>Rebels is ok. It has some good episodes and some good characters, but it winds up being a bit predictable in the long run. Since Lucas isn't around to give the team ideas, you can see the lack of creative direction and how it hurts the storytelling.
Sounds good enough, I can deal. It's not Shakespeare.
>gets btfo and humiliated
>n-no, u
>You do realize he was one of them, right? Though I do admit he was one of more than 6, but I believe only 4 have actual credit.
Yeah. But the OT and its success largely comes from having other people around to be a filter for Lucas's ingenuity because he has great ideas, but his ability to execute them doesn't quite measure up. Having all those other editors around, bouncing ideas and arguing with him over every single second of screentime, saved the theatrical release and made it a masterpiece. The director's cut of it is really bad in comparison.
>I'm down for some simple storytelling, but I'm surprised that it's not an edit, I mean, I clearly recall it being common knowledge that they are edits, but ok...uh Mandela Effect? Just saying I spent too much time looking into it one day and I'm pretty much going to be shocked if I'm wrong. Hope I am, it'll fuel the ME believers. You sure?
100% positive. You can see for yourself when you watch it.
>Sounds good enough, I can deal. It's not Shakespeare.
Yeah it's entertaining enough. I remember it more fondly than negatively for what it's worth, but my interest in it waned with each season.
is this Christian Bone fellow one of those "without respect we reject" "Fandom Menace" faggots
>it's a real article
Oh, Jesus
It would all make sense
Came out a few days ago. From what I remember
>Palpatine is Rey's grandfather
>Palp has been hiding in the outer rim and his empire never really died.
>He has an armada of star destroyers that can blow up planets
>Kylo and Rey have a fight and Rey uses the darkside to overwhelm and seriously injure him
>Kylo returns to the light
I am honestly only looking forward to watching the rip with Yea Forums and the plinkett review. I am quite excited for that.
Honestly that would be pure fucking Kino and I bet most of the "real" fans would love it
Say it.
>It didn't work for solo and it wouldn't work here.
My contrarian side wants to say
>but solo was not so bad
and then logic and memory stepped in to bitch slap that faggot out of the room.
I am still baffled Disney managed to fuck a franchise with about dozens of different novels, all ready to be adapted. If they did want to do their own thing, they could had done their own fucking IP and that would had been somewhat more appreciated instead of vilified.
>He has an armada of star destroyers that can blow up planets
As much as people hated TLJ, in retrospective TFA was equally as retarded in some regards such as the Starkiller base that killed about six planets.
Meanwhile the death start blew up a city in a single reactor and that was much more memorable and terrifying to watch, there was actual emotion imprinted.
I do not think anyone thought a thing after starkiller base killed about trillions of people.
>makes an absolute shitfest of a final trilogy movie
>it's all a dream being had by c3po because of a bad drive or some bullshit
>As much as people hated TLJ, in retrospective TFA was equally as retarded in some regards such as the Starkiller base that killed about six planets.
Yeah and they all were in the same star system and were all able to harbour life. Was such a retarded scene.
>marvel wont make bank
>stated for the 10th time
Imagine being this retarded
Get over it moron, you're far from done hearing it
>some faggot on twitter says a thing
wow, it's fucking nothing
if palp didn't die why would anything change in the star wars universe then?
the empire would have just continued doing its thing after the return of the jedi
t. Mickey
doesn't this movie come out in a few months? reshoots this late into post production, seriously?
I'm unironically sorry. The prequels were a large part of my childhood and even though I recognize their flaws still, at least you knew how to create an interesting world that I wanted to explore more of George. There's no world to explore in Disney's shitty movies. They have no soul. There's a lot of really bad writing and dialogue in the prequels, but at least the world is interesting. Maybe they deserved some of the hate and you could have done a better job, but you can be damn certain I'd be more interested in a sequel trilogy that followed your vision, so long as you at least changed and allowed some other writers to come in and give you input, maybe work on the dialogue and characters some more.
He's right though. "Soul and vision" are just shorthand ways of saying when a work has mythic or cultural resonance and a recognizable overarching story.
The OT was the redemption of Anakin Skywalker set against the Rebel victory over the Empire. It's essentially LotR meets WWII meets Robin Hood. In space.
The PT is the fall of Anakin set against the fall of the Republic. It's a tragic story that has elements of classic Greek tragedies as well as the Fall of Rome. It's a darker story than the original, and a bit less tonally consistent, so even if it had enjoyed better execution, I still doubt it would have been as popular as the OT. The story beats were here, just not so seamlessly presented as the original.
The thing that unites these two trilogies is their overarching story. They feel like parts of a saga. In contrast, the ST was made with one purpose in mind: milking money out of the IP with little thought given to what made it popular in the first place. The execs sure as fuck didn't have a story in mind, and in a staggering display of incompetence, they left that task up to one of the worst storytellers in Hollywood, a guy who's proud of the fact he built his whole career off showing you a box with not only no intention of ever opening it, but also no idea what's inside it even if he did. And as if that weren't bad enough, now he's back to make the big reveal that the box contains ... nothing.
Midi chlorians are back on the menu ,boys!
>Rey removes her gown, nipples glistening in the glow of Kylo's lightsaber blade
>Rey climbs on top of Kylo
>"I'll try spinning, that's a neat trick!" Rey goes Reverse Cowgirl
>"This is SO Wizard!" cries out Kylo as he blows his load.
Thanks George!
>it was so HOT how you murdered your own father five days ago!
>murdering trillions of people with Starkiller Base does the trick with me as well!
I fucking hate Disney right now.
I guarantee they're doing this as reputation insurance so they can blame it on Lucas if it flops.
They always say the same in their damage control articles, remember last jedi and solo?
Lucas was on set for Solo and was rumored to have directed some of it and it's a gem on top of a pile of dogshit, that is, it's the best of Nu Wars and even approaches OT tier. Having said that, my hopes for IX being tolerable are low, I mean it already retcons all of RotJ, so it's all lulz anyway at this point.
Will George have some real creative influence? Or did they get him on board just to win back some of the alienated fans?
>no world
This is probably my biggest gripe with nuWars. Every planet they've visited has felt soulless, like it was built for that specific scene and nothing else.
>But Jakku is literally Tatooiene
Wrong. Despite the fact that they are both desert planets tatooine has diversity in its cities and farm steads. Jakku is literally all scavengers and one village.
>This is probably my biggest gripe with nuWars. Every planet they've visited has felt soulless, like it was built for that specific scene and nothing else.
Different user here and I agree. In TFA we got Budget Tatooine and Dive Bar World, then TLJ would late give us Casino Scene World and Totally Not Hoth Battle Scene Action Playset World.
The movie comes out in 3 months. They are not doing reshoots now.
There's going to be another star wars trilogy 3 years later
Can't wait to see Kylo lose again
If the movie gonna have kino moments like in the prequals the 2 shitty movies before would be worth it.
Fuck you.
I mean yeah. The handful that eats everything up is quivering with excitement. People like us turned off the series can't call themselves fans of it in its current state anymore, can we?