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How is the best looking hollywood actor of all time and why is it jon erik hexum?
Austin Jackson
Kevin Long
Carter Davis
best looking actor of all time? I'm better looking than this faggot
Sebastian Davis
His skull was too weak to stand up to a .44magnum blank.
Jack Adams
Henry Chadvill
Colton Hall
never heard of him
William Watson
He looks like a third Bogandof brother.
John Scott
Timothy Dalton.
Bentley Watson
Camden Rodriguez
When did you first realize you were gay and do your parents know yet?
Nolan Peterson
I would beat this faggots soft skull into mush
Christian Roberts
He died at 26.
Aiden Torres
He looks a bit like delon
Jonathan Collins
I am not gay at all,I like women.
Isaac Long
Imagine dying from a fake gun
Brayden Adams
>I am not gay at all
He says, as he uploads one of the likely dozen pics he has saved of this dude.
Blake Cruz
Nothing wrong with saving pictures of are the insecure one.
Jaxon Cook
Connor Gray
Lincoln Rivera
C o p e
Charles Hernandez
are you joking?
Luis Gutierrez
>negative canthal tilt
based retard
Ryan Williams
Oversized forehead to slender lower third ratio is trash, undersized facial features. 5/10, wouldn't even be a chadlite if not famous.
Eli Cruz
Perfect example of the media hyping up someone until they were able to convince zoomers they were attractive.
Austin Jackson
Jayden Hernandez
His lower third is easily his best feature. Only his eye area and skull can be considered "undersized". You literally know nothing about psl, you just regurgitate what some twink says on /fit/
Chase Moore
Brayden Hernandez
Look at those embarrassing pubes on his bland face. How much of a flaming faggot you have to be to like that bitchy fag.
Sebastian James
Behold, peak Chad.
Luke Peterson
The terrible nose ruins the entire face.
Oliver Morris
looks like james marsden tbqh
Christopher Myers
>skull area
Blind man detected. His lower third is easily his best feature, but it's ruined in conjunction with his massive upper third. He's lowbfmaxxed as well.
I guarantee you wouldn't look twice at him if you saw him at a store dressed like a normie.
Charles Collins
Oh please, take 100 random people and do you really think he doesn't look better than 85% of them? Mind you, I definitely think he's overrated but to say that he's average is comedic. He's well above average, probably an 85th percentile in terms of sheer looks. And yes, I definitely would look twice because he's VERY distinct looking, not in a good or bad way. He's really just odd when it comes to looks theory
Jordan Martin
he looks like jojo
Jordan Gutierrez
Filter the 100 random people down to physically fit 20-25 year olds and he's unexceptional. 85% is a gross overestimation, maybe 65% at best.
Hunter Rogers
Blake Allen
damn he is fine af
Christian Peterson
for me it's chadwood
Landon Cooper
he is so handsome until he speaks
Caleb Hill
why aren't his pupils round...
Henry Stewart
>he was 40 fucking years old
how is it even possible