You guys gonna go see Captain Marvel?

You guys gonna go see Captain Marvel?

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>costume of a porn parody looks better than the marvel produced movie costume


Brietards BTFO

Is this a b tier porn movie? I don't recognize a single name.

porn is not cute

only ugly blondes in porno nowadays baka

are there any good HD rips of his early stuff? I can never find it

so why can't Disney sue this into oblivion?

I wouldn't be surprised if the story is better too.

>not butch hair
Fucking dropped

doubt it, there's porn parodies for a lot of popular shit out there.

Parody falls under fair use

The big disappointment is the lack of leotard suit

True but Disney could still sue them to oblivion. Ultimately it's just better to let it pass and not give them attention and face inevitable embarrassment

>Porn parody
>It doesn't use this outfit

Wasted opportunity to be quite honest

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As a cumbrain, I get it, but its bad business sense. Better to appeal to the movie everyones been exposed to, for maximum profit. Unfortunately porn is run by businessmen.

no her face is ok but the rest of her is no good should have used someone with a better body fake tits shouldn't exist

I better not be getting this only to find out all the male stars are mutilated, porn needs to stop employing them

Can't have the people finding out the script is better.

Porn is gay

Doubt it, porn industry has the same amount of money Disney has if not more

nice use of the sideshow collectibles design

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>aubrey Kate
oh fuck kek theres gonna be a male skrull impersonating a female human scene

can't wait

I'm glad Captain Marvel's suit was intentionally designed to be somewhat androgynous and practical instead of sexy. I would prefer not having intentional boners during her scenes though unintentional boners are surprising and fun.

Because it's a parody of the capmarvel movie, so they made similar costume.
Braun already made a couple of parodies on avengers with this classic leotard suit.

>As a cumbrain
Cumbrains unite

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I normally like these but I truly can't find a fuck to give about Captain Marvel and the actress they picked is unimpressive.

I might have more interest if it was her fucking some jordi el pollo style faux-shota playing Spiderman but she'll probably be banging Nick Fury or something. Gross.

What's the absolute BEST one of these superhero porn parodies?

wtf? she looks strong and attractive instead of weak and ugly, what is this comicbook shit?

The Seinfeld one

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Is elaine a midget?

Post the black widow gif
You know the one

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Should have named it CAPTAIN MARVELS and have her marvel at a big cock thanos.

This coom is dedicated to you

I don't watch non canon shit. Captain Marvel is only for Thanos.

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>Disney could still sue them to oblivion
Wrong. Disney is not all-powerful, you retarded shill.

This. Even pic relateds would be reeeing at disney if they went after their favourite porn.

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That unironically looks better than the real flick

Ana Foxx and Ramon Nomar?

>Aubrey Kate
Ok this is going off the rails


More like Craptain Fartvel...

Yeah because Brianne made the costume herself lol

Still popped a boner watching captaine marvel, Brie is sex distilled

>imdb, Lacy Lennon:Jean Grey
so it also xmen darkphone?
then why not Rogue? why not spider-woman?