Why couldn't americans handle the ending?

why couldn't americans handle the ending?

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Doesn't matter what the nationality of the audience is. The ending is a cop out to bring the movie to a conclusion since the writer is a hack and couldn't think of something better. It turned a mediocre movie into utter trash.

What do you mean?

there is an unrated ending where the girl doesn't make it out

The ending was changed in America, removing the reveal that Sarah is still trapped underground. The American version ends with the spooky dead Juno in the passenger seat dream, as if Sarah has actually escaped (but also making it suddenly look like ghosts exist, I guess? What the fuck, America?)

>The ending is a cop out to bring the movie to a conclusion since the writer is a hack and couldn't think of something better.
Explain how it's a cop out

>(but also making it suddenly look like ghosts exist, I guess? What the fuck, America?)
Obviously a hallucination since she also has a vision of her daughter in the real ending.

The American release doesn't play it as one of the dream sequences, though. That's why it's a problem. Sarah doesn't hallucinate through the film, she just has various horrendous trauma-related dreams. Removing the reveal that it's a dream is a problem, because they wanted it to seem 'happier' for the US.

tfw you didn't even know there was a more kino UK version

UK version?

the non-American version

what has that got to do with the UK?

While we are on this. What are some similar claustrophobic movies? I've seen As Above So Below and Catacombs already.


Isn't there a nude version or was that silence of the lambs?

I dunno The Ruins maybe

But it's pretty stupid that she actually doesn't make it. What's the point to make her go through hell by losing her family and putting her in the worst situation possible because her friend lied to her just to kill her in the end? Story wise it's useless. It doesnt tell anything meaningfull.

some bullshit happy ending is your idea of meaningful?

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yes it proves that if you dont give up you can overcome your problems

But it's a good ending

t. American

fucking americans and your "happy ever after" bullshit. Grow a fucking pair

I agree with him. Neither ending is very satisfying but her making it out alive is better. Also: Sarah being the only survivor after her best friends were all slaughtered by cave creatures isn’t exactly “happy.”

I'm french and I only watched the bad ending version, try again.

But more than often you can't.

Sure but by not trying you're sure to fail, at least if you try there's chance. That's a good story, saying efforts are meaningless doesn't accomplish anything. You character doesnt improve (here you kill it actually), so what was the point? why focus on her with the backstory if she ends up like the others?

Is the sequel worth watching?

There is honour in fighting even if you lose in the end. Sarah was scared and frail at the start but became somewhat of a warrior near the end (she was proficient at killing the creatures, took revenge on the person who betrayed her).
>why focus on her with the backstory if she ends up like the others?
That's like asking what the point of living is when you die at the end just as all men do.

The ruins isn't even close. That's an above ground movie.

Fuck no.