ITT: We post our favorite actors

ITT: We post our favorite actors

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OP here, this is my second choice


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Reminds me so much of my dad. Had a dream once that he came back as Robocop.
Rip Pa.

FWIW, I enjoy Biehn's work too. They were both in big movies, but never got the A-list. It sucks.

Also excellent

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Dem feels. RoboCop was a genius movie. That scene where he goes back home, man...

His career should have gotten a second wind with voice acting after he did that Batman film, such a great voice

Him, Joaquin Phoenix, Bradley Cooper, Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins for me.

RIP your Dad, user

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While I skeeve nu-Trek, it was nice to hear that he did that Trek movie.

He did a great interview on Pollak's show.

Start at 1h37 for RoboCop.

What a tragedy, definitely a celebrity death that made me very bummed

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