Anything else need to be added?

anything else need to be added?

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Other urls found in this thread:


What a sad state you've come to.

Logan fell apart after they introduced the clone. Heath Ledger was the only good thing about TDK.

remove logan and dark knight for a start


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all of those are reddit

no shit

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Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, X2 and Days of Future Past, and the old shit like the Burton Batman films and Blade. I'm not too cracked on the Dark Knight, honestly, I think that Begins was better.


comic book movie bad

fucking tasteless Yea Forums plebs

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>dude, what if we took kid thing but made it dark and boring
Logan was trash. Dark Knight was only good when Ledger was on screen.

batman begins deserves it over dark knight

There's really nothing like Joker. It's the first capeshit film that is pure kino.

I agree. It's a better movie. I mean, it actually feels like a Baman movie.

>There's really nothing like Joker. It's the first capeshit film that is pure kino.

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>going to reddit

Underrated post

Fuck off you mentally braindead pleb fucks, Logan was the only capeshit that wasn't a fucking abortion of cinema yet you faggots still hate it in favor of your mcu shit.
You faggots don't deserve kino, kill yourselves

>4 years later
>still the only guide thats accurate

Attached: Guide.jpg (2404x845, 329K)

It was the cinematic equivalent of a 15 year old awkwardly straining to grow a mustache, with a hamfisted immigration message bolted on.



You're right about all of that. And it was still kino.

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And yet it's the only capeshit that can actually be called a movie


Tim Burton Batman and Sam Raimi Spiderman.

Name the last five films you’ve watched

Thor Ragnarok

This. If you excise the 60sec JL promo, BvS has more artistic heft than anything nominated by the Academy since 2015

Endgame you know because it was a masterpiece that made me cry 4 times

not shown "the private eyes" 1976 by michael hui

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This is - without exaggeration - one of the worst possible answers that could be given, aside from Fant4stic and Halle Berry’s Catwoman. No, cringeworthy physical comedy and anus jokes are not “elevated” by any measure. Stop posting

This so hard

Why are you so angry, incel?


Why are you assuming super heroes need to be elevated?
Anyhow, the answer is Watchmen for comics, and The Incredibles for movies.

Drive should be added to kino

Excuse me, but Watchmen isn't a comic, it's a graphical novel. Thank you.

>multicultural pals defeat evil white man
>good white man gives his life for the brown people
>escape paramilitary organization who give zero shits about following laws in America by crossing the border into fucking Canada
Again pleb just like yesterday when you tried to pull this shit: It will never be kino

it had 12 floppy issues, it's a comic book

Dark Knight has aged horribly and is laugh out loud funny on current day re-watches.

Good superhero movies or just dark gritty superhero movies?

I remember my freshman year of film school


No, it's actually a comic. It was released in issues and then collected into a volume.

>why yes, I watch pretentious shit that even I don't like, what gave it away?

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0/10 response, but I guess it’s to be expected given that you had no hope of defending that dreck on its merits

>it's a graphical novel.

Attached: smiling babs.jpg (600x900, 95K)

>no one could possibly like things I don't like, they're clearly just pretending not to be pleb fucks like me

His ratings are right there.

This. Also, Spiderman 2

No, it hasn't.


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could you explain in detail how differently is freshmen year of film school? thanks and I'll be waiting with links and a detailed explanation
that explains why you think 3/5 means
>why yes, I watch pretentious shit that even I don't like, what gave it away?

>4 stars
>2 stars
>3.5 stars
>3 stars
This is just proof that he actually rates the films by his enjoyment of them since he liked some of them more than the others. You can't know if you like a film until you watch it pleb-for-brains

3/5 means it's a waste of time

Not even him but
>He searches filenames like a redditor looking for someone's "problematic post history"
Honestly, find me something more reddit than this shit.


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take joker off, it is reddit shit

if you were from a Yea Forums approved board like, /pol/, /ic/, /fit/ or Yea Forums then therre wouldn't be a problem. but you're from an anti-art subchan

> Yea Forums approved board like, /pol/, /ic/, /fit/ or Yea Forums
Awful taste in boards.

Based and not a cumbrained sheep

The only Yea Forums-approved board is /trash/

It's all reddit shit

keep trying, maybe it'll stick someday

>l wash my batman underpants all by myself

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Rami's spider-mans were kino at the time but looking back know they had too much humour. Blade's worth adding though.

The chart is just for superhero movies, dipshit.


Logan is only good up until xavier part then its shit

Wheres BvS

In the reddit bin where it belongs much like TDK should be as well

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>thinking Drive isn't capekino
plebs, when will they learn?

Super obvious samefag. Cringe and bluepilled, I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul

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Why do redditors love pulp fiction so much? I remember getting so hyped on this back in high school. Watched it, was all style over substance with no actual point. It only is popular because it's backwards and it says royale with cheese and dead nigger storage.

It's complete normie-core. SLJ's bible monologues are retarded but people froth at the mouth like the scenes are kino

>Yes, of course I watch Japanese children's cartoons! How could you tell?

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bb,tdk,tdkr was complete shit.
without zimmer song this movies is nothing.

Do marvelcucks ever get tired of being wrong?

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That list is fucking terrible and whoever made it should be locked away

This is so fucking bad, please kill yourself

I agree

Logan is boring as fuck, Joker isn't even about The Joker, could have been an original movie, but they wanted to piggyback on an established character. You could have done that with Falling Down to, just call the main character Joker and give him clown paint without it being actually the character The Joker.

just the fact that they had to group all movies from before 1990 together tells you enough


>Again pleb just like yesterday when you tried to pull this shit: It will never be kino
I wasn't here yesterday. And of course it's gonna be kino, man. That's literally what I said, and let's face it, I'm never wrong.

this is exactly right, this will be the new formula that DC and then marvel will work off of, they will take classic movies that were good but not exactly popular/wellknown and slap capeshit on that nigga

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Joker is going to be a tier up on it's own from either of those.

This. Capeshit that tries to be dark and gritty while having a conventional capeshit plot is not "elevated".

Have you even seen it bud?


And it's a good fucking idea. I love me some "elevated" kino with a capeshit skin so I could watch it and not fall asleep.

>failed comedian has a bad day
sounds like the Joker


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Imagine choosing Punch Drunk Love to represent kino and thinking that you have a better taste than anybody in this thread

At least half of that is absolute shit, and Constantine is a fun flick but took to many liberties to be considered "comic book cinema"

Here. Capekino of the highest order.

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also this means they will put more money into it as well, this is one reason i think the dark knight turned out so good is that they fucking blew up buildings and flipped semis, i would like to see some shitty drama find the budget to pull that shit

dood this movie was fucking gay and boring, i ended up skimming through it, man of steel was whatever and you cant force meme batman v superman that shit is unwatchable

No Road to Perdition?

Logan only kinda fell apart towards the ending because of the villain scientist

Spider-Man 2

spiderman2 is SIMP kino

Based 2016 poster

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Yeah, I'm thinking this is based


This one in GOAT.

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Batman '89
Spiderman 2
The Dark Knight
V For Vendetta


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I couldn't get through the first 15 minutes. Just the worst standard horror set up.

>v for vendetta
okay just cuz it was in a graphic novel doesnt mean you can group it in capeshit, is diary of a wimpy kid also considered capeshit now

it's a comicbook about a hero that literally wears a cape
c'mon user use your brain here

Pure garbage. The 2 minutes post credits scene were better and more promising than the entire movie

wow good argument

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Tim Burton's Batman over Logan, BvS over Joker

Are you implying that Captain Underpants is not a superhero?

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Logan and TDK are way too fucking overated

He's a diaper hero

Mask of the Phantasm

Dark Knight is unironically bad

Spider man 2
Iron Man 1

logan was awful

>child actors
