Are there any good movies about cats?

Are there any good movies about cats?

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My life, I have pet two cats today, none of which where my own. They where both great petting recievers.

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guessing English isn't your first language?

yes. tigers are cats.

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Dire example of google translate

have fun, its good

Oliver and company is pretty tight

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his post has soul


Attached: cat3.webm (720x404, 2.56M)


that dude aint got no legs

Who's the most kino catographer? For me, it's Robin Seplut.

he gave them to a poor unfortunate 10 year old with no legs

I remember liking this one as a kid

oh also, Sátántangó has a few nice cats scenes

What about that Turkish documentary about street cats? Haven't seen it though.

Milo and Otis is good, so is Keti.

just look, are you blind?


based google translate user

Attached: modern cat.webm (720x404, 872K)

I want to pet a cat!


There's a Japanese TV show by NHK where they film cats from around the world. Forgot what its called but you can find them all on Nyaa.

gibe zombie loli

Anyone here watch A Streetcat Named Bob?
shit was sad desu senpai, plus it was a film that my mum loved so holds even more emotions for me desu

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No but this documentary is pretty kino.

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I made this like a week ago and I've been waiting for a cat thread to post it in

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Army Dog. It's not about cats per se, but some real bad things happen to them.

There's no kino about house cats, they're unironically insane

There needs to be more movies on kots.
I think a movie based on this kot would do really well. Lots of heroics and suspense

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I liked this one as a kid.

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this user probably means Mitsuaki Iwago's World "Cats" Travelogue

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The ultimate kino

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Cars and dogs is unironically kino

you have 5 seconds to find cat
no find no gf

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Filthy disgusting creatures.

obvious dog pandering bullshit
in real life the cats would have won

Puss in Boots

Based on what?
>not as smart
>not as strong

I actually did it
under top snow
I have cat gf now?

Cats are pretty stupid user.

I found a boy playing with a cat the size of a tangerine

the lion ate them previously

hey bb

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Kittens > Puppies
Dogs > Cats

Leopards aren't cats they are tiger and cheetah hybrid

My sister loved this one.

>leopards aren't cats they are a cat and cat hybrid

next you'll say mixed race people are human


I have a 17 year old cat, the day is approaching

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Attached: comfy cat.webm (432x768, 898K)

do americats really do this?

what else would you be?

A documentary about street cats in Istanbul.

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I don't understand the comparison. Cats are pets, dogs are for work.

Scarier than most horror films.

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Looks like a remake of Uzak

To me it was "funny youtube cat videos with better camera work" but what do I know, I'm not a professional critic.

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Mixed race

>no one has mentioned this kino yet

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Secret Life of Cats was pretty good doc. The secret is they are murder machines.

>no one has posted the most underrated Disney classic

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I really love this one.

Yes, the 18th birthday is an important event in any cat's life.

Most of the time, but my cat has never shown interest in hurting other animals. I've seen her stare and play with spiders but she never hurts them intentionally.

you have got to be fucking retarded
and you to have to be blind, what the actual fuck

>you have got to be fucking retarded
xD epic

thanks for proving my point

My point still stands. Cats are pets, dogs are for work. You wouldn't let your dog in your house as you would a cat.

The Cat from Outer Space, this shit was utter kino, best disney film.

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for me it's the exact opposite
I prefer cats, but small kittens look like fucking rats

>12 years ago
that cat is probably dead by now

Inside Llewyn Davis is the best catkino in recent times

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Does it communicate telepathically?

Yeah, it has a psychic amplifier in its collar.