>This movie is actually getting terrible reviews. I’ve read a lot of them.

>What they’re saying is that it glorifies an incel mass murderer. And that is kind of clear from the trailer.

>One has to wonder if the chosen who made this film – Todd Phillips is chosen, Joaquin Phoenix is chosen, the producers are obviously all chosen – are not trying to create mass shooters?

>So I mean, if you were trying to inspire mass shootings with a Hollywood film, this is definitely how you would do it.

>And if you wanted to make sure everyone saw it, despite bad reviews, you might give it prizes at film festivals.

>I just thought I’d throw that out there.

Are we being tricked, Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-08 Daily Stormer.png (332x306, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mass shooters dont need inspiration. Theyre crazy


the left also believes in acceleration

soon it will be time to round up all the straight wh*Te men

>Mass shooters dont need inspiration. Theyre crazy
Nope. Feds like you push them to do it.

if the actor playing the joker was a black man you wouldn't see anything like this. anti white racism is real and it's only getting worse

The actor is clearly a Chosenite who knows exactly what he's doing with this role.

>Disney is now pandering to /pol/ conspiracy theorists to make people not watch the movie

>Feds are trying to defend their psyop from people who see their ruse


>libtards hate orange man because he said vidya is too violent
>they attack a LITERAL MOVIE, because for some reason it will activate incels to shoot shit up

you can not make this shit up, how far does Disney have their corporate cock in these idiots assholes

Have... have they never seen The Joker in anything that isn’t Batman:TAS?

If there are any unironic shooters here, please use bombs instead, and shout GAMERS RISE UP, and WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY, thanks.

>for some reason it will activate incels to shoot shit up
that's why it was made

>And that is kind of clear from the trailer
I didn't see a single gun shot in any of the trailers.

Andrew Anglin is a neo-nazi. What do you think "chosen" means here?

with Incels interlinked

Bullies push them to do it actually concerning schools.
Other ones are radicals who follow an ideology.

/pol/ is the one that came up with this /x/ tier shit after all the meme threads you shills have been making about opening night

>This movie is actually getting terrible reviews. I’ve read a lot of them
its 86% fresh RT, keep seething

Ah I know what he's talking about, there's a conspiracy theory out there that the government keeps tabs on people they think could become mass shooters one day, but instead of stopping them they gaslight them, basically make their lives a living hell until the guy finally does lose it and do something crazy irl. I don't put any stock in the theory personally, I think people just do crazy shit sometimes and they take out their rage on society itself

All you gotta do is put people on SSRIs. They fuck them up and make them nonhuman.

Sorry not nonhuman, unsympathetic. Essentially sociopaths.

>All you gotta do is put people on SSRIs.
That's the 1st part. 2nd part is a Fed handler talking to them online, giving them ideas.

based if true. more likely anyone who gives this a positive review will be black-bagged within a few weeks, but that's also very based. either way amerifats get culled.

looks like with jews we win.

Attached: lehappyfoodchain.png (1637x682, 787K)

No, you are just really gullible

They're always the first thing doctors prescribe, I remember telling my doctor I had anxiety when I had to speak in public and he spent the next 20 minutes trying to get me to take an SSRI. Ended up walking out of there and he was visibly frustrated, you'd think he worked for the company that makes them or some shit.

Fuck, you're right about that. I was on SSRI's for almost a decade and even after tapering off, my emotions still feel dull many years after the fact.

Todd literally said in an interview he hopes the movie starts a "revolution" with no clear context

>I remember telling my doctor I had anxiety when I had to speak in public and he spent the next 20 minutes trying to get me to take an SSRI.
And if you don't think the Feds have your medical records to see who is an SSRI zombie they can use to justify their existence, you're dead wrong.

>Todd literally said in an interview he hopes the movie starts a "revolution"
Just in time for 2020, goy!

If the Jews wanted mass mass shooters all they'd have to do is shut down the video game industry.

>shut down the video game industry.
And lose all that money and way to shill their globo-homo stuff? No way, goy.

checked and spooky

This shooter meme is tired. Find something new.

If you wanna do it (or are nuts) youll use whatever justification you find convenient, like “the catcher in the rye told me to do it”


>jew says this
Yeah against trump

>“the catcher in the rye told me to do it”
Joker is just the 2020 version of catcher in the rye, user. Between that, there was Taxi Driver.

You think these works are just there to entertain you?

People only need understanding, everything start from people being mocked and rejected at school for being ugly or different, they have a part of responsibility on something but it doesn't excuse having a constant asshole attitude against them, there is a big difference between a ponctual case of mocking somebody (everyone did that) and a situation when an entire group is harassing a person every fucking days of his life for retarded reasons.

Why nobody behave like a human being anymore? Why always escaping with the excuse of natural selection or "human nature" to justify everything fucked up? Why are you accepting a society like that?

>Joker is a villain
>he's the protagonist in this movie
Yes? This already glorifies a criminal no matter how you spin it.

Why would you need to encourage something that already happens every week?

tru dat tru dat

>Why are you accepting a society like that?
Jews want us to accept it by making it seem like the alternative is being an unhinged, incel murderer.

Think about it, goy.

>film festivals.
it got one irrelevant award

It's going to get it's ass kicked at TIFF and NYFF

>Why would you need to encourage something that already happens every week?
To keep it going, goy. The ball is moving because there's hands pushing it that you never see. Otherwise, this stuff just would not happen.

Nigger, you're actually retarded if you can't see through this movie, the blatant agenda, the nepotism in the awards show, the fact that it's getting screened to critics before general audiences to prime public expectations that it'll be good, the fact that it's capeshit ...
It's blatant European genocide propaganda, posing as "white power", and it's going to flop ... bringing Hollywood with it.

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>and it's going to flop
lol no, it will do what the OP says it will. just watch.

unlike you real incels, Phoenix portrays a character that viewers will feel bad for

>Phoenix portrays a character that viewers will feel bad for
that's the point. if you make him sympathetic, people will emulate him, and shoot people in 2020

Joker is literally just the comic book version of You Were Never Really Here.

You Verschwörungstheoretiker need to chill.

>Andrew "5 foot 3" Anglin
Opinion discarded

People who commit mass shootings are not pursuing pity. They usually want revenge, fear and/or glory. Pitying them metaphorically cucks them.

Let me guess, a fat while woman wrote this, right? Am I close?

>People who commit mass shootings are not pursuing pity
It's not pity. It's instilling stuff into others. Leaving a mark.


truly epic if true

No normal people will actually like this movie. It will be promoted by the CIA/Hollywood/JEW cabal as this underground cult classic (despite the waves of false flag shootings that will inevitably come in its wake), but no actual European blood will like this movie.

This thread is garbage
So are you OP

who cares about what eurofags will think lol


>No normal people will actually like this movie.
Who cares? It just has to affect the crazy people and it does its job.

Whos that Ultimate Jew on the top of the food chain

>No normal people will actually like this movie
>no actual European blood will like this movie
That's a very weird prognosis. Care to elaborate? It will probably be well liked by a bunch of normies. Just like God Bless America was. Everyone loves sympathetic shooters.

the el paso shooter already did that

this but unironically

People without European blood are degenerates to be exterminated

It’s Schlomo Shekelnosebergensteinwitz

get off /pol/, retard

Yikes. I don't think you're the friendly neonazi I was adressing with my question, and I would kindly ask you to leave me alone with your racist anti-white sentiments, okay?

Jews desperately want my attention with this movie. Why should I give it to them?

>mfw I will never even watch this trash and nobody will give a shit here because we're not obese and retarded
feels good bros

because they're using your memes to market it

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Say it ain't so bros

Is this the schizo thread?

How dare they actually address something that's wrong with our society

>my memes
Those are not my memes. I never knew them. The clown world/Incel/We Live in A Society/gamers rise up CRAP originated on Reddit immediately following Donald Trumps election. They're not even 4 years old. Coupled with the war against Pepe and KEK, and several ongoing magickal and psyop wars to change Yea Forums's culture, these memes are a bald faced Jewish attempt at control, and it's simply not working.

My memes are more ancient and horrible than you can possibly imagine.

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t. clownlad

Nice try, FBI

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Wow this /pol/tard sure is crazy huh? Guess you'll rethink all your non-progressive opinions now go- I mean guy. You don't want to be associated with this kind of person, right?

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What the fuck does Andre Wanglin have to do with any of this, schizo?

There's a number of documented cases of the FBI doing this to Muslims in the US post 9/11 and now a few to white nationalists.

>it got one irrelevant award
But it did the job, didn’t it?

It’s a dog cuck dog world out there

Well with court documents related to 8ch there were a number of (you)'s on /pol/ from people egging on the New Zealand shooter and blaming Russia while saying anyone that disagreed was a Russian stooge.

There also have been people interviewed by FBI for posting on 8ch.

Plus various instances of federal agents over the years actually helping along someone to commit a federal crime then arresting them right beforehand, the the draw Mohamed contest attempted shooting for instance.

It's a real thing that happens plenty often, but often doesn't get a lot of attention since most people will say in the end it was the individual that tried committing the crime or whatever even if they were being encouraged every step of the way.

Well it’s working. I already ordered my AK-47-style gun and 40 clips of ammo. Boy I sure do hate immigrants.

He's not lying.

You're a retard if you take this person seriously. Very clearly a jew behind a mask.

its not a conspiracy dipshit there are documented cases of them literally pushing schizophrenic kids to do mass shootings just so they can arrest them right before they do it and try to act like theyre actually saving people

>One has to wonder if the chosen who made this film
Do you mean Jews?


the Fed

what the fuck lmao
why are people saying a joker movie is inspiring mass shootings? why are people so fucking hysterical now?

What's the point of this meme when you're 2 hours late to make it a combo? It never made sense.

Jewish interest isn't behind everything.
t. Lifelong Anti-Semite

The new Catcher in the Rye?

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How unhinged do you have to be to get tricked into committing a mass shooting?

>several ongoing magickal and psyop wars to change Yea Forums's culture
what's this now?

Trump himself video games are too violent and a cause of mass shootings

Reminder that the moderation team is full of studio shills
>joker trailer comes out
they vanish
>day after
they're here all day
>reviews come out
they vanish
>day after
back again
And note it isn't just for this flick. it's been happening with star shit 9 too

The idea is that some group harassing you makes you unhinged

It's about rising up against women and minorities.

Nice try, schlomo

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>implying it’s not behind this movie
Feck off cunt

based schizo

Fun Fact: everyone that ever died in a mass shooting deserved it, all those Florida kids were cunts, the Country music people were probably cunts, the Mexicans invading us were cunts and so were the Muslims invading New Zealand.

Every American is a cunt too just in case I missed anybody, I bet the average weight of these idiots who get shot is like 280 conservatively. Less traffic and more jobs for me. Die die die


If you sympathize with a murderer in any context you're probably on your way to being a shooter yourself.

>Report: The more and more films depicts heroic, iconic figures, the less and less you will be able separate yourself from these figures. Hollywood is a de-individuation laser: no one can do anything today without being compared to some figure in pop culture. You are constantly being referenced back to your historical-fantasmic background, and the more populated that background becomes, the less resources available to those still stuck on stage. In other words, historical novelty is a zero-sum game. When will you ever overthrow your masters because of a film? Certainly, there are those who commit acts of violence inspired by these figures, but these are momentary, inarticulate bursts of confused energy than they are a genuine Opening into the New. As such, just like this new and emergent cyberpunk/lo-fi culture is in the business of "normalizing" the ambiance of atomization, loneliness, and melancholy that it is making you wallow in, so is the new Joker film a weapon of pacification: Hollywood, by depicting people's frustrations with the system so compellingly through Phoenix's Joker, they actually end up harnessing that energy and allow it to be expended harmlessly, in a way that does not threaten the system. By simulating resistance, they nip it in the bud. All we are trying to get you to realize is: isn't it convenient that as soon as people can sense the rage and frustration boiling under society's surface, a new film or media property comes out that "takes the words right out of your mouth"?

>yfw you realize it doesn’t make sense that the TDKR shooter was dressed as the joker when joker wasn’t in the movie and then you realize it must have been a false flag planned before Heath died but they didn’t back out from their plan of turning this psycho into a Joker wannabe so that they could release this movie several years later depicting the joker as a dejected loser so that other losers associate themselves with the joker while already having the concept as the joker being a mass shooter in there head from before thus causing a climax of mass shooting so that they can finally disarm America so that they can assume complete control over our lives

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I mean, by all accounts you're right about the Sandyhook kids--I even remember them interviewing a girl who was like 'Yeah we bullied him. Clearly he deserved it!'--but that's not all of them.

I prefer smaller acts of chaos and rebellion.

>Marvelkeks already trying to smear DCkino with the Incel broad-brush

Attached: Hilda Pathetic.jpg (374x349, 48K)

Lanza didn't even attend that school. He was in like high school or some shit and shot up an elementary school because his mom worked their and he was familiar with the layout. Willing to bet his goal was shock value.

I see through your clever ruse.

Your OP is the real psyop, trying to get people to boycott the movie because the jews control the media.
It wont work on me!

I'm sure am convinced. I will not watch the Joker.

capeshit are fucking shit movies and i can't believe the subhumans from this board are obsessed about people on spandex fighting with CGI.

>Well it will push to inspire them more now that you've fucking mentioned it.

Also why don't theatres just have fucking metal detectors these days. It's like media and government want shooting.

And you say that on what grounds? Do you have a PHD in psychology cunt? Fucking kill yourself

don't quote me on this but the shooting shit is reddit joker tourists that read about all the shitposting during the TDKR shooting here and now want to have their own version
we've seen them desperately try to do the same thing with "times you acted like the joker(leto),k,joker(this one), etc"
which is a vile attempt at emulating times you acted like the driver caps they've seen

we've seen the same thing with every single meme too since bane cancer got big

>watching the joker movie
>some far neckbeard yells gamers rise up
>expects other people to laugh like he is
>gets escorted out of theater by black usher
Was a serial moment

This is true. Anything bad that ever happens is caused by the government. If it isn't caused by the government, its secretly cause by the government.
t. libertarian

the wandering jew







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Opening weekend I'm going to attend as many showings as I can in hopes of one of you incel fuckwits even trying this. I've been practicing my draw skills for months, and I can get my pistols out and firing so quick that you'll be dead on the ground before you get a shot off.

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>Bullies push them to do it actually concerning schools.
this part is funny since most of the time people never learn, like with that stoneman douglas high shooting, bullying was brought up numerous times yet some kids and autistic kids reported getting harassed even more with the likes of "you going to shoot me next' and more harassment


Why the fuck would they even print that. If anything that's more encouraging than the movie. Jesus Christ

I had (well, still have) depression and anxiety and was prescribed an SSRI when I was 16. No joke, the week I was on it was one of the worst of my life - it felt like I was living life in some slightly "off" version of reality, legit made me think I was going schizo.

Not being medicated and just living/coping with anxiety and depression is unironically better than being under the influence of those meds. I could totally see SSRIs actually being liable to cause dissociative episodes in certain people and the data on it is just kept under wraps because it makes too much money for the pharmaceutical industries. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole oxycontin lawsuit thing that's going on, based on a similar premise (hiding data of negative effects), is just the harbinger of a whole bunch of class actions launched against pharm companies to come.

The problem with calling that a conspiracy theory is you're implying it's not true. Like this user pointed out:

There was LITERALLY a court document that was a screencap of a thread on infinitychan made by the FBI, with (you)s responding to posts trying to get the shooters to shoot even more - which means the FBI agent taking the screencap was trying to get the shooter to shoot even more people, and made several of the posts in the thread egging them on.

Really makes you think


American critics are damaged goods. Social justice, political correctness, the 2016 election, they've ruined them beyond all repair. This is just a sign that Italy is where Americans have to go to get good film criticism these days.

Take note though
This poster would not be making this post if his childrens movie didn't win

I literally know someone doing 25 years because a fed encouraged him and some other people to blow up a bridge and gave them fake explosives. He wasn't a friend though for all the feds reading this, he was just some train hopping junkie that hung around the same people I did.

White Men Are Monsters: The Movie

the clown age is cuming

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why doesnt he just snap the jokers neck?

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There's no evidence AT ALL that having protagonists of a fictional work do bad things will cause people to emulate them in reality. I don't know why this idea has become so mainstream over the last few years, with people assuming "positive" and "negative" depictions of such and such in a fucking FICTIONAL MOVIE will cause them to perceive things in a certain way. Every study that's been done on stuff like this shows fiction does have an impact on kids - like, toddlers, who're dumb and can't conceive of reality yet - but doesn't show any impact of consuming fictional media on adults or even older kids. Playing violent video games doesn't make you a shooter, seeing girls in bikinis doesn't make you a rapist, seeing someone who looks like you in a leading role won't boost your self-confidence, etc. It's all a bunch of nothing being peddled by cultural critics because they're desperate to justify their own existence.

>everybody who sympathizes with S1 Walt is a mass shooter

The hardest redpill is the realization that most adults not only don't care about bullying, but instinctively take the bulliy's side because they recognize they have higher social status/are hotter than the bullied.

>All this /pol/ shit
It's fucking Batman, take your meds.

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Yeah they do. They want attention, the ultimate "ill show them" thing to do. They feel like no one sees them suffering, so they want everyone to feel their pain. the columbine shooters already showed that everyones gonna be watching and mourning all over the nation. Its like a protest against society, more attention the better

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The same people protesting this movie are the same arguing that video games can't induce violent behaviors? So which is it? Absolute morons.

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I suspect nation wide incel shootings on the release of this masterpiece:

Of course we are. Notice how the clown meme has been huge this year too. Everyone likes to think TPTB and other top brass is clueless about internet culture and memes but I think it's the opposite. Were being played. 6D chess.

The poster is right that the makers of the film hope to inspire shootings.

Just to show how EEEEEVIL white men really are.

It was an attempt to trivialize the growing anti-societal zeitgeist growing on the chans. Too many people seemed opposed to the core values of society, such as sexual liberation, multiculturalism, tolerance, and diversity. The meme sought to make this anti-societal, anti-youth culture seem trivial and cringey, the product of spoiled brats who can't get laid, as opposed to the cool people who watch Disney and Netflix, who are hip with society.

Reddit originated the meme, but Yea Forums defanged it by making it a pseudo-ironic rallying cry and adopted clown world in response. Fundamentally, it was all a clash between the pro-societal egregore of the twitter/tumblr/reddit sphere, composed mainly of hipsters, feminists, and the rest of the alt-scene (who express rebellious attitudes through sex and drugs) and the anti-societal egregore of the chans, composed of nerds and incels (who express rebellion through anomie and anger). The meme thus ultimately failed its original purpose and now drifts without any potency, to be occasionally referenced in self-deprecation but rarely as the prosocial suppressant it was born as.

Why don't you say that three times? With Incels interlinked.

The media that you consume obviously has an effect on your actions, moods and perspectives.

It's even scarier when 30% of the population has no internal monologue. They are reacting to external stimuli only, incapable of self driven thought.

A culture that glorifies violence so flippantly will inevitably result in real life violence being seen as a legitimate solution for problems.

So muslims have the most violent movies and games in the world?

That's why South Korea where video games are deeply embedded in culture now is the most dangerous and crime-ridden country, right?

They have a concept of religiously motivated war in the form of Jihad.

Also, comparing their society to ours is apples to oranges. They don't have a liberal democracy, most of their governments are theocracies or monarchies.

South Korea doesn't have easily available firearms.

Also gooks don't play action games.

You guys are so fucking gay. I just want all you “European identity” people to know you are gayer than literal buttfuckers.


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yeah, is a psyop; like that stupid thread of Brenton Tarrant that cia niggers post every hour in /pol/ and that nobody cares yet the media will blame 4chin when (((they))) stage another white male hate crime.

So gangster movies of blacks shooting other blacks is a psyop for blacks to shoot other blacks?

This is the gospel of the film.

Opinion discarded. Nobody says this word unironically without having severe mental issues.

Yes, and always has been. In the hopes they would turn on whites later.

This. They're evil cuz they're evil. That's their whole motivation. Haven't you guys seen serial killer documentaries?

>Joker wins prestigious award
>Marveltards be like: DUHH IT'S DUH PSYOP

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And then the reality of it

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Real mass shooters are just evil. The false flag ones: either the shooting didn't happen, they're just being used as scapegoats by the real shooter (gov agents), or they've been mind controlled by gov drugs.

Stop showing these retards faces and names. Stop trying to "figure" out why they're doing it. They're attention seeking mediocrities who figured out that a gun puts the attention to 10 on them.

It's actually a direct result of the temporary death of eight chan since the crazies have now flooded Yea Forums and started making more retarded threads.

They were here before you and had to leave because the mods wanted to pander to you redditors.


The interesting thing that I've found, from spending significant time both online/offline with SJWs, is their absolute aversion to the idea of male victimhood, male depression, or even male self-acceptance.

Treat yourself as a victim, complain about your lot in the world, and otherwise be depressed and you will arouse tremendous spite and vitriol in response.

Tell men that they are good people, that they should accept themselves for who they are, and that they are men by the sole fact of being born male and you will also arouse tremendous spite and vitriol in response.

You can see this in their favorite epithets, "mediocre white man" or "incel". The main target of their hatred is not some arrogant douchebag executive, but rather the "incel sadboy", someone who is unhappy with his state in life. They hate men with depression more than they hate egotistic or narcissistic men.

Why is this? Is it the fear that there is only a certain amount of pity/compassion to go around, and that other groups complaining about their problems will take attention away from them?


He is literally the author of the OP's article.

>tfw Marveltard
>tfw the MCU is finished
>tfw DC is the future

Attached: finished.jpg (200x191, 7K)

They don't realize they're contributing to the fucking problem and I love it.

Were FINALLY rising UP lads!!!

Nothing in this country will ever change until people get over their racial grievance bickering and direct their rage at who really needs it: the people who crashed the global economy and got bailed out with no repercussions, that were in the Panama papers (the journalist that broke the story murdered by a car bomb, a bit of news that didn’t get much attention).

All the disaffected whites and all the poor blacks and women have been disenfranchised by the same forces and economic rulers. And they’d all rather bitch at each other on twitter and Yea Forums and lash out at people with no power, because some powerless stranger is an easier punching bag than Dick Cheney or Goldman Sachs.

DAMNNNN look at that full house, CIA glownigs eternally btfo


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I know people like this IRL

this this this

Leftism is accelerationism. The whole point of the vanguard is to push forward History

Yea I find it suspect that this is being so widely praised. When taking in reviewers’ hatred of white males into account, the only conclusion I’ve come up with is that this movie confirms their biases of the evil white male. They will not delve into or comprehend Joker’s complex character, they will instead see a white male committing violence and say, “wow this movie is so brave for confronting society.”

I thought he was raised in a hippie cult and raped as a kid

That’s why his bro was such a mess and he had a 5 year period where he just wandered around Brooklyn and Hollywood acting like a lunatic

That reminds me. I need to rewatch this Mel conspiracy kino.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody.

Attached: Conspiracy_theory_poster.jpg (220x326, 32K)

He's not a fed.
I'm a fed
You're a fed.
Everyone here's a fed.

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You're projecting your perception of the world into their reviews. What you're proposing is a delusion.

>Is it the fear that there is only a certain amount of pity/compassion to go around, and that other groups complaining about their problems will take attention away from them?
Damn I think you got it, at least in part. I hadn't thought of that.

>artificially censoring 'art'
Didn't know we are already in the Equilibrium universe.
Fuck this timeline.

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Anything that makes America look like a hellhole was going to go over well at Venice.

The movie will bash all white males, regardless of social or economic status.

Just watch the trailer.

>make posts about how captain marvel threads were all artificial and made by marketers
>plebs praise me
>make the same posts about this movie as it's been following the same style
>plebs call me a disney shill

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It's almost like 4th channelers relate more with an incel than a hot babe. One of them life mysteries.


Jokester isn't an incel
he's just a guy that goes crazy because he can't get his meds anymore

The fire rises

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were are these green text mental farts coming from? I seriously doubt a non-anonymous person could post this weak bait online

Reported. Enjoy the Fed visit, retard. I am sure your mom thinks you're an intelligent special little guy as well.

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>The interesting thing that I've found, from spending significant time both online/offline with SJWs, is their absolute aversion to the idea of male victimhood, male depression, or even male self-acceptance

I think there's something for this. you see every other walk of life lay their feelings and soul bare and everybody claps and praises them.

But If a man were to do it, in his own way or the same way as they did noone would care hell potentially ridicule them. I don't think these people hate men individually but hate them as a concept/label/group.

only way is to seek self worth from with in, let them hate you and be better than all of them I guess.We will ever get to share in their world or support so it's lonely self improvement or fail and become an bitter hateful person lashing out to the world.

>It's going to get it's ass kicked at TIFF
Joaquin already won TIFF actor award, they are gonna give it to him september 9 so cope harder

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this is your brain on /pol/ and /r9k/
Yea Forums was a mistake

one does simply walk into a future dystopian nightmare

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Pretty good take tbpqh

>conspiracy theory
Imagine being such an ignorant fool.
There are several, reported by the media even, cases where the FBI pushes people who are either mentally ill or mentally retarded to try to commit terrorist acts.

>Mass shooters dont need inspiration. Theyre put through MK ultra brainwashing and triggered by code words and controlled by handlers working for the CIA

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White hot take desu

the movie does have special significance. it's gonna be portraying an impoverished white male being radicalized to violence by an uncaring world and that's going to resonate with a shit load of people. im inclined to agree with in that the notion of sympathy to someone of this particular identification, ie white and male, is something libs won't typically
accept automatically. feeling sorry for incels is off limits and anyone that resembles them must be ridiculed and dehunanized. a person can both do a bad thing and be empathetic. the things that push people to do bad shit are very often out of their control. it's difficult to blame radicalized white men for radicalizing when no one seems to give a shit about their problems.

You nailed it in the last paragraph, they're literally competing for victimhood points. Easiest way to build yourself up is to knock others down.

I don't think its that easy, really. I think it has more to do with the individual versus the group.
See, anyone in any social setting if they are complaining about their lot in life or their depression will arouse tremendous spite and vitriol. Except...
If the individual falls part of a interest group.
>women has different sorts of feminist groups.
>gays bis and trans have LGBT groups
>ethnic minorities have different racial support groups
>handicapped people have handicapped groups
And so on

Each time these people potentially arouse spite and receive backlash - they have groups they can contact that can back them up.
If you are just a man, you have none of that.

That is entirely untrue. The FBI egestas justo id vehicula posuere. Pellentesque eu maximus odio, vitae rutrum leo. Proin ornare est quis sapien mattis, quis consectetur nulla feugiat. Nullam nulla tellus, porttitor ut scelerisque eget, tincidunt at ligula. Maecenas et ultrices lectus. Praesent varius lobortis odio, sit amet pellentesque nulla porta vel. Nulla aliquet est justo, ut mattis nisl sollicitudin id. Nunc et nisi ut mauris hendrerit sagittis. Curabitur at feugiat enim, in vehicula velit. Suspendisse nulla lorem, blandit id fringilla at, sollicitudin eu risus Cras sit amet feugiat libero, id pharetra augue. Mauris porttitor ipsum sit amet magna tincidunt pretium. Nunc pretium risus nec diam efficitur, ut hendrerit tellus maximus. Nunc sed risus porta, cursus nibh nec, tempus ligula.

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Society can't handle this movie it will be a huge criticism on how fucked up our society is and how it treats incels. And don't you fucking "We live in a society" me you fags that is literally the point of joker as a character to criticize our society because it deserves it. That doesn't mean you should go around killing people the point is to portray a man broken by society. It is an archetypal character reminiscent of the "Doomer" meme. No real doomers exist it is an archetype.

Jesus fucking christ, how do you go from "No, Video Games don't need to be censored" to "Guys, I think this Joker movie is dangerous".


you can't prove that

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Feds want mass shootings so they will ban guns. They’re trying to take away our guns.

is it just me or is this thread glowing?

Sup Fed

Yep. Because it is scary to admit when you are hurting someone.

If the moderation team is gone couldn't you theoretically sneed Star Wars threads when the trailer comes out?

It was made using the old script kek

>Manic depression befriends me
>Hear his voice
>Sanity now it's beyond me
>There's no choice

>Why is this? Is it the fear that there is only a certain amount of pity/compassion to go around, and that other groups complaining about their problems will take attention away from them?
Maybe in part, but mostly it is status signalling. They are emulating and asserting the opinions of the elites because that is what you do to get and maintain status in any society. But the elites in every Western country are now the same crowd of vicious transnational parasites, largely but not exclusively Jewish, who hate and fear White people and particularly White men as the only group that threatens this elite's power.
Part of this power rests on the idea that only 'oppression' gives you moral legitimacy, and so denying 'oppressed' status to Whites/Christians/men etc you deny them any moral right to self-interest. This is how you get billionaires crying about anti-Semitism, sexism, homophobia, etc while they mock unemployed working class drug addicts.

Yep. Luckily I escaped the clutches of psychiatrist FAGGOTS even when they locked me in a psych ward. I am much smarter than those assholes.

White males have fallen. Their minds have become so preoccupied by controlled oppositions that they are just giving up and will never raise white children of their own. The Jews and the useful idiot races have proven themselves superior and mutt genes will proliferate.

I'm fond of the book
Where's my glow in the dark gas lighting?!

So all you have to decide is if you want to hand over what was once as close to paradise

dress up as pennywise to really confuse people

Sounds like something Norm would say.

from Cheers?

That doesn't sound coincidental to me. Sounds more like a conspiracy. Stop using the enemy's language.

>turning this movie into a race thing
It's obviously about "mental illness" which is really societies way of enforcing normality. You idiots are also mentally fucked but you turn everything into racial shit because you can't face the truth about your life.

That's crazy. When has a Scorsese movie with Robert DeNiro about a loner who is sick of society and lashes out ever inspired someone to real life violence?

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Non-white incels don't exist.

Wrong, they get their overinflated sense of self worth from hollywood and music. No one just shoots up a school it takes years and years of brewing up hatred

It's just a movie. There's no way it could inspire some nutjob to do something crazy to a politician beloved by conservatives.

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the fuck are you even talking about who gives a fuck about incels? You think the label incel changes anything? It's funny you people will call whoever you feel like incels. If someone is a virgin but a nice guy he isn't an incel but if he is a dick he is an incel or only if he identifies as an incel but not if I think he is an asshole then he is definitely an incel!

>Non-white incels don't exist.
Actually most incels are non-white. Mixed-race incels are very common.

Doesn't work that way since it also pushes normal people into that mindset increasing the influence and appeal of the group they're targeting. As a result the system becomes more influenced by that group it's targeting. This is what happened with feminists and commies who are catered to constantly. The flip side is that the targeted group becomes less radical and more reliant on the system, i.e. not revolutionaries. It is in essence a handshake between a idealogical demographic and the system, where and influence is shared between the two.
Do you think the system would actually do this? No, more likely than not it will show you just enough to make your mouth water then tell you the solution is racemixing or some other dysgenic degeneracy, bait and switch the way it was done with Blade Runner. The consequence is that the man operating solely on instinct, without the proper mental immunities, will lap up the brain rot.

My thought? It's irrelevant, the system cannot court feminist communists and traditionalist Nazis

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Yes. It's Hollywood's fault. Not the fault of ignorant parents who just let their kids gorge themselves on violent entertainment like a fat kid scarfing down junk food every day.

There are millions of people watching these same movies. Yet somehow we don't have millions of people going out on shooting sprees every other day.

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>white male terrorists
As a black guy it's actually hilarious to see you all bitching when the shoe is on the other foot. Whether you're autistic, mentally ill, or a victim of bullying or not, it's kinda shitty to be labelled a fucking "terrorist" or a "lunatic" kinda like how it's shitty to be labelled a "criminal" or "gangster".

>mfw none of it matters because the ELITES who run the world will push and control whatever narrative they want regardless of how society feels or think

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People are only shitting on this movie because it draws attention to their own sins. Every single person who thinks this movie will insight violence is engaging in a defense mechanism. This movie draws attention to the fact that white men are humans that incels are humans and that people that those people are upset in life because other people treated them like shit. Essentially this movie is pointing a finger at assholes and the assholes are whining because they are too scared to face their own sin.

I'm Italian. Do I count as a mixed race incel?


B-B-But I thought we were the good guys..

Fuck incels.

>Why is this?
If someone you like is sad, crying. You feel bad for them, want to help. If you hate that person however, you are disgusted, think they deserve it.

>kinda like how it's shitty to be labelled a "criminal" or "gangster".
Here's the difference. Blacks who are called "criminal" are actual predators who hurt people on a regular basis.

/pol/tards are mentally ill


If god doesn't care enough to step in and do anything, then I don't see why I should. Clearly it's all going according to His plan, who am I to argue.

>what is copycatting
Read a book

Here's the thing. Whites who are called "lunatics" and "terrorists" are actually predators who molest kids, shoot up schools, and kill women on a regular basis.

Whites are underrepresented among mass shooters, despite what the media would have you believe.

not larping as a local a more, shill?

>Why is this?
I think another reason is that they have directed all of their hate towards a specific group of people because reality is a lot scarier to face. They are comfortable hating all white men and dehumanizing them and blaming their problems on them. But the sad lonely white man draws attention to the fact that the people they hate are actually human beings with feelings and a heart. They can't face this because it means dismantling their explanation of evil, it means acknowledging that the world is much scarier and their pain isn't coming from some evil monster they have created but coming from somewhere else. Really evil is something we all have inside of us and any human has the capacity to be evil despite still being human and having some beautiful traits as well. It's hard to really rectify that we would rather just consider evil people to be pure evil so we don't have to sympathize with them at all and we can distance ourselves from our own evil that way.

No. You're just ugly, probably. Incels are people who have some kind of physical deformity. Obesity, weak chin, shoulders too narrow, facial scarring or some other accident-caused deformity, feminine face, feminine body, eyes too small, nose too big, balding early, too short, gay voice, lazy eye, skin problems, really bad greasy hair, really bad hygiene, some kind of people-facing medical issue like a speech impediment that makes them socially inept or insulated, and of course, deep mental issues that drive people away and cause them to talk about you.

Which physical problem do you have?

Learn how to use an apostrophe, you pathetic piece of shit.
Oh wait, you do know how, you’re just trying to bait people into becoming violent so the United Nations (aka the one world government) can justify the mass incarceration of autism spectrum disorder sufferers.
God I fucking hate women.

It's just how this conversation is being framed in the media, and most people don't really think/discuss outside that frame.

In the meme definition of the term (an alienated, often angry, introverted young white man without much relationship history) this might be true. But in the original and genuine definition, the amount of east and especially south Asian incels absolutely dwarfs that of white men.

There are many parallels between low status, mentally ill men in the black, white, and Islamic communities. All share a frustration with the world, with the system, with society, with celibacy/poor relationships, and even with the Jews. But all are kept separate by their disdain for each other.


All of you, every one of you, every one that posts this shit, everyone that writes those fucking articles, die in a fire, kill yourselves, fucking be erased from the goddamned planet.

>Whites who are called "lunatics" and "terrorists" are actually predators who molest kids, shoot up schools, and kill women on a regular basis.
Not nearly to the proportion of their population as Blacks are.

Only 1.7% of the black population, however. Despite higher than average violence, most black men aren't killers or violent.

Nietsche was right again
An a twisted inversion of hierarchy, slave morality all the way down

The main "sinners" in the movie are all white males.

Coincidence? Probably not.

>most black men aren't killers or violent.
This can be said for all races, nigger. However, yours is the worst.

The actual reason: They are anti-civilizational demons, being either traitors, or foreigners trying to colonize and replace an existing culture, and since Western civilization is inherently white, and men are the builders of civilization, white men are thus the natural target of any anti-civilizational demon living in Western civilization. If they were Japanese living in Japan, or non-Japanese living in Japan, instead of the West, they'd be attacking Japanese men and culture. You overcomplicate everything.

It really doesn't matter the perpetrators aren't important what is important is how it is portrayed. People who only identify with their race in a movie are also engaging in a defense mechanism.

You label yourselves as criminals and gangsters, G.

I despise Hollywood for feeding you that crap... but you choose to eat it.

>If they were Japanese living in Japan, or non-Japanese living in Japan, instead of the West, they'd be attacking Japanese men and culture. You overcomplicate everything.
Yep. They already do this in Japan. They are just not nearly as far along.

No you only say that because what I said also applies to you and your worldview. You hate jews in the same exact way. You don't want to face your own sin either.

Show me the statistics on mass shooters. I'd love to know what percentage are white males.

>presented with undeniable facts
And you wonder why you filthy fucks are called terrorists? It's ironic how you call blacks and every other person of color killers and degenerates, when all of your answers to everything is just to kill everybody. Fucking idiot.

Jesus, just shut the fuck up
You know you're fucking wrong but trying to drive home this completely ridiculous point that race is irrelevant, in all fields
No one is buying it; this isn't the 1960s

>mfw I've been taking SSRIs for about 5 years

AKSHUALLY, they did me a world of good. My life seemed to be hopelessly bleak until I started taking these meds, and since then everything about my mood has dramatically improved.

I kinda feel bad for depressed people who don't actually respond well to these meds, desu. That must really fucking blow.

The black/white split was obvious in the trailer... and yes, it does matter.

Black females = good and caring
White males = violent scumbags

Oh, but I do face my own sin. They are only able to thrive in our countries and parasitize us because of our own failings.

Pointlessly sow division and you will reap it as well. Attitudes which assume that blacks are bad and will always be bad helps ensure that they will always act bad. Because why try, when you'll be despised anyway?

Definitely pushing racemixing, AGAIN

Lmao what? In the 1960s race was considered way more relevant than today. You are delusional. It's funny the SJWs and the Nazis will both hate this movie because it will portray a broken white man who has actual feelings and he won't be upset about the Jews and will generally not give a shit about race. These kind of men scare both of these groups because you are ideological opposites.

We have tried and our society had to get significantly shittier for blacks to finally start feeling at home

False. That's the narrative that YOUR overlords push and YOU choose to believe. You would have no problem living among people of color, dating them, or being friends with them. But YOU choose to believe and even push the narrative just like they do. I'm not here to preach or change anybody's opinions, I'm just here to laugh at you faggots cry and whine over shit you've been doing to people of other races for centuries. It's TWICE as funny when you realize that it's your OWN women and men that are doing it to you.

No you don't it is too scary for you to do.

I take Risperidone for anxiety, and it helps a lot. Also Mirtazapine for depresson.


You are projecting. I am well aware that it is our own failings as a people that led us to this juncture. If we had been stronger this would never have happened and our societies would still be healthy.

>racemixing good
No one buys this
We hate the Jews because they are a foreign race that acts parasitically on our civilization. Niggers are no different.
A society full of mulatto goblins is exactly what the kikes want; ruin whites and there's no competition left

Oh, there's still competition. Asians are just as intelligent if not moreso, and far less neurotic. They will likely supplant the Chosen. The only reason they didn't previously is because they can't pass as one of us, which means they couldn't get their foot in the door back when we had some level of healthy ethnic interest.

The Jews have been doing this to strong will whites for over a century, the cherry on top is pushing for racemixing with niggers and our racial destruction.

I live in a largely black neighborhood, and I hear people pumping the Gangsta garbage into their own heads on a daily basis.

When they drink too much... the harm is done. Then they blame the police for the trouble they get into.

I feel sorry for them, but they choose their own self-image. And often pay a miserable price for it.

By constantly obsessing with race, by focusing on race, you ensure that race becomes a major issue. Feed into division, ostracize others based on skin color, and you will create a war of identities. Do you want a country where political parties are proxies for tribal identities, where every election is a zero-sum game where one race wins because the others lose?
Pointless hatred of others based on immutable differences is profoundly stupid and ends up hurting yourself far more than it does others.
And you will never create a nation free of blacks, They are part of America, far more so than many whites. So why expend energy on such a futile endeavor?

I'm taking about the trailer's agenda

What the fuck are you going on about? Our overlords are telling us that race doesn't even exist.

They think racemixing will get rid of "inferior" whites, and improve the breed. Eugenics.

lol okay user. You don't HAVE to believe that crap you know? Why do you believe that anyways? Did your parents teach you it? What's the real reason?

You don't see how you are dehumanizing these groups at all?

>When they drink too much...the harm is done. Then they blame the police for the trouble they get into.

As opposed to what? White people drinking too much and raping someone or beating some gay faggots up? So we'll pretend like white people don't do drugs and alcohol and then do fucked up shit? Or are we pretending like the incels who shoot up movie theaters, festivals, and schools aren't "blaming society and women, and THE JOOS" for shit? Save the hypocritical bullshit for someone who gives a fuck my man, but by all means continue to try to justify your retarded views and opinions if you feel the need to do so man.

Race isn't just skin color you moron.
>Do you want a country where political parties are proxies for tribal identities, where every election is a zero-sum game where one race wins because the others lose?
This is inevitably what any multiracial country becomes, because it has no shared identity.

Asians will have no problems with Jews, they're not sensitive/intuitive enough to recognize them as a threat and the Jew will continue his game.
The racial destruction of whites is the primary motive of Jews; its present in all of his actions and the nigger is simply a tool in his belt for those purposes. Fuck off with your race mixing bullshit

>when all of your answers to everything is just to kill everybody. Fucking idiot.
Calm down, nigger. I never said anything of the sort. Your black male rage needs checking.

You know, about a decade and a half ago, race relations were on a steady upswing. Equality is equality. Overcompensation and pendulum tactics only perpetuate the whole ordeal. If you want things to be cool, then everyone has to chill and drop it. The back and forth will only ensure that the cycle never ends. No one alive in the USA today owned slaves; no one cares that before they broke out and went wild that white people had to fight for their lives for a millenium and endure attack and slavery at the hands of Arabs; just end it or prepare for the pendulum to swing back the other way eventually.

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Jews are more recognizably alien in an Asian society than in a European one, given the greater distance between the Asian and Semitic groups. But yes they are already doing the same tricks over there and it may still work.

Black people are not immune to prosecution, just because they are black.

This seems to bother you for some reason.

Who taught you these beliefs? Where did you get this from and why do you actually believe it? Does it make the world seem simpler to understand? Or did you parents teach you this and you are too scared to face that they were horrible people? I would like to know but I think you need to ask yourself these questions. Ask yourself WHY

>Attitudes which assume that blacks are bad and will always be bad helps ensure that they will always act bad. Because why try, when you'll be despised anyway?
How about they just go home to Africa so they will be away from all that racism? Oh wait, that's never an option, despite being the best one.

>they're a part of it
Blacks have given nothing to the Founding stock of American culture, they have only contributed to its wholesale decline.

That said, American is and always has been a shithole. Best if it's national identity was completely swept clean for a new foundational nucleus to take its place

>a decade and a half ago, race relations were on a steady upswing.
No, they weren't. Naive Whites believed this because their parents and grandparents had literally run away from the conflict. They abandoned a huge chunk of the country to escape it, and it caught up to them anyway.

Based and checked

>the Jews are now their overlords
Which one is it retard? Either they're your overlords or they want the "DESTRUCCION OF DUH WHYTE RACE" which one is it brainiac?

You clearly haven't read a single post in this thread then fucking retard.

>whites can't experience racism
This is true in most cases.

>Do you want a country where political parties are proxies for tribal identities, where every election is a zero-sum game where one race wins because the others lose?
Yes. I don't want to be around blacks or Jews. This is already happening but with way more groups.

Are you seriously trying to LARP as le sympathetic school marm? Wew laddies

African Americans make up nearly 13% of the U.S. population, but in 2009 suffered almost 24% of all firearm deaths – and over 54% of all firearm homicides.

Now, shut the fuck up faggot.

Here is the thing you can recognize everything in that image as abusive, toxic, hateful bullshit without becoming a racist. SJWs are hateful people and they need to learn their lesson but many people will never do this. Abusive people generally are too weak to face reality it is not right to just change your mindset and become an abusive person to a different group of people. It is better to recognize goodness in you and others and align yourself with it. These people have no real power over you or your individuality.

You should ask yourself the same thing. You believe the narrative forced down your throat by every institution since you were a child, yet convince yourself that you came to these conclusions on your own. You see people rejecting this narrative and instead believing in something that every single institution and incentive system in our society is designed to lead people away from, and you wonder who could have possibly brainwashed us. The reality is that no one brainwashed us. We fought the brainwashing and came to the same conclusions almost every single person came to on their own prior to media and education being consolidated in the hands of a few over the last century.

>noticing trends and patterns is dehumanizing
Kek, give me a break. The attributing of positive qualities to other races regardless of evidence is exactly what has lead Western civilization to the brink of collapse

>Who taught you these beliefs?
I just read on my own after I graduated from college. Something you will never do. Your beliefs are boilerplate from CNN.

>this is true in most cases

And this is why the pendulum will swing in your disfavor again.

I hope nothing fucking happens when this movie comes out so you memers can get BTFO

Not at all. What bothers me is when whites crucify blacks for the same exact thing they do. You'd be delusional to sit here and tell me that "b-b-but black people get drunk and hurt people" is a solid point in any type of argument. Just take a trip to your local college or even high school and find out how many people are hurt by "drunk white guys".

Nooooo rates don't matter
Some people do bad things, that's all
This is the nuanced and intelligent position!

Change the burger into a bug

Now post the mass shooting statistics faggot. I'll wait.

Semitic groups are Asian
Just give it a couple generations and we'll see a bunch of Xiang Shecklesteins puttering about

State, business, and financial power have no power over you
>just be an individual
How can anyone still be a lolbertarian in 2019?

Interesting...I completely agree with you that our institutions are abusive and wrong about a lot of things. But you did not actually come to your own conclusions you have joined a "club" online you just realigned yourself with a slightly friendlier but still hateful group. The harder path to walk is the path of individuality. What you don't notice is that collectivist mindsets are a result of industrialization and the loss of spirituality in society. Humans have distanced themselves from individuality and converted their entire being into this "social self" which Jung called the persona. When you truly pay attention to yourself you will see you are not this being you are not the "white man" you are something much bigger.

When whites break the law, they are prosecuted for it.

They just don't cry "muh racism" over it.

>The harder path to walk is the path of individuality.
Cutting yourself off from everything isn't hard at all. All you have to do is wash your penis and enjoy the decline.

>akshually Semitic groups are Asian
Okay sure, you know what I meant.
>give it a couple generations and we'll see a bunch of Xiang Shecklesteins
Already started, look at Zuckerberg.

What is "Western Civilization" to you? Is it love? is it peace?

I do not care about CNN

They have no power over the real You. The real You is bigger than all of them.

I am not cut off I am utterly connected to everything.

That study that found that so many 'people' have no inner monologue, I would like to see broken down by race, religion and country of origin.

If they proscribe you medication for schizophrenia they want to dull your natural senses. They make you numb and lose all feelings. You're literally just a drugged zombie. This is not a coincidence.

Society is collectivism you utter retard.
>I am not cut off I am utterly connected to everything.
Dude stop smoking pot

It's a gradual process of dismantling liberal democractic lies and wholesale rejecting enlightenment values which are predicated on slave morality

The impetus for this journey was dignity and self respect.

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>What is "Western Civilization" to you? Is it love? is it peace?
Uh, no. It's the European peoples, their lands, their history and their culture. Civilization aren't platitudes like "love". They aren't abstract concepts.

It's Trascendance built of Aryan Idealism

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I am not society so your point is meaningless.

>The impetus for this journey was dignity and self respect.
Interesting that is my goal too and I am not on your path at all.

>love is an abstract concept yet culture, history, peoples, and land are not
user you are completely possessed by ideology. Love is more real than culture.

I see so this is taking place of religion for you isn't it?

Love is a force of power that binds the threat of this universe together. The fact that you consider it a a platitude means you are plugged in the satan matrix.

to be honest I like this version of joker more than heath

>it's not my goal
That's because you're not an Aryan

>it's religious?
Our existence is spiritual in nature, the struggle for survival and ultimate fulfillment is by definition a spiritual endeavor

I am what I am.

>the struggle for survival and ultimate fulfillment is by definition a spiritual endeavor
I would disagree that is a worldly endeavor. A spiritual endeavor transcends the World and enters Reality.

Every time I say it I get banned regardless of the context. Why am I being singled out, bros?

Honor should never be subordinated to love
Love is one virtue among many. Only a fool loves a a dishonorable man, but a wise man still honors one whom he doesn't love

>Did your parents teach you it?

(you) did

Trascendance is achieved through solar virile action, when man's dance with life and death reaches its ultimate climax
The world is meant to be lived; the gods smile on those who shine brightest.

Play the game or gtfo, nigger

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>The world is meant to be lived
I don't disagree with that but you can't transcend anything if you stay stuck in the world. You have to acknowledge true reality.

They're only as crazy as society can allow them to be

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The man who lives life best, who masters life and death by completing feats of the most heroic quality, those are the men who Transcend

Not little faggots who sit around and talk to women about how much they feel the vibrations

Sames, been on an SSRI for a decade and it's been great for keeping the abyss at bay. Probably would've topped myself without em tbchwyf.