From the man himself, Yea Forums BTFO forever.
From the man himself, Yea Forums BTFO forever
Other urls found in this thread:
>yuppies and unrestrained capitalism
So jews
But he just described jews?
>it's not about jews, it's about jews
Did you see that post with or without the glasses?
I need special glasses to see the real tweet.
So about this Jewish control of the world thing.. could you elaborate on that Mr. Carpenter?
What's wrong with unrestrained capitalism?
he had to fucking say that
Hahaha imagine being dumb enough to respond what a dumb fuck
What was that norm bit? Now that he has apologized to the jews for saying they control the world, he is allowed to go back to work?
death of the author
>SJWs blame white male capitalists
>/pol/ blames jewish male corporatists
Literally horseshoe
I thought "unrestrained capitalism" was an altright dogwhistle for Jews, like the term "globalist"
He was saying Jews DO control the world but that They Live isn't about them. Based Carpenter.
>It's not about Jews, it's just about Jews
See America
First three posts, best posts
Wealthiest country in the world, fewest people starving, except in states and cities full of welfare leeches (niggers and spics)
Cmon we know who he means don't make JC become a target for the Jew mafia
Actually on second thoughts why is it slanderous and a lie? What do Jews think would happen if people believed that
>fewest people starving
>wealthiest country in the world
Yet the average worker makes barely enough money to live on
>Fewest people starving
Because all of the food is loaded with carbs, sugars, fats and salt
>cities full of welfare leeches
Those same cities that are some of the highest-earning cities in the world especially New York and places like Los Angeles. Ironic, no?
what if anti semitism hurt white people because it keeps you from realising what is really keeping you subservient?
The elite want you guys to hate a very generalized broad group instead of the actual ones. Which are made up of plenty of Jews but also whites and chinks, but shhh continue being their controlled opposition and being proud of being called incel nazis
It's only a problem when nefarious individuals take advantage.
>centrists still literally wrong about everything
It makes low iq commies seethe because they can't compete. Well, there's also a problem with nepotistic jews.
>Yet the average worker makes barely enough money to live on
Isn't the average salary around 50k? That's a fortune.
so it's about the kikes then
People mistake cronyism (literally restrained capitalism) for it.
brown female capitalists are also bad
the median is not the mean
He just described a bunch of synonyms
Nothing but it's ruthless and it leaves some people behind. In essence it's the role of a goverment to prevent its effect.
>Yet the average worker makes barely enough money to live on
that's the case literally everywhere in the world besides The Vatican or whatever
So always?
>Isn't the average salary around 50k? That's a fortune.
>the median is not the mean
Most workers are making minimum wage
(around $15,000 a year) with the luckier ones making closer to $40,000 a year. The median income is $50k because of all the extremely wealthy people inflating the number, and of course there are far fewer of them than people making under $50k a year.
It's okay, John. We know.
Imagine being an anglo and not realizing what slime you are
Don't worry. I hate shabbos goy even more than I hate jews.
>thinking a well-known director would actually ever come out and say, "Yeah, it's about the Jews."
I mean, c'mon.
He's lying. It's actually about this image.
No shit, but when you're the world's preeminent super power, you would think that people would be much better off economically.
America isn't unrestrained capitalism. I don't know where you got that idea.
well no shit
if they didnt make enough to live on, they would die and wouldnt be able to work anymore
the median wage in india is like $200 per year, and they live on that
So long as we let them live in our societies, unpunished.
>unrestrained capitalism
t. Corpocucks
>literally the richest country in the world
Pick one.
They classify corporations as people for fucks sake.
>deluded leftypol shilling
Pretty much only shitskins and retards make minimum wage. None of this applies to whites. The average for whites is probably close to a hundred.
There's living and "living". Living in a shack and only eating once a day or every other day isn't living.
I think he meant more places like Detroit (although I hear it's getting gentrified with whites once again)
It literally is.
The US isn’t the richest country in the world btw. US has massive debt and very meager treasury.
>They classify corporations as people for fucks sake.
it's like that all over the western world
An Oligarchy of insanely powerful people. Jews just happen to meet the criteria
Nigger, I'm on your side. You're just retarded if you think the US is free-market capitalism. It's just as regulated and restrained as most other western capitalist countries.
>he thinks "unrestrained" is referring to how much wealth the country has, not the amount of interference and regulations placed by the state
fucking idiot
are you sure, because you must be bringing down the average quite a lot
Upper Class Whites Are The True Enemy
1. yes they are (if not, then who)
2. you don't know shit about the US's debt or what it actually means
This picture is so funny.
Are they alive or not?
>USD is the reserve currency for the entire fucking world
>bro its not rich they have debt
based retard
It's the richest because companies barely have any restraints you fucking pock, kill yourself
Guess the whyte race isnt so great after all
being this deluded. you should leave your parent's suburb some time and travel all over the midwest and plains
here's your (You)
Which race is?
this. it's obvious what his intentions were with the post. If it weren't about jews, why did he even draw so much attention to it by mentionung it in the tweet? he wants to get the truth out without suiciding himself with 2 gunshots to the back of the head in a bag locked from the outside.
>It's the richest because companies barely have any restraints you fucking pock, kill yourself
No, you fucking idiot. It's much more complex than that. The US is rich because it built an entire global hegemony across the world after WW2 and put a foothold in just about every major global money making industry they could.
jeff bezos has like 100 billions dollars and his workers are so poor, taxpayers are paying them to survive.
>US is rich because it built an entire global hegemony across the world after WW2 and put a foothold in just about every major global money making industry they could.
And did the government restrain them in doing so? Fuck no. Stop defeating your own argument dumbass.
>companies barely have any restraints
US corporations are some of the most retrained in the world you total brainlet. Why do you think they do so much of their banking overseas?
>wow they're so restrained that they just circumvent the restraints or lobby congress to remove / change them!
I can't even grasp how retarded you are.
You seriously think "MORE MONEY = MORE CAPITALISM"
Do you not even understand how global economies work you fucking retard?
no u, leftypol faggot
while you're right, there is literally not a single thing in the movie that suggests it's about Jews and literally everything is screaming that it's about pathologies of capitalism
Winners in the game of capitalism (e.g., yes, the elite) are the actual problem. It just so happens that jews are a highly intelligent people who help each other succeed a lot. So they end up comprising an outsize portion of the circle of the elite. If jews didn't exist, that space would be filled up with the next racially advantaged group of people (asians, more whites, who knows) and we'd be blaming everything on them (or in the case of whites, blaming them even more than we already do). If there's a conspiracy it's capitalism itself, which provides perverse incentive structures to fuck over your fellow man in the pursuit of profit. Yet the structures of hierarchy, status seeking and capital exploitation that are the constituent elements of capitalism probably have their starting place deep in the human genome itself. We're highly tribal, fractious, hierarchical, status-seeking apes and capitalism is simply the hottest newest and most efficient way to enforce a status hierarchy and ensure that wealth, fame and prestige flow to the most prestigious monkey in the room.
When you hate jews for winning the game, what you're really hating is the game itself. And when you hate the game itself, what you're really hating is your own genetic legacy, one that is common to all humans. There are answers to this problem, but focusing on 'the jews' or any other advantaged group is missing the forest for the trees. If you play monopoly every week with your friends and one friend keeps winning and you finally kick him out of the club, does anything really change? The rules stay the same and someone else just starts his winning streak because he knows the rules best. Until we decide that the rules themselves need to be rewritten, nothing will ever change.
>spineless faggots with no opinions think everyone who disagrees with them is the same
I blame jewish female communists nigger
>being this indoctrinated
You're owned by the jews. You're their pet.
The ones that stay away from pork, apparently
>wojak image, purposely being obtuse
time to go back to leftpol, idiot
Also, Reminder that "muh jews own porn" is pure bullshit
In picrel are all the major porn studios. As you can see, only one of them is supposedly a jew (David Marmostein, if he's a jew at all. I'm basing it off his surname)
Can you prove anyone else on that list is a jew?
And i'm not even talking about the japanese porn scene (2nd largest in the world) or the czech porn scene like LegalPorn (and don't pretend like you aren't familiar with how degenerate that site is)
>but mindgeek is jewish!
>MindGeek has its origins in Mansef and Interhub (owners of Brazzers and Pornhub) founded in 2004 and 2007 respectively by Stephane Manos, Ouissam Youssef and Matt Keezer in Montreal, which internet entrepreneur Fabian Thylmann bought in 2010
None of them are jews
>i only listen to what marxist academics have to say
what does that have to do with pay? yes whites will pay more taxes because of the 1%. You think there are no poor white. You are fucking retarded
>implying only jews are yuppies
why are /pol/cels so retarded?
>calls other people retarded
>extrapolates things from posts that clearly aren't there
I'll lay it out for you since you're too stupid to follow a conversation:
1. The US has the world's reserve currency. Ergo, every single dollar in circulation is technically owned by the Federal Reserve to the benefit of the US. This means the entire global economy is essentially controlled by America.
2. US companies are "restrained" in the sense that they pay higher taxes, but in most cases they circumvent them entirely. The only other way they are "restrained" is with certain health and safety regulations, which are usually either ignored or just barely passed to appease the government.
3. More captialism = more money. The US is the most captialist nation in the world and its shows since they have all the money. If they were "restrained" as much as you said they are, then that wouldn't be the case now would it?
In short: kill yourself.
>I only listen to what literally who bloggers on dead platforms have to say
First post with actual intelligence
>they live is not about the jews
Hold on let me put on my glasses.
>they live is about the jews
Bernie said there are no poor white people.
Whites pay more in taxes because the median white person is much more wealthy than the median shitskin. And this is due to iq differences, which are mostly the result of genetics.
Excuse us?
>why did he even draw so much attention to it by mentionung it in the tweet?
Because he was being asked about it numerous times by /pol/cel schizos
>NOT under Jewish mind control
guess you have to look less extreme somehow. Guess the Jews got to him, eh?
God, I love this fucking board
>muh 1% cheap marxist propaganda
Go back to red-dit and kill yourself.
>the guy who kickstarted 12 different Halloween movies is trying to criticize “unrestrained capitalism”
I'm okay with killing the 1% if we kick out all non-whites first.
>missing the forest for the trees
Verpiss dich, Sören du scheiß Zecke.
be quiet and just cherrypick 3 jews from each media corp's staff list of 1000s of people and present it as an infographic with a bunch of sparkly hexagon stars and triple-parentheses. What are you, bluepilled or something?
So it's confirmed. They Live IS about the Jews. I already knew that.
Have skeks user
What does government control of the economy have to do with unrestrained capitalism?
Aren't they opposites?
How stupid do you have to believe to think USA isn't an overly regulated country?
Corporations have tons of power because it's over regulated, not due to a lack of regulation.
>also don't control banking or international finance
They don't tho. Almost all central banks are owned by their government, with the exceptions of the Fed (whose current head isn't jewish), and the Bank of Japan, Swiss National Bank, and Bank of Greece which have hybrid ownership structures
And no, The Rothschilds don’t own any central banks at all
Why is that Jeff Bezos' fault or responsibility?
>What's 5% but also 1%?
>dude Jews are highly advanced high IQ other worldly creatures with technology beyond our comprehension and whites are just stupid slaves that sate their base desires
Imagine having this much of an inferiority complex
Is this why you try to become women?
Why is pic related so obsessed with Jews
You're the fucking retard if you think the average white person makes anywhere near 100k. Just shut the fuck up.
Looks mixed.
Pol is 2% white tops
I agree Jews are so above whites as to be hyper advanced aliens
Thanks pol
Is this why they hate "other races"? Honestly makes a lot of sense.
>the elites are trying to subconsciously encourage people to procreate rather than import a new population
yeah, I think he's just that retarded
they look very jewish desu
they white /pol/lacks went to eightchan before it ran out of steam
Nah, apparently that's the typical white incel look
I’m surprised they were allowed to bring the Dark Crystal back. Aristocratic Jewish vultures harvesting children’s adrenochrome for life extension? Couldn’t be more plain.
Jim Henson did die in a rather strange way as well...
Top kek. Every time someone tries to explain his own movie to me, I realize he's a brainlet.
Was Pol Pot right and I should stop wearing glasses?
no those cripple niiggers don't get retroactive whitness.
>Jews are also phoneposters
Absolute vermin
>>dude Jews are highly advanced high IQ other worldly creatures with technology beyond our comprehension and whites are just stupid slaves that sate their base desires
I have legit never heard of anyone claiming that jews have tech beyond our comprehension
the fact that you mention that makes me think youre the jew with an inferiority complex who just make up claims that you think antisemites believe
These. I like John and his movies but the dude’s actual ideas on the world are Alex Jones levels of retarded conspiracy that don’t make any sense when you think about it for more than 5 seconds.
>what is alienation of the working class
And yet, the leftists explanation is still more honest and correct.
That’s only because you have the attention span of an ant.
But in the movie Jews have FTL tech and reality warping stuff which is how they control the dumb whites
Capitalism works by separating workers from stuff they make. John Carpenter made lots of movies, but they all belong to the studios. He transformed the studio's capital into profit by the way of this separation. This is called alienation, and it's a basic feature of capitalism.
No, that's because rightists are philosophical zombies who always argue in bad faith (assuming they even know what that means).
Not everyone is a Jew obsessed tranny like you mate
What makes Jews so superior to whites that they can dominate them like insects?
>implying that the US has unrestrained capitalism
America is less Capitalist than Sweden for example
The ones that rule the world
aint it funny that jews are at the forefront of capitalism and communism? it's almost as if the game was rigged from the start
Literally all the problems America have come from the restrictions they put on capitalism
Im sure Batman Returns isn't about Jews either really seems like it is
Relentless in-group preference.
It really isn't tho, you'll pay much more taxes than in the US, America i s literally the best country for high-income individuals save for tax heavens
so wearing glasses makes you a serial killer?
>John Carpenter formed a symbiotic relationship with studios who gave him a budget and distribution, which in return earned him fame and fortune
Wow. That's terrible.
I don’t get what your point is. Carpenter directly contributed to 3 of those movies and he still made a ridiculous amount of profit from the Halloween franchise’s name as a whole, including merchandising. Carpenter is apart of the studio.
I can smell your fedora from here.
>who always argue in bad faith
says the brainlet that couldn't even refute the arguments in the image
>This is called alienation, and it's a basic feature of capitalism.
Marx's theories make absolutely no sense and are basically "just-so" stories.
Only retards believe in this shit.
He's just a marxist cultist repeating his cultspeak.
>500,000 people file for medical bankruptcy every year because capitalism is too regulated
i want r/the_dreidel to leave
Give a reason why capitalism is good Yea Forums, defend the system that is the source of all the Jewish degeneracy in the world
It's not that good, but you have to provide a better alternative if you're intent on tearing it down.
>bad faith
Nice meme. What are you going to do next, mention "grifters" or "dogwhistling"?
>All these mad Mutties replying
Marx was a materialist: his argument for ditching capitalism wasn't because it's unfair (even though it kinda is, in the grand scheme of things), but because it best represents the interests of most people.
For him, morals are determined by the material conditions (what he calls "dialectical materialism). So in a capitalist society, our perception of what is right or wrong will naturally skew towards the preservation of the current system.
But I thought Cameron is based? Okay fucking this Jew. It's over. Cancel comfy avatar threads.
I clicked this thread just to see this. Thank you.
where are you from?
Okay. So, why should we do anything he says?
It doesn’t even sound like you’re making an actual point as much as you are quoting the Communist Manifesto and crossing your fingers that people will think you’re actually arguing for/against something. Are all of Marx’s followers this pretentious?
Whats this place?
Rape temple. The fuck do you think it is, moron?
>For him, morals are determined by the material conditions (what he calls "dialectical materialism). So in a capitalist society, our perception of what is right or wrong will naturally skew towards the preservation of the current system.
He was also a retard that thought all human action was the result of economic forces.
He denied human biological instincts.
Whats wrong with these people
They like rape.
>Give a reason why capitalism is good Yea Forums
It has resulted in a massive increase in human living standards.
Marx separates people into basically two classes: those that own capital and those that work for the people that own capital for a wage.
Even though he may be more well off than most working class people, he'll never get more money than the studio makes. If he does, it's because the studio is not working correctly, because it's not making money. He's still subject to the same money dynamics as a Starbucks barista.
>Marx separates people into basically two classes: those that own capital and those that work for the people that own capital for a wage.
Who gives a shit?
He was wrong.
Nothing, if you're a sociopath who unironically takes solace in human suffering.
I mean, Carpenter has enough clout now that he could probably start his own studio, or at least crowd fun as many independent movies as he wanted, and he gained that success working under studios.
>we don't have any disproportionate influence
>and you're just jealous of it!
Right on schedule.
I like how jews now have a fake version. There's no trick you won't try. Chutzpah!
>Even though he may be more well off than most working class people, he'll never get more money than the studio makes. If he does, it's because the studio is not working correctly, because it's not making money.
...Because the studio is made up of multiple people and the profit made from the movie is shared between people inside the studio, including Carpenter, who’s technically one of those higher ups. Are you insinuating that a director who handles millions of dollars worth of expenses has a similar position to someone who makes coffee for people going to work?
Interesting. And if he had control of his own labor he could actually name the Jew.
send me the world war shorts and trump 2020 shirt ill pay u
He didn't, actually. For Marx, labour is a relationship between man and nature. Man works to satisfy his own needs: to produce food for his consumption, clothes to protect from the elements etc. Obviously, basic human needs are biologically determined.
This "Marx doesn't account for human nature" is a massive meme.
Because eventually this system will run it's course. There's no unlimited growth, so capital's basic feature, that it's used to generate profit, won't be there forever. Eventually, a system that relies on the satisfaction of human needs, not on profit, will have to appear.
i'm muslim
Well the one on the right is correct and the one on the left isn't so
I don't really know the nuances of Carpenter's contract with his studio, but if he indeed is a shareholder and collects dividends that come directly from his own labour, then there's a tiny bit of communism in this studio, in the sense that a worker, Carpenter, has ownership of the means of production.
In this case, that puts him in a better position than most workers, as most workers have no participation in dividends.
We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
>For Marx,
yeah, just for marx, not for anyone else or reality
>labour is a relationship between man and nature.
What does this even mean? It's more marxist word salad pseudo-philosophical garbage.
>Obviously, basic human needs are biologically determined.
Yes, that's one thing that is biologically determined, along with the countless other aspects of human nature that marx denied and instead claimed that dialectical materialism is what shaped human action.
>Because eventually this system will run it's course. There's no unlimited growth, so capital's basic feature
Capitalism doesn't rely on unlimited growth, this is a fallacy.
You're thinking of keynesian economics.
What they mean is "Marx didn't account for ethnicity and race" but most armchair critics of Marx are stuck in normie neocon land where they'd rather sacrifice a daughter than be seen as a racist.
You can say that in "not accounting for human nature" he also denied the innate need for social hierarchy. But that's less important.
I wonder what it's like to have a brain as small as those on the right of the image.
lolberg filth are worse than marxists. At least marxists have somewhat good intentions. Lolbergs intentions are literally 100% I WANT MONEY AND POWER
Somebody ask him if The Thing is the Jews.
>What does this even mean? It's more marxist word salad pseudo-philosophical garbage.
Labor theory of value dude. Go back to Adam Smith's stick if you can't understand it.
>labor theory of value dude.
It's been debunked a million times in favor of subjective theory of value and marginalism
>dude you haven't even read Locke? fucking idiot
>At least marxists have somewhat good intentions
Marxists don't have good intentions.
Neetsocs are just as bad as commies, holy shit.
How look fucking dumb this image is.
>ayn rand
Not a libertarian, hated libertarians.
Neo-keynesian, not a libertarian
>Rothbard and Mises
Unironically based
Both Hated Israel and supported white ethnonationalism
Rothbard was close friends with Jared Taylor
Eat shit.
You're the same people that support central banking and the continued enslavement of whites by zionists.
Most people in leftist circles don't even have a grasp of basic theory lol
Materialist, theory-equipped leftists are a dime a dozen nowadays. We're far outnumbered by left-liberal types