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Shut up, Morty.




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Body horror is literally the brainlet shock value soiboi form of horror
Really makes me think that bone chilling poster never criticizes shit like this


i liked it

it's too low hanging fruit man. not worth to bait, everyone already dislikes it

Tusk II wasn't that great. Tusk is a lot better.

I unironically liked it.

This film is a huge pleb filter and the only thing worthwhile that Kevin Smith has ever done.

I loved this movie.

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Vulgar was pretty good.

Clerks is a cult classic and Red State was good

The fact that he didn't drown himself in the pool indicates he had little self respect for himself.

This movie is stupid but the idea of being captured and horribly mutilated by surgery is absolutely horrifying to me.

Hey, found a brainlet


hey, found a retarded faggot nigger

seething. Go cuddle after watching some bone chiller thrillers

I know that you have a development disability (I.E. you're a retarded faggot that wants to be a woman) but not all of us think that turning your penis outward in, shaping it like a pseudo-vagina but is really just a never healing would, is beautiful.

Movies like Red State and No Country for Old Men have potential but they squander it because they take the easy way out: Subverting expectation by means of subverting a satisfying narrative.

The funniest thing about this is the origin story. He was just shooting the shit and ended up making it kek.

>do what you must, I have already won
The face of a man fulfilled.

>red state
>no country for old men

One of these things is not like the other.

They both sacrifice viewer satisfaction to chase contradiction of expectation.

The fuck are you not satisfied about No Country?

You just rekt that other user

The protagonist dying offscreen. inb4 your conditioned response to call me a pleb.

Why does that make it bad?

He didn't die because you didn't see him die. This man is delusional. Take him to the infirmary.


Because it's dissatisfying storytelling for a visual medium.

Just because he was surgically turned into a monster, why the fuck would he crave raw fish!?

He was mindbroken.

Says you. I dont mind thinking

I wonder how other tusks would react to him

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>friends keep him alive and treat him like a seal
what the fuck

I turned it off once he had that opportunity and didn't take it. Was a decent unsettling watch up to that point.

Imagine being dissatisfied by No Country For Old Man.

Fuck, does everything need to be wrapped in a bow and hand-delivered to you?

It was a hoot and a holler

No, I think it's good that dissatisfying movies like that exist because it adds tension when you're watching a suspenseful film because you know that the writers might just be retarded enough to try to subvert your expectations by making the film shitty.

Who is this literal goddess?