Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

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it was worse than tat

No, it's a kid's movie.

You are clearly above the age of 12 or don't have kids that age.


No, it was worse.

No. Was okay, just not as good as LotR.

It was well made, but forgettable. I wouldn't say bad.


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>No, it's a kid's movie.
Fuck off cunt, they were dark and dreary designed to appeal to the worst of the worst "Ringers", no kid is sitting through these once let alone wanting to watch them over and over unless they're a future Chris-chan in the making

It was the worst movie I had ever seen at the time, but after a year of amazon nu-lotr it will be considered high kino and Hackson will be praised as the last great hollywood auteur.

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>Fuck *warves and G*ladriel

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unexpected journey was quite good tho


i wasn't when i saw it
it was shit then and its shit now

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The first two are comfy movies but all the child jokes bring it down a lot

best of the three
on par with ROTK

No. It's a fine, competent film. The problems arise with parts 2 and 3, which are fucking terrible and thankyou reminding me they exist, twat.

It's Martin Freeman playing Martin Freeman in a beloved story

I was about to defend it until I saw that

Has someone made a supercut that isn't shit yet?


>it's a kid's movie
The go to excuse when some fantasy/capeshit/scifi is dumb as shit.

I'm glad I resolved myself never to watch these movies after I was so sorely disappointed by the first one.

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>being so old and grouchy you can't enjoy some fun
same fucks who disliked Mission Impossible 2 too, I bet.

this is the logical progression of the shield snowboard scene in TT, it was inevitable

if you ignore that is based on the book you can have a good time

Dropped this movie 30 seconds in. They couldn't tell the story of lonely mountain from Thorin's mouth because they cast a worthless Thorin. They set up three movies of disappointment by getting the biggest baddest dragon scene out of the way during opening credits. Martin Freeman's "performance" as Bilbo was downright condescending, he obviously thought it was a kids film. The whole thing was tone deaf and botched from day one.

Unexpected Journey is comfy until they leave the shire. Everything after that, and the following two movies, is unwatchable trash.

I liked it a lot.

this is honestly the worst part of the trilogy of though, so damn bad.

yeah it sucked

It suffers from severe bloat thanks to the 3rd movie. Had they kept it 2 movies, it would have been very good. Now it is 3 movies sprinkled with good scenes, but ruined by excessive use of CGI and bad side stories like the elven/dwarven love triangle..

The 1970s animated version, where characters start spinning and fade out when killed, absolutely shits on this movie. Aesthetically, musically, in terms of plot, cast, and script. I would argue the action is better too, even though there isn't any, just because the stakes feel higher and the enemies more threatening.

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It still hurts bros. Bigger miss than disney wars.

what do YOU think?

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Martin Freeman was a decent choice for Bilbo but almost every single other decision made for these movies was terrible. It's impressive how wrong everything is.

The first one was okay
The following two movies was shit

Parts of it are amazing. Elf king or adventure parts without garbage CGI action were so good. Fancut that turns all 3 movies into 1 is unironically great.

But normal version fucking sucks overall and BD version is a complete joke.

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>The extended editions will be better
>They'll give us more dwarf or elf lore and culture in scenes that were edited out due to time constraints
>mfw when we got half an hour of Alfred Lickspittle, dwarven anti-arrow fidget spinners and the axehead dwarf being stuck in orc and his friends pulling him out.

You’re saying that like we’re supposed to be surprised. Ralph Bakshi is a great filmmaker

you have to understand why it's bad

they were given absolutely no time and were only willing to do 2 movies, but were forced into 3, it was so catastrophic that it fucked up labor laws in this country and everything, peter jackson didn't want to direct them but basically had to

fuck warner brothers

Just goes to show money can't buy kino.
1977 budget: $3 million
2012 budget: $745 million

legolas appearing in the hobbit was a huge mistake. was there anything worse than his CGI hijinks?

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Why did the orcs look like shit?

It was on the tv yesterday and my mum said looks like a PS2 game I used to play.

I've rewatched the first act and the meeting with Gollum many times. Everything else, though...

This film wasn’t bad. DoS wasn’t too bad. BoFA was where it got carried away but what can you do.. at least we still have LOTR and it doesn’t ruin on any of that story retroactively like most prequels do

Got a link?

he is propably talking about this one tolkieneditor.wordpress.com/

Unexpected Journey was comfykino

First movie is fine, from then on the quality steadily declines until the absolute shitshow that is Five Armies