Tonight we dine in hell

>tonight we dine in hell
but "hell" doesn't exist yet, their underworld is called hades

Attached: leonidas was a christian.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

How did the Spartans know about dining?

They also dont speak English

they didnt speak english either, the story is translated

Hah, beat you to it. Also checked

haha nice dubs yourself my man, hey you wanna get a drink some time?

Would "tonight we done with hades" of been as iconic?

Most of the meme lines are real quotes. Except AWOO AWOO AWOO

it's technically capeshit. it doesnt have to make sense

im sure the original quote in greek said hades if that helps your autism feel any better

This movie is about 150 gay couples fighting half naked

Hahah yeah im pretty lonely too

tax policy

i just watched the two towers and there’s a part where gimli says “he’s twitching because my axe is lodged deep in his central nervous system!”

we know aragorns tax policy was weak but did we really have such knowledge of human anatomy?


>A Persian Reconaissance Unit was sent to gather intelligence on the Hellenic Forces; however, they could not see over the wall which the Greeks were stationed behind. What they did see were the Spartans: Some playing sports and others, more strangely, combing their long hair.

Sure bro. I dont drink but I’ll get some juice or something, hanging out with you is fun enough

What was Leonidas' tax policy?

No need he had slaves

only authentic thing about this was the one liners

If you have long hair keeping it clean in the field is important for hygiene. It's not strange at all

They're also faggots. Not the athenians.


What was king Leonidas’ tax policy?

I would have expected better from ancient history expert Frank Miller desu

Are you telling me that this wasn't filmed in real time back during the Spartan era? I thought this was supposed to be authentic?


fun fact: the original line actually the word "hades" but producers decided it should be change to "hell" because they weren't sure americans would know what hades is

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Oh fuck... this guy found the only thing in "300" that didn't make any fucking sense at all and went totally against hostory!

He so smrt

Yes and historical correct.
Would love to see accurate armor instead of gay show we got.

Attached: Spartan Chad.jpg (330x570, 27K)

>not combing your bro's hair before battle

I heard their heavy armor was one of the reasons they lasted for so long.

Just shut down your brain for a second friendo, yikes you must be fun at parties.

Hades means Hell in ancient Greek.

No, it was fighting for your homo lover, like the Sacred Band

i always wondered about this too. About to see it in a limited screening at my local kinodome. EXTENDED edition. oh yeah

If they said it in ancient greece? Sure. But they said it in english.

Shorthand for normies.

They also didn't battle naked


>>A Persian Reconaissance Unit
I'm imagining fat hairy brown dudes wearing sunglasses, riding a black van with tinted windows

why is he wearing a cape


>nipple armor
>less gay than being shirtless

Interestingly enough, the chadest quote (we're gonna fight in the shade) from this movie wasn't made up.