Are there any kinos about climate change?

Are there any kinos about climate change?

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Poor kid, being used like a pawn like that.

>climate change
I see what you did there

is it photoshopped?

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>a kid whose future living standards are going down the shitter has no real care about it at all
>muh paaaaaawn

If amerilards could deflect sunlight as well as they deflect here. Global dimming might be a real solution.


Imagine having sex with her.
You'd have to teach her everything about sex and she'd look all confused due to her autism.
Imagine her facial expressions when you start plowing her hard in missionary position.
Her face would show both pleasure and confusion at the same time.
Then, as you ejaculate deep into her, she experiences an orgasm for the first time and lets out a cute autistic squeal.
She would be out of breath and would watch your thick semen slowly dripping out of her cute underdeveloped body.

Yeah its a /pol/ meme

Her mother is a swedish media personality who released a book about climate change just a few months before gretas activism
> nooo she's not being shilled by anyone! It's all organic

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>Making a generic "this person I don't like somewhat resemble a person with FAS"
>When you could been pointing out that she's an actual aspie instead.

I thought the whole point was that climate change had scientists on their side. Why should I listen to some stupid girl?

Jesus Christ they really are fame whores.

oh bug off
she's literally pure in every way

the day after tomorrow


Un-cuck yourself

What's your point? That people can not call others to action without being a scientific researcher in the related field?


I just want shitskins to burn after whites are gone. The only future that little girl has is getting gangraped.

So everyone is just supposed to stand passively by or what?

Judging by the way she looks, she's speaking from experience

she really might have it though

It's more that her opinion is worthless. If I should listen to her why shouldn't I listen to every other idiot who says global warming is a hoax?

Take the redpill user
Climate change isn't real, just stuff the Hillary leftist media made up to cuck us over
come to /pol/ and you'll realize how stupid all of this shit is, and how you've been lied to

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Greta is cute and i want her to be my waifu when she turns 18.

>watching the news
>there's a story on climate change
>they forget to mention it's just a theory

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First Reformed

>Rich white girl telling us how to live our life
Just fuck off

Yeah, but if you want to make an ad hominem then you're taking an unnecessarily detour.
15+ is legal in Sweden, so you probably don't have to wait.

I hope climate change is real
just so I can die knowing that the rest of you fucking faggots are going down with me

Imagine being an environmentalist who is against nuclear power.
Nuclear power being the safest, cleanest and most productive energy source we have.
Imagine supporting solar and wind, when they are dependent on fossil fuels to handle load changes.
How can anyone look at Germany and think solar and wind will save anything? By shutting down nuclear plants and increasing renewables, they actually increased carbon emissions.
How can people not see France's extremely low carbon emissions from the fact most of their power comes from nuclear?

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What if she's not talking about climate change? She might have seen some of those BLACKED pics and decided to take a stand...

How can she be 16 but looks like she is 10?

i'm not caring about doing anything for the environment until china and india get nuked

>must spend two weeks on an uncomfortable sailboat in order to get to New York "climate friendly"
>the crew of the boat fly home, and another crew fly over to sail it back
>hundreds of reporters fly over to cover her arrival

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>I hope climate change is real
>just so I can die knowing that the rest of you fucking faggots are going down with me
Human-caused climate change is probably happening, but it's likely too late to fix it without killing everyone in China, India, Africa, and the US, so just live your life and don't dwell on it.

But muh cancer

Stop making the planet hotter you trump supporting nazis

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>killing everyone in China, India, Africa, and the US
sounds based

Alcoholic parents


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>"stop polluting!"
>posted from my brand new iphone while flying on my private yet, flying to my private island to ride my giant jacht
>"stop having children! save the environment! make sure to donate money/food to africa! and support immigration! we need those africans because whites arent having enough kids!"
>"it's the average joe who is creating pollution! ignore my factories goy! buy my new product! you need a new phone every year!"

Who was in the wrong here?

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are there any kinos about autistic down's retard mouth pieces?

i wish this annoying proto-hag would go to China and protest about their abhorrent contributions

Because no one is listening to the scientists


Another funny thing about nuclear is that when we look at the effects in the decades following Chernobyl, it has been a huge boon to restoring wildlife because its keeps the humans out and animals have to short a lifespans to deal with cancer.


Aren’t the scientists saying it’ll be bad for niggers? Sounds good to me. I’m going to go burn some more gasoline. Fuck niggers

>when they are dependent on fossil fuels to handle load changes.
Can't you use ethanol fuel instead of fossil fuels? Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge proponent of nuclear, but still...
>killing everyone in China, India, Africa, and the US,
So nothing of value would be lost?
Well, a part of all that pollution is probably due to the west.
Thanks to outsourcing of production and exporting trash to the third world.
So is that picture actually based on any statement she's said or is it just a massive strawman?


Kind of. Something like 80% of the detrimental effects will be seen by the poorest nations. That being said, South East Asia also is going to be hit hard too, not just Africa, but yes, much of Africa and The Middle East will be too hot and too dry to be livable and farmland is already rapidly retreating - especially just south of the Sahara.

I'd believe liberals were genuine on climate change if they actually believed in reducing the world's population growth

she has the mutt syndrome

Fucking this

Good. Fuck niggers fuck gooks and fuck mudslimes

Factually wrong on the CO2

Bernie just last week mentioned that very thing.

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>So is that picture actually based on any statement she's said or is it just a massive strawman?

It's based on the general opinion that smaller countries are supposed to completely change their lives to save the world, while China, India and Africa can do whatever the fuck they want.

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Why do you people think that the third world is given no blame in helping cause climate change?

>I'd believe liberals were genuine on climate change if they actually believed in reducing the world's population growth
This. We keep feeding people whose only skill is making more people.

Yes they all pay lip service to it but it usually manifests in telling white people to have less babies while still supporting mass immigration which is one of the main causes of population growth right now.

He was talking about limiting population growth in developing nations by providing birth control and aboritons.

>it’ll be bad for niggers?
They will just come to the west

they do, but it's only the white population they want to reduce
they want more niggers and mudslimes

The biggest reason for climate change is the increased population and where does population increase the most? Oops, that's Africa, so we can't talk about because that would be racist.

>all pollution is plastic in water


>making shit up

Liberals do genuinely believe in climate change and most of the stuff they say they believe in. The problem is that they're idealistic limp wrists who don't dare to take the necessary steps to improve the world. Aka, you can't force Africans to have less children because that would be evil colonialism by the west.

sounds based then i hope it happens. probably wont though. bernie has always been one of the more palatable dems

Movies about climate change:
>Mad Max series

>I'd believe liberals were genuine on climate change if they actually believed in reducing the world's population growth
Only for white people, goy.
Africans and sandniggers must breed more.

Also, you need more immigrants, but you need to have fewer children for climate change, you don't want to make the Earth disappear, right goy?

Think of all the african and asian children who will inherit it !

There you go again thinking that China and India are given a free pass in pollution.

a kid has no perspective on the matter either way, they are being used by an adult to push an agenda no matter which side of the message they are "supporting"

>take the redpill
>climate change isn't real

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So who enforces it when they dont obey?

Literal Thanos.

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saying china pollutes more is retarded when it's american jew companies making their shit there


Maxime Bernier was right, this kid doesn't deserve to be used as some sort of ideolog.

You tell me, what can the US so about internal environmental policy in China or India regarding plastic pollution?
We can only raise attention to the issue.

It happens there because they (China and India) allow it to happen there.


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Dangerously based.

The US has many anti-polution policies in place. There is no reason to handicap ourselves further when the major problem sources wont address the situation.

Air pollution is also the worst in China you bugman shill, the cities are so bad there people have to wear masks and hope their eyes don't start bleeding from contact with smog

It's a bit sad how easily people fall into their perceived political categories. Shouldn't the proud American small society loving conservative be against climate change, Wanting to protect the beautiful American environment, its hunting and fishing spots?
At the same time, shouldn't the socialist be against unregulated immigration and globalization as a way to protect their work against being outsourced to a cheap workforce in a race to the bottom?

not with the official Ethnostate™

I'm voting for him now. thanks user.

>Liberals do genuinely believe in climate change

the ones at the top where their ideas originate don't.

al gore gets the ocean front mansion, you get the tasty bugs.

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I don't see how banning plastic bags or Styrofoam in food packages is such a big deal

Shut up. You don't get it. This is about fucking over white people and suppressing European industry so China and the rest can finally trample the West and reduce white culture, economies and peoples to dust. And this is just the early stage. The long term strategy of these leftists is to destroy the white races.

Like (((they))) will allow it.

She isn't speaking about China because chinks are not that stupid and cucked to listen to a 12 years old jewish led plant. Only in the West you would find people dumb enough to take a little thot seriously

Did you mean to respond to someone else? I wasnt saying what you think I was saying.

Oh you were just a schizo

base and true


Few politicians care about what their voter base believe in. Do you think that republicans care about anything other than making it easier for the corporations to milk you of your money?

Where does it end though, the coal industry was decimated in pursuit of environmentalism?

>future living standards are going dow
Yeah because her country is being flooded with 60 IQ foreigners who see her as, at best, something exotic to have sex with and at worst as a white person who deserves to be Elina Krantz'd for not wearing a veil.

I immediately disregard anyone who even brings up climate change unless they're hard advocating an end to all immigration to the First World.

Hurr durr carbon emissions and unrestrained capitalism is hurting the environment let's take a billion goat herders from the pre-industrial worlds into our countries and give them cars and iphones and modern living standards durr, what that increases their carbon footprint by 5000%? B-b-but if we don't do it how will I post about how not racist I am on facebook?

It's bullshit. Start acting like this shit is real and I'll countenance it. Otherwise, enjoy getting run over by trucks.

There is the Sierra Club. People got pissed at them because they basically said we need to stop artificially inflating Africa's population with food shipments because it would eventually just become another India or China scenario as far as pollution is concerned, and that's exactly what's happening because no one listened.

>deflection to greenhouse gasses when we were talking about plastic
The coal industry absolutely deserves to be decimated worldwide though

They are openly admitting to it, and the ones that don't admit it and are telling you to stop being a schizo are still advocating policies that would advance towards the same goal. The people ruling us are not interested in the survival of whites in the 21st century.

>its deflection to look at the whole picture
yeah ok dude, thanks for proving my point

Plastic pollution and gas emissions are completely different things. Coal needs to be stopped everywhere.

Oh, climate change is real. It really is. I'm doing everything to help so it can continue, in fact. I'll die happy knowing NIGGERS and TRANNIES and FAGGOT JANNIES are gonna burn and roast and there will be no white people to stop it.

This is a simple warning from those who can read the writing on the wall.
If you are white your future will be grim. You will be made into a thrall of lesser races, uprooted from your homes, bred out of existence, and if you resist you will be jailed by the Jews, or killed.
These are simple facts and already happening. There is a growing number of people becoming aware of this and it is inevitable that whites wake up and start looking after their own interests, which run contrary to Leftist and Jewish interests. This will be the great struggle of the 2100s. You can deny this truth but sooner or later the truth will come to you, and it will be knocking at your door.

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you propose the same solution and the human cost be damned in the mind of the environmental lunatic, and you wonder why people stopped listening

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Yeh, thorium remix 2011

they want whites extinction

Coal is absolutely horrible in more ways than its CO2 output. Replacing coal with nuclear and renewables will not produce "human cost".

yeah call me when he wants to open up abortion clinics in africa and latin america

Honestly I have a deep anxiety about this. I am considering not having children because I do not want them to be murdered for being white. WORSE IS I CAN'T EXPLAIN THIS TO MY PSYCHOLOGIST OR PARENTS BECAUSE HUURRRR WE ALL HUMAN.

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Climate change is real faggot. Its just non-whites fucking it up for everyone else

>People here are actually triggered by a kid
I understand, difficult to cope with people your age surpassing you

Fuck capitalism and it's never ending push for growth.

>make fun of some forced meme downie kid celebrity
thanks for playing reddit

>dude those coal miners will just become nuclear plant experts and get jobs
so stupid why do I even bother

>muh coal miners
Fuck off with that boomer bullshit. They should learn how to code then.

no one is triggered by the kid
she doesnt have any say in what she does
she has no clue what she is saying or doing

Just a myth goy

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Better yet, installing solar panels is pretty simple

why dont you learn to code, mr "journalist"

Show me one evidence of the effect of "climate change" on ecosystems.
Pro tip: You can't

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I swear you retards would kill people just so grave diggers aren't out of a job

Why do you suddenly care about coal workers when the largest loss of jobs were caused by the neocon policy of outsourcing?

Check this one out:

I don't care. I'd say if everything you say is true then they've earned it

Climate change faggots should just get signs that say "THE END IS NEAR". It's all they have to say anyway. They'd fit in with all the other fear mongering sociopaths and delusional schizos.

Answer me this. When those coal workers stop working in their minds, how does that effect the production of other industries?
Will there suddenly be a food storage so they can't eat, even tough "Vast quantities of fresh produce grown in the US are left in the field to rot, fed to livestock or hauled directly from the field to landfill"?
Will all those circa 18,600,000 vacant homes suddenly disappear?
Probably not, there's not a shortage on resources for people to live and survive in America. But the culture fetishizes work even if it's unnecessary, when we in reality should strive to work less.

I was never a neocon. Sorry to burst your bubble.


I tried searching for this on youtube. I literally copied and pasted the title it didn't pop up. Since whens does yt shadow ban?

If only we could colonize a new planet with only white people and let shitskins to kill themselves on Earth.

>But white people are still a majority in all the white countries!
>Who cares how it looks when we extrapolate the statistics of kids and teens for future generations!
>Either way, it's not a genocide because you did it to yourself!
>Also, you're not allowed to fight it even if you want to, because that's racist!

>what you should really be doing is getting rid of jobs
>that would be a good economic decision

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They would still feel like white pilpil evil

>making Amerilards seeth by just existing
Based loli

First it was 'the ice age is coming!'

Then it was 'global warming is going to cook the earth and melt the glaciers!'
But this was debunked spectacularly.

It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming.

The official U.N. IPCC report was fraudulent too

And the statistically fraudulent claim that 97% of scientists agree, was debunked too

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary presents it nicely

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>still believing the climate meme

First reformed. It's a realistic depiction of the mindset behind 'eco-activism'

CO2 In perspective

And now it's 'devastating man-made climate change!'

And here are some of the environmental signs they say prove the earth is warming and the climate is changing.

Sea levels are rising...

Temperatures are rising...
During the last hundred years the temperature increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C

And glaciers are disappearing...

So if it's not an ice age, and its not global warming, and its not anthropogenic climate change, what is it?


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You just have to start convincing other whites and show them all the proof. We have to all resist being replaced.
Only then can there be a future for whites. Don't worry about being a racist - these are people who call you racist for saying you want whites to have a future.


that's a sure way to point out a retard, fine by me

>Climate bad

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What is a grand solar minimum and what does it mean for us?

In a nut shell here's what happens when the sun weakens and moves into a more dormant cycle:
· Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally
· Weaker jet streams
· Increased volcanic activity
· Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes
· More erratic and unpredictable weather
· Substantially increased precipitation and drought
· Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods
· Massive crop loss and food shortages
· Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles

Even NASA admits it's a big deal

The great civilizations have risen and fallen on the backs of these grand solar cycles

So here's what's happening now

The sun's total solar irradiance (TSI) is currently dropping off a cliff. Much faster and further than the devastating Maunder Minimum.

The earth's magnetosphere is weakening at an unprecedented rate thereby letting in the largest amount of cosmic rays in recorded history.

Increased cosmic rays cause earthquakes, volcanos, and increased cloud cover thereby reducing earth's temperature further.
Like the 'year without a summer'

But this GSM will be far worse than previous ones

More resources on current happenings and excellent lectures

Grand Solar Minimum Channel

Ice Age Farmer Channel

Adapt 2030 Channel

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Watch this if you haven't
He was right. I see the writing on the wall,

>What if it's all just a hoax and we create a cleaner, independent of oil monopolies world for nothing?


This is fucking bullshit, sorry. I don't have time to go through this. People switched to the grand solar minimum meme when they couldn't deny that change was happening anymore but still didn't want to accept that it was man made. It is.

Who cares? They can't survive without white people anyway.

>dude utopia and shit

>Economy is all that is important
Shouldn't we strive for post post-scarcity world where we can all live comfortably with maybe just a few weeks or less of work yearly?
It's not like most of human work is actually productive towards our real needs, rather we just work to keep the machine of work going.

>oil companies bad!
>tax good!


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>just forget about the economy
If you ruin the economy none of that is possible.

tl;dr me the grand solar minimum meme

You cannot debate this:

t. ExxonMobil shill

I meant this. Link.

This is absolutely terrible. How can anyone allow their child to hold such a racist and bigoted sign? It just isn't right to threaten the lives of women who enjoy interracial relations with African American men.

How is coal work an essential part of the American economy?

500 year cycle where there's a 15 year period of hardly any sun spots. This affects the planet's temperature far more than man made C02, but some idiots have ingested so much propaganda that it doesn't even matter.

I like how most of your sources are literal screencaps of headlines from daily mail and tweets.
excellent point

>deliberately misleading interpretation of ice core data

for like 8 years? (probably starting with obama shit) at least 5 years for general topics substantially I would think

Is this a serious question? How does an industry produce wealth?

I think my job is socially productive and the hours i work I work efficiently desu

get out of the office and get into the working class. If you told a working person they spend half the day sitting on ass you’d get an earful and possibly a fistful

It's not. That's what his gop congressman said so he thinks it must be real.

Climate Change is real! The science proves it!

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Climate change is real BUT it is NO THREAT !
Climate goes up and down, the cycle is ice age and no ice age, and we are now in a leaving an ice age so it´s expected it will going to be alot warmer until we are heading towards another ice age, such is the circle of Tellus.

>no argument
No problem, idiot.

Next time try to stay out of subjects you clearly don't understand.

As long that you are under 18.
If your over 18 then its illegal !

It powers a shit ton of the US

I could write up a whole long post about why it's bullshit and why man made climate change, and I have before on /pol/, but it doesn't fucking matter. Nobody ever changes their minds, it's pointless. It just gets ignored apart from one or two shitpost replies.

I have just accepted that we are fucked.

thansk lad


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Climate Change is real and happening!

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Were at 405 ppm co2 now

first time I have seen anyone claim temp and co2 have no correlation. Often it seems that co2 lags behind temp

If we're entering a solar minimum then why are temperatures continuing to rise?

>co2 lags behind temp

oh my lol

it's mostly natural variation. co2 was 1000 times higher during the andean-saharan ice age than it is now.

go back to /leftypol/

>oh my lol
and what the fuck is wrong with it, it cites the studies

I guess you want to develop the crack industry in the US then?

Ever wonder that you're maybe being lied to?

Where I live, it's cold as fucking ever. During a particular sports game, it started snowing for the first time in 150 years of history.

>Where I live, it's cold as fucking ever
Fuck you are retarded

Oh so these arent serious questions, thanks for clearing that up.

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Grrr, why won't these fucking assholes admit Climate Change is real? We're destroying the planet! The science is in!

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What happened hundreds of millions of years ago is irrelevant for our current climate. The planet was in a completely different tectonic configuration, oceanic setting...
Also no source on that number


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>no argument
No problem idiot.


Y-You're saying I should go to China and protest instead? N-No, it's more important America cuts their emissions and passes the Green New Deal. We as a nation must set the bar, and I'm sure China and India will follow suit if we do!

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Here's your argument, just because it's cold where you live means fuck all. Nothing, you retard. I was in Germany when it was 45°C this summer. Average temperature rising does not mean all areas rise equally.

>produce wealth
What do you work with? I'm not saying that your work or certain others aren't important nor productive in important ways.
But there are a lot of works that are just unnecessary in that they don't produce anything of real worth to society, or they only produce worth to a sick society of overworked wage slaves.
Either way if those unnecessary works were done away with that wouldn't really affect actual worthwhile production, meaning that they would still be able to get their housing, food, etc. If anything they could start doing actual meaningful work, and in turn lower working hours for those industries freeing up more time for things people want to do.
To get married you need to be specifically allowed if one is under 18 which can probably be hard. But this does not relate to sex. The having to be over 18 only applies if the older person is the guardian or something similar to the younger one.


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All the climate data is publicly available. Anecdotal "evidence" is worthless

Fucking this. Until we figure out fusion it's by far the best reliable power source.

She sailed to America, but has she gone to America to "protest"?

>people complaining about china and india causing pollution when they willingly buy 90% of their shit from those countries


gib potato pusy pliz

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>>produce wealth
>dude just forget about the money
>it wont matter
lol nice joke

>just because it's cold where you live means fuck all
Actually it does, moron, especially in the context of changing climate. There's a reason they take the temperature at various different parts of the world.

I can see it's a matter of pride for you though. You've swallowed so much propaganda that even the mere suggestion climate change is a scam is like shattering your soul.

While China may have recently surpassed them, burgers are still either the second or third biggest CO2 polluters on earth.

you're basically saying global warming also means nothing

>Weather = Climate
t. retard who would literally vote for Trump if he was an Amerimutt.

shut up
i need the newest iphone so i can complain about white men on twitter

>sips $16 onions latte in plastic cup
>posts environmental memes using latest $1500 ishit

>All the climate data is publicly available
and a lot of it fake.

Educate yourself:

>Y-You're saying I should go to China and protest instead?
1) China has only overtaken the US in emissions in the last 7 years, historically the US has put out the most emissions of any country by far
2) China has a population of 1.2 billion, of course you would expect total emissions to be higher, the US is still far higher per capita
3) China does participate in international climate talks, unlike the US which is pulling out under Trump. Also, the US president has publicly been stating climate change is a hoax. Not even man made climate change, just climate change
>Actually it does, moron, especially in the context of changing climate.
>you're basically saying global warming also means nothing
Wrong. Fuck this site is retarded.

co2 isn't pollution

>w-weather has nothing to do with climate!

Where's your evidence for your claim?

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wow, they talk while laughing and building ten thousand coal fired plants.

Might as well post flat earth YouTube videos

yeah yeah gore manbearpig is around we get it

It is. Whether or not it affects the rise in temperatures is irrelevant, it's still pollution. And it's not like CO2 is the only thing gasoline pumps into the air.

this is probably the best gw doco I've seen

I can see why she's effectively declared the sun to be the enemy.

Her mother actually has breast implants as well. Explains a lot about Greta.

>post clear, simple evidence that mean temperatures have meen rising rapidly
>Nah dude it's fake here's a video

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>it's still pollution
you are legit retarded

very good, we give you bonus social credit score now citizen li juang

Why are they clapping for the Chinese agent's lies?

Youtube was a mistake

Then explain how it's not

no no my papers are real! Yours are fake!

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use a real chart at least

>denying climate change? pfft! that's like saying the earth is flat! don't they know the science?!

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>I'm an essential part of society
>I need to work hard so that:
>People can have a caloric intake multiple times their recommended one
>Buy sheep unnecessary plastic trash
>Farmers can bury tons of unsold produce
>Construction workers can build ton of houses that will just stand empty
>Hollywood can piss away millions of dollars on shitty movies
>And advertisement bureaus can keep convincing people that they want all of this shit to continue.

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Who cares about climate change? It's not like you'll be alive to witness it.

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Half those kids are from BLACKED whitoids. It's not really genocide when you're complicit

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>it's not like CO2 is the only thing gasoline pumps into the air
So did they not feed you properly during your first 2-4 years of brain development or is your mental retardation a matter of genetics?

>post clear, simple evidence that mean temperatures have meen rising rapidly
You did no such thing in the post that was quoted, moron. Also edited statistics is one of the things addressed in the documentary.

Educate yourself:


Attached: trumps.jpg (2685x1843, 566K)

Only correct answer. If we whites are gonna get extinct might as well take everyone else with us.

What papers, link them
>your pic
Blatantly false

I know you wont read these papers but here, I can post more but I don't think there is much point

Attached: Temperature_Comparison.png (1449x1088, 341K)

>dude just solve every problem and give up $
you guys arent living in reality

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>Brainwashing someone into killing themself is alright.

it's usual nord kid with aspergers

now show real temperatures and not *anomaly

Watch it, cuckboi:

Or what? Too scared it'll poke holes in your beliefs? That it'll make your University professor look dumb?

Stop linking youtube videos you retard

I'm just setting a goal post dude. I'm not saying were there or that society has the power to get there just yet. I'm just pointing out that were doing a lot of unnecessary work, when we could probably relax a bit more instead.

>tfw the FAS girl looks like a young Jenny Nicholson

No, I don't get my information from youtube videos. Link papers or articles.

You didn't just get your information from a youtube video did you?


Attached: mann hockey graph dark line, corrected graph red line.jpg (887x689, 38K)

No, I'll keep linking it all I like you stupid idiot:

The more people who watch it and enlighten themselves, the better. You're not going to learn anything new by slogging your way through a tsunami of doctored graphs.

Sheep like you will always believe whatever the UN shits out, so you'll be orthodox the rest of your life.

I thought Yea Forums was supposed to be the cunnysseur board? How come only /int/ talks about how they want to suck on her nips?

Where the fuck is this screenshot from now?
>Sheep like you will always believe whatever the UN shits out, so you'll be orthodox the rest of your life.
And you believe youtube videos. Fuck off.

It's actually a documentary that aired on Television before the brainwashing was taken to new extremes. Every single person interviewed is a far more qualified scientist than your college professor is too. I don't expect a thick headed moron like yourself to desire enlightenment, but I'll keep posting it whether you like it or not.

Some things are called pie in the sky because they are dreams. In order to only pursue not achieve any of the radical goalposts you set up would require more than anyone is capable or much less willing to sacrifice. Remember this is all theory you are talking about, technology doesnt even exist to create the world in your head. Get a grip.

>Every single person interviewed is a far more qualified scientist
Link their work.

>t-those youtube videos! my university approved graphs are way more trustworthy!

Why do you people care about climate change, even if it's real or not? What's in it for you? Your children? What children? Incels and trannies can't have children.

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>t-those youtube videos! my university approved graphs are way more trustworthy!
Yes, they are.

Orthodox robots like yourself aren't worth the effort. If you cared to be enlightened, you'd watch:

Clearly you don't care though, because you're too worried about your pride.

>Orthodox robots like yourself aren't worth the effort.
Yet you are spamming the same video. Just admit you watched a youtube video and formed your opinion entirely from that.

>Yes, they are.
Good boy, you're a very good useful idiot, loyal to the cause.

liberals dont have children, but they care about all those nigger children
they are so cucked, they want to take care of the niglets even when they're dead

Its fucking real you retard. I have a master degree in Biology and can confirm CO2 is the problem and YES we are the reason for its concentration in the atmosphere.

>Sheep like you will always believe whatever the UN shits out, so you'll be orthodox the rest of your life.

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 28BB27E7-03D4-4071-A0CD-D02B589DF4A8.jpg (467x565, 148K)

Peer reviewed papers are 100 times more trustworthy than something on youtube, yes.

Most on the left have a Captain Planet tier surface level understanding of climate change because that's the sort politicians encourage so that lefties buy into higher taxes and other politically useful non-fixes and not realize we'd need to pretty much dismantle maritime shipping to make a sizeable dent in global carbon emissions. Buying a Prius and banning straws are just feel-good tactics meant to trick people into thinking they did good.

Attached: Tutorial-Professor-Presentation_9.jpg (1275x1650, 305K)

>The Day After Tomorrow

>An Inconvenient Truth.ppt

I want my grandchildren to witness polar bears still being alive and not extinct due to climate change.

Attached: Tutorial-Professor-Presentation_10.jpg (1275x1650, 518K)

kek no they aren't

and yet, you're completely incapable of disproving even a single thing in said video.

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>little autistic white girl says jump
>everyone says how high

But what will that niglet do when the white person is gone? It's not like they give a shit about nature they will just go back to living in huts.

you two are fucking stupid and you deserve to be raped by refugees

How not
I'm not going to watch it, and I don't have the time to. Post information not in the form of a youtube video please.

Attached: Tutorial-Professor-Presentation_3.jpg (1275x1650, 447K)

So what if it's real?

reviewed by their buddies who are all in on the same scam

>someone on youtube
It's like you're braindamaged to the point of completely denying basic facts. That was a Channel 4 TV production; this doco was literally made by dozens of people, including people who have devoted countless years of study to the subject.

There's just no convincing braindead robots like yourself.

And who are youtube videos reviewed by?

Attached: greenhouse_gas_sources.gif (635x308, 8K)

polar bears were supposed to go extinct years ago and there are more than ever

>I'm not going to watch it
I already know, brainwashed orthodox people like yourself refuse to accept anything other than what they're programmed to believe. Bezmenov was right about your kind.

I don't give a shit. I don't have the time to watch youtube videos and I don't get my information from there at all. Can you post something to back up your claims that isn't a youtube video or not?

You first have to have children and the only future your granchildren will see is getting their genitals eaten by a pitbull.

>technology doesnt even exist to create the world in your head.
You don't need technology to do the simplest things, like not buying unnecessary garbage.
I hate how hot the summers and cold the winters are getting.

>when the irrelevant science paper and crackpot theories fail
>when nobody watches the shit YouTube video you keep spamming
>let's just post some court document so boomer judges can into Climate 101 quick
How can someone be this pathetic is beyond me.

i can just make up things and put them in a picture too.

>Leonardo Di Caprio and Al Gore are allowed to live in giant seaside mansions, fly in private jets and sail in private yachts because they are our betters

>I don't give a shit
Of course you don't, useful idiot.

I said this yesterday and I will say it again: Any solution that doesn’t include nuclear power and restrictions on immigration isn’t a serious solution.

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Greta is a late bloomer, leave her alone you pedos.

I know, alarmists are very good at it

>>You don't need technology to do the simplest things, like not buying unnecessary garbage.
I don't buy unnecessary garbage. Also who are you to decide what is and isnt necessary for others? Sorry but you dont get to make those kinds of decisions.

Rich celebrities are hypocrites, who would have thought? Climate change is still happening

>I hate how hot the summers and cold the winters are getting.
Just go on a vacation or buy an air conditioner

All the Chinese and Indian children of the future. Even though theyre creating 3/4ths of the emissions, they are developing countries. And in 50 years when they're super powers and were all dead and gone, we want them to be able to live the life we lived.

Nice try, but the isptopic composition change of the CO2 in the atmosphere is clearly due to fossil fuels

Attached: RubinoCO2Isotopes.jpg (750x462, 63K)

>numeroushave been outed commiting fraud and malpractice
>lawl dude trust these papers instead of all these scientists telling you the exact mechanics and how they work

It's simple really.

Attached: yR2SSiK.jpg (540x464, 21K)

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>And in 50 years when they're super powers and were all dead and gone, we want them to be able to live the life we lived.

Attached: 143835855937.jpg (251x242, 9K)

Go cry about it to China, India and Africa then

>Sorry but you dont get to make those kinds of decisions.
You're right, that's for the big company advertisement bureau to decide. Because, shit like fidget spinners and hover boards were something that people defiantly felt were missing in their life before they came along.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't get to buy your cheap little mcdonalds toys if you really want to, but what do you care whether or not there's an advertisement on tv for the latest shitty thing you never heard of?

Not him, but such a short timeframe is a fairly useless one for trying to show increase beyond natural cycles.

I can't go on vacation for half a year, like the only decent seasons is late spring and early autumn. And I can't stay inside in the comfort of the AC all the time either.

Why not just kill yourself? That will be good for the planet.

>muh fossil fuels
Get with the times dude, climate alarmists already moved the goal post from cars to cattle. Now that we are all driving prius and teslas we need to stop eating meat or else the Amazon is gonna burn.

Move nigger

I've never bought that stuff before. Dont know why you are crying about what other people spend their $ on. You really don't like people having freedom of choice do you?

Why does only the black curve rise above all of the others?

>my job is organizing a climate protest
>I fucking quit to work in another industry and will thankfully miss it.
They get off praising this little girl and saying how much they won't have kids because we're all going to be dead. Just fucking kill yourselves then

Do climate change believers think the earth is 2000 years old?

there are a lot of different models. black one is a scare model that looks good on a graph.

If you read the thread, you'd see how co2 has reached 100ppm + over the natural glacial cycles in the last 800,000 years.
These are direct measures of gas trapped in ice, not an estimate or a reconstruction

Actually the black curve are the observed, measured temperatures since we have records of that.

Is the earth 50 years old in your mind?

This is a measurement of temperature anomalies, not CO2 content. Further, this graph needs a legend because there's no indication what each colored line means.

If you were ruler of Earth and you wanted to destroy the Earth, there would be nothing you could do to achieve that. The idea that we are causing increased temperatures is scientifically absurd.
you are being farmed for your tax dollars. Historically, when a society gets taxed above 50%, there is revolution. So now the ones in charge have to get clever about getting more than that without it seeming like a tax. They trick all you stage-one-thinkers into WANTING to pay more and it doesn't change a fucking thing. (.10$ bag fee to save planet? etc) They find problems that will never go away no matter what and they convince you that you need to pay more to prevent it. This has been going on for a long long time (in mnay forms) and no matter what history shows us, millions like you will believe anything they tell you... and keep paying even when they keep ending up wrong.

I don't care about the environment dude, I care about me.
To where? What is the best place to be if you don't want extreme heat, or extreme cold.
>I've never bought that stuff before
I didn't say you did.
I like "individuals" having the freedom of choice. but I don't see people (as in group) as individuals, because no matter what libertarians like to believe, most "individuals" (probably me and you included) are sheeple. If you're truly an enlighten individual and don't want to take the consequences of the herds behaviour, then your choices are pretty much to either be the psychopath take advantage of them, or the hermit distancing himself from the herd.

Shit, disregard, wrong post

So what are all the other curves?

Herd mentality has always been a thing. It will never chage as humans are social creatures. Crying about it make no sense, you can only control yourself, why worry what other people will do when to try and control it would mean you were acting against human nature?

In such a short time frame, temperature and co2 changes have been increasing at an unprecedented rate, evidenced bt the longer records

>no refutation of the evidence
>dude but the libreals

unprecedented *since we've kept temperature records

So in isolation the graph is useless.

>Herd mentality has always been a thing. It will never chage as humans are social creatures.
>you can only control yourself,
That's wrong tough, you can control the herd. And I'm not crying about herd mentality, I'm crying about the herd being herded in ways that I think are unnecessarily unnecessary.

They are different, independent reconstructions of climate through different proxies. The black is instrumental. I did not post the graph so I can't tell you which publication each curve comes from.

you can't trust proxies all that much either since they've been caught tampering with those exact sets

So I can't help but notice that all such reconstructions stop short of the massive increase, which is a shame because that would be a great way to validate them.

With co2 ww know for sure since it's a direct measure of trapped gas in ice. Temperature estimates are done with proxies

>>I'm crying about the herd being herded in ways that I think are unnecessarily unnecessary.
Your intentions may be noble, however sometimes you can do a lot of damage with the best intentions. Your desires would cause many negative outcomes to which you have no solutions other than give up $. Sorry no dice dude that's just crazy talk.

I have personally worked on producing climate proxies fortje last 6000 years. In all of these, the errors are clearly reported.

The proxies take some time to accumulate. These are probably sediment cores. I have also personally worked with fast accumulation proxies and the clearly follow the agw trend

I'm not really comfortable trusting word of mouth over hard published data, especially with the kind of bugfuck variation going on in the little ice age there. Like I said, strong validation would be nice.

Read marcott 2013

I get what your saying and I agree to a point. After all, we've all seen all different kind of idealistic societies try to create their utopia and fail hard.
But I still think whit enough time and slow working, including the possible upcoming paradigm shift that robotics might become, that society could shift closer to a post scarcity one. Once again, I'm not saying people should just stop working and abandon the the "free" modern economy, but I also don't think we should just blindly accept the status quo of our unoptimized economy.

It's published, but I won't doxx myself here. Read the literature

Referring to a source isn't doxing yourself.