How fucked would the Earth actually be if someone landed on us like that?

How fucked would the Earth actually be if someone landed on us like that?

Attached: resurgence.jpg (1200x630, 76K)

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well it would probably tilt the earth's axis and/or orbit a bit since it's such a huge object. But the ship would be destroyed

this movie is dumb, but to its credit it did show massive weather, seismic, and gravitational upheavals from the ship landing on the planet

Long before the vessel could even get close to entering the atmosphere the interplay of the two gravity wells would create a lagrange vortex that would rip most of the surface of the Earth off. As the planet is spinning it would essentially peel it like an apple, sending entire continents into a miniature orbit between the two bodies.

By the time they actually made contact the Earth would be uninhabitable. Entire oceans would simply be floating through the atmosphere, and the amount of heat created by propulsion to keep the vessel from crashing into Earth at terminal velocity would be so monumental that it would cook every living thing on the planet into pure carbon dust.

>would rip most of the surface of the Earth off. As the planet is spinning it would essentially peel it like an apple, sending entire continents into a miniature orbit between the two bodies.
nah this would happen if they were more equal in size but from that pic i doubt it would be THAT extreme

assuming some kind of alien heat-less thrust, the sheer size is still enough to cause extinction level events

damn I don't remember anything from that movie

Attached: Kerbal Space Program 2 Cinematic Announce Trailer.webm_snapshot_01.54.767.jpg (2560x1440, 149K)

Attached: melancholia ending.webm (1920x816, 2.86M)

depends how fast the ship was moving. if it took years to go from the moon to the earth than yeah probably but otherwise no

I had a dream that god was angry and he fell on earth and that was the end
I'm still waiting for it to come true

I love that movie

This is what happens when you take biology, like a girl, instead of physics, like a man.

They use magnets

but that doesn't happen with the moon idiot

>what are ocean tides
Moon tries it's best

The moon is very far away pal.

also consider that ship looks considerably less massive than the moon

was god really fat or something? why would he destroy the earth by falling on it?

he was a big guy
technically it was a big fucking cross so large that only a part of it was visible in the sky but it was the god's presence

Do you rewatch Eva very often?

Attached: 1298646803442.jpg (720x480, 180K)

I watched 1 or 2 episodes and gave up it's unwatchable

The moon is a faggot. Sits there day and night and all it does is get pelted by space debris and sits there like a pussy and does nothing. Fuck the moon, I hope a black hole opens in space and eats the moon like the faggot it is. Stupid useless moon. The moon sucks my dick, it gets on its moon knees and it sucks my fucking dick

iirc the moon keeps our core molten and the magnetic field up so we don't die so fuck your opinion and fuck you, the moon is based as fuck.

Normie filtered.