Was he really that bad?

Was he really that bad?

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I thought he was funny as a kid

No worse than Threepio

This is no longer your film.

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Best character but never fully (revealed) equipped after episode 1...

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He was my grandfather's favorite character, we saw the film on opening day, it's one of my favorite memories of him.

It was awkward on some scenes but i just can't understand all those neckbeards ranting about that movie when it came knowing their favorite movie of the franchise feature cringe teddy bears destroying the most powerful empire of the galaxy with wood and spears, and some other awkward puppets around a big ugly slug.

He was intentionally a bad character to make his reveal as a Sith that much more jarring. It was to be the prequels' ESB-level reveal, had George gone through with his original vision. OT had a big bad turn out to be the main character's dad. PT was going to have some goofy fuck turn out to be the Big Bad with him even pulling Sheev's strings.

Lucas should have had the balls to do it.

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he was okay sorta in the Godfather I

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He was unironically the ONLY good thing about the entire Star Wars franchise. In my opinion, the Holiday Special was roughly on-par with the rest of the Star Wars installments.
>inb4 coping star wars fanbois
It is true. Star Wars always was shit.

i liked him

Feminist Robot

All the above are worse

JarJar is amazing once you realize he is a parody of a black man, just like Watto is average jew.

>Feminist Robot

who that?

>/pol/cels are now defending Jar-Jar, the universially most hated Star Wars character for the last 20 years, since there's a woman with purple hair in the newest movie that triggers them for political reasons

You can't make this shit up.

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Rose's stupid hair is worse.

>for political reasons
I didnt know that being a shit character was a political stance

he'd have god tier agility as a sith

Disney shoving an ungodly amount of shit characters into Star Wars in a 2 year span doesn't magically make JarJar not shit.

>universally hated
/pol/ defends based black men all the time. Only Liberals like you and RLM are racists to a jamaican parody.

There’s no defending watto though

He's an idiot in the film, but not nearly as bad as internet messageboards have blown it up. He's the only main character in TPM with a clear arc and who doesn't speak in monotone.

>Cringe darth jarjar fan theory
Enough of this. He was strongly marketed to kids at the time Ep1 came out as a loveable buffoon with a heart of gold. He was originally going to feature in AotC and RotS more heavily, but never as an 'undercover sith'.

Would've been a god-tier villain with the biggest plot twist in cinematic history if Lucas didn't chicken-out with his original plans for the prequels.

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W0K3 from 'Solo'. I can forgive you for not remembering because no one went to see it.

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>newest movie
>ignoring Solo

>Star Wars always was shit.
Based contrarian and baitpilled

>Star Wars always was shit.

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>Was he really that bad?

I cringed. It was pretty obvious that he was an intergalactic Stepin Fetchit.

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