What is your opinion about the acclaimed actor Finn Wolfhard?

What is your opinion about the acclaimed actor Finn Wolfhard?

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Lol look at this ugly little goblin. Remember when all the faggots on Yea Forums had a hard on for him? Lol.

I thought it was just a bad pic but he actually looks like this in the video. Poor guy.

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I hate him and i can't pinpoint why

he got a funny face

Have skeks.

Is this the new chloe moretz. How long until he gets his very own pedro?

He's aging so so bad, even for a twink
Some of them get into tlate 20s, early 30s and this boi already going bad at 16

his face looks like a jew caricature mask

I learned that his/bill hader's character was gay in It 2. How do they portray that?

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Why are Jews so malformed?

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It's actually the best part of the movie.

there is beauty and ugliness in every existing ethnicity

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classic ethnicity

dude has resting smug face

in what world is this guy considered attractive?

They're making love in the sewers and Pennywise kills his bf

I was going to say... The boylovers must be wailing and gnashing their teeth.

He's classic

sounds like jealousy

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Looks like Down Syndrome Christian Bale.

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Kazan isn't a jew, but worse. She is of Greek descent.

A classic actor with classic roles in classic movies.

Damn, puberty really kicked his jew genes into high gear, he looks like Howard Stern.

He really does look like Dan Avidan.

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The actor himself I don't have much of an opinion on. He tends to star in meme stuff. sometimes he's OK in them, sometimes he's terrible. His fans on the other hand are the most autistic fuckwads I've ever seen.

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meh, he still looks less worse than the averave Yea Forums user

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wtf do they see in him

Nah, Danny hasn't hit the wall yet and he's over 40.

>isn't a jew, but worse