Wtf I love the MCU now.
Wtf I love the MCU now
Looks utopian
>50s BAD
>idk how to explain it
you don't need to in the world of sensationalism
>People sitting down and talking
>fucking racist
The fuck? does this hole see a chained slave that I don't?
>initial images come out
>weirdos on twitter get triggered
>show comes out
>weirdos on Yea Forums get triggered by it being about Vision and Wanda being treated like the first black family moving into the neighbourhood
Can't wait. Also with that shadow on the wall it looks like a werewolf is going to show up.
ugh why did vision decided to identify xirself as as white male????
>"I don't know how to explain it but this whole picture looks so fucking racist"
Just goes to show how powerful the programming is.
>being so brainwashed by black male/white female in media that white male/white female gives you uneasy feelings of racism
What is wrong with Americans.
>I don't know who to explain this but this whole picture looks so fucking racist
please try
>Well first of all Fuck Drumpf
of course, and the picture being racist?
>No minorities,
That doesn't mean it's racist
>No diversity at any point = racism
Aww another brown person voluntarily living in America white hates America. How unique. Donald should just say duck it and deport everyone who ever made an anti white comment to a camp in Somalia.
>two happy white people
>two happy white people in a clean house
do non whites want to live in shitholes, being unhappy
>No hunger
>No forced conscription to stupid wars
>JOBS, can pretty much turn your hobby into money LMAO
Zoomers should get a fucking clue, you have no idea how easy you have it.
Vision isn't white. He's a dead red robot
this is a fake account made by /pol/
this is 56 we talking about
Racist? They’re letting their black cleaner use the expensive camera to take the photograph. If they were racist they’d hide their belongings.
none of that matters if the country isn't white
>No hunger
where did you pull this out of your ass
>JOBS, can pretty much turn your hobby into money LMAO
They kinda have to be like that when they basically killed off the idea that one income can support a household
based no indoor voice user
>twitter screenshot
>fb filename
>blatant bait thread
how much of fags you can get buddy?
>filling a thread with being butthurt about a twitter shitpost
What's wrong with you faggots.
>all episodes are written by a dyke feminist
If you expect some positive representation of 50s you're moron and please kys with a rope.
She is brainwashed. Simple as.
He probably made that post himself and masquerades as a black women.
lol. fucking idiot.
What makes you think the series will be about that?
> /
tee hee
For a moment I thought he was holding a Norm McDonald book.
Imagine being aware of your mental conditioning and yet being unable to recognize you've been mentally conditioned.
I sure would want them to
pretty f*cking ableist of you
What’s with the lynchian vibes?
Have sex
Also sneed
>idk how to explain it
Probably because you operate entirely on emotion rather than actually thinking things through
If that doesn't prove these people have been brainwashed I don't know what would.
i automatically stop reading every time i see anyone unironically using 'triggered' (which is a shame because the werewolf thing was funny had i read past that first word)
that's a seriously fucked up thing to say, even as a joke
>dude as owner of brothels, there is enough sex here.
How it is with you and your mutilated """"""penis"""""¿
I can't believe we live in an age where people protest racism while enacting racism themselves. We live in a world where snipping your genitals and calling yourself a woman is normal. Usually when I see things like this I just brush it off and laugh at the person who posts shit like this but now all I feel is disgust at the world.
>involved in making racist posts on social media, such as "It's okay to be white"
Wow good job winning an imaginary argument, truly liberals owned epic style
Let's not forget the amount of forced diversity and leftist political messaging we see in all these fucking games and TV.
>Dat spoiler
It's Scarlet Witch's original costume.
How come retards don't understand that racism requires intent?
wow ure so woke fellow zoomer
Especially that lampshade oy vey
>a while couple sitting together happily is racist
I think Marvel agrees, since they put devil horns on the shadow behind them.
Nah, I'm still going with a werewolf being the shadowy evil guy orchestrating their problems.
Nobody who watches capeshit has ever read a comic.
This. They now feel deep revulsion when they see a happy, content white couple. That twitter roastie is probably a white woman.
Unironically this.
what's wrong with somalia?
Good, they are somehow even worse than the movies
>This. They now feel deep revulsion when they see a happy, content white couple. That twitter roastie is probably a white woman.
Just being white is apparently racist now.
On twitter they are conditioned to think any depiction of white people is racist.
This is what they took from us
So this is Scarlet Witch and Vision? In like an alternate universe or something?
And on Yea Forums you're conditioned to think everyone is a SJW. Break free while you still can.
there are still parties like that which you'd know if you were white and not an incel
looks boring as shit senpai
wtf I like antifa, open borders and giving my money to brown people now
>>No hunger
Do you think americans were starving in the 50s ?
>why is everyone covered in clothes
>I wish I was twerking right now
>where my niggers at
>everyone is an SJW
Good job proving the point.
>stan dark rey
I'm sure she hates Kylo (he is so problematic!) and wants Finn to be a Jedi and hook up with Rey.
They were probably just referring to that guy, you know the post they quoted.
Just seeing white people is triggering
>dems don't support those things
>leftists dindu nuthin'
lol You're deluded. Biden's running on a "antifa are heroes platform" and Bernie wants to "wage war on racists." They all want open borders.