gaping asshole
>white people
I thought I saw another picture in the same angle this morning and it looked a lot cleaner?
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
please stop posting these, it's fucking abhorrent
>gaping asshole
thats actually true, shit can leak into this """"""vagina""""" so not only it smells like shit, but also like carrion because it never heals properly
also hairs grow inside of it and cant be shaved
link to reddit post? I want to see the rest of this insanity
>when you dilate too much
Imagine the smell.
Please keep posting these, it's fucking abhorren tand everybody needs to see this
i dare you to read this entire thing
>sorry you guys under 6ft
lmao not even trannies want manlets
believe it or not, that is a legitimate issue, user
postop a lot of these neovaginas are under a lot of pressure and barely held together by stitches and stretched skin
a lot troons open wounds and make a huge mess out of everything by dilating too often ("if the doc says do it this much, then doing it more will probably be better!") or being too rough/vigorous with it.
>does this look normal to you?
Guurls, i'm starting to get worried here! it's starting to smell like old cat food, is it normal??
Guuurls, there's some maggots in there, is it normal??
>also hairs grow inside of it and cant be shaved
Ew haha post some pictures so I can see how gross that looks haha
>women who exceed the "one drop" rule
Let them, hope they die from infections.
one drop of nigger blood, ie they have a tainted family tree
a fucking stinky HAIRBALL
Look up teratoma
"clitoral" necrosis
this is normal, powerful and beatiful btw
That is literally the entire human race though, the first homo-sapiens came from Africa
>should i be worried?
>still believing the out of africa meme
that theory has been disproved
how can a human being do that to himself?
a tranny having regrets
Friendly reminder that if you have a tranny folder you're internally fetishising the concept and are no longer an entirely straight man. This isn't some "rumor", it's an objective fact. You like transsexuals.
Mental illness is not a joke
Teratoma is a different thing. That's when the body is stressing out because of a grevious wound and starts growing tissues that doesn't belong, like brain matter, teeth, eyes etc. It sometimes happens with neo-vaginas, but the hair growing inside is not caused by it, it's because the "vagina" is basically and inverted dick.
>no u
go dilate hon
necrosis part 2
>if you keep a folder of brad pit and bruce lee memes that means you want to fuck brad pit and bruce lee
Cute trannies should never chop off their dicks and continue to take hormones
Trying to go full woman is a mistake, we want your butts.
he based
Arachnophobic, huh?
what are some bone chilling slow burn horrors about body dysmorphia. something cronenbergesque
Trannies are never cute. The ones you're thinking of are crossdressing gay twinks that don't take hormones, those are 90% of all cute "trannies".
My dog thinks i'm his dinner because of the smell, should i be worried?
That's entirely different. A more appropriate comparison is keeping a folder of gay porn. There really isn't an excuse if you conder yourself hetero.
tranny regrets part 2
this , you're just gay.
how do they urinate? does it just go everywhere?
everyone knows this but doesn't wanna admit it
I am jazz
Reddit’s mtf subreddit is full of posts where the OP expresses regret about “coming out” as trans or no longer feels trans. Then all the commenters tell him to push past those feelings and continue down the rabbit hole. It’s a really sad and dangerous place. So many young people are being encouraged to ruin their lives by these mentally ill people. If I go to that subreddit I can’t stay long because it makes my skin crawl.
>should I be worried that my entire crotch looks like roadkill
lmao trannies
tranny got a """"""vagina""""", regrets it, hates it, feels no connection with it
I thought this was Hope Solo for a moment.
Should that come as a surprise? A solid chunk of anons are gay. Not that I'm judging, but it's just obvious. I blame Yea Forums and their trap porn.
OVERWHELMING vaginal odor
There's nothing more manly than fucking an inferior man.
Serious question, please answer. Do ftm trannies have to dilate?
what movie is this from?
I thought I was on Yea Forums. What does this have to do with movies and television?
Yea Forums is currently being raided by discord trannies and /pol/cels, I wish they all left Yea Forums alone
Look at this post. These are the hoops anons go through to justify their closeted homosexuality.
Fucking sad.
Its almost every board. They'll come then leave I guess.
based Yea Forums
are jannies jerking off to anime again?
why are they not cleaning this shit up
constant infections, burning, itching
people need to be told
>hey guy, when will i be okay in my head, give me a schedule
Not him but there is literally nothing more straight than taking a cute guy out on a date, kissing him frequently, cuddling with him and then making love to him in the missionary position before sleeping together until morning.
people here already know, post this shit on twitter
Being gay is gross and unnatural. No mental gymnastics will change that.
This is the same kind of mental illness OP has, obsessing over trannies, and playing it off as "research", or whatever the fuck.
Drop the smoke and mirrors. This is gay as shit.
why go to places that hate you and then get upset about it
Perfectly sane.
>don't respect my name
aka narcissism/mental illness
doing it for the attention
the rise of social media/instant gratification is bad on weak minds
wait you have to dilate FOREVER? LOL
>if you have a Pepe folder it means you want to fuck frogs!
This is the biggest tranny cope. Please sort out your festering wound situation.
How many times will post op trannies in horrendous pain, in need of emergency surgery and leaving experienced surgeons utterly perplexed as to how to help them will it take for the medical community to think "hmmm... perhaps our treatment of gender dysphoria might be a little off"
Feeling threatened, user?
Lmao imagine getting like that from a bunch of pixels in a screen. These people are truly sick in the head.
at some point its like once every 2 months and if you have sex, its 0
tranny feels like it destroyed its body, can smell the stench through the clothes
the population must be reminded the true horrors of trannies over and over again until they rightfully shun these freaks from society
Yeah but only 60% ever reach that point.
and if you do nothing it closes like a wound should
OP is a closeted tranny
Dead naming? Weird way to say kill yourself
Not threatened. I see blatant confusion and I call it out. What you do behind closed doors is your business, but don't act like a straight man would be enamored with any of this.
I didn't know shit about all this disgusting shit until i saw it here
Trannies are incels on a whole new level. There are bunch of Yea Forums r9k type trannies out there.
"smells a bit more advanced than rotting fish" kek
literally indistinguishable from a normal vagina if well done which is most of the time
its attempt, not suicide and its not correlated with SRS operation
Exactly. Stop obsessing over it. Delete your tranny collection. Get back to normal.
top kek
The hilarious thing is that CWC is about average for a tranny
Wtf is dialation
"i cant believe i was stupid enough to do this"
>>literally indistinguishable from a normal vagina
this is delusion
Seriously why are they so surprised by their fucked up inverted dicks falling apart? What do they expect to happen? They DO realize it’s not a real vagene right?
>this whole thread
it's the punishment that these freaks endure for letting their fetish get the better of them
a lifelong reminder that they are not and never will be actual women, ever
sticking things in holes
He’s only doing that because he thinks it’s feminine. Which it is, just not on an ugly faggot tranny.
someone post the original reddit thread