Why is it so kino?

Why is it so kino?

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blu-ray packaging will NEVER be kino. Stupid ugly blue hue.

I wanna fuck that one chick whatever her name was. I wonder what ither thots from the bible were hot as fuck.

I wish Dream Works would've continued making more Bible animations. Low budget as it was, I still really enjoyed Joseph: King of Dreams.

Delilah must have been hot as fuck.

Because it was epic, and I don't mean in the meme sense of the world, but actually epic. They tried to do it like the old Hollywood huge movies like Gone with the Wind and The Ten Commandment, but since it's animation they had no budget restriction as to how big they could go, so they went all out with gigantic sets and vistas. But unlike the live action Exodus (which was also visually great thanks to Ridley Scott) Prince of Egypt also had a great script and amazing songs. Everything clicked and it became a 10/10 movie.

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>it's just a kike version of we wuzing of the same shit.

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Btw pic is very related it is statute of an actual Prince of Egypt with his wife.

It was produced to
1 Associate slavery with jewish people (up untill then, it was only a black issue)
2 Transfer sympathy from the plights of black people to the plights of jewish people
Doubling their victim status and being the Prima Donna of Victimhood Olympics.

Literally nobody can claim higher victimhood than Jews.

>he thinks Prince of Egypt was needed to make people associate Jews with Egyptian slavery
Jesus fucking christ how underage are you?

Jidf is working now even outside of /poל/?

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Got nothing on Bathsheba

>be god
>tell some guy to tell another guy to stop something
>guy refuses to stop said thing
>instead of visitibg the guy yourself, you send the plagues

Jews literally made up all of exodus. They just fucking made it up to play the victim like they always do. They were never ever slaves in Egypt. This is proven fact by the way, look it up. They’ve been Jewing people for thousands of years. Never trust anything a Jew says.

The weak should fear the strong

The stories of the Old Testament really show how inherently evil the Jew is if these are the things he thinks is moral and right.

God wasn't just sending the plagues. The plagues were the physical manifestation of God kicking the ass of the Egyptian God associated with the various aspects. He took care of the rival gods, Moses had to take care of the people.

The fact that it dealt with subject matter that Disney never would have touched with a ten-foot pole helped it get out of their shadow, and it was made by a studio of talented people that actually gave a shit about making a great film.

PSA to not buy the blu ray, its a shitty transfer no better than what you get when buying the dvd just like Secret of NIMH

There's really no way to do an HD remaster of an old animated film unless you go back and press all of the cells all over again, and even then they might not have been drawn large enough from the start. That's assuming the studio even kept the cells to begin with (they don't). Those old SD cartoons are gonna stay SD. It's either that or the image gets blown up with a shitty filter. That's something that a lot of these companies try to hide from consumers, but everyone should know what to expect when buying an old cartoon on Blu Ray.

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>Rage filled Ad hominems and pilbul
Up until then, Jewish slavery did not exist in popular culture, nor was it general knowledge.

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Ah blue hue

It was if you went to church

...You're right, user. No one ever read the Bible. The concept of Jewish slaves in Egypt was completely unheard of before the mid-90's. Even though you clearly weren't alive back then, you've captured the cultural zeitgeist flawlessly.

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You are painfully deluded, zoomer.

>people didn't know about Moses and the parting of the Red Sea up until 1998 when Dreamworks made an animated movie about it

You have read the Bible, have you?

>mfw I’m forgotten

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Hans Zimmerman's OST

I haven't. That's the only other version I know, and it has the part where every escaped slave became degenerate.

>Playing With the Big Boys starts playing on your playlist

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Old testament god was a huge dick.

Worst song on the entire soundtrack. Disney-song tier.

Some of the Disney soundtracks of that era were great too, so that's not a problem at all. Just to show I feel no spite, you can still be my acolyte.

What's the Bible?

The only thing I hated about Exodus Gods and Kings was that they chose a fucking 7 year old Bong to play the role of God. Fucking Infuriating. They could have did the same thing they did in Prince of Egypt during the burning bush scene, make God this ethereal mist with a bellowing masculine voice, using CGI for that burning effect that could pop up anywhere.

Would have made the movie 100x better.

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All I ever wanted and Heaven's eyes are the God tier tracks of that movie

Yeah it's not absolute trash, but a typical Disney villain song stands out like a motherfucker on a soundtrack that otherwise entirely awe-inspiring.

Agreed, Exodus was far from Prince of Egypt, also really disliked the cheap red sea split

Imma keep it real with you dogs, I could have gone without the one song Mariah Carey was in.

For me it's River Lullaby.


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The word of God in which these events are documented. Pretty great stuff. It’s Sunday, read a bit of it.

>The scene where all the first borns die
>You can hear the screams of their families in the background in the scene
How the fuck did they get away with it?

The oldest historical and Genealogical record on the planet.

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for real? which version???? Should i read all the shit they cut out too?

because there were no jews dying

This scene gets me every time. Rewatching it is even sadder because you know she'll die before he returns, so this is the last time she'll ever see her son again, drifting off on the river to an unknown fate.

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Start with the Book of Mormon, kid

>once I called you brother, once I thought the chance to make you laugh was all I ever wanted
>you who I called brother! How could you have come to hate me so? Is this what you wanted?

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God isn't real.

>self insert fan fiction
no thanks

Did humanity start going downhill when heads of state stopped being shirtless?

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He just wanted his brother back

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Can we talk about the direction, anons? I'm always impressed how masterfully they framed and blocked scenes.

I used a fair bit of footage from this movie in an extended biblical Art History series I am making. I'm almost finished with a ~4 hour version, hoping to upload by the end of October. If you are really interested in this material though you can watch a rough version of the first 1h 30m I have posted here on bitchute:


Pic related is the thumbnail for the final version. I've still got about a months worth of work before I finish this, but I'm hoping to make something similar to Peter Joseph's Zeitgeist Documentary with this material. Essentially a random online documentary that gives you the quick low-down on the Occult/Psychedelic history within the Abrahamic traditions.

I'll need people to help me spread this around once it's finished, and I'm really improving the rough draft a fair bit, added about 20mins of footage that make the first 30 minutes much more enjoyable. Just posting here for any of you guys who have a keen interest in these subjects.

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>Rewatching it is even sadder because you know she'll die before he returns, so this is the last time she'll ever see her son again, drifting off on the river to an unknown fate.
Not according to the Islamic account. As Moses was found by the Egyptians, he refused to take milk from any of the women in the court of Pharaoh, and little Miriam - who had followed the crib, and knew where it had ended up - brought their mother to serve the wife of Pharaoh. The boy, and his sister, and his mother all lived together as he was growing up in the house of his enemy. God mentioned this to him as he spoke through the flames - that the boy had grown up under the Eye of God, sheltered by His Hand alone.

Post some songs from your country's dubbing.

I always enjoy listening to languages I don't understand.

>Not according to the Islamic account
Non-canon. In the movie she never sees him again.

>retconning a happy ending onto a story
Fucking saps.

Correct. But this movie is still flawless. Next you'll tell me Atlantis and Road to El Dorado weren't documentaries either.

You absolute Jew, how can you make any claim of "canon" when you don't even know who wrote the books you believe in, and you have no idea when they were written? This entire story is taken on faith, as there is literally no historical account of it that can be taken as proof.
>God doesn't take care of the people He loves
Remind me why I should serve that guy again?


>Remind me why I should serve that guy again?
According to those early parts of the bible it's because he'll fuck your shit up if you go against his people or try to take his worshippers if you're a god. Unless you've got metal chariots, then gg.


is that way, we're talking about the movie.

Well I know what isn't kino, that fucking cover art. Almost as lazy as this fucking thing.

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>the 2d paintings nightmare scene starts

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I don't know but i think ancient egyptians were based.

>Unless you've got metal chariots, then gg.
Lol, I remember reading about that once. Yahweh really was based, the creator of the universe is unable to help His people fight someone who uses iron

Wait till you see the backcover.

*** Trigger warning! ***

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i want the jewish girl to shit on my face

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I personally like the idea they wanted to use in Prince of Egypt where God was a Man, Woman, and Child's voice all speaking at the same time. It would have fit really well with the incomprehensible Eldritch entity YHWH is.

Also I love the scene with the whale shark.


What the fuck? What an ugly cover.

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*whip crack*

"God" was merely a powerful fae taking pleasure in tricking a group of people into worshipping him. Iron was his weakness same as all the rest of his kind, and with the spread of iron their dominion shrunk further and further(meaning less and less godly miracles, and less spooky monsters), until the age of iron train tracks and electric wires finally killed them off or sent them hiding in the remotest corners of the world.

>HD picture
Do they sell Blu-Rays that AREN'T HD?

user, only 3D animations is for grown-ups. 2D is for children.
t. Hollywood marketing expert

The acting in Ten Commandments is so hammy I'm surprised Jews are allowed to watch it.

Samson, it's Sheila...Momma fell...

Bible cinematic universe when?

The animation is beautiful. Even little babies stop what they are doing and stare.
The songs are great. The voice acting and casting was perfect.
One of the my favorite parts is the ending when they are leaving and the little kids start singing in Hebrew. Ashira l'adonai.

Please stop. You’re making yourself look incredibly stupid.
-T. /pol/ack

You can see the actress that played Nerfertiti's Nerfertitties.

Packing is not a film and therefore cannot be kino, you are correct

>Even little babies stop what they are doing and stare

this is a creepy statement out of context

See: I'm going to make the Blender Project files (70Gb) available on /t/ when it's finished so people can build on it and make new versions. The idea is that we can get an open source community to compile footage and information from around the internet that tells the entirety of the biblical narrative using historical information and archived documentary/cinematic footage under fair use copyright law. I'm going to make a 4 hour version that normies can handle, but some of you guys who have insights will be able to add things to it if you feel so inclined.

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I do not read Jewish literature.
Jewish slavery is a myth.


It had great animation and managed to make you sympathize with both sides of the issue until late into the movie. The songs are also good and unlike many animation movies it isn't afraid of taking itself seriously.

>reeee this movie about God isn't historically correct!!!

I liked how God's voice was the same as Moses' voice.

>The answer will come
>The answer will come to him who tries
>To look at his life through heaven's eyes
Best part of the movie desu, still listen to it to this day

To believe psychedelic drugs are crucial to the biblical story is to comepletely miss the message. It is another form of fundamentalism which seeks a literal reason instead of the message imparted.


Psychedelic drugs are responsible for Human Evolution, that is why they are present in every Religion on every continent. They are our link to our ancient primordial past, our survival depends on having people in our communities who eat these drugs and interpret reality directly. What they preach is the mythology of the other worlds they travel to, and how to appease the archetypes. Without psychedelics there is no renewal of the original revelations. We are stuck with fundamentalism forever.

Fuck off, Joe Rogan.

well put, user

Honestly, I've been seriously debating removing every reference to that faggot from my doc after the way he's been behaving recently. He's turned into a complete and utter piece of shit.

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