Why do Amazonians hate German conscripts so much?
They didnt even take any prisoners, that's a fucking war crime.
Why do Amazonians hate German conscripts so much?
>tfw no amazon gf
Because every german is a nazi, even in ww1
>It's... it's not about deserve. Maybe, maybe we don't. But it's not about that, it's about what you believe. You don't think I get it, after what I've seen out there? You don't think I wish I could tell you that it was one bad guy to blame? It's not! We're all to blame!
>Because maybe it's them! Maybe people aren't always good, Ares or no Ares. Maybe it's just who they are.
>just kidding lol, it was Ares, r.i.p. in peace
10/10 movie, CGI looked great
Diversity is weakness so it has to be relentlessly propagandized against. The US will fall in this century. The EU and China will rise.
tasteless trash like most capeshit.
WW1 was a clusterfuck of stupidity so it being paid tribute to in this clownish way is somewhat fitting.
Germans were assholes in World War 1 too you ignoramus. They were the first ones to use chemical weapons which is all sorts of fucked up, amongst other evil shit like invading neutral countries and killing civilians. The eternal krauts can't help themselves.
The Amazonians didnt know that. They slaughtered a whole load of kids trying to surrender, when will they pay for their crimes.
Why are chemical weapons always considered dishonorabru?
What movie did you watch? They invaded their territory with guns.
Because most of them kill you slowly and painfully.
They didnt know, they chased a spy through some portal and then were attacked without a declaration of war by super humans who do not adhere to the rules of war.
Because they're fucking horrific. Chlorine gas burns the lungs so bad that they release enough liquid for you to drown in your own excretions. Mustard gas creates boils anything that's wet so it burns out your eyes when it comes in contact with your face.
Are you trolling? Or just retarded? It's a fine line on Yea Forums
As opposed to swords, or bullets not to the head?
They might frighten the meat puppets enough to make them not fight.
Debate me faggot
bad sportsmanship
Yes, the Germans were the only ones to be brutalistic in the most brutal war in human history.
Blows with the wind and kills civilians
Leads to slow and painful death
Fuck off retard
Just because you're desensitized to the norm, doesn't make them any less horrific. Do you consider oil and fire used during the Middle Ages as horrific as what you're describing?
Maybe, but probably not.
Chemical warfare is a hypocrite's soapbox to ignore the real atrocities happening behind the scenes, a red herring to convince people of a leader's moral compass' existence, and at this point it's a full circle.
You're convinced this specific idea is so intrinsically evil that there's no greater evil, so when some asshat says he's against it or condemns its usage, it sparks your confidence in whatever loser parrots it.
I win
So what? People excuse casualties of war all the time.
Hasn't slowed the drone strike business one iota.
You clearly do not know about the effects of poison gas on the human body, so you're just saying dumb hyperbolic shit to sound smart. And if you're the type of asshole that believes anything-goes in the war just because, then don't get surprised if the world piles up on your country, thoroughly fucks it up and then splits it two.
All germans are subhumans
Spoken like an ignorant child that knows nothing of the devastation and suffering caused by chemical weapons. Chemical weapons are so bad even Hitler decided not to use them in World War II simply because he experienced them first-hand in World War 1.
I liked the part when the Murrican was like "Yeah, those other guys are the bad guys and evil, you should totally fight them. Trust me, a complete unknown!" and Wonder Woman and the other there started killing them.
I once saw an SJW claim that an anime character was a nazi even though the story takes place in an alternate reality where there is no WW2 and no nazi party and Germany has been evacuated due to aliens.
Nazis are scary.
>Hyperbolic shit
Are you willing to point out the hyperbole?
And no, for the record, I don't believe "anything" should go in war, I do believe it's ignorant to pretend the act war is honorable in any circumstance.
Nobody should ever be proud of war, or how they wage it. It's something that should only be done to protect a moral value, and should be over as quick as it begins. All we have are our convictions, so why is it explicitly wrong to use chemicals to defend them?
If you're not at war with people whom you perceive as the evilest intent, then why are you at war to begin with?
The inability to use an effective tool to potentially end war faster is pussyfooting around the reality that maybe the war shouldn't even be occurring.
So what's the stance at that point?
You're not convinced of your own side enough to pull the trigger, metaphorically, but not relenting enough to back out.
The lack of will and misplaced honor is a perpetuator of war, and the ONLY reason the U.S. and its allies are still fighting the sham that is the Iraq War.
Ignoring the pain all violence causes and allowing it to continue for an untold amount of time for fear of being perceived as evil by your enemy based on an ignorant viewpoint is the most abhorrent shit I've ever heard. Harry Truman pulled that trigger, like or not he helped end a war, and created a deterrent on a global scale.
Maybe if chemical warfare gets popular, men will stop enlisting and world leaders will have to fight their own battles, or maybe they'll be pressured for cowardice by honor-bound people like yourself.
So now Hitler is an ideal model of a healthy, understanding mentality.
Keep scrolling, my middle-aged adult friend.
Drone strikes far reduce casualties compared to the methods used in the past
The French used chemical weapons first, moron.
Oh no that country is using chemical weapons!
>Drops atomic bombs and radiates the land killing thousands
Oh no that country is killing civilians!
>Fire bombs cities burning civilians to death and suffocating thousands more from smoke inhalation.
God Bless America
>chemical weapons
>another revisionist faggot spreading the same 100 years ol nazi propaganda about dresden
>a weaponized chemical
>is not a chemical weapon
How did women manage to take world war 1, which is probably the worst time to be a man in all of human history, and make it about themselves?
Could’ve had a kino ending
Empty a can of mace up your nose. Take a deep breath. Then remember that it’s a nonlethal chemical weapon.
You are aware that burgers burned civilians alive in both Japan and Vietnam, right?
They were in the equally hard position of having to marry betas and care for maimed and crippled husbands they couldn’t divorce.
>implying there’s anything wrong with killing germs
>Chemical weapons are so bad even Hitler decided not to use them in World War II simply because he experienced them first-hand in World War 1.
Hitler decided not to use them because of the risk of retaliation. The British for example had an absolutely insane amount of anthrax, in its earlier form it would have just killed off most of Germany's cattle, starving it out (the creatively named Operation Vegetarian). In the later form that they developed around 1944, it could render huge areas of land completely uninhabitable. They tested it on a small island off the coast of Scotland and it took decades to decontaminate it.
If Hitler thought he could have gotten away with using chemical weapons then he would have done it. He was just smart enough to recognize that there was nothing stopping anyone else from using those same weapons against him.