Amazon is making Wheel of Time into a series!
Amazon is making Wheel of Time into a series!
yep and the cast makes it look like the series takes place Mogadishu
>village that has been isolated to everything but a handful of wandering merchants and entertainers for millennia
>has a rainbow cast.
Just remember, the fact that the Two Rivers is so homogeneous is an big plot point later on. If they're fucking with this just so they can boast about how woke they're being, just think of what else they'll change
>"don't worry, we know the women get it bad in this series, we're going to fix that"
A series where the women are unendingly abusive to men, never speaking to them except to critisize or give orders, who will hit them at the drop of a hat, even if they did nothing wrong, where men who can channel either go mad or suffer a fate worse than death (you never do find out what the Seanchan do to them, only that it's unspeakable) , where the main character has multiple unhealing wounds that keep him in constant agony and gets locked in a chest in the height of summer for weeks, only being let out to be tortured. That's not even taking into account the men who get affected by the bubbles of evil.
no they are making Woke of Time series
I'm currently reading the part where Mat gets raped and abused by Tylin, assuming the show gets that far, how do you think they'll handle that?
>no they are making Woke of Time series
This. I made the mistake of watching Carnival Row and bloody hell. I've never seen such a degree of lack of subtlety in my life.
They'll remove the knifepoint rape and him crying himself to sleep but keep everything else and present it as karma.
Heck, willing to bet that they change his character from a playful flirt that is willing to actually call out the women on their shit, to a douchey jock character and this will be his "growth".
they'll definitely remove the several times that he thinks about how he only chases girls who want to be chased, and have him just drunkenly hit on everyone, probably including Nynaeve and Elayne
It's finally happening.
Yep, he only ever flirts with girls who are receptive. The most you can criticize him for is his lack of willingness to get into relationships but he never breaks hearts.
As a comedy, per usual
I knew a kid with those kinds of parents. He was way to into how people viewed him and was insecure but angry at the same time . Always angry
It's pretty funny to see this casting knowing which actors Robert Jordan personally thought of when he imagined his own characters.....
>"some of his armor is described as vaguely Asian in style, he must be Asian!"
I suppose it doesn't bother me much though, what bothers me is that he's described as someone who used to be handsome at one point then the years of fighting wore him down. They're filling the cast with pretty boys and meh women.
I will never not be mad about them fucking with the two rivers though. "oh wow this giant city full of people from around the world.... looks kinda like the Two Rivers..."
Aside from Elayne, I can get behind that.
He has bretty good taste except for the dog he has for Elayne.
when later there is war on west coast, ofc there will be then white refugees flooding two rivers causing locals to have mixed views regarding Perrins pro-refugee policy.... just wait for it
Huh, that Tuon looks lighter than she's described in the books, and Lanfear is way to young and pretty, not terrifyingly beautiful
>here's your cast bro
Why are they all mutts?
Hahaha watch them not wind up in love
Yeah the Malkier samurai thing was just the garb, the culture was more Chinese.
>Yeah we know there are like a dozen different other cultures that are assorted shades of brown
>But Andor is just too white
the only reason i'm watching this show is because rand's actor is very handsome
He's a jew
Who tought it was a good idea to let some fag from the Survivor to helm a fantasy show?
It's stupid, once the first six episodes are out of the way, the series becomes diverse as fuck anyway.
We'll probably see who gets cast as Galad soon, given the cast is already full of prettyboys he's going to be either a turbo-chad or full on supermodel.
Not impossible they'll portray him as an evil racist and make him ugly as fuck mind...
a very cute one indeed
I will bet my entire life savings that the children of the light are cast as 100% white people
And they'll be racist as fuck for no discernible reason
He looks like a nigger
Of course, they're going to 100% be Nazis
And Perrin is black so you know exactly where this shit is going
great let's whinge!
It’s not homogenous. They were descendants of manetheran, a advanced cosmopolitan multicultural society. They have every reason to be mutts
Egwene and elayne are way older than the teenagers they’re supposed to be in the book
I don't think you understand what the word means...
If they're making two rivers be brown shouldn't Mat be brown too?
Granted I've only read the first book but I thought it was just Rand who stuck out from the rest.
I don’t get how the blood of manetheren is so strong in the two rivers if they are so diverse. Can anyone explain?
>me on the far right watching this bullshit
pic related
>despite being less than 2% of Andors population, Two Rivers people commit 56% of the crime.
>"we waz kings of manetheren an shieeet" replied Perrin when asked by a local Whitecloak patrol after he had tried biting one of them
>"ayo we nah finna gonna pay no whiteboi taxes fuck yo queen, WE WUZ KANGZ"
>"Child Bornhald, report on Aybara RIGHT NOW"
>"Yes sire"
>"That Falme thing is a big fucking mess, the King of Amadicia is breathing down my neck so I want some better results in finding the Darkfriends behind that shitfest"
>"Sirt, our intelligence shows Aybara is from a famous west Andori ghetto known as the Two Rivers, known for their ignorance of Andoran laws and refusal to pay taxes, and for producing tobacco which may or may not be entirely medicinal"
>"Last year when our patrol found Aybara trying to eat one of their horses, he also tried biting and stabbed one Child with his axe, trying to finish the kill by biting the officer in the neck"
>"when questioned afterwards by our officers, he said "he dindu nuffin" and proclaimed himself to be a heir to the ancient kingdom of Manetheren, all while accusing the officers of racial profiling
>"However the man managed to flee into the night when the camp was attacked by a rogue witch and possibly kinsmen of Aybara"
>"Bornhald, are you sure it was a witch?"
>"yes, a witch with that crazy catlady look, who somehow had managed to hire a gang of similar looking Two Rivers people, it could not have been local Andori due to how diverse they looked"
>"Dammit, we need to find this Aybara and make him pay for his crimes, take this rope and lead a thousand of our finest to Two Rivers and make sure they learn that no matter how many darkfriends there may be, the Children of the Light will make sure that all the dark friends of Aybara will be answering to justice"
Jesus Christ. If they don’t cast some 6’7 mofo this is bullshit. Remember, rand is Jordan’s projection.
holy SHIT!
>dat Gaul looking like a sad, fat, sack of shit
>dat Perrin being tiny and jerking off the dude next to him
>dat guy next to him standing at a totally different angle
>dat barely being able to tell who these characters are or what is being portrayed
>dat total lack of technical proficiency being displayed by the artist
Im just so, SO happy that MY favorite fantasy books are so niche and small time that they will never ever be adapted by hooked nose assholes who'll turm the entire cast into a globohomo rainbow nation of feminist homofuckery. Makes me a little happy
Replace all those characters with PoCs and we will get Amazon's series
>best character gets blacked
My nigga
Although I wouldn’t be surprised if someone takes a run at his Otherland series. It’s story is relevant to our time and the cast is ready made diverse.
unless you mean BEST girl
my favorite starts with a child being raped and the MC is an Aryan giga Chad that talks his way into being a messiah and leading a crusade against brown desert people
Yeah, I liked Thomas covenant too.
What's this about?
Twenty years ago, I read every Tad Williams book they had in a library in Georgia while living out of my car. Also every Orson Scott Card book. Comfy memory.
I’ll let somebody else summarize it, but if you haven’t read this, you absolutely should.
Was meant
For (You)
>Orson Scott Card
how are his non-ender books? those were real comfy
I have to say, I enjoyed every word of all of them. Alvin Maker is pretty cool even though I'm not Mormon and felt on some level that I was being programmed by reading them. Excellent short story writer. I gotta catch up on the Enderverse, there are a ton of new books I haven't bothered with since that period in my life.
Jordan is all three dudes plus Loial, give him some credit for advanced projection
Agreed, it made Carnival Row jarring as fuck.
The wokening of WoT and the producer’s cringe virtue signaling on Twitter turned me from a lifelong Amazon customer to never shopping there again. I even moved my company’s hosting from AWS to Azure which ended up saving me a few hundred bucks a month.
>the Children of the Light will make sure that all the dark friends of Aybara will be answering to justice"
Oh Light, my sides
Wait, that's Gaul? Why the fuck is he wearing a sword?
At least this will be near impossible to make into a TV series
>*names names names names names names names names names names*
>"I've learnt the important characters now, Book 2 will be easier"
>only 3 characters from the first show up
>*names names names names names names names names names names*
Do these writers not have editors?
It was surprisingly difficult not to picture Suan as Flint's dad when reading...