any new tgwtg drama?
there's nobody left to have drama with :(
latza got a job at nickelodeon a couple months back after leaving dreamworks, but he seems to still be in the same entry level position of editing commercials and web shorts
truly the end of an era, I miss the good old eggkara days
He's gonna get you!
Why is his movie so shit?
what happens when he gets me?
I feel his film really showed his range as an actor, he could play Linkara, Linkara with a fedora, Linkara with a robot voice, Linkara with sunglasses, and many other unforgettable and unique characters
>films the corner of his bedroom
>puts a rug over his couch
>calls it a spaceship cockpit
Back when ED was up, I remember a line from his page - something like "yes, he literally wrote his mom's basement into the movie"
that's FUCKING BAD ASS !!!
It's funny because despite all the memes he HAS been delivering on those videos. Nigga has serious work ethic.
>latza got a job at nickelodeon a couple months back after leaving dreamworks
Really? That's already more than 99% of tgwtg
so far latza has worked at disney, dreamworks and now nickelodeon as a low tier editor
but you're right that that's more than most of tgwtg. He's a competent editor, the cringe always comes from when he puts himself in front of the camera
Hi Linkara
Latza literally just works on short compilation videos. It's soul crushing work for someone who wants to get into the industry to be creative.
Yet he keeps coming back for more in the hopes that one day he'll get recognized
the middle of America seems like such a strange place
Linkara lives in Chicago/ DuPage? That's hardly middle America.
He'll be in entry level the rest of his life because he sucks as an editor.
I bet it doesn't phase him and he's 100% content just doing a shit job.
Linkara is actually a decent editor. The shot at 1:09 is legitimately well made
that is literally the direct right if the middle of America
Latza wishes he were Linkara.
>any new tgwtg drama?
That #canceltheawesome or whatever it was docudrama made by Something Snake(?) was kind of the last thing I've seen of any note. MarzGurl moved onto #kickvic & the weeb warz and everyone remembered why they don't associate with Allison outside of lynch mobs so it all just kind of went away with a whimper
Duh, hell he'd settle for being Film Brain
He will rape you.
I'm come to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula.
To be fair the dirty little cock slut is consistent. Consistently mediocre but consistent nonetheless.
Speaking of which has Spoony done anything funny since, oh, mid 2018?
>tfw latza is unironically more successful than all those losers
what a world
How did Latza really expect him to reply? Wtf?
he doesn't give up trying to get what he wants, what a guy
what do you mean? what is he up to now?
I'd actually like to see a good documentary on the changethechannel thing, but all of them suck.
He edits videos for Nickelodeon or something.
Blessed Quads
Metakour made a good series of videos on the subject.
She cute.
did he cover the Lupa drama when the site went to shit?
>when the only person who doesn't get involved in shitshow drama is a fucking tranny
Liz is based as fuck. 10/10 would suck.
I remember when Linkara used to vehemently deny she was a tranny and would block people from his comments for saying "Iron Lez."
I thought iron liz was the black fat mohawked girl?
As crazy as it sounds
seems to be one of the most sane people from Channel Autism. Take it as you will.
My guess was that someone on Yea Forums was pretending to be Linkara in order to bait latza into doing something.
Reminder that one of Latza's friends posts here and he's the one always trying to defend him and pretend he's "based" and "our guy" in these threads
Latza being
>our guy
is a Yea Forums meme already anyway. When you compare him to other CA contributors everyone else seems to be a bigger loser than he is.
You're a faggot
I want to watch some nostalgia critic but I'm scared it won't be as funny as I remember it being.
That's Jew wario. He offered himself when he was going to be outed for multiple counts of rape. Angry Spic defends him though.
Marilyn Manson's looking great
It won't because you're not a child anymore. On the other hand, that means you will be able to admit that his current content is much better than what he used to make. The production value of his show is better than AVGN and he actually has some good jokes.
We're all Latza's friends.
>The production value of his show is better than AVGN and he actually has some good jokes.
Stop it.
You can't unironically think that
It's true though, you nostalgia-riddled faggoids. NC is somewhat of a professional now and his videos are easily the best among those comedic internet review shows. It's low-brow throw-away humour with a few good jokes every episode, as it always was, but his production value is insane compared to the others.
Stop it, Douge.
No fair, using the Spoony card.
Fuck me that brow, cro-magnon looking ass
you still would
I think he mentioned her in the spoony video but not much else.
>Speaking of which has Spoony done anything funny since, oh, mid 2018?
Try 2011
>his videos are easily the best among those comedic internet review shows
They'll all get you
Crashing into that idiot's car was funny.
No. Zombie Nostalgie Critic is the best thing to come out of TGWTG.
It's not like that's a great feat or anything. Who would possibly rival him?
Spoony's clip is easily the worst. He looks unwashed and disgusting.
RedLetterMedia is a comedic review show, and while you can shitpost about space cop all you want they at least went to film school and learnt how to set up proper lighting
I miss the times when they couldn't afford HD cameras so you couldn't see their disgusting greasy acne-ridden pore faces.
>imagine thinking this
His videos are like the filmed version of those "left can't meme" webcomics where the correct character destroys the enemy strawman and then the strawman either spergs out or admits defeat and changes their ways. Seriously, how many "enlightened" monologues has he had by now? There's one in every one of his major videos.
>cries about trump being a bad person 24/7
>runs a red light and hits someone
>tries to blame the other people for the accident
It cracks me up he has the audacity to tell trump they're a bad person.
I'd say it's one of the best, him and Latza were the only ones that bothered to turn on a fan to give the effect of wind blasting in their face.
>Was losing your website part of your plan?
>Of course.
>Well congratulations, you lost your site. What's the next step of your year of Spoony?
>Crashing this car. WITH MINOR INJURIES!
Douge, it's time to stop.
No, this unironic Latza worshipping started when some of you got trolls remorse
...but that's part of the joke. You don't expect actual film analysis from a NC video, do you?
I have never watched that show and I doubt it fits the same "comedic review show" category that people like NC, AVGN, Cinema Snob and so on fill.
It cracks me up to think Spoony is actually anti-Trump to begin with. Today's SJWs would murder him for his old movie reviews and """""problematic""""" jokes in them.
You're a retard
>I have never watched that show
You have to go back.
>...but that's part of the joke
Except it's not because Douge unironially believes he's right and makes insightful analysis on films.
>I have never watched that show and I doubt it fits the same "comedic review show" category that people like NC, AVGN, Cinema Snob and so on fill.
It's the same shit
>still would
I never said I wouldn't.
It's the same with Douge. He had jokes mocking trannies and androgynous people in his old reviews which he probably wouldn't inckude today.
Dude wrestling isn't real, the tooth fairy didn't leave you that quarter, and it wasn't a ghost that made a mess of your backside
>that's part of the joke
It's clearly not. Do you think his speech on Dr. Seuss was just a joke and he didn't mean any of it? Or every time he shits on his old fans for not liking his garbage skits and presents a caricature that he can take shots at? He thinks he's smarter than most people, even of his ego is more contained than that of most other tgwtg creators it's still massively inflated.
Douge had way less rape and gay jokes though.
>current year
>shilling for douge
you make me sick
Remember that time Douge did a review of Last Action Hero and completely missed the point that it was satire, backtracked and claimed that he was just playing a character and it wasn't his actual opinions, then later in a doug/rob conversational review he brings up his hatred of last action hero again?
Stop confusing people laughing at you for being stupid as people liking the thing you hate. Just stop be dumb be smarterer instead
I kind of like the joke he did about how the film includes the character Death from the Seventh Seal and how the audience probably wouldn't even know who he was.
That was before the change the channel stuff, he finished like a month before shit hit the fan.
>Just stop be dumb be smarterer instead
kys Douge
Everyone was on last night to watch the new brad kino
Really? Which of their formats?
He's a showman. He's trying to make entertaining content with which to kill half an hour. He's not trying to engage in academic film analysis, and I doubt that's what he thinks he's doing. It's feel-good content.
He still has edgy jokes. Ever since the #changethechannel thing it seems he's getting some joy out of being a little bit problematic here and there.
Yeah sorry, kiddo. I don't watch shitty unironic internet movie reviews.
How can someone as retarded as you even exist? lmao
>Please stop shitting on Channel Awesome.
>Please, please, please...
Fucking this. Him and many others like him always hide behind the "it's just a character" excuse even though it's shown time and time again that the opinions of their "character" are their own. Exaggerating certain reactions doesn't give you a "get out of opinion free" card.
lol it was all true and he just owned it, kind of sad how he ended up backing the #changethechanel horseshit in the end
>Yeah sorry, kiddo
Are you the real Douge? Post your dick of you're the real douge.
you absolute fucking idiot
not sure if troll or shill at this point.
Latza's videos have decent production values for the autism they are.
Watch some of his behind-the-scenes shit if you love him so much. His opinions there are his own and they're the same as those in his videos. That's his actual analysis. Hell, he even does those editorials where he'll try to talk about things more seriously. Is this just a feel-good video that you're not supposed to take seriously you massive faggot:
how the fuck did you manage to fill one single post with so much cringe?
Helo Doug
Douge pls
Watch this and then try to defend him
Anti-NC posters are just mad NC found a way to revive Demo Reel while making his autistic fans happy at the same time.
lol this thread went from linkara bashing to chad douge vs the virgin #changethechannel pretty fast
How does it feel that #changethechannel didn't do diddly-dick to Doug's revenue and he even managed to get to a million subs without incident?
Cry more, Lupa.
Ah, the smell of incels seething...
Don't know, didn't watch. I'm not saying he doesn't build his routines on his own honest opinions - why else would he so passionate about what he's doing? - I'm just saying that I don't think that actual unbiased analysis of anything was ever a goal of his, and that comedy was always the most important thing to him, second only to making money.
>that song in the beginning
I can't believe how BASED this guy is!
Douge posters are like Bradu posters. They think the guy they're obsessing about is the joke but it's actually them who's the joke.
It actually feels fine, since not a single person on Yea Forums backed Lupa and her legion of autism.
You must be really new here, Douge. Have you already seen the Sneed meme? It's really good.
What was that? After the great exodus I haven't been following channel awesome drama. Also:
>it's popular so it's good!
Way to completely discredit yourself.
you're trying too hard, douge
Irony kino. You're too pleb to understand.
>y-you must be douge
the more you obsess about NC the more popular he gets
>a great exodus of dead weight
lol ok
This is your brain on Channel Awesome.
this is your brain on NC living in your head rent-free
>y-you must be lupa