Is reddit the hero?

Is reddit the hero?

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he should have just yelled ayo this nigga finna boutta to get dabbed on

If the person on the phone was black _______

Thats the designated theater maniac

>That's right guys! I stood up to some teenager using his phone. Now give me my fucking upboats

he truly is tyler durden 1993

And then Mark Hamill came out of nowhere and said you are the true Skywalker!!!!!!!!! OMG

>the theater is my sacred space
what a faggot


Don’t redditors trip over seven year olds at Endgame?

in all actuality people have been watching movies without phones longer than they have been watching with them. you should have to also rent a locker and put your phone in it before the movie starts
>i don't have one it's at home
>it's off i won't check it
it will be safe in the locker too
>derp what if herp emergency
don't go see a movie if you're expecting an emergency

>written by Tyler Durden


BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yea Forums is full of fucking retards

To be fair, everything is a safe sacred place to them.

or just dont be a fucking nigger

>Everyone around me gave me "thank you" looks.
>and then my boyfriend Chris Helmsworth told me my hair was pretty and we made out
>and then Hillary Clinton gave me the medal of valor for standing up to shitlords
>and then everyone clapped

Imagine going to the movies in the current year.

>a guy threatened me in a the movie theater
shut up you italian

>don't go see a movie if you're expecting an emergency
This is the most single retarded post I have ever read in my life. You are quite possibly the dumbest mutherfucker alive at this moment.

That movie theaters name? Alan Einstein.

Dounds like a fake story but that is verbatim what happened to me during men in black 3

It's too bad everyone clapping for 2 hours after this ruined the movie anyways.

>everyone gave me "thank you" looks
fucking bugmen
what does a "thank you look" look like

protip: an update on the amount of thumbvotes on your facebook isn't an emergency so why are you checking your phone?
people had emergencies for literally years before cell phones got popular and somehow society still functioned, people watched movies in theaters, life continued.

to be fair everywhere is my sacred space

And then he had to see It movie again because he was literally shaking whole time after his heroism act.

.gif of robert redford with a beard scrunching up his eyes slightly while nodding approvingly

It’s the one your mum gives me over her shoulder when I get my penis past her sphincter.

They're called "grateful smiles", I know it's hard to picture since you've never seen one, but do try to use your imagination. If you can.

>what does a "thank you look" look like

like that

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Yea Forums loves believing in fake reddit stories

especially if the story involves something that confirms their believes (cheating woman for a example)

The look of social approval and recognition that one has relieved some form of collective angst with their preceding actions. Even an actual autist like myself knows what this is intuitively.

Anything that's made to worship consumerism, they'd probably laugh at someone who would consider an actual church a sacred place. There's an argument to be made about art being sacred, but his handle is tylerdurden and he was probably going to see the latest capeshit, not some obscure foreign film in an arthouse theater, so that argument is null and void.

What does any of this have to do with a retard thinking you can plan an emergency? That’s the whole thing about emergencies... they’re a surprise!

Stop moving goalposts and just admit you’re a fucking idiot.

>someone with the username tylerdurden acting this beta
no shocker there, he should have kept his fucking mouth shut or asked him politely instead of acting like a passive aggressive faggot

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>already have to bring anvil
>already have to do mandatory 5+ year popcorn mine sentence
>already have to pay escorts to bring due to no singles policy
How about you just go fuck yourself?

>There are people on this website that have never gotten a "thank you" look

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That guy on his phone? Albert Einstein.

>And then everyone clapped

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only because i was distracted looking at all the girls in flipflops

Honestly, good. Fuck loud retards in the theater. "But it barely started!!" Fuck you, you don't decide when distraction is an issue.

You should legally be allowed to shoot people that use their phone in the cinema.

Read the whole post, absolutely lost my shit when I saw the username though. The subtle feather in cap to that short story of living as a beta.

>starts a scene
>thinks people are giving him thank you looks
Based Schizo

it probably did happen

>A public place is my sacred space

Snitches get stitches


people complain about theater shootings and get all worried about the inevitable string of killings at the joker, but honestly if it's people like this getting shot is it really that bad?

>tfw the jews win in the end

Doing bullshit on the theatre is the shit.
The most I laughed the past month or so was when I was with my lil bro and he had gotten some free tickets the live action lion king and all of a sudden a fucking armada of chinks flooded to the theatre and until the movie started I kept yelling he'd booked tickets for a chinese dub and he acted as if the chinese were invading and when the movie was playing we kept making jokes and making fun of how shit it was and we were in fucking stitches

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I'm a busy fella and need my phone on me at all times in case of work. Sorry if that detracts from your movie experience autist, but my work is a little more important than your safe space mmkay?

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Based racist, fuck chinks

if i owned a theatre i'd line all the walls with lead so that phones didn't work cept in the toilets and lobby



>everyone around me gave me the "thank you" looks
I bet that felt amazing

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wow do wagecucks really just let themselves get called for work? do they refund your ticket price so you can drop everything for them the second they need a slave?

>things that never happened for 500 alex

>i'd line all the walls with lead
you dont need to own a theater to do that

lucky this is 4channel
dweeb fag

I'm supposed to feel bad when this guy gets shot?

What’s your agenda? You and many others imply some Joker related incident is going to happen. It comes off as programming, someone will fall for it but that’s the goal isn’t it? Consider how ideas like this permeate.

Sorry the sound of my ringing phone and confident voice reminds you of your shortcomings, but I'm not going to even put it on silent just for your emotions and "mental health issues".

*sips tea*

yeah women never cheat
fuck drumpf and fuck white men!
fight the power!

you best start believing in meme magic, tourist

but why are you looking at people watching their phones instead of the movie itself

Outrage marketing, they're hyping up how edgy Joker is

It is basic etiquette, but then he went and posted it online because he wanted all the upboats and attention.

If youre so busy maybe you shouldnt be going to the cinema

>don't go see a movie if you're expecting an emergency

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Living in the second world is great.
You can be racist all you want because the only niggers we have here literally live among their own in their ghettos and we never have to interact with them unless you're being mugged.
There's some laughable attempts by hippie ass uni students and limp wristed media faggots trying to push western style bull here but it just doesn't fly with the people.
I had a british friend over and he told me being able to say faggot as an insult out loud was fucking liberating

>but I knew he wouldnt do shit

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Fucking zoomers

Damn what a hackin' pickle ricking badass! I should give this guy reddit gold

Alfred looking at Bruce at end of the Dark Knight Rises.

>the theater is my sacred space
so fucking gay

this is the kind of thing women think is worthy of posting to the internet