Why is homosexuality so kino?

Why is homosexuality so kino?

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good question

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It's a scientific fact that faggots have a bigger IQ than normal people, and are much better in art.

Homosexuality in art is like Christianity -- it lends itself to kino.

Attached: Un Chant d'Amour Jean Genet 1950.webm (480x360, 1.84M)

Attached: Les Amitiés Particulières 1964 train scene.webm (624x360, 2.94M)

Attached: Kenneth Anger Fireworks 1947.webm (468x360, 1.88M)

unironically because you're gay - embrace it and love yourself late night homo user

because its taboo still and creates conflict

because 90% of media with gays gives them the bad ending while still trying to portray them as good. You get your cake and eat it by being woke but also giving them the end they deserve.

Because only men are capable of love.

>accidentally fucks the wrong gender
Big Yikes

>white homo doesn't win the oscar
>black homo does
noggin' scratcher

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because unlike lesbianism it's actually real

men have to struggle with being homo, no man would ever choose to live as a homo

>no man would ever choose to live as a hetero


Post proof

What about bisexuality?

I agree but I think that also proves it's a mental disorder like autism.

>mental disorder

Holy shit, Chuck is *hung*.

Homosexuality is a social construct. Some people identify as anal rammed.


Is there more

op here I'm straight

Too busy to make more webms of the movie but it's in the filename

because the penis goes in the bum bum and it feels funny