>/ourgirl/ got bullied off of twitter
You aren’t going to abandon her right Yea Forums?
/ourgirl/ got bullied off of twitter
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Her videos suck and she hasn't deradicalized anybody. Embarrassing.
Who’s this semen demon
He's ugly.
i really really really hope he hangs himself
>listening to bullies on the Internet
Weak. Should have shrugged it off.
what's the story OP?
Trannies aren't our people. Go back to /lgbt/.
Who's this? looks like a guy
Yeah this was always nonsensical. If you're "redpilled" then being talked down to by a narcisstic vampire tranny is only going to push you into full-exto territory.
I preferred it when she made videos explaining rightist propaganda. I don't really care for the gender stuff. I get why it's important to her but masculinity, feminity, transgenderism... it's simply not a big part of my life. The last interesting video she made was the one about Incels.
how many dilations a day does he do?
William Nicholas Parrott. He has a youtube channel called Contrapoints where he dresses up like a french aristo and compares people to dinosaurs to own the alt-right.
Zero ya simp, have you never heard her talk about the mouthfeel?
bluepill: contrapoints left twitter because of some epic cancel bullshit
post-scarletpill: this tranny faggot was already entrenched with the e-left since some years ago, once you are on that level you don't leave over a mere "cancel", >she soured somebody in the top tier circlejerk and had to go for reasons that are not public.
did he grab the wrong pair of nuts bros?
On pure-ts when?
Those were always bad too. I tried to watch one and the "nazi" caricature sat there making reasonable points while the self-insert just went "muh holocaust" over and over again.
Which I mean is fine, if your intention is to vindicate the nazi. But I'm pretty sure he wasn't going for that.
>I preferred it when she made videos explaining rightist propaganda
>is a literal propaganda artist
kek, full NPC
Thought it was Hunter for a sec...
I would have fucked you all up.
I just...I can't even pick the right words to express my all encompassing "why". Why is this mental illness allowed? How can this person truly believe he is a woman...I just...I don't want to live on this planet anymore.jpeg.
All I see is a mentall ill man that was failed by society
Nah bro, these guys eat their own all the time, if you take down someone high in the clique you can take their spot. It's like the Santa Clause
to legitimize plastic surgery
Contra isn't even a tranny, he's a drag queen aka OP
feeling deradicalized yet?
Reminder that trannies are mentally ill and you're a horrible person if you play into their delusions.
Nope. Tankie as ever.
>if you believe countries should have borders and men can't have vaginas you're a radical
>if you think its okay to give 7 year olds puberty blockers and hormones you're de radicalized
Trannies should literally all be executed.
This fucking tranny is so obviously getting off on his own tranniness. This is clearly sexual exhibitionism, hes putting his gross tranny self on display and he gets off on it.
Kill yourself, faggot.
Why does anyone give a fuck about this culture war bullshit?
>Christian converting normalfags into porn actors
Seems about right for this board
Daily reminder that homosexuals reproduce by molesting chilren
A cute. Shame she's a mudslime.
literally who?
>Imagine thinking a TRANNY is going to de-radicalise Nazis
seriously, everytime im forced to look at a tranny i only get more radicalized
One of the most disturbing images I have ever seen. Worse than Isis and cartel shit, just so completely repulsive to see. The thought that you would voluntarily subject yourself to a full degloving of your forearm and show it off... Fuck just such a nasty fucking image
Is that Max Landis?..
>Movie about Highlander, but with Tranny/SJW politics.
Fuck me, I'd pay $14 to see that one.
Allow me to further enlighten you.
it's not worth the words
>bullied off twitter
>literally shitposting on twitter right now at about how >she got hacked
I hate advertising, I hate what it means for humans, for the people, for capitalism, for x, y, and z, hope somebody stones this fucking retarded piece of shit to death in the name of liberation
I aint clicking that shit this self mutilation shit sticks in my brain worse than anything
My college professor was very fond of her and recommended me to her vids, and I happen to like them. Contra's alright and I dig her content, makes some good points, but also goes a bit overboard with some. Why the hate just because she's a trans person?
>I was a sieg heilling romper stomper ready to massacre all non-whites at the drop of a hat, but after taking the time to watch buffalo bill whisper into the camera about how great communism and crossdressing are, I've changed my ways and are genuinely ok with the third world moving into my neighbourhood - thanks based tranny!
looks like a behinds the scenes at jimmy dean's sausage factory, or modern day retelling of frankenstein
reminder that these people invented the COOMER meme in order to project their vices onto others
>heh I'm not a pervert, you're the real pervert!
>*gets turned into a peppercorn and maple syrup sleeve at the jimmy dean factory*
Yes. Accepting trans """"""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""" as regular humans is like accepting a snake's poison without an antidote. There's only one destination.
Why, what's so bad about trans people or Contra for that matter? What did CP in particular do to you that you want to genocide them?
>makes video about toxic masculinity
>gets bullied off Twitter by genderqueer weirdos for an anecdote about it being tiresome ritualistically going through a whole group's pronouns
brainwashing children into accepting self mutilation and homosexuality is pretty bad
I don't even know who this is, fuck off
She's my least favourite of the big leftist YouTubers. I think Shaun is by far the best out of all of them. HBomberguy and Three Arrows are alright. I think Contra's presentation is too pretentious and her topics too focussed on gender politics. I don't dismiss civil rights issues as "identity politics" like some orthodox leftists do but in the end I think she has sort of a tunnel vision because of her own gender identity. I don't know, I'm a Marxist, I prefer to look at the material conditions above other things.
>What did CP in particular do to you that you want to genocide them?
They have that part covered all by themselves.
>my professor
how are lgbt people persecuted when multi-billion dollar mega corporations are on their side
Not all trans people want to force their children into being trans, just as not all LGBT people want to force their children to be something they're not. I never found this argument to make that much sense because why would people that lived their whole life pretending they were something they're not and being shunned for it do the same thing to their loved ones?
I don't like all the "punch a nazi, don't give them platforms" and all that drivel she tends to have, but she does make some good points, particularly when talking about younger generations on Yea Forums and stuff pertaining to people like Jordan Peterson, so I'm somewhat fond of her vids, despite me disagreeing with her a lot. But most of the outrage I've seen here is mostly "wah tranny SJW faggot called nazis bad".
shaun is based
>I prefer to look at the material conditions above other things
very based, fuck idpol
>I'm a Marxist
I'm guessing you have an IQ of 90
Trying to sell products to someone doesn't mean you're on their side.
He's beginning to believe
Thank you for your service, sir!
bake the cake faggot
So other than posting smug reac pics and calling to violence, you don't have much to say, huh?
We were discussing the current political climate and people like Jordan Peterson, so he recommended the vid about him and wondered what I thought about it. Wasn't like he was forcing me or anyone else to watch it, just to make that clear.
90% of kids raised by gay parents end up gay themselves - I wonder why
Fags and sexual deviants are the last "oppressed" group and it became profitable to pander to virtue signalling for them. they have an entire fucking month dedicated to them in the US for Pete's sake. It's a real clown show.
I just fucking love big pharma and the destruction of the nuclear family bros, very comfy.
do you consider the nwo agenda pro gay
he recommends trannies kek
The reason why they do it is because its shown fags are the most economically active population group, and are 5 times more likely to buy a product if the producer "supports" gay rights, even if they didn't need it
How did I call to violence, you absolute retard? It's not society's fault that these people are mentally ill, and it's not society's job to humor their mental illness.
bros the LGBT are oppressed and marginalized and are standing up against the fascist hetero establishment
He watched Contra before he transitioned.
nope, jason unruhe is the best by far. he goes into deep detail about political events and figures on a very regular basis, and is extremey consistant with his views.
Literal who?
trannies are mentally ill and need to get help rather than spread their insanity
Damn. Shit got bad for Bill Hader
He's a famous e-celeb.
this fag turned me more alt right. if THIS is the best the trannies can do, they are really pathetic. no actual arguments at all. just juvenile lefty memes. he doesn't even have any clear answers to what he is. gender "identity" activists have never even had a coherent theory of identity. it's just sad to watch at this point. this dude will do what he's done over and over again for the past 10 years. realize what an embarrassment his channel is and delete the videos and come back a year later apologizing for his weird dogmatic obsession with ill-defined radical trans ideology. it's not a crime to be gender fluid and to suffer from mental dysphoria. But that does not make you a chick dumbfuck. it just makes you weird.
Do you think he'll kill himself?
>He watched Contra before he transitioned.
I think there is a shared interest in both groups representing the antithesis of humanity as a whole.
I don't believe in an NWO agenda in the sense of some clear, global monolithic plan for the future of the human race. Believing in that is like believing in heaven and hell. It's comforting but it's not very plausible.
I believe there are some inherent tendencies in the progression of capitalism that are relatively universal and I think that these are fairly ambivalent towards minority groups because they aren't concerned with who people are but what they produce and what they buy. If we take the beautifully dehumanising term "Human Resources" it's pretty clear that in the grand scheme of capitalism what matter about a person is his capacity for productive labour and consume with personality and identity being little more than a number in a statistic about "focus groups".
>He watched Contra before he transitioned.
Wasn't pre-tranny Contra just your bog standard nu-atheist
>not realising Contra is pivoting right now that the left has paid for her surgeries
Her last video literally called out lefties as psychologically damaged guys clinging to a sense of purpose. She deleted her twitter because a) it's free controversy/advertising and b) it won't fit with her new persona.
Isn't ratheon that military company that gets fuckloads of favors from politicians to keep the military industrial complex going
>study finds children raised by homos as 12 TIMES more likely to become homos themselves
Turns out being a fag was a learned behaviour all along
the chances are high
I would recognize the BeigeFrequency documentary, but he constantly calls this man a "she" and says that there is nothing wrong with parents trying to make their children transition.
Doesn't rule out cat pee virus
No, still a fascist
>Pretending to be a girl when you're fat and balding and can't even shave right
mirin that frame
That's what Contra criticized and got slammed for
Did he go contra-Jessica Yanuv?
Rightfully so. He's just as much of a woman as the people he is criticizing are.
There is no other option. Capitalism (proper capitalism thay we had 100 years ago) is a voluntary system of trade that allows the people the ability to run their own lives as the market (THEIR VOLUNTARY CHOICES) chooses. Youre here saying "all capitalism cares about is how much money you make". Yea because capitalism is an ECONOMIC SYSTEM. It isnt SUPPOSED to "care" about you and your feelings. It is supposed to stay the fuck OUT of your life beyond allowing you freedom to trade and you... YOU... get to make due with your life as YOU please... not fucking some state committee.
Inb4 strawmanning a million statements i never made bc muh 1%
well it turns out you're not really gay you're just acting gay.
is this achievable natty.
No, you need lots of estrogen for it.
that new account isnt her its some grifter
High test
Alright, I'll delve into the brainlet-isle.
Show me some leftist intellectuals and lets see what passes for arguments today.
>why are the mentally ill doing inane things?
Shaun is the biggest faggot on youtube, holy shit. Left equivalent of sargoy.
look at this incel baby stomp and pout
Who is "her"? Certainly, you aren't referring to the man in the OP.
>these are the type of "people" ITT defending mental illness
Hbomberguy is only good when he's not talking about politics or sperging out because he was called a söyboy
stop replying to yourself, it's embarrassing.
>eldritch flirt
post pics of him before he hopped on estro
keep crying you god damn incel worm
>a fucking bong
lol. you ever realize that repeating a word enough times it starts to sound like gibberish
Looks cute. Any nudes on their Twitter?
>dilate dilate dilate
>cuc cuc cuc
Trannies are sex freaks so properly sooner or later this thing will go into the porn business.
You are such an insufferable faggot and I can't wait till your back's against the wall, along with all of these "people" you watch
What!? Jenny is still on Twitter being boring and autistic.
Would gf desu
Based bullies
Also was he a lumberjack before he started dressing up as a girl? I seem to remember him having some huge physique and a macho job which is hilarious.
seeth harder. surely the horror moment of clarity in front of the mirror that all trannys experience before they jump in front of a train. this isn't our fault that you're mentally ill. you're not "militant" for being an obnoxious faggot.
try calling him chud, chappo.
Jesus he looks 20 years older than that
you really are an incel.
Further breaking news:
After years of research and literally millions of genetic samples, researchers conclude there not only is there not a "gay gene," environmental factors vastly outweigh any vague genetic predisposition toward a specific sexual orientation.
In other words, get over yourselves, alphabet people, you weren't "born that way."
seethe chaposcum
not a tranny faggot, I just hate /pol/cels shitting up Yea Forums, right now the catalogue is even more full of shit than usual
okay bitchtits lol
unfortunately actual leftism is a nuanced and evolving theory about the material structure of the world, so you can't just get linked youtube retards like the right can with its modern-day retarded culture war "philosophers" like Ben Shapiro
you're going to have to read people like Marx, Sartre, Althusser, and Luxemburg, maybe Zizek or Fisher if you're really struggling. unfortunately all of their ideas are in books and not in epic sjw evisceration compilations, so you will never in your life understand them
honk honk;)
“chud” sounds like what you’d say while having a lisp and while having a piece of meatloaf mixed with a load of sticky semen inside of your mouth
read spengler and heidegger freak
Of course. Because you dumbfucks can't agree on anything. Stay scatterbrained.
>t.ranny brit bong
marx is a fat madman who contradicted himself in his own writings and his shitty system would never work out in reality
>but after taking the time to watch buffalo bill whisper into the camera about how great communism and crossdressing are, I've changed my ways
>(((Ben Shapiro))) is the end-all be-all of right wing politics
No, still a Corporatist and Imperialist
you're still a deformed tranny at the end of the day and nobody will take you seriously