Yea Forumsread continued from >>120688354 and >>120687247

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this is worse

context pls

>democrats are fighting tooth and nail to let these people in

Women are so fucking stupid. If you want to fuck any girl on Earth reply to them with as few words as possible. They send you a book via text? Respond "haha damn that's nuts." Less you respond the more wild they go.

is this what happens when trannies can't afford confirmation surgery?

I think this is the worst cartel gore i've ever seen

I'm so glad my prime minister Trudeau lifted visa requirements for Mexicans. Now they can come here and enrich our country like in the webm above.

That looks painful

When you nut but Fido still suckin XD

Maybe he shouldn't have raped that kid

you havent seen much then

nigga raped a girl in michoacan, that is familia michoacana cartel territory so he got btfo
see cartels are stern, stern but fair

That’s why Fido is going nuts, he smells child.

Fuck i wish. These are the ones who stay. And why would they leave? They're practically kings

The father son one was worse

I was at a party last night and this girl in my class kept clinging on me giving me hugs and grabbing my arms and shoulder. At one point she had her arm around me and kissed me on the cheek.

she has a boyfriendand he was at the party

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Based Mexicans. When they find out someone is a rapist they literally feed them to the dogs.

When Amerimutts find out someone is a rapist they elect them.

It's either a Mexican cartel, a Brazilian cartel, or he was a pedo who is getting vigilante justice somewhere in Latin America (or all of the above).

Funky Town was worse imo.


what's that one?

>When they find out someone is a rapist they literally feed them to the dogs.
Shouldn't the entire mexican race be fed to the dogs in that case

Dad gets beheaded in front of son who is hog tied. Then they skin the son's torso before slicing into his chest cavity and start pulling out his organs as he watches, fully conscious.

She was just using you to make her bf jealous. Should've told her to fuck you fucking beta.


if pedo or rapist then fair

if wrongly accused, ay dios mio

imagine being #metoo'd, getting your cock and balls schlopped off by a pit

ay dios mio, be careful out there

this is super depressing. i don't want to see every time i go on Yea Forums

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and we're.... not supposed to be racist?

Nightmare fuel

Sometimes the abyss stares back


They always claim they're rapists or thieves, but truth is, this is probably just some guy who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

this that one really bothered me for days

Weren't they a rival cartel or something?

fucking tranny

They always drug the victims so they don't feel anything

Oh well that's nice of them


Everyone, this user raped me.

Usually these types of gore videos are cartel members attacking rival cartels, though occasionally you get some "street justice" or Brazilian randomness thrown in but it's mostly cartel stuff. This video has all sorts of rumors flying around though.

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The whole 'rival cartel' thing is cope.

They drug them with meth so they don't pass out and they can torture them longer.

>nigga raped a girl in michoacan
Was this proven a the court of law?

I wonder why they haven't made a horror story of some spring breakers in acapulco getting tortured by the cartels, seems like an obvious choice
dude (the father) was a cop and got to close for comfort i think

So basically they wakeup without genitals and they go?

seeFor once the pibble makes itself useful.

If anyone was raped, which I doubt, it was probably the cartel who did the raping.

You have to be at least 18 to post here.

It would be bad for tourism money, and to be fair, cartels don't target tourists.

not really, theres one where they're spanking him and dude is crying and they say:
>stop whining you wont feel anything in a while
that shit is cold, I wonder why they never have shit like this in horror movies, as i said here a cartel horror movie is just waiting to be made into kino
yes it was proven then he was sentenced to having his dick bitten off by a dog

No they dont. They dont give a shit. Why do think this is happening? It's because they are a sick society.

d'awwwww look at de little pibbles pupper

The world is scary

>trusting people capable of this level of brutality to do due diligence in establishing guilt of accused

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Why not? This is happening.

Yea Forums is one of the only places where you can get an unfiltered view of the world.

Yeah and all these dudes in helping in the video aren't afraid of being tied to a crime because they are lawful people. Jesus christ some people on this board are really stupid.

At this point the American legal system is so corrupt the standards of evidence are at parity.

>not getting a simple joke
Irony: the post

You never seen those mafia movies? Traitors are to be made an example out of. This could be just that

Mexican here
It's was a local musician who performed in the wedding of the daugther of a Sinaloa Cartel member.
For this simple reason he was caught by some Tijuana Cartel (rival cartel) guys and this happenned