Ariana grande

>ariana grande
>kate beckinsale
>margaret qualley

Fuck. Maybe I should work on being funny.

Attached: 8F12EEB1-2BCF-4232-A755-1738D3C06868.jpg (2700x1800, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why? It's not like Davidson is. Just have your dad die in a terrorist attack

maybe you should work on not being a gay

> I should work on being funny.
isn't he Jewish?

he's a natty

They’re gonna get married, I know this cause they look like siblings. They were meant for each other. Both weird as fuck and look the same.

it's his big dick energy. you can't work on something you simply will never have OP.

are they related


He has BPD and makes people fall in love with him through trauma bonding/love bombing

it wont work

I’m working on a pill that will give you big dick energy.

>2 amerimutts

What a world we live in.

Attached: england and america.jpg (635x726, 54K)

you should work on being tall, as well

>Fuck. Maybe I should work on being funny.
Sure, oh also don't forget
>be famous
Now go forth and slay pussy my dude

oh what the fuck
he can't keep getting away with this bros

Attached: 1_rXy8-NplLdH0OgwXRQq-Tg.gif (500x375, 561K)

>asian sloppy seconds

Attached: 1560272514234.jpg (1376x1210, 394K)

it'd be easier if you were a jew

Do Jews have magic powers that make them irresistible to women?

Attached: mathemagician.jpg (741x568, 73K)

>margaret qualley
that fagget fug her?

yes they use them to seduce naive christian women to use in their rituals, its how we get all those witches and vampire folk tales
witches would trick horny young males too for their rituals, khazar milkers ring a bell?

Wasn't he also with this jewess?

Attached: cazzie david.jpg (379x516, 74K)

I used to get laid all the time during manic episodes, crazy people make girls wet because boldness is hot even if it's nonsensical

Alright, he's gone too far now.

Attached: images.jpg (250x183, 5K)

I want to fucking kill him

This. The minute I relax and be my quiet self women lose all interest. It's fucking tiring.

ugly attracts ugly


I like how the ricel had to lie with that pic because Cary Fukunaga doesn't look asian at all.

Attached: cary-fukunaga.png (780x555, 294K)

It's called money

he might have butthole eyes but that jaw would make every pussy wet.

He's the Antonio Brown of the comic industry.

>Maybe I should work on being funny.
great, you can share the secret with Davidson when you're done

>big dick
we've seen it?

Attached: J U S T.png (277x342, 223K)

Whats it like feeling so strongly? Would you trade the highs and lows for a normal emotions?

>h-he doesn't look Asian so he doesn't count

Oh, the cope.

Attached: 1567668089214.jpg (459x465, 31K)

I'm not mentally ill, I'm just talking about the performance I have to put on to get women to be attracted to me.

Clearly the ricel agrees, since he had to find a pic of her posing with another asian.

Attached: 1559500331947.jpg (320x216, 16K)

or maybe you should work on being tall with a good jawline

Your prince married a mutt


Found the Bradu poster.

Attached: angelina jolie.jpg (406x541, 37K)

Normal emotions? honestly look I'll explain it like this. Imagine being the best version of yourself and then gradually transitioning into madness



Attached: 1567656359407.jpg (1080x1219, 411K)

Hey, that meme is pretty effective at getting the ricels out of the woodworks.
Also shuts down BLACKED threads pretty fast, I wonder why.

Attached: 1551819514178.png (1218x560, 131K)

Oh no no no.

Attached: 1457403933961.png (607x608, 357K)

notice how they don't let him put semen in their wombs

he has a full head of hair unlike me

>h-he doesn't look like a stereotypical chink so that must mean he's huwait

I thought the one-drop rule states that if there's one drop of not white on someone then they're not white?

Attached: 9f32002026bea7fd39e557022a0d4a78c9fd0d5b.jpg (600x300, 35K)

that type jaw is disgusting but for some reason women liked it

>h-he doesn't look like a stereotypical chink so that must mean he's huwait
Hey, you are the one who changed the pic.

I'm not sure what is going on in this thread, but I think it's important for everyone to know; No man of any other race has ever been threatened sexually by an asian man.

asian masculinity is a bit of an oxymoron, but life ain't fair, no malice intended

Attached: 1567827640892.jpg (590x282, 29K)

>he posted the same file and filename again

Attached: 1566788335563.jpg (562x390, 47K)


>All right, ALL RIGHT, Bruce! I'll go to my AA meetings!
>Dis isu fo yo own gud, Bradu! My arm rock mite hurto, but not as machi as you are hurtingu youruserufu!

Attached: 1567010004637.jpg (680x453, 132K)

>same filename
>search filename in archives
>only result is that post

What did Ching Chong Ping Pong mean by this?

Davidson is what happens when you give Gollum a segment on television.

hes like david spade, cant explain it.

>c-change the pic
I'm not even the one you're talking to, lmao. Get it together, incel poster.

Attached: amwk3-e1454962666706.jpg (900x476, 57K)

>that pic
lmao, seething.

Attached: 1552850142203.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

Dean Cain definitely looks hapa.

>he changed the filename


Attached: large.jpg (800x450, 61K)

Need more butthole eyes op

Post Asian GF.
I'll wait.

Attached: ken.png (301x219, 113K)

The giant pinkish brown gums are literally displayed in your webm

newfag detected

>lmao seething
>she looks exactly like that horse-toothed AZN GF on the MS Comic pic

looooooooool yellowpill made ya blind, son?

>it has the same filename
>no it doesn't
>you changed it

Poor low IQ non-white.

Attached: 1554284453651.png (1290x886, 1.09M)

That's just one, all asian women prefer whites because asian """"""""""""men"""""""""""" are the most autistic betas in the planet and are too busy playing shitty gacha games in their phone.

Meanwhile, you've been posting the exact same pic since Aug 24, 2019.

>i-if I change the filename then that means I can repost this on the threads even though everyone who's ever been on those threads have already seen it

Anything new tho?

Attached: D_BsmrOU0AM_liM.png (446x490, 16K)

Oh no, I have a white girlfriend, I'm not giving birth to some filthy happa.
Anything that isn't pure non-white is a downgrade, even if its an upgrade for non-whites.

>T-That's just one
Post AZN GF then lmao. You LARPing Chad.

Attached: 1567869286517.png (481x501, 213K)

Imagine what will happen when they discover bbc :^)

I am funny and women enjoy talking to me but that doesn't mean they want to fuck me. There's another quality at play.

>i-if I change the filename then that means I can repost this on the threads even though everyone who's ever been on those threads have already seen it
You on longer make any sense, rice boy, what's going on?

I'm not the same guy but complaining about reposting is retarded
seethe harder zhang

>I-I have a white g-girlfriend, s-so no GF pic for y-you

Post white GF lmao.

Attached: 1564774805364.jpg (600x394, 66K)

Agents putting them together to get him more exposure maybe

>Ariana tweets about some catty feud between Kanye and Drake
>Butthole eyes takes the opportunity to turn it into an attack on the mentally ill and implies that he'll probably commit suicide soon because of his ex's comments
>Ariana falls for his shit and rushes to his side

BPD, never once.

It's every single one of them, from the most average ones to models.
No asian woman is race loyal.
Why would they?
Their "men" are failures.

Attached: 1556888058891.png (766x650, 501K)

>he changed the size of the picture so that it won't be searched by View Same


Attached: Kelly Clarkson.jpg (773x878, 276K)

don't hurt yourself now

Attached: 567707764_52cf7d8b2a.jpg (354x499, 106K)

Do asian girls really...?

Attached: 1448132306101.png (2800x1920, 1.95M)

>when you use female tactics against them

Based tbqh

Well, well, well. Bradu poster can't make up new pics to post?

Attached: EBDohmGWkAEOWNY.jpg (679x385, 49K)

Filipinas, Japanese, Chinese...
What the hell are you doing with your women, Chang?
Why do they hate you so much?

Attached: 1555850591976.webm (1000x562, 2.9M)

Soibois think like women yikes.

They are succesful at making ricels mad, why change?
Look at this thread, it's all you seething because your women belong to us.
They are so desperate that they are literally paying us.

Attached: 1555598550378.png (1024x658, 900K)

Is she really this hot or are there a ton of filters on this?

Maybe someday you can post something new lol.

Attached: 1564725522562.jpg (337x279, 29K)

Its a term made up by fags and women they’re the only ones im met irl who use it.

based GENGHIS dick poster

Attached: KEKED.jpg (1646x2048, 340K)

>people calling you out for being butthurt
>i-it's the ricels(tm) who are butthurt
>post the same things on the next thread

Dude, you got a problem in your brain lol.

Attached: white master race.jpg (275x183, 4K)

He was playing 4d chess

Maybe someday you'll be able to hire a black prostitute, only way you are getting laid lmao.

Attached: 1562892764741.png (1994x1586, 1.13M)

>blacked threads are from Asians
I have NEVER seen proof that it was Asians posting the blacked threads and they've been around before even OUATIH came out.

Methinks you're falseflagging here for lulz son.

This. He's just angry and ironically-but-not self-aware. Adam Sandler doing a dumb voice was funnier. David Spade being the power bottom of better comics was funnier. Norm MacDonald reading the obituaries? Funnier. Andy Samberg freestyle rapping is funnier. He probably has that edgy yet wounded big dick bad boy love bomb thing going for him. He'll fuck your wife, but she'll begin to regret it before she even pretends to cum and hears a plead for matching tattoos.

Says the seething ricel.
Don't you have to play some shitty waifu gacha games, or make some childish cartoon show?
It's the last huurah of the asian race.

Attached: 1547830223259.png (1112x738, 1.03M)

>hire a black prostitute
Projecting hard after claiming you have a white GF whose pic you can't post in this thread lmao?

Attached: dfg1.jpg (600x600, 31K)

>By Max Chang

>not a new IP
Chang, please.

Attached: 1555795542210.png (662x1141, 235K)


Do you know if Dick Cheney and the Israelis and Saudis are planning any new ones?

fat sow

>if I change the pic a little you won't be able to View Same this


Attached: ba897f74c23747a376ae7542e831a33a.png (700x466, 434K)

>Dick Cheney and the Israelis
That'd be a cool band name.

I mean, it's the only thing you have left.
Asian women hate asian """"""men"""""""""" and white women think you are a joke, so all you have left is nigs, the bottom of the barrel of feminity on Earth.

Attached: 1566372487235.webm (480x272, 1.71M)

is that person 12 years old?
who comes up with these lame insults?
ghosts? and Indoeuropean has nothing to do with race...

Why are you so angry at whites, Ching Chong?
Did your crush leave you for a white guy?

Attached: 1546973276927.png (704x496, 154K)

>one post on reddit proves that blacked posting is done by Asians

Based retard bradu poster.

Attached: source (1).gif (480x270, 2.87M)

Asians, they are too docile to be actually hostile.
The two nukes turn them all into autistic manchildren.

>he can't change the webm to hide he's the same one posting it


Lmao wait, that meme actually made you asshurt?
Asian fragility in display.

That happened to americans without a nuke

see Just replace "ricels" with (you).

Attached: 70013602_369430653942370_8681518060848283648_n.jpg (640x627, 44K)

Well yeah, America is a multicultural shithole full of non-whites, a parody of humanity.

>he makes a claim that Asians post BLACKED posts
>prove him wrong
>Lmao wait, that meme actually made you asshurt? AHAHAHAHAHA

Based retard.

Attached: 1567346435650.png (562x390, 191K)

She looks like she sucks white dick on a daily basis.

Attached: 1538768911964.png (616x720, 518K)

>Asian fragility
the insecurity is annoying, my asian friends
I'm a dude, I don't care about the size of your pee pee and who cares what women 'think' about anything
just b urself

>s-she sucks dick on a daily basis
>says the guy who can't post AZN or white GF.

lol suuuure, user.

Attached: 1495729116322.jpg (494x541, 97K)

>some drunk guy told me I look like Pete Davidson when I laugh

I was horrified, but now...

Post GF.

Oh, we have plenty of asians with whites, they are the most common mix raced couple since the majority of asian women bang white men.
I wonder why that is.

Attached: 1551588880966.jpg (2361x1748, 1.05M)

nigga must be a pussy whisperer cause something is not adding up

Is this how low asian "men" have fallen?
This is what became of the noble Japanese empire?

Attached: 1565378043855.jpg (336x538, 34K)

>Oh, we have plenty of asians with whites

So surely you can post your (probably nonexistent) GF now? lol

Attached: Finn Wolfhard.png (544x560, 150K)

Post left testicle and then i will consider.

>"n-no that's not true"
>this is considered proving wrong
Explain yourselves, ricels.

Attached: 1562688411823.png (1080x1394, 773K)

>posting my girlfriend's photo on a board full of other autistic weirdos to impress a trolling autistic weirdo
maybe I should post my credit card number too

>he changed the pic again to avoid View Same
lmao what are you doing with your life posting the same pics over and over?

It's a fact, look at the stats from OKcupid.
Asian women are the biggest race traitors of all, they like white men almost as much as white women.
You have REALLY fucked it up and with this, all of asia is undone and will be half white.

Attached: 1554279894286.png (498x483, 71K)

Seeing this thread, making asian betas really mad.
It's very easy, really.

Attached: 1554586170305.gif (290x200, 993K)

>pictures you can't read prove it's right

lmao I'm just replying to see how much more you have saved, tbqhfam

Attached: 1562170605070.jpg (779x542, 35K)

Nah your both pathetic

>can't post GF
lol incels BTFO.

Attached: 1562110367938.jpg (305x450, 22K)

Seriously though, any explanation for why asians are all going to turn into hapas in ONE generation?
What did you do so badly?

Why are asian men so weak and unable to fight?

Attached: 1567897202143.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

>asian male calling others incels
>when asian betaness has turned all asian women into race traitors
Maybe all that söy in your diet wasn't really that good, Chang.

Attached: 1560371763899.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

loooool did you get lazy after the 10th photoshop or something and just spam the same shit over and over?

do better lmao

Attached: 1567793583967.jpg (480x481, 27K)

>can't post teste
No dice then

Just be tall and have a big jaw bro.

>any explanation reeee Asians
I"m honestly just baiting you to keep on posting the same pics until you run out lmao.

Attached: 1567789247927.jpg (1080x1220, 140K)

Hey, I have more than 10, and I will have to increase the folder, seeing that I now know that it really pisses off the ricel boys.

Attached: 1552441956462.jpg (312x350, 49K)

>tfw no GF pic from incels


>he's going to make new pictures

Resizing or adding a pixel on the same pictures don't count, lol.

Attached: 1567432537813.jpg (660x800, 79K)

Lets bet on who he bags next, i vote another cougar. Charlize maybe?

>i-i'm just baiting you
Nah, you are mad af, Ping Pong.

Attached: 1545294131130.png (1914x1192, 1.74M)

Meanwhile, in reality...

Attached: Dql0grCVAAMhVBE.jpg (360x341, 22K)

>has to change topic all the time to avoid admitting that asian women will NEVER touch an asian """""""""""""""""""""""man""""""""""""""""""""""
They belong to us now.
Well, not me, I'd never dilute white genes.

Ok no nut wonder, this is my gf say something nice about her.

Attached: Hhdj.jpg (1080x1350, 118K)

>I'm mad because you're posting the EXACT same webms, jpgs, and screencaps

Yeah, that must be it lol.

>ch-changing the topic

You posting the same pics is the topic lmao.

Attached: Dql0grEUcAIMv19.jpg (680x495, 57K)

>he's so desperate that his only hope of ending his humiliation in this thread is hoping the other guy runs out of pics
r/asianmasculinty lads, you should just call it a day, regroup and think of another strategy.

Has anyone ever watched her channel? All she does is talk about her past relationships and how she ruins them or some other shit.
Turbo sloot.

I actually believe the big dick energy shit because fucking hell

Good luck on your fight, Logan.

>I've been humiliated because you were posting the same pics

lol maybe if you can come up with something new

Asian bitch can't get enough white dick.

yes he was with her

see Seething over the truth lol.

Yes, they make you very mad, asian boys are very thin skinned, as this thread proves.
Even the dumb Bruce Lee meme pisses you off, it's embarassing.

Attached: 1560372648985.png (640x479, 348K)

Its that or copious amounts of cocaine

no it states if there's one drop of black they're not white. This was to shut people up about the mulatto question. Jews always straw man racial purity doctrines their enmities don't have, projecting their own ideology onto them.

nigga these bitches have more money than him
they can get their cocaine from other places

Aw, no one replied to this? Did you finally run out of pics? LMAO.

Sure I am. Now post something new lol.

Attached: DrBDcfNV4AAIOVL.jpg (680x462, 37K)

>Imagine what will happen when they discover bbc :^)
I live in Socal, university town and they already have

I like how you try to shame whites for banging asians, but then scrap the bottom of the barrel to find asian men who got with white women.
You are just desperately begging us to not fuck your women.
The truth is, it's because of you, because asian "men" are known worldwide to be scrawny, short betas.

Attached: 1559215344811.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

with your spacing

Attached: C96B2AF33FB543278558A83A82DA118A.png (900x1200, 1.38M)

>asian cuck in denial deflecting

Attached: Korean dog gets heemed.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

I still don't get why he dumped larry davids daughter, buttface could have been set for life

No, it's because of what's in the pics.
They make you so mad that the only thing you can say is
Of course we keep posting them, they keep making you mad over and over again, dog eating boys.

Attached: 1536677530234.jpg (640x420, 147K)

>no it states if there's one drop of black they're not white.

Waaaaait, so if it's not black then any hapa is white?


>REEEEEE I have shit taste in Asian women REEEE

Seen that pic too. Try again.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

Its kind of sad to be honest but then again so is this asian vs white thread

>Maybe I should work on being funny
Maybe Pete Davidson should too.

Meanwhile, in reality...

Attached: 09fe01cedd03ae670b95796b8f19af08.jpg (650x488, 69K)

As a white man I think it's a very decent thing for him to want. Race mixing hurts all of us.

In reality, you mean?

Attached: 1559892542714.webm (540x540, 2.92M)

>a thread gets ruined by racebaiting autists

Attached: 1567722152288.jpg (640x962, 69K)

try what everyone knows you insects breathe to seethe alread

>Y-You're mad that I've run out of pics to post
lmao did you really?

lol no pic? did you run out lmao?

Attached: 1567411638532.jpg (316x421, 19K)

Nah, it's just they hate you lol, try not being a beta.

men should be sticking together instead of acting like petty women

Yeah, in reality.

>he banged

Attached: hi-res-7f35a205db66b48cf409f1a96df0bcd6_crop_north.jpg (800x533, 65K)

Tell that to Bettendorf.

Attached: 1545584368645.png (963x908, 981K)

how did a dumb gossiping thread turn to chinks being insecure and selfhating because they're not white, and white incels spamming the same pics over and over?

>he posted it again

Attached: Tom Felton.jpg (689x493, 64K)

Please asian, don't project on your betters.

Oh no, there's plenty more.

Attached: 1559336142424.png (600x563, 264K)

>Dick Cheney and the Mossad Trio

Chick in the op dated a hapa director. Now she is dating a clown.

Goddamn it John, you are one ugly bastard.

Attached: 1561164222052.jpg (952x1232, 231K)

meanwhile in reality, asian "prodigy" BJ Penn gets absolutely destroyed by an out of shape white man in 3 seconds. Asians are just an embarrassment.

Attached: Blowjob Penis gets heemed.webm (510x720, 2.99M)

>posting Bradu

Attached: Brad Pitt Old.png (854x1145, 988K)

t. buttmad hapa abomination

>Y-You're John
lol I don't even know who that is but I do know you're seething because I exposed you as spamming the same pics over and over.

Attached: 1566595659541.jpg (647x404, 40K)


Attached: 1547807280349.jpg (976x630, 230K)


y u mad tho?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 190K)

>all the asian virgin rage ITT with their carefully manufactured images to "BTFO WHITE BOIS"
Why don't you guys rage against latino men? We're doing very good with asian women.

I never denied it, I do post those pics because it makes ricels really, really angry.
It shows the absolute STATE of asian "masculinity".

>even nigs get asian pussy

Attached: 1563952272190.jpg (750x750, 107K)

lol here let me help you empty your Bradu inventory

>th-they make ricels angery
Why are you acting more mad than them tho? loool

Attached: 1566786305840.png (600x385, 323K)


Attached: 1566120671292.webm (710x400, 2.93M)

Wise words. I honestly can't remember what's going on. I thought it was something about Pete Davidson? But now it's about Asians? Meanwhile, they're taking over the planet. So every movie studio wants to suck their tiny chink dick's to get into that market.

Oh, I didn't have that one.
Please, post away.

Latinos with native blood are ancient asians

t. only has literally the same 20 images in his folder


Attached: 1567016356646.jpg (1663x1080, 600K)

37, actually, but 39 now thanks to you, Wang.

Attached: 1543123955916.jpg (1155x960, 182K)

Meanwhile, in reality...

Attached: 113836871_original.jpg (3561x2441, 1.74M)

They dab on everyone

>seething asian bois

Attached: 1557851650823.png (886x501, 48K)

Here you go, senpai. Only the best for you.

>pretending he doesn't have 10 sizes of the same pic


>ElliotRodger is now Asian

Attached: snatch.jpg (600x400, 42K)

Clearly the asianness in him gave him his microscopic penor.

>he ran of pics


Attached: images.jpg (182x276, 6K)


Attached: 1552704659981.png (1334x1234, 2.33M)

>this scrawny manlet with retarded haircut is the peak of asian masculinity

This is the white "master" race lmao.

A literal race of trannies looooooool.

Attached: Hunter Schafer Euphoria.webm (1450x1080, 2.99M)

IT JUST ISNT FAIR. I'm the same age as him and have dated zero.

Attached: 33481015d04b3974f9ed7acf616592901b13507ebdabf48ee1d6d09d63acc2c4.png (1070x601, 507K)

>Maybe I should work on being funny.
More like
>Maybe I should work on not being funny. And start reading the talmud

Meanwhile, in reality...

Attached: 1280_Brad_Pitt_150417-LP009-EXCL_Coleman-Rayner_EMBED.jpg (1280x1920, 371K)

Do you think kojima saw her nekkid

>meanwhile, asian """"""""""""""""men"""""""""""""""""""

Attached: 1555766181507.jpg (750x495, 112K)

Brad is overcompensating for his twinky real self.

Attached: brad7.jpg (436x627, 24K)

At least here in California and Nevada, I often see black and latino men with asian girls.

I've pretty much seen all interracial pairings, except for indian men with non-indian women and native americans with other races.

Dick and the cuts

Pretty classy, desu.

Why is Malay in the bargain bin?

Russian should be way higher.
They are really cute.

Attached: 1566713405947.png (600x800, 730K)

Meanwhile, in reality...

>Pretty faggy, desu


Attached: white dick suck.webm (640x360, 1.84M)

>Manel Kape
More like Mane Rape
>being defeated by a 70 IQ gorilla, when you posses a min 103 IQ
how can azn bois even compete on the sexual market with men of other races?
They're weak, soulless and stupid, despite a high IQ

They are probably trafficked

they're dime a dozen and shit

M-Most a-affordable race....

Attached: 11026582_828835723872221_3139606192295712210_n.png (500x334, 200K)

Yeah, he should be wearing an anime shirt and sweatpants like you, right, rice boy?

Attached: 1565004556977.jpg (939x1646, 859K)

Oof. This kills the white man.

>I-I'm n-not mad

Attached: 1567512427203.jpg (600x794, 56K)

I don't think anyone ever said whites aren't IRL orcs. We're the best at war. (It's true blacks got swole with all the slave eugenics but that's another topic.) Asians are more about ninja shit. That's how they get you. They sweep the leg. That's how they win.

Attached: 0eaf71e4fabcfcd5524586a63cfa0ac6.png (798x1200, 896K)

>he's getting so angry he posts porn
lmao, ricel seethe is endless.

Attached: 1553166589768.jpg (915x638, 37K)

Checks out. She looks pretty cheap.

The absolute STATE of asian boys and their clits.
This is why your women are bailing out.

>Y-Yeah, so I have a small 5-inch dick! So what?

Attached: 1567491288603.jpg (770x1148, 115K)

She is hot tho

>that's how they win
That might be how they fight, but they certainly don't win.
We all know what happened the last time asians dared try to attack whites.

Attached: 1555285240958.png (396x500, 179K)

If 5 inches is small, whatis yours, ricel?
Look at that, specifically China, Korea and Japan.
How embarassing.

ITT: Seething dicklets.

Attached: download.jpg (194x259, 5K)

Imagine caring this much about other mens pp's

Attached: 1566072273538.jpg (1000x562, 432K)

>only an inch difference
>m-my dick is bigger

Attached: 054aa0b04964aef8e392043872df4434369f05-v5.jpg (640x920, 55K)

>an asian calling others dicklets
>when the charts he himself posts prove you are among the tiniest, reason why asian women do not put up with asian clitters anymore

>implying I'm Asian
lmao pendejooooo jejejeje

Attached: download (1).jpg (225x225, 8K)


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Beans are honorary asians

Yes, that's why you've been trying to post asian men and white female couples and why the Bruce Lee meme makes you mad.
Do you actually think you are fooling anyone, Ping Pong?

Attached: 1547960717959.png (1196x562, 1.15M)

Why did a thread about Pete Davidson devolve into seething ricels coping?

>proud of 5 inches
Show feminine penis little girl.

If it gets you this mad, I'll post them again dicklet, lmao.

Attached: 1566836800140.jpg (893x720, 340K)

Because you're a faggot

You misspelled incels, which is actually a thing, incel.

Attached: brad-pitt-young.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Just look in the mirror, 3 incher.
You are the one with dicks so small that all your women bailed out.
Can't satisfy girls when your dicks are as big as their clits.

best and most underrated post

>3-3 incher
loooooooool post your 3-inch penis, incel.

Attached: gallery-1468054659-gettyimages-494582287.jpg (320x481, 19K)

The ricel phenomenon is a very real thing.
Asian women no longer have sex with asian boys, they all flock to white men, so they can't get laid with anyone because there's no woman out there who has ever said
>I prefer asian boys
without bursting into laughter.

>4inch clit
I dont know how i feel about this

But i'm white, not asian with a microscopic dick, the smallest in the world.
Is everything okay, Chang?
You are losing it, me thinks.

Attached: 1543523535461.png (1012x569, 1.07M)

>r-ricel phenomenon
Meanwhile, in reality...

lmao cope

Attached: incel-page-cover.jpg (600x338, 30K)

He isn't funny.

>I-I'm white
So you have no girlfriend and have a penchant for shooting school children?

Attached: columbine-high-school-shooting.jpg (1200x668, 73K)

Did the Japs actually lose? We rebuilt their civilization because we felt bad and the sideways pussy was so sweet. And then started bitching about how they were taking over our industries in a span of about 40 years. Which they were by raw competitive vigor. And then we open up China and I think we all see how that worked out. I could go on. They play the sneaky long game. They test us. They task us with their strategery and Faustian deals.

Attached: 1549925790484.jpg (768x1024, 86K)

The reality is this one
90% of asian women are race traitors, they want white men almost as much as white women themselves.

Americans are pretty stupid. That's how you lost the Vietnam War.

Attached: _68479499_018508864-1.jpg (660x371, 36K)

Please, i'm European, not a rabid American.

>90% of diaspora women want to crossbreed
I should care why...?

lol but keep posting these things then tell me you're not mad lmao

Which part of Yuropoor is it?

Attached: size difference.png (580x277, 214K)

>he doesn't think others are white, he assumes everything is a lie
The ricel is cracking, boys.

Attached: 1547903699038.jpg (1920x1080, 133K)

>post that he's white and make fun that he's white
>"h-he doesn't think that we're white, guise"

lol, this cracker is cracking

Attached: ironic.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

90% of all asian women.
An absolute embarassment, speaks of asian "masculinity" far more than anything else.
Asian masculinity died 74 years ago, with this.

Attached: 1552428225439.png (1280x826, 1.19M)

>90% of all asian women.
>all asian women use okcupid
ok, lol
yes, if there's anything China is worried about it

Attached: King Zilla.png (431x327, 137K)

r/aznidentity brigading and full blown incel rage

Attached: 1567860760146.png (883x837, 44K)

Take that back. We're the best at war. It was a police action or whatever... And now we hire them to make our Harley motorcycles. So it's clearly a win!

>if you make the racebaiters post their 30 pics and make fun of them then you're an Asian
lol ok

Attached: 1564773234586.jpg (600x388, 37K)

Women in Vietnam prostitute themselves for the price of 1 Mcburger, LMAO

>make fun
Asians couldn't offend or threat anyone, you are a race of scrawny, lanky manlets, it's why every other race cucks you.
Hell, look at your attempts at attacking whites.
One completely backfired because you posted dick length stats and exposed you as having 3 inch clits, then you proceeded to try to imply whites also have that length even though you yourself posted the stats, and even though you claim you don't care about cucking, you've posted the few pics there are of asians with white women.

You are embarassing.

Attached: 1566619523434.jpg (680x510, 40K)

Most women aren't either

>w-we didn't lose the Vietnam War, we just stopped bombing them
>for no reason

lol the cope is real

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>now he pretends he isn't asian
Just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks at this point, right, Lee?

Attached: 1558283344038.jpg (250x245, 17K)

>replies exactly 1 minute after my own post

>Y-You're not making me mad!
>makes a whole paragraph explaining how he's not mad

lol ok joe

Attached: 17163649889_84fec06373_b.jpg (1024x696, 156K)

see Why are you all so mad tho?

Attached: 2.jpg (1200x763, 257K)

No, a paragraph putting together what you tried throughout the thread to no avail.
From the catastophic failure of posting dick stats, to now pretending you are not asian.

>putting this much effort denying he's mad

Attached: shakespeare-quotes-7-1200x633.jpg (1200x633, 82K)

Very ugly children. Epstein wouldn’t even hit that

>l-look, I made a post saying pendejo, i'm totally south american, everyonw knows south americans get mad when they mock asians right guys?

Attached: 1567508568828.png (507x401, 196K)

Not as much as you in covering up the corpse of asian masculinity.

It’s just because he’s rich and relevant. He looks weak compared to slayers like Chris Evans for example.
>inb4 b-b-ut he librul

Qué loco hombre blanco pensando que onions chino. Jejejeje.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Attached: i'm chinese.jpg (1037x582, 43K)

I'm glad you both agree with me that America totally won and is continuing to win all Asian land wars we wisely get involved in. It's not like we're a bunch of dumb grunts who throw away their weapons for cheap baseball hats and tight pussy. Not at all.

Aw, that's only one sentence. But you're still mad loool.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 115K)

>the chink is so broken he's pretending to be a spic

>he literally believes America stopped bombing Vietnam for no reason
Oh that delicious cope loooooool.

Attached: Vietnam_war_memorial_cropped620x370.jpg (1024x612, 430K)

>I must not ruse internet fight or I bring great dishonoraru to senpai-ry. I arready try to hang mi self in forest of shamu but arr branches were already taken.
Imaging being this guy

Not him, but i'm Spaniard, and your Spanish is obviously google translated.
First of all, no one uses written accents on the internet, and "que loco hombre blanco pensando" is something that a Spaniard would say if he was trying to imitate a neanthertal.
Also, no one says "hombre blanco" anywhere outside of school books.

Do you have any dignity, dude?

I'm not american, chinezoid imputit ce esti, I just know exactly how vietnamese college girls welcome young bucks from Europe and America.

This thread is just sad. From both sides. How do you spend multiple hours, right after you wake up (or right before you go to bed), to argue. On the internet. Lmfao.

>incel is so embarrassed, butthurt, and damage controlling that I've been baiting him this long
lol keep going I'm sure you can save face this way.

Attached: U2389P28T3D3093476F326DT20100920114643.jpg (450x300, 37K)

>I was pretending to be retarded
No, you were only pretending to not be mad.

Attached: 1547982754773.jpg (1600x1066, 313K)

Just laugh at how pathetic he is. He's so assblasted that he's literally pretending to be mexican now.

>is something that a Spaniard would say if he was trying to imitate a neanthertal.
You got it in your first try, pendejo.

Que lo haya entendido a la primera no significa que no escribas como un subnormal.

You mean calling you an incel and seeing you blow up at me with your 30 pics lmao?

From all the (you)s I got, I wonder...

Attached: white girl twerking.gif (302x357, 1022K)

>this entire thread
Jesus fucking christ, do asians have any trace of dignity left in them?

Kek. Riclets are even getting btfo by spicks now, how can Chang ever recover

Okay, gook. You may be sleepy or confused. What I posted was sarcasm. Irony. (I'm giving you free English lessons.) Appreciate it and give me your sister's number, prease.

Me estás tomando el pelo!

>he's so assblasted over all asian women getting impaled on BWC that he scrambles to post pics of asian men with white women even though he obviously hates them
What are you even trying here, dude?
Just leave, my man.

Attached: 1543628533275.jpg (640x619, 196K)

>Fuck. Maybe I should work on being funny.
Gee, ya think Einstein? This board is as clueless as a spoiled tangerine.

>try to attack whites
>get cucked
>try to hide behind niggers
>try to pretend to be spics
What's gonna happen to them now?

>O-Ok gook
ok joe lmao

lmao you mean this?

Attached: Jon Hamm and Friend.jpg (425x635, 64K)

neither of them, but have you ever considered that it's 2 different people? brainless post

>Just because I understood it at first doesn't mean you don't write like a retard.
>you gotta be kidding.

Stick to pretending you are black, asian.

Yo comer el gatto rojo? It’s been a while am I doing it right?

Well, the stats say that white dicks are almost twice as big as asians, and seeing how asian women are allergic to asian boys, it's pretty obvious what's happening here, you are just betas with very tiny dicks, so no woman wants you.

Mi amigo no tiene pelos en la lengua. No le gustó el resultado. Está hecho un ají

That pic makes me laugh every time i see, why would you let a midge be a cop. A criminal would just steal him too

Funny, because you just posted a webm that you posted in this very same thread.
In here, specifically

Ok Joe? Low effort. I'm starting to doubt the inevitable Asian domination of the planet.

>are almost twice
>barely an inch
loooooooool dicklet

Attached: 316.jpg (1700x3020, 590K)

You posted stats saying that white dicks are twice as long as asian's, and you are unironically trying to go through this?
You'd think r/asianmasculinity would be more ready for this.

Jannies deleted it.

>Japan is bigger than America

>from 3.7 to 5.7
That's two whole inches, chang.
Weren't you supposed to be good at math?

Who tf is joe, at least use a more common name like Dave or mike or some shit. This ain’t the forties, it’s like using Charlotte or some shit.

>USA 5.1

You mistook the 1 for a 7 lmao?

>reddit r/asianmasculinity in full blown invasion to SEETHE collectively

Attached: 1567767766874.jpg (888x894, 68K)

>Japan is bigger than America
Of course it is, America is a multcultural shithole pumped full of strogen.
Wait a minute.
That chart said that south americans had the biggest dicks in average.
Is that why you tried larping as a spic?
AHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck you gooks are the most insecure creatures on this planet.

Attached: 1559481001859.gif (193x200, 2.2M)

>he doesn't know about joe
Making fun of Asians yet he doesn't know about it lol. Absolute whitey seethe.

I thought we were talking about whites, you know, Europeans, countries that are +90% white, as opposed to 56%.

>Of course it is, America is a multcultural shithole pumped full of strogen.
Post country lmao.

You mean the Yuropoor invaded by the Moors to tamper with your averages looool?


>I-I'm not American
t. self-hating American loooooool 5.1 looooool

>whitey confusion

>tamper with averages
Dude, Sweden is the country with most muslims and is still 93% white.
How embarassing.

Doubt. Prove it. Speak Dutch.

>LARPing as Swedish to make his penis 5.7
jejejejeje pendejo

Ik kom uit Nederland, jij stomme Aziatische.

>LARPing as white
You'll never be white, America.

You are now going back to your spic larp, even though you got exposed?
Just imagine being asian, imagine being so embarassing that you need to pretend you are from elsewhere because of how much of a joke you are.

>Ik kom uit Nederland, jij stomme Aziatische.

Nee, dat ben je niet, Amerikaans uitschot.

>larping as swedish?
Chang, can you even read?
I mentioned Sweden because it's the European country with most muslims, and even that one is still 93% white.
There's no "tampering stats" here.
You just have a clit, and whites have actual dicks.

Tratar de convencerla es como echar agua al mar. Ella nunca va a cambiar.

6.7 lmao

You speak like a 10 year old, dude.
Are you using Google translate?

Helaas, pindakaas.

>Tratar de convencerla es como echar agua al mar. Ella nunca va a cambiar.
This sentence doesn't make any sense, and it's the first time I hear it.
In fact, i've searched in Google and apparently this is an asian proverb.

>and whites have actual dicks.
Meanwhile, in reality...

>asian exposes himself as having small dicks, so he starts larping as people from other countries with Google translate
Is this the full power of r/asianmasculinity?

>In fact, i've searched in Google and apparently this is an asian proverb.

Thank you for confirming that you don't know Spanish lmao. Get the fuck out of here, LARPer.

>i-it's /r/asianmasculinity that made me post the same 30 pics and try to save face by claiming muh asians

lmao the seething won't stop.

Onions español, subnormal, de hecho, seguramente no sabes ni lo que es esa eñe en la palabra "español", por que solo eres un chino con pollita pequeña que no puede hacer nada mas que fingir ser de otros paises tras quedar totalmente expuesto por tus propias fotos.

You mean it didn't make sense in Google Translate and you presumed it's an Asian proverb, whitey?

I am Spanish, subnormal, in fact, you surely do not even know what that age is in the word "Spanish", because you are only a Chinese with a small chick who can do nothing but pretend to be from other countries after being totally exposed

Oh look it's completely translatable in Google Translate looool.

A LARPer is pretending to be Spanish looooooooool.

No, no tiene sentido gramatical, no es una frase echa que se use por nadie, no es ni un proverbio, ni nada de nada, no existe.

Por supuesto has necesitado el traductor de google por que si no lo entenderias.
Si sabes español, por que no sigues hablando en español en vez de ingles?

Pretending to be Swedish, Dutch, and Spanish, you mean lmao.

>1 minute apart exactly
Did you just reply to yourself?

Stop LARPing incel lmao.

Vamos ha hacer una prueba que no vas a poder pasar sin el traductor de google, explicame lo que es la eñe, la letra, la que esta en la palabra "Español".

>white fragility

bugmen are not spanish, stop pretending

La decimoquinta letra del alfabeto español, pendejo.

>says the guy scrambling to google translate Spanish proverbs and can't recognize it

jejejejejeje culo

Y si eres español, entonces sabras su origen, lo enseñan en los libros de lengua, no es una leccion que se olvide.

ohnono he's still going nothing like hapa cope

Dude, your grammar is shit tier, I am not the ACTUAL spanish guy you were replying to, Iit

A principios del siglo XII, los escribas españoles usaban la tilde colocada sobre las letras para indicar que una letra se duplicaba.

Pero tu proverbio es una parida, subnormal.
>Tratar de convencerla es como echar agua al mar. Ella nunca va a cambiar.
Convencerla y ella, por que estas usando palabras femeninas?
Es q eres uno de esos marikitas que usan "idioma neutro"?
Y si, bamos estoy husando palabras hescritas mal parah ber si puedes trahducirlas.

>ACTUAL Spanish guy
>doesn't know

No es cierto, no es una tilde, el simbolo encima de la N es otra N aplastada.
Buen intento, Chang.

user es muerdealmohadas.

And more grammar errors.
The correct way would be
>user es un muerde-almohadas.

What you said is
>user is pillow biter
instead of
>user is a pillow biter

>typed words in a way that would be impossible to translate but a spaniard or hispanic would understand perfectly
>he gives up
The absolute STATE of gooks.

la tilde fue la abreviatura de la segunda n, escrita sobre la primera, estúpido.

Cualquiera de los dos está bien.

Estas son las muerdealmohadas.

El simbolo de la Ñ se llama virguililla, Yang.
Nadie lo llama tilde para evitar confudirlo con las verdaderas tildes.

>Cualquiera de los dos está bien.
No, no lo es, y hablas como p*to robot.

Por q siges ablando en fehmenino, Chang?


lmao maricón

Por q husas tildes, Chong?

que carajo esta pasando en este thread. Porque el chinito esta pretendiendo ser un MexicANO? Jorge, porque le sigues respondiendo?

Es lo mismo, maricón.

higual husas las tihldes x l traductor google?
Naie usah tildes en internet.

>El Chinito

what the fuck happened.
i hate this war between whites and asians. y'all both insecure as fck

He's pretending to be a spic (and failing) because he posted dick length stats.
The stats showed that dick have tiny dicks and started larping as a latin after seeing those stats.
It's embarassing.
He also pretended to be Dutch for a few posts.
r/asianmasculinity at it's best.

jaja no tienes sentido.

user got exposed LARPing as a Spanish man and he doesn't apparently know what tildes are.
No one was pretending to be Dutch though.

I'm typing those words in a way that's impossible to translate but that any actual Spaniard or Spanish should understand perfectly.
By the way, you just said
>you have no sense
when what you wanted to say is you make no sense, which would be
>lo que dices no tiene sentido

No, it's just NO ONE on the internet uses written accents.
The fact that you use them is because you are using google translate, which adds them automatically.

>actual Spaniard or Spanish
>doesn't know

el chino cochino señores ajajajaja

Gringo todavía está enojado y publicando en este hilo.

>mi amigo no tiene pelos en la lengua
Your friend doesn't hold back when talking?

>No le gustó el resultado. Está hecho un ají
This makes no sense whatsoever.
>he didn't like the result

And "aji" doesn't even exist, it's not a real word.