Goddamn this was a great moment.
Goddamn this was a great moment
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Yes, it was. And fuck anyone that ever talked shit on the prequels. They deserve a traitors death. Top of the list of traitors is red letter media.
>Goddamn this was a great moment.
>Yes, it was. And fuck anyone that ever talked shit on the prequels. They deserve a traitors death. Top of the list of traitors is red letter media.
>holy FRICKIN mother of EPIC
>a DOUBLE bladed lightsaber?!?!?
death to zoomers
You can thank RLM for keeping the prequels in discussion, faggot.
Thank you RLM for giving retards talking points to parrot
Ruined by the fact that is was in every trailer that came out and every publication was talking about it.
Should have kept it out of the trailer.
>Goddamn this was a great moment.
Did you get this in the Yea Forums thread where they're talking about the Spyro/Elora porno? Because I was just there too
No, I got it from the furry reaction image thread on /trash/
I stopped in that thread before I jerked off to /hmofa/
>Goddamn this was a great moment.
The prequels didn't have many good ideas, but twisting the usual cliches by making the bad guy outnumbered was a good one. Too bad they gave him a dumb death.
Not this meme again... RLM just put together what a lot of people were already thinking.
I thought about this and ultimately, no. The reveal on big screen was fun and exciting the first time for me even though I'd seen the toys (those double-bladed lightsabers were everywhere) and the commercials and such.
Speaking of commercials, the Maul tone poem commercial was fucking great. youtube.com
He literally says that in one of the reviews so thanks for parroting that line retard
It's true though.
To this day, I still don't know whether prequel defenders are serious or just trolling.
He was just an authority figure you used to validate and back up your opinion. People are more willing to be outspoken about an opinion if a big name comes out in support of it. See DK 64. That isn't necessarily what the majority actually thinks. The majority is usually silent. It is just a vocal minoity of one side fighting against a vocal minority of the other side with not much to go on to show us which is the bigger side.
>It's true
No, it isn't.
Please kill yourself. You only talked shit on prequels cause bully bitch gen xers made you feel bad.
George Lucas made fantastic Star Wars movies, he did not deserve the grief. Fuck you.
You know these hacks you suck off red letter media , they actually said TFA was a good movie...
Prequelfags like you are the biggest eternal victims out there.
I hate you faggots more than I hate sjws and lefties now. I hope nuwars continues on and makes you faggots seeth more.
best thing about the sequels was this and the music in this scene. I still dont get those force field door things like what the fuck nig
>going to /trash/
>people still pretend the prequels are good just to signal how much they hate the sequel trilogy
Anything except empire strikes back and return of the Jedi is shit
I’m not a “prequelfag” I WAS a Star Wars fan. But thanks to you, Lucas gave up.
I’m going to dress up like jar jar binx and take a bat to all you red letterites and live stream it.
You're a triggered hysterical manbaby.
Unironically have sex. You people are convincing me to vote left and side with sjws on everything now.
Hysterical manbabby? I’m not the one that for years hated on prequels and shit on the creator of Star Wars.
You are the original man child, punk ass faggot. All the constant grief towards the prequels.
>waaah waaah stop criticizing my movie waaa waaaaaaah
Shoot up a school, incel.
The future is brown and female. Get over it.
Rey is white tho
Nah they made up a bunch of arguments fags parrot whenever people like the movies.
That's the worst part, it's not enough to dislike the movies but RLM made it hip to harass anyone that likes the prequels.
I was of prime nerd kid age during the prequel releases and nobody talked about anything but lightsaber scenes. Episode 3 is one of the few movies I've ever fallen asleep in, and I have no interest in ever rewatching it in full. People didn't go into length about how bad the prequels really were because they were making money and big box office kino translated into big money back then.