My dad wants me to see Joker with him opening weekend. Says it might be a wakeup call for me to get my shit together. Appears he thinks the movie will disparage incels. What do you think, Yea Forums?
My dad wants me to see Joker with him opening weekend. Says it might be a wakeup call for me to get my shit together...
i see this in your future
Yeah this is a fake story
Your dad likes to waste his time.
Gamers rise up
Jason Momoa is a fucking jerk.
>Manlet v Incel: The Reckoning
poor jonah hill
I don’t think your dad even knows what an incel is
And if you even speak to your father the worst he tells you is to clean the empty packets of chips out of your room
Does your Dad post here? Serious question. He sounds like he does.
Meant to quote OP
Tell him if he persists in his boomer ways you'll explain his plan to Geico and they'll cancel his term life insurance.
He doesn't even cry. He doesn't eve care.
I think your dads gonna have a gun in his pocket and he's not happy to see you
Why are you just posting videos of random assault?
Because, y'know, without any context this is just a video of some dude lying on a couch and another dude who should be in jail.
Who does this faggot think he is attacking another man in his fucking sleep? If this happened to me I'd seriously start training nonstop for however long it took until I could beat the shit out of this guy. Which, I think he was beating that kid up so he would get his shit together and stop being a NEET so maybe if he did that, mission accomplished.
I'd still beat his ass though, I don't give a fuck if he was pivotal in changing my life.
Does Batman appear in the movie?
Make your ringtone send in the clowns.
this sort of treatment never works. if that dude actually cared about him, he would invite him to work out with him and encourage him, instead of beating the shit out of someone who cant defend himself. the fact that he filmed this shows that this just a ego trip for him
Supposedly the fat kid spilled Red Bull or something on the ground and the dude in the man-bun is a MMA fighter who was on roids. He was threatening to kill the kid and the cameraman
>if that dude actually cared about him, he would invite him to work out with him and encourage him
That works only if it isn't an extreme case, like this one obviously is. When you've fucked up enough to end up like that, you might as well dump your worthless kid somewhere deep in the woods with nothing but a knife and a canteen and let him figure out life by himself.
god, are those flies buzzing around the camera at the end there? how the fuck can people live like that?
>My dad wants me to see Joker with him opening weekend
Call him a commie socialist nigger loving tranny
Those aren't flies and besides flies are everywhere what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
I think its Jokereddit
What's the context here? Is the long haired buff girl being tsundere?
>flies are everywhere
is this what you degenerate slobs really believe? Try not leaving old rotten food out and then see if "flies are everywhere."
Do you live in a frozen shithole? You kinda sound like you do
it's fucking funny seeing him pound that incel into mush
No, i just don't live in a puddle of my own waste. Wash your dishes and take out the goddamn trash. It should be legal for sane people to burn down your goddamn filthy domiciles.
Jonah Hill met Momoa on set and started doing his typical smug kike shtick
He should just take you to a whore house desu
Who here would be okay with going to a whorehouse with their dad? Anyone wish their dad would have hooked them up with a ho for their first fuck?
Too weird, plus why would he go with you? To fucking supervise you fucking whore lmao
>I literally have no idea why he shot up his college! I treated him nicely all the time!
They did it in the HBO Rome series, I thought some virgins would really benefit from it.
>Sonny now hold up, I’d recommend this organic extra virgin olive oil for butthole penetration. Just some fatherly advice, carry on, I won’t bother you no more but I’m here if you have any questions.
Fuck no!
But I would go with my mom.
>you’re doing great. Keep it up.
I wish someone came to burn my apartment down. I dread the day I'd need to move all this junk and turn this hole in for the landlord and fight over what is damage and what is wear.
really? but you havent seen you dad ever since you were born tho
Show your dad a magic trick.
>letting a faggot with a man bun ever even get close enough to you to even land one punch
Never ever.