Do American adults really wear shorts in public?
Do American adults really wear shorts in public?
yeah, it's hot
Does he still buy his clothes in XXL size?
I think left is actually a denim skirt
Hockey jerseys are his look and I respect that but yeah, I don't know why he still buys them a million sizes too big.
>canadian teams in charge of winning the cup in the sport they created
I love how he basically coasted his entire career one a single kino film and 2 decent films.
And yes, I ducking hate it, grown 35 year old men walking around in shorts and and T-shirt’s like little kids, it’s fucking weird.
>t. autist in a suit that looks like Reviewbrah
I visited California and couldn't get over how anyone could go about their day wearing motherfucking flip-flops, like a third-world country. I wasn't expecting that.
>visit third world state full of shitskin goblins
>be surprised when the locals act like third world shitskin goblins
>And yes, I ducking hate it, grown 35 year old men walking around in shorts and and T-shirt’s like little kids, it’s fucking weird.
Meanwhile children like you exist, dressing like exquisitely le dapper gentlesirs :D isn't weird at all? Lol fuck you queer, it is only cool for 3 months a year where I live. I'm going to wear whatever is the most comfortable, enjoy your heat stroke in the faggy suits while you squirm to maintain le gentlemanly composure
California pretty much is a third world country these days.
I wear basketball shorts everyday of my life, it's cool an comfortable and also fuck you.
>he doesn't tuck his shirt in
I wear dress shirts and pants, not fedoras and suits
>shorts that go over the knee
>jean shorts
He basically rode out the 1996 high school style for 28 years. Typical pothead
If you're looking at his oversized shirt you're not looking at his oversized skin.
Jesus fucking Christ I'm glad I'm not Kevin smith
Anyone have the picture of him eating the block of cheese?
Yeah, they're comfy and easy to wear!
I still have my oversized denim Dickies. Almost threw them out this week, but on my way to the dumpster I realized I only remember the day I bought them when I look at them. If I toss them the memory's gone too. I never wear them though.
Yeah, it's the standard issue good goy outfit.
Same here I’m a big fat guy so I’m elastic for life. Basket ball shorts in the summer sweat pants in the winter
I hope you have enough sense to be ashamed of yourself
Hey it’s hard finding belts in a size 40
fuck off phoneposter
DXL bro
Wait you're telling me there are still actual legal adults that are stuck with the highschool mentality of actually caring what someone else wears?
And I though I was autistic, yikes
i want to sniff his daughter butthole and lick her cute feet
Not him but why would i be ashamed of being comfortable? to me being comfortable is more important than how other people perceive me.
Flip flops are pretty common to see in warm areas
Flip flops are fucking sexy
>love Canadian hockey team which won a little 30 years ago
>wear the jerseys literally everywhere you go, even at recorded speaking engagements
>they have to tell you to quit doing this
>you actually comply
Stupid eye-bugging cuck
Post fit faggot
And what about the heart disease, cancer diabetes, kidney disease, trouble sleeping, strokes and high blood pressure?
I know I'm not going to change your mind, fat people have had a lot of chances to not be fat, but maybe go without something now so you have a better future.
Our president is a big fat fuck and he’s the healthiest man on earth according to his doctor so there’s some science for ya!
I'm not fat I just said i like basketball shorts, you're talking to the wrong user, pal.